[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader...

By Dnamgj2

28.2K 1K 636

Y/n just came back from America because she finished her last year at her university. She's looking for a pla... More

Chapter One: Meeting the Matsunos(Edited)
Chapter Two: NEETS?!?(Edited)
Chapter Three: A Tragic Past(Edited)
Chapter Four: Welcome Fran!(Edited)
Chapter Five: Cooking Competition!(Edited)
Chapter Six: The Secret's Out! (Edited)
Chapter Seven: Dates?!?!(edited)
Chatper Eight: Horse Racing!(edited)
Chapter Nine: A Nice Surprise(edited)
Chapter Ten: Nyaa Chan~!(edited)
Chapter Eleven: Cat Cafe(edited)
Chapter Twelve: A Day With Jyushimatsu (edited)
Chapter Thirteen: Totty + Cafe = Date (edited)
Chapter Fourteen: Shopping For the Holidays (edited)
Chapter Fifteen: Mr. and Mrs. Matsuno!?
Chapter Sixteen: Christmas!
Chapter Seventeen: Christmas! Part Two!!
Chapter Eighteen: Christmas! Part Three!!!
Chapter Nineteen: Deadline/The Start of a New Me
Chapter Twenty-One: Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Blast From the... Memory World?
Chapter Twenty-Three: Our Past Selves?!?!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Karaoke and a Confession? Oh My!
Chapter Twenty-Five: Takahashi-san!
Chapter Twenty-Six: Cherry/Virgin Village
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sick Day
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sleepover!
Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Special Lunch
Chapter Thirty: Book Signing
Chapter Thirty-One: Valentines Day!
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Accident...
Chapter Thirty-Three: Karaoke
Chapter Thirty-Four: Shopping
Chapter Thirty-Five: Anime Con
Holy Cow!!
Chapter Thirty-Six: Cats?
A/n: Huh?!?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: ESP Titus
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Recovering
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Assistant
Chapter Forty: Feelings? Lo-Love?
Chapter Forty-One: What to do?

Chapter Twenty: New Years

303 19 8
By Dnamgj2

-Y/n Recap corner-

Wanna know what happened to Y/n the morning that she woke up from last chapter? Well, here it is:

I woke up, and was trying to move, but for some reason I couldn't move. 'The heck? What the heck is going on?'

I let go of whatever I was hugging, and then used my hands to push them forward so that I could see who it was.


My face went red when I realized this until I realized that there was an arm holding my waist. When I turned around to face them I ended up being face to face with Osomatsu.

My face was now redder than his hoodie, and to make things worse he was waking up.

"Hm? Oh, good morning Y/n-chan. Did you sleep well last night?" He pulled me a little closer while saying this, and it caused me to let out a small yelp.

Now his face was really close to mine, and you can bet your whole life savings that I was uncomfortable as hell.

'Too close! Way too close!!'

His body was completely against mine, and he had his other hand brushing against my thigh while I tried to push him away.

I wasn't able to though because of two factors. One, I just woke up, and I'm really sluggish when I first wake up, and two, I was too flustered to even try to think about what to do in this kind of situation.

Thankfully, everyone else had woken up, and they all had death-like auras because of the sight before them. Thankfully, they were able to easily pull him away, and were now in the process of beating him up.

After a quick minute I was now fully awake, and had also gained a menacing aura. 'Fufufufu~ He's a dead man now.'

I cracked my knuckles, and this caused everyone to look at me. "Hey, Osomatsu? Remember what I told you the first day that we met? If not, then shame on you, 'cause now your dead."

I began to slowly walk up to him, and my menacing aura was increasing with every step I took. Everyone else stepped aside in fear of what might happen if they were to get in the crossfire, and that was smart of them to do.

Once I was close enough I decided that it would be a good idea if I were to use one of Kagura Sohma's moves. (Fruits Basket. Highly recommend watching or reading it if you haven't already.)

I spun Osomatsu in the air by his foot, and then slammed him down on the ground. He let out a grunt when he hit the floor, and then passed out.

"Tch, pathetic. I was hoping that you would have lasted longer."

