Riverdale: Kado

By Hatelifewriter33

138K 2.5K 510

Kado is 19 years old and an outcast. Her father was the head of the serpents but they kicked her out after sh... More

Criminal Minds
Law and Order SVU
Riverdale: Prom


4.4K 86 55
By Hatelifewriter33

Kado's POV:
Sheriff Keller let's me go once he confirms my story, thanks to Fred Andrews' fake alibi he gave to Sheriff Keller, explaining that I stayed the night on his couch after he picked me up from the prison.

Keller knows that it's a lie, but wants to look at viable suspects instead of hounding me.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I ask Fred as he drives me to his house.

"I've known you for a long time Kado, and I know for a fact that you wouldn't have killed a kid, who was just trying to run away from this town." Fred explains in a sincere tone.

"I don't know, knowing who my old man is and all..." I mumble looking out the window.

"Kado. You are not like him." Fred assures me but I just scoff.

We get to his house and he sets up the couch for me to sleep on. Archie comes down and looks at me and then at his dad, with a confused expression on his face.

"What the hell is she doing here?!" Archie asks while pointing at me.

"Son, she doesn't have anywhere to go, she's been cleared of the charges pressed against her, but she still can't get her job back." Fred explains on my behalf.

"Dad, if Mrs.Cooper sees that she's here-." Archie starts saying.

"I'll deal with Alice. I'm not going to leave Kado out on the street, just because Alice thinks she's a killer." Fred stands his ground.

"Dad, you know it's not just her that thinks that! Even the Serpents believe it!" Archie argues.

"Look I can go-." I start saying and walking towards the door.

"No! You are staying here!" Fred huffs.

"Why are you defending her?!" Archie asks.

"Because someone has to!" Fred yells and walks into the kitchen.

Archie comes down the stairs and heads towards me.

"If you hurt him I will hunt you down and kill you. Make no mistake!" Archie growls in my face and then heads back upstairs.

"Looking forward to it!" I shout after him sarcastically.

"I'm so sorry about-." Fred says as he gives me a glass of water.

"Eh. I'm used to it." I interrupt not really caring.


I head to the couch and Fred heads up to his room and I fall asleep soon after. I wake up around 4am to Fred getting ready for work.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." He apologizes to me but I just brush it off.

I get myself a glass of milk from the fridge and sit with Fred as he eats his toast.

"You'll never guess who came by my work earlier this week." Fred says.

"Who?" I ask intrigued.

"Hermione Lodge." He says and looks over at my tense expression.

"What the hell did that bitch want?" I grumble.

"A job. As my accountant." Fred says and I almost choke on my piece of toast.

"You said no, right?!!" I say, coughing on little bits of dry toast still stuck in my throat, and he chuckles and nods his head.

"Let me know if she comes back. I'll take care of her." I say and take a sip of my milk.

"Kado...she isn't Hiram." Fred stresses.

"No, she's worse." I scoff, he sighs and heads off to work.


I head to Hermione's apartment while Veronica is at school. The doorman lets me in and I use the elevator. I walk down the halls looking at the room numbers and stop when I find the right one.

I walk into the apartment, sit down on an expensive looking couch and make myself comfortable.

"How the hell did you get in here?!" Hermione growls.

"Don't worry, I'll get to the point. And it's really quite simple, so even you can understand it. Stay. Away. From. Fred. Andrews." I say calmly.

"You don't scare me." Hermione says triumphantly.

"Ok, let me put it this way then, if you don't leave Fred out of whatever the hell you're doing, I'll tell your daughter the truth about her family business." I smirk, getting up from the couch.

"If you weren't so scared of my husband I might actually believe you." Hermione sneers.

I shove her against the wall and punch a hole next to her head. "And where is your husband now? Oh that's right, where he belongs, and where he will stay for a very long time if you don't leave Fred out of your business." I growl in a threatening tone and she gulps.

"It was nice catching up with you." I say calmly again, leave her shaking and scared.


I watch as Hal comes back home and I sneak into his house and follow him down to the basement. I see a bunch of pictures from Sheriff Keller's Murder board.

"Wow, and to think I thought you couldn't get any dumber. I guess I stand corrected." I scoff and he quickly turns around in shock.

"Get the hell out of my house! I'll call the police!" He threatens and I just chuckle.

"And tell them what? I was coming back from Sheriff Keller's house after stealing evidence in a murder investigation, and Kado caught me?" I scoff and he stands there not knowing how to respond.

"You know, you wouldn't have to be dealing with any of this if you weren't so ashamed of the truth." I add stepping closer to him with each word.

"Shut your mouth!" He says as he grabs me by the throat and slams me against the side of a table.

"Huh, he does have a spine after all." I say looking down at his hand around my throat.

He realizes what he just did and backs away from me.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I say with a wink and head out of his house.

I head to the drive-through and see Hermione Lodge talking to F.P. Jones. Veronica's spying on them and I'm suddenly intrigued with how this will work out. Unfortunately no drama happens so I get bored quickly.

I decide to head to the high school and look around the music room. The door opens and I hide behind the piano.

I hear Archie and Grundy and want to throw up in my mouth. He's giving her a gift. A goodbye gift. Suddenly Alice barges in with Betty and Fred following not far behind.

