Ball of sunshine

By KeigoTheWeirdo105

299K 7.6K 4.6K

Izuku Midoriya was abused his whole life by his father. His mother and half brother was too. His brother eve... More

~Saving pros~
~ Brothers ~
~First meet~
~Old friends~
This is not a chapter.
~Memories Pt 1.~
~Memories Pt 2.~
I need help with something
Hi Lol
This aint a chapter
Um, hi ;(


6K 193 40
By KeigoTheWeirdo105

~Time skip to when they turned 12~

Izuku's POV

Me and Shin indeed continued our music career. No one we know has found out about it. Tomorrow, I'm starting middle school. Although I'm excited for it, I'm scared too. Kacchan, Jiro, Iida and Toko aren't in the same class as me. I really hope everyone there is kind. Shinso is on his last year of middle school. Next year, he's supposed to go to high school, but Dad wants him to go at the same time as me, so he'll be staying in middle school next year. I go and get ready for bed, still really anxious for tomorrow. Everyone says it's gonna be fine and everyone is gonna love me, but I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen. "I'm just being overdramatic. I should stop overthinking," I thought.

Next Day

I still get stupid nightmares. It's been 7 years! Jeez... Anyways, I go and get ready. I kinda feel happy the school we go to doesn't require us to wear uniforms. (It's still Aldera, but I don't really want them to wear uniform sooo in my AU, they don't need to wear uniforms). 

(He wore that and light blue jean shorts. Also a black beanie. He doesn't have the ear piercing btw. Aizawa would kill him XD)

After getting ready, I scroll through my phone. After 3 hours, I went downstairs and played with the cats while watching TV. I then heard everyone come down. We ate breakfast and left for school.

(If you're wondering how Shinso looks, its like the pic above Uwu)

We rode to school in a comfortable silence. Dad and Papa gave us a pep talk before waving us goodbye. Shin walked me to my class. He then went to his class, leaving me in front of the big doors I had been somewhat dreading. I stepped in and realized I was the first one there. The teacher looked at me and 'tched'. " What's his problem?" I though to myself. After a few minutes, kids filled the class. "Good morning everyone. Today, we start the first day of middle school. We'll start with introductions. I want everyone to know we do not tolerate stuck up students here," he said, staring at me. Bro, what the hell?! I didn't even do anything! Whatever. The teacher called names and everyone took turns to introduce themselves. He called everyone EXCEPT ME. "S-s-sir, you forgot me," I said while raising my hand. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Whatever, come up to the front now. Hurry, you're wasting my time," he said, and may I mention, RUDELY. I walked to the front and as I passed all the seats, I could hear snickering and whispering. "H-h-hi, my name is Izuku Yamada-Aizawa. I-i-i like nature and music. I also love my family and friends. I-i-i hope we can all be friends," I said, smiling. "Tch, what a waste of time. Go back to your seat now," he said. "No one wants to be your friend, freak!" a boy called Hiroshi said. The whole class, including the teacher. I held back tears as I headed back to my seat. On the way, someone tripped me, causing me to fall on my face. The class started laughing harder. "Why me? What did I do to them?" I thought to myself. 

Finally, lunch came. I went to the bathroom and cried. I felt my phone buzzing and picked it up. I got texts from all four of my friends and my brother. I looked in the bathroom mirror and saw that my face was bruised from the fall earlier. I opened my bag and got out some concealer. I had a gut feeling to bring it and I really am thankful I did. I applied it and quickly left. "Hey Izu! Where were you?" Toko asked. "Just in the bathroom." I replied. We then ate and talked about how school was so far. They seemed to have made friends already. I had to lie about everything I told them. I couldn't tell them how the class treated me. Lunch unfortunately ended and I returned to my class. I was playing my phone until a note was thrown at my head. I picked it up and opened it. Meet us behind the school today. I sigh. This wasn't gonna end well. 

After school, I went behind the school to find three of my classmates, Hiroshi, Reiji and Taichi. They smiled at me before starting to beat me up. I let them because I didn't like to hurt people. I didn't react but inside I was screaming in pain. It really reminded me of Dad. After 30 minutes, they finally stopped and walked away, snickering. I went to clean my wounds and apply the concealer. I quickly head to the carpark. Dad and Shin looked really worried. "Where were you?!" Dad said. "My friends held me back. They wanted to know more about me. Sorry to keep you guys waiting," I said, smiling. "Its ok, just tell us next time," he said as we began to drive off. I nod and drifted off into my thoughts. "They'll probably do it everyday. I don't want them to get into trouble so, I'll lie to Dad." I thought to myself. "Hey Dad, is it ok for me to stay in school for an hour before going home? My friends asked to me ask you. Anyways, I can walk home, it's not so far," I asked. "Sure, I think that'll be fine," he said.

Aizawa's POV 

I'm really happy Izuku could make friends. I hope they're as good as Katsuki, Jiro, Tokoyami and Iida. After 10 minutes, we arrived home. We went in and greeted Zashi. We had dinner and after that, Izuku went straight up to his room, which is a little odd because he usually stayed with us for a while before heading to his room. Then, again, he's probably just tired because today was his first day of middle school. Suddenly, I recieved a message from Nemuri. SHOTTAAAA!!! GO TO GOOGLE AND SEARCH UP 'FAMOUS CAFE SINGERS' NOW!!! I sigh but did it anyways. I clicked a link and was shocked at what I found. "Zashi!!! Come here!!!"" I yell. He got up from his seat and walked towards me. I showed him the video. Apparently, our sons were really famous singers in a cafe near our house. "OHH MYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" Hizashi yelled, unable to control his excitement and activated his quirk. "Oww" I say rubbing my ears. "I'm so sorry, Sho," he said with his adorable face. I rolled my eyes and pecked him on the cheek. I then called the boys down, wanting to know why they never told us about their talent and their jobs.

Izuku's POV

I went up and went straight into the shower As the warm water hit my skin, I hissed in pain due to the pain caused by the wounds. The concealer washed off, revealing stupid wounds. After my shower, I stare at myself in the mirror. 

"Wow, you're really fat. And look at you're ugly face. No wonder your Dad didn't want you. Not even your classmates like you. Hahahahah, and did you see the disappointment on your adopted Dad's face when you made them wait for your stupid ass. You're really useless. And not to mention, a shitty waste of space." an unknown voice in my head said. "Oh my god, he's right," I whispered to myself. I then went to put concealer on myself and wore my pajamas. 

"IZUKU! SHINSO! COME DOWN NOW!" Dad yelled, causing my anxiety to go up.

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