-End of recap-

Y/n POV:

It was New Years Eve now, and I was so excited! It was my first New Years back home! Why wouldn't I be excited?!

I woke up at around five in the morning, and once Matsuyo woke up and got ready I helped her make all of the food.

Everything was so perfect, and I couldn't help but wish for the best scenario as I thought about what might happen today.

I was writing my New Years cards while Choromatsu was yelling at his brothers to do them properly. Once I had finished I decided to see how everyone else's turned out.

'Ichimatsu is really good at drawing. Who would have thought?'

Then I saw Choromatsu's and started to sweat a little bit because of what it said. 'This isn't good.'

"Hey, Choromatsu? I don't think that you should lie about something like that. It will just seem sad in the end." Choromatsu's card had read:

I finally got a girlfriend this year! Happy New Year!

He also has little drawings on it as well. It had a 90's anime style vibe to it which actually looked pretty good in my opinion.

Choromatsu's face was just blank and emotionless as he stood up and walked outside. The rest of us ran after him to stop him after they read what it said like I did.

"Choromatsu! Wait! You really shouldn't send those." Choromatsu just looked at us, and then continued to slowly put them in with a blank face.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Trust me, you really don't want to-" He didn't even let me finish, and instead put them in the mail while looking striaght at us with a blank face.

All of us looked at the mail box with a shocked look on all of our faces while Choromatsu just walked back inside completly unfazed.

"What the, what just, huh?! Choromatsu what the hell was that?!? Who would your girlfriend even be if someone asks you?!"

Choromatsu walked back outside when he heard this, and then pointed to me. "You." And then he just walked back inside.

My face was now completely white as I imagined the possibility of him sending that card to Franziska. I know that that probably isn't possible, but you never know.

'I don't know what I would do if Franziska got one of those cards! The hell Choromatsu? Why would you do this to me?!?'

Once I had gotten over the shock my face was completely red from both embarrassment and rage. I stopped when I felt like I was being watched though.

I was the only one outside because Osomatsu and the other four remaining brothers ran after Choromatsu.

I turned around, but I didn't see anyone. I tried to brush it off, but then I was hugged from behind. "Y/n-chan! I'm so happy that I get to see you again!"

Totoko was now hugging my arm as she looked up at me with a smile on her face. 'Oh, it must have been Totoko that was watching me.'

I smiled back, mainly because I was relieved that it was just her. I offered for her to come inside so that she wouldn't get cold. She accepted, and we both walked inside of the house to warm up.

There was noise coming from upstairs which somewhat concerned me though. 'Hopefully Choromatsu will still be alive later...'

I led her to my room, and handed her one of my jackets because she was under-dressed for this kind of weather.

"Here. You can use this to keep yourself warm. It wouldn't be good if you caught a cold while I was with you." She blushed and happily accepted it.

'She might make me take care of her if she got sick, and I don't really want to do that.'

She held it close to her face and smelled it with her eyes closed. I blushed a little but when I saw this, and turned my head to the side so that she wouldn't be able to see it.

"Your jacket smells nice Y/n." My blush darkened at that comment so I led her back downstairs before she started to make comments on the rest of my stuff.

'I just realized something. I get paid today! Woohoo!'

I had a huge smile on my face as I began to zone out. "Y/n-chan? Are you this happy that I'm wearing your jacket?"

I was brought to reality by that comment, and shook my head. "No. I just realized that I get paid today. I should head over now before it's too late."

Totoko asked to come and I refused, but then she gave me the most adorable kitten eyes I have ever seen.

"Fine. It's not that exciting though. Are you okay with motorcycles?" She looked at me with a confused expression, but nodded her head anyway.

"That's good. Follow me then." I led her to my bike, and it seems like that's when she realized what I had meant.

I took off the side car because I wouldn't need it, and gave her a helmet to put on. She resisted at first, but then agreed to wearing it when I said that she would have to wear it if she wanted to go with me.

We were both on the bike now, and she was holding onto my waist while leaning against me. I blushed a little bit at this, but started the bike anyway and rode off to get me my money. 'Good thing you can't see my face right now.'

'....We're almost there.'

Once we finally arrived I got off and helped Totoko off as well. "Here it is. Are you ready?" She nodded her head as she looked at the building in awe.

It was thirteen floors tall, and the floor that we needed to be on was the sixth floor. (Thirteen is my lucky number, and six is for the sextuplets!)

Once we entered the floor that we needed to be on Totoko asked me a question. "How much do you get paid Y/n? Do you get paid around the same amount as an oil magnet?"

She was looking at me with a hopeful look in her eyes while I began to sweat at the question. 'Please tell me she isn't a gold digger..'

"I don't know how much an oil magnet makes, but I know that I make enough money to pay for the necessary items that one would need to live."

I make a lot of money actually nowadays thanks to my series being popular recently, but I want to see how she would react to me if she thought that I didn't make a lot of money.

Her face looked a like she was really disappointed, but she surprisingly got over it quicker than I thought she was going to take. 'Hm...I don't know how I feel about that.'

Once I was paid I was a happy person again, and even skipped away while hugging my paycheck. '*sigh* life is finally good. It took 10 years to get a good life again, and it was definitely worth the hard work.'

I told Totoko to look at what was inside the envelope so that she would know an estimate of number of how much I was paid.

She did, and she would have dropped it if it weren't for me catching it. 'Holy ****! Wtf?! That's a lot of money that she almost made me lose!'

"Whew. That would be very bad if it got wet or blew away. Let's head back now, shall we?" I looked back at her to see that her eyes were the same as Osomatsu's when I agreed to give him half of my winnings. 'They've been replaced by yen symbols....'

They were then replaced with hearts when she looked back at me. "Okay....Well, we should probably head back now. Here's your helmet." I handed it to her and sat on the bike.

'I don't know if this is confirming that she's a gold digger, or something else...'

This time she seemed even closer to me, and gave off an uncomfortable presence that was making me tense up, and even shiver a little bit. 'I'm starting to really regret showing her that.'

I dropped her off at her place, and left almost immediately when she started to ask me to come inside with her.

On the way back home I decided to stop by a store to get some beer and soda for everyone since it was New Years, and I also got paid today!

Once I got back home I put my bike away and walked inside. "I'm home, and I brought drinks for everyone!"

It felt nice to say it. It really did, and seeing them come down with a happy expression made me even happier.

'Wait...wasn't I asked a bunch of questions last time I did this? *sweat*'

"Let's get drunk and have a happy New Years!" I held up the box full of canned beer as I said this. "Yeah!" We all held up our beers and soda (I was the only one with soda) and wished everyone a happy New Years.

After we were all done we decided to go and see the fireworks that were going on tonight. 'Thank goodness they didn't ask a bunch of questions this time.'

On our way there I was imagining what kinds of fireworks were going to be used. I was also wondering what colors they were going to be used. Just the thought alone was making me excited.

When we finally got there Mrs and Mr. Matsuno put down a blanket for all of us to sit down on so that we don't have to ruin our clothes with grass stains.

I ended up sitting next to Matsuyo because I didn't want to sit in front of someone and possibly block someone's view of the firework. The only downside was that they were blocking part of my view.

Once the fireworks had actually started I couldn't help but stare in awe with my mouth open. 'Looks like I can still see most of them too! They look beautiful...'

There were all sorts of different color. Some were shaped like Dekapan's head too which made me laugh because whenever that one would show up I could hear him yell which increased my laughter.

This continued for what felt like an hour, and during the grand finale I could hear and feel my chest pound from how loud everything was. It was definitely the best New Years so far for me.

After the firework show had ended we decided to pack up and head back, but I told them that I was going to wait a few more minutes.

They offered to stay as well, but I told them to just go home. I didn't want to be the one to make them stay instead of going back home and continuing to enjoy the New Years.

Once everyone was gone I laid down and looked up at the stars with a calm look on my face. "*sigh* I definitely missed seeing all of the stars in America."

I smiled while enjoying the beautiful night sky, and the gentle cool winds. It made me feel completely at peace, and for some odd reason, the first thing that came to my mind when feeling like this were the Matsunos.

I didn't mind that though. I was happy that I was able to even know the Matsunos, and I was even happier that I was able to live and laugh with them.

'I feel like this new year will be a good one.'

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