In The Mind of a Zulu Wife

By NateLaMak

60.9K 3.9K 289

This is a story of a young woman from her tertiary days to seeing her growing up to be a Zulu wife. This stor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

2K 151 8
By NateLaMak

I pretend to be busy looking for the shoe, when I feel a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn and its him, and he looks even more attractive now his boyish looks are gone he is now a man. He is wearing a grey suit, with a white shirt and without a tie and his body is showing that he does spend time at the gym he is now a bit bigger than before. Oh lord, his eyes meet mine and we hold the eye contact for what seems like forever, we break it because someone on the side is clearing his throat, we both look at the young man looking at us, I know this little guy I first saw him in Siya's Graduation party. "Hey Sis B, its been a while." He says. He is all grown up now he is probably in Varsity in now. "Hey Mlotshwa, you have grown I am guessing you are in varsity now?" I say while hugging him. "Yebo yes I am doing Law first year, and I am shopping for my room I am excited." He is the only male in the family who is 'soft' apparently they even suspected he was gay, but I don't think he is, he just embraces his feminine side. 

He then leaves us I guess he can sense that there is tension you can cut with a scissor. Okay these shoes are killing me I need to change them I cant take it anymore. I take my shoes off, and he is just watching me I feel like he wants to say something. "Happy Birthday." He says to me, I smile he remembered. "Thank you, you remembered." I say to him while rubbing my feet. "How can I forget? So what are you doing here?" He asks me. "I am looking for sneakers because these are killing me." I say pointing to my shoes. "Oh let me buy them for you. It's the least I can do on your birthday." He says smiling at me. I pick black Air Nike sneakers. He pays without even looking at the price and offers to take me home, well I wouldn't say no to that I don't have a car and taking a taxi was going to be a nightmare in these heels. I am happy to see him again, to see his smile once more. I just want to hold his hand and make-out with him. I want him, I just want to be with him again and make him happy like he made me happy at some point. I don't think he is there yet because apparently that girl he was dating when we broke up, fell pregnant with another mans child, I heard that from his parents. 

"I still need to buy Pizza, before we leave." I tell him while he pushes the trolley for me. " Its been a while since we spoke, its been what 2 years? How have you been." I ask. "Yeah its been a while. I am fine regardless of what happened between me and ... I know my parents told you this, they told me that they bumped into you there." I can tell the cheating thing is still hurting him, so let me change the topic. "They didn't even bump into me they crashed my date." I say laughing, but he isn't. Okay maybe I shouldn't have mentioned my date. " Date?" He asks. "Yeah I was on a date." I say. "So you are seeing someone?" He asks, and he is serious. "At the moment no I am not seeing anyone." He looks relieved. "So this means I still have a chance." He says with a smile. I smile back and blush without saying anything, this is my way of saying yes. I was done with everything I needed at the mall, it was time to get home. We got to the car, we packed the groceries in the boot of the car. He opened the car door for me he is still a gentleman I see. He asks me where I live, he starts driving so I guess he knows the place because he doesn't ask me for directions, we are here already, the drive was short and quiet. He helps me with my things to the flat.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I ask him because I actually don't want him to leave this early. "You don't have anything I drink, so water will do." He says. True . He drinks beer, whiskey, vodka the stronger alcohol, I on the other hand don't even have any alcohol in the house. I do drink wine every now and then especially when I am stressed or celebrating and tonight I didn't buy it because I still have work tomorrow. "I didn't plan on cooking tonight, which is why I bought pizza. Join me for dinner?" I ask him hoping he would say yes. "Yeah sure, why not." I am glad he agreed because if he didn't say yes it would be so embarrassing. The dinner was amazing, we were cracking jokes like old times. We spent the whole night just chatting and talking, and eating. It was bliss. I even forgot I had work in the morning.

We fell asleep in each other's arms. When I woke up, it was already 7:00 I am late I have to get to work at 8. I have to shower, get dressed, prepare my lunch( I overspent yesterday so I have to  make sure that I don't find myself without transport money, So I have to be on budget. I also have to walk to the taxi rank which is far from my flat, okay how will this work, if I uber to work I have to spent the weeks transport money on just today. Uh, uh that wont work. Okay 2 minutes shower it is today #SavewaterSA. I try to get out of his hands and he wakes up. "Oh you are up." He says while sleepy. "Yeah, I need to get to work and I am late already, so move." He looks at me funny. "What? Don't you have to be work? I ask him annoyed. "Don't worry yourself about me. Don't you want me to join you?" he says jokingly. " Nope, no thanks I have to be at work at 8 and I have a meeting." I say walking to my bedroom.

I have to get him towels so he can shower on the other shower while I shower in the one in my room. I come out to give him towels and a soap when he held my hand and I felt something I haven't felt in a while, he looks into my eyes, and kisses me, I kiss back I shouldn't but I want to when he kisses me, nothing else matters. This goes on for at least 10 minutes, before we were rudely interrupted by his cellphone. Which reminds me I still have to get to work and now I have 45 minutes to get to work. So I go to my room, while he is on the phone. I shower for about 5 minutes, I got dressed as fast as I could, and I put a headscarf I don't have time to comb this hair. I am done in 20 minutes put the heels in my bag, I wear sneakers I will change when I get to work. I get out and he is still in the shower, do I go in to tell him I am leaving? I don't have time to wait. So I walk in the bathroom without knocking. "Hey I am leav..." Oh what I saw there was wow, he is naked. I have never seen a man naked before only in porn. But this is way better. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to." I say while getting out as soon as I could. "I wanted to say I am leaving." I say with my voice breaking. He opens the door with the towel wrapped around his torso. " I have to rush to work, I told you before you decided to kiss me and make me late, the taxis are far I need to get to the rank as quick as possible, its already 7:35." I say. "Oh don't worry yourself about that I will take you to work just give me 10 minutes, to get ready. Relax" he says as he closes the door.

So we are going to pretend as if this moment never happened. I am okay with that, let me put this 10 minutes to good use by preparing my lunch. I was done with lunch by the time he got out. He wore yesterdays clothes. Obviously and he smells like me so I laugh to myself. "Whats funny so we can both laugh share the joke, and what were you making?" He asks. " I was making lunch, I am laughing because you smell like me and last time I checked you never once wanted to smell like a girl and now here you are." I say while laughing, as we leave for the car, and I got in the car. "Sizothini, people grow up and I don't mind smelling like the woman who has captured my heart." He says seriously. I want to ignore what he just said, so I ask him to play the radio so we can enjoy the music. 

He is speeding across the street, because I am late but I think he is speeding because he loves to speed, even when we were dating he would speed and I would make him slow down because I don't want to die young. But today I don't mind. I expected him to take the main road but he used a different route which is shorter and quicker, and next thing I made it to work just 5 minutes late, but that is better than being an hour late. I am so grateful to him right now I would kiss him but I am already late. So I just thanked him and got out of the car. I walked as fast as I could to get to the building and I walk as fast as I could to the boardroom where the meeting is and I find the people still greeting each other and having coffee. I walk in and find myself a seat. Just then everyone settles. Thank God.

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