They start arguing and Alice starts threatening Miss Grundy. I jump over the piano and shove Alice away from Grundy, even though I can't stand Grundy, I hate Alice even more.

"What the-." Fred asks confused.

"Back off!" I growl loudly at Alice, and she's trying to hold her ground but her confidence starts slipping.

"What are you doing here?!" Archie asks me clearly confused.

"That doesn't matter. It seems like you guys can't agree on what you should do, so I'm going to make it really simple. Grundy is going to leave town by morning and never come back. And what happened in this room tonight stays in this room." I growl threateningly.

"Of course you would give the criminal a pass!" Alice scoffs at me.

"Ok how 'bout this then; I go to Keller and tell him that you've been harassing a 16 year old boy, because you are so obsessed with him that he isn't allowed to take music lessons from another woman. Hell, he isn't even aloud to be friends with your own daughter because of it!" I say getting in her face as she backs up against the wall slowly.

Grundy starts leaving the classroom, "Oh, and Grundy, if I ever see you again in Riverdale, I'll pull your spine out of your throat." I growl and she sobs some more, nods and runs out the door.

"Now that we have that taken care of, I need to go get me something to drink." I huff and leave the room.


Fred finds me on top of his work roof, drinking a bottle of Vodka that I stole from the convenience store.

"I thought I'd find you here." He says as he gets a ladder and uses it to get on the roof.

"You used to come up here all the time whenever you escaped juvie." Fred chuckles and sits down next to me.

"How's Archie holding up?" I ask and pass him the bottle.

"Heartbroken, did you know about them?" Fred asks and then takes a swig and winces at the taste.

"Ya, I saw them in the woods on the 4th of July." I sigh.

"You seem to know everything thing that goes on in this town." He chuckles and takes a sip, then hands the bottle back to me.

"More than I'd like to..." I grumble and take a chug.

"You never did tell me what happened that night your old man was stabbed..." Fred brings that up.

"Guess I just snapped. I don't know. I hardly remember it." I answer.

"Do you remember what made you snap?" Fred asks in a gentle tone.

"He wanted me to..." I start but stop and look down at the ground.

"Kado, you don't have to deal with this alone-." Fred starts saying but I cut him off.

"It's getting late, you should probably head home and make sure Archie is ok." I say and finish the bottle and jump off the roof.


The next day I head to Jason's funeral and watch as Cheryl comes walking down the aisle, in a white dress. The look on her parents faces alone made this whole thing worth coming to.

After the very dramatic service, Cheryl's mom comes up to me and starts yelling at me.

"You have some nerve coming here!" She shouts.

Cheryl comes marching over and I get ready to be double teamed by the two. But instead Cheryl stands up for me.

"I asked her to come mother. I wanted her to see what she did to our family when she took Jason away from us!"

And there it is. I think to myself.

They leave me and I can't help but chuckle and shake my head. I start to leave soon after but stop when I see Mrs. Lodge talking with Fred. My blood starts to boil, but then she walks away and I start to calm down again.

Fred starts walking over to me when Mr. Blossom comes up to me and pulls me aside into a private room.

"Why did you come?!" He growls.

"Because Jason was nothing like you. He didn't deserve what he got." I say standing my ground.

"But I have to wonder what will become of your empire now that you don't have an heir to the throne." I sneer, adding salt to the wound.

"I wouldn't have had to worry about that if it weren't for you." He growls and walks me to the door and orders me to leave.

Veronica's POV:
I sit with Betty, Jughead and Kevin, during lunch as we start recreating the Murder board that was torn to shreds.

"I just don't get why we let Kado off the hook so easily. I mean, she's our most viable suspect!" Betty argues once again.

"Because Archie's dad vouched for her whereabouts, meaning she has an airtight alibi." Jughead's explains for the 5th time.

"What if he's lying?!" Betty argues yet again

"We've been over this Betty, Kado just doesn't fit the profile." Kevin jumps in.

"Ok fine, but I think that she knows more than she's letting on!" Betty defends herself.

"It's possible, I guess." Jughead

Kado's POV:
The next day Betty comes up to me at the park and brings me to the school. We walk into a room and I see a murder board that's identical to the Sheriff's.

"Kevin's dad had a murder board that was ruined when someone broke into his house." Jughead explains before I can ask as to why I'm here.

"And?" I ask.

"We wanna know what you think." Betty says.

"About what?" I ask confused.

"Who killed Jason." Betty answers as if it were obvious.

I start chuckling and they all look at me confused. "I'm sorry, this is priceless. First you automatically think I'm guilty and now you think I know who is?!"

"Archie told us that his dad vouched for you." Veronica explains.

"And what is it exactly, that you think I know?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"We think you know why Jason was running away." Betty blurts out.

"And how would I know that, when I was in prison?" I ask and they all look at each other.

"Because you knew about the plan that Jason and Cheryl had made." Veronica explains and I can't stand to even look at her.

"Is that so..." I state.

"In fact, you're the one who gave them the idea on the first place." Veronica points out and everyone looks at her shocked.

"Betty, how's Polly?" I change the subject.

"What? What does that have to do with anything?!" Betty asