Choices Imagines

By GeorgiaEllie_xo

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A collection of all my imagines/fanfiction from my tumblr account, tyrilsnightbloom. This book won't contain... More

Ajay Bhandari x MC
Ernest Sinclaire x MC
Logan x F!MC (Part One)
Logan x F!MC (Part Two)
Logan x F!MC (Part Three)
Baby, I Love You - Adrian x MC (Part One)
Baby, I Love You - Adrian x MC (Part Two)
Happy Christmas - Skye x MC
Día de Los Reyes - Méndez & Day Families (Part One)
Día de Los Reyes - Méndez & Day Families (Part Two)
Desire & Decorum Imagine
Bonding - Gaius x Amy {MC} (Part One)
Bonding - Gaius x Amy {MC} (Part Two)
Commitment Issues - Oliver x F!MC
Reunited - Oliver x F!MC
What The Future Holds - Oliver x F!MC
Friendbound - A Bloodbound Related Imagine
Never Let You Go - Oliver x F!MC
Baby Carriages & Wedding Bells - Oliver x F!MC (Never Let You Go, Part Two)
Bryce x Casey (F!MC)
Relighting The Spark, Part One
Relighting The Spark, Part Two
When You're Ready - Rafael Aveiro x Casey Valentine
When It Rains, It Pours
When You're Ready, Part Two
Hesitant, Part Two
Relighting The Spark, Part Three
Relighting the Spark, Part Four
Count My Blessings

Bryce Lahela x F!MC

77 1 0
By GeorgiaEllie_xo

It was another busy day at the hospital, and you were making your way to your next patient who had just been returned to the ward about 10 minutes ago. As you turned the corner you were almost run over by a moving bed "Woaahhh." An all too familiar voice said as he pulled back on the bed to stop it from running you over. You looked up at him with a smile "Careful Lahela" you grinned at him and moved to the side so he could pass to the elevator, "Careful yourself hot stuff" he winked as he carried on past you, towards the elevator. Chuckling quietly, you shook your head and carried on towards your patients room to perform all the necessary check-ups.

Later in the day you were on your lunch break and you had decided to sit alone so you could read through one of your medical books in peace as you ate your salad. You were scanning through pages trying to find the section of the book you need when someone stood in front of you, clearing their throat. You looked up to see an unusually shy looking Bryce. "Hey. You can sit if you want. I'm just studying" You smiled up at him brightly and he took a seat across from you as you continued eating your salad, browsing your book. He placed his hands on the desk and fiddled with his fingers as he thought over his words, opening his mouth to speak but then closing it again as soon as he decided he didn't have the right words. With concern niggling at your conscience, you put your fork down and bookmarked the page you were on before closing your book and putting it aside and crossing your arms on top of the table, looking over at Bryce. He smiled at you, but it wasn't his usual confident and flirty smile you had come to know and love. It was full of nervousness and didn't reach his eyes at all. When you could see that he wasn't going to speak first you took it upon yourself to do so. "What's the matter?" You asked trying to get him to open up, he scratched at the back of his neck as he let out a deep exhale with his eyes closed. "You see. I'm not... great, at expressing my emotions straight away but uh..." he glanced nervously over his shoulder and you followed his gaze to Sienna and Aurora on the other side of the now not so busy canteen and they busied themselves pretending they were "consulting" which made you giggle. Bryce turned back at you with an expectant look in his eyes. Even though you had picked up on what he wanted to ask, you weren't about to make this easy for him by just saying yes. You wanted him to say the words, so you waited patiently with a smile on your face. Sensing what you were doing he let out a nervous sigh, "Will you go on a date with me?" he asked shyly, his cheeks reddening as he looked away, fearing rejection. You looked at him with a narrowed gaze. "When and where?" you asked sweetly. He looked back at you as his eyes grew wider by the second, "you're serious?!" he exclaimed, "when and where Bryce?" you repeated, with the most genuinely massive grin you had ever seen grace his snatched facial features, he took your hand in his. "I want to take you to a restaurant. I'll pick you up at 8pm tonight." He said excitedly. "Okay. I'll have to find someone to cover for me though, I'm not due to finish until 10 tonight." You explained. "so... it's a date?" he asked hopefulness in his eyes, "Yes Bryce. It's a date." You smiled back. "woohoo!" he exclaimed happily as he jumped out of his seat, drawing the disapproving looks of a few senior doctors who were in the canteen either grabbing coffee or having a break. He apologized to them quietly before hugging you and bounding off with a spring in his step. Chuckling to yourself you gathered your belongings together and headed out of the canteen and back to your locker to put your book and leftover salad away before returning to work. The rest of the day went by smoothly with you diagnosing all your patients correctly and even discharging a few.

Soon 7:15pm rolled around and you felt a tap on your shoulder as you finished filling out a chart. You turned around and came face to face with Ethan looking down on you as he held his hand out. You gave him the chart and ran him through all your patients, their diagnosis and medications they were on and how often they were having them. After that you thanked him for covering for you and gave him a hug goodbye before grabbing your things from your locker and rushing home to get ready for your date with Bryce. 8pm rolled around all to quickly but thankfully Jackie had the day off and had prepared your outfit for you so you could get ready quicker. As you were putting the finishing touches to your make-up, there was a knock at the door. "I got it!" Jackie shouted out "Thanks J!" you shouted back. It took you about 5 more minutes but soon you were ready and walked out into the living area, your breath leaving your lungs as soon as you saw Bryce. He stood there in a beautiful maroon/wine red coloured tuxedo with a bunch of matching flowers in his hand as he smiled nervously at you. "You look beautiful." He commented as he leaned forward supporting your lower back with his spare hand and pressing a kiss to your lips. "You look pretty handsome yourself." You commented back as you returned his kiss. "Okay get going you two lovebirds!! Go! go!" Jackie laughed as she took your flowers and shoved you and Bryce out the door.

You stepped straight into a cab as you got outside your apartment complex and smiled at Bryce as he sat next to you fastening his seatbelt, giving the driver a piece of paper. "We'd like to go here please sir." He said angling the piece of paper away from you, so you eyed him skeptically, "What? I want it to be a surprise." he smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder to give you a side hug. He nervously laced his fingers through yours as you gave each other nervous matching smiles. "Don't go getting frisky back there now." the cab driver teased as he looked in his rearview mirror whilst you were waiting at a stop light. You both laughed and settled into a comfortable silence with you looking out of your window. As you got closer to your destination Bryce pulled out a blindfold. "Oh... wow" you commented in a confused tone, "It'll just be until we're standing in front of the building." He explained, "well... alright but only because I trust you to guide me and not break my ankle" You replied and tipped your head in his direction and he secured the blindfold so you couldn't see. You felt the taxi stop and heard the driver tell Bryce the price which made you gasp and insist on paying half in cash. Soon, Bryce was carefully guiding you out of the cab and onto the sidewalk. You heard the cab door shut and the driver pull away as Bryce guided you to where he wanted you to stand. "Okay, I'm going to remove the blindfold, but I want you to remain facing forward and only turn around when I instruct you to okay?" he said, and you responded with a nod. Bryce removed the blindfold and you were met with his beautiful smile only centimeters from your face. "First, I'm going to need you to smile so I can take your picture. Then I want to record your reaction. Alright?" He told and asked you. So, you smiled for a picture and then one the count of three, when he had his camera ready, you turned around and gasped at where you were. You had been going on about this restaurant for months, you had tears in your eyes and felt like you couldn't breathe. He had brought you to the restaurant that you had your last family meal at with your grandma before she passed away when you were only 15. You covered your face with your hands and tried your hardest not to cry. Bryce came up behind you and gave you a hug, "hey now pretty girl. Try not to cry hey?" he said soothingly as he rubbed your back. "Bryce..." you said breathlessly, dabbing away the tears with your fingers before they could spill out of your eyes and down your cheeks, "... Bryce, thank you. This is... this is beautiful. I-" you said through thick emotion. He stopped recording and put his phone away in his jacket pocket before pulling you into a massive bear hug, kissing your forehead. "shall we go inside now?" he asked rubbing your arms, and you nodded, lacing your hand through his.

Once you're inside and seated, the waiter starts you off with the house red and leaves you with the menu to browse. As you looked through the items, you let out a small gasp and grabbed a napkin to dab away the tears forming in your eyes as they threaten to spill out and ruin your mascara. Bryce hears you and puts his menu down, looking at you with concern creasing his brow as he takes your hand in his, rubbing small soothing circles on the back with a small comforting smile on his face. You smile back at him, take a sip of your wine and swallow. "Sorry... It's just. They still have the pepper lemon salmon with vegetable noodles. It was my grandmas favourite. I-" you whispered out as you dabbed away more tears. "It's okay. Would you like to get it tonight?" Bryce asked gently, still holding your hand, rubbing small circles. You thought for a moment and the nodded resolutely. Bryce smiled kindly and called for the waiter and placed your order. When your food arrived you looked at Bryce, he was still holding your hand as he looked back at you. "Would you mind if I said a prayer before I eat?" you asked him "No, of course not. I'll join you" He responded as he took your other hand over the table around your plates, bowing his head with you as you said a prayer. Finally, before you tucked into your food you took a picture of your dish and posted it to Pictagram with the caption 'Ordered this in memory of my grandma. Thank you Bryce for bringing me here tonight. You truly are the best boyfriend I could ask for 😊'. You close out the app and lock your phone, slotting it back into your purse before picking up your cutlery and eating.

Soon you were walking out of the restaurant after having paid the bill and along the sidewalk with Bryce, arm in arm. A comfortable silence hung between you. You reached a park and sat on a bench, resting your head on Bryce's shoulder. He took his phone out to check it and saw your Pictagram post, "Valentine?" he questioned, "hm?" you responded as you stared ahead watching the fountain. "You called me your... your... boyfriend?" he asked sounding stumped. You turned your head and smiled brightly at him, "Well... don't you wanna be?" You asked back, "I...I- Well... yes. I just never thought that.." he continued on. You put a finger to his lips silencing him. "Bryce. It's obvious you like me and want to try at a relationship, and I want the same with you. I want to be your girlfriend as much as I enjoy calling you my boyfriend. I don't want us to be some weird 'hook-up' situation. I want more. So much more." You told him, pouring out all your emotions. You looked into each other's eyes for a moment before crashing your lips together in an emotional, yet passion filled kiss that felt like it lasted a lifetime. You smiled as you broke away, "So is that a yes? You'll be my boyfriend?" You asked quietly looking into his eyes. He beamed back at you, his eyes bright "Not just yes. FUCK yes. I've wanted this moment to happen so bad. Pretty much from day one. And now-" He chuckles slightly as he holds you close. "I love you" he whispered into your ear, "I love you too, Bryce" you whispered back into his, before standing and walking towards your apartment complex hand in hand. Smiling, laughing and chatting away with Bryce. Your Bryce.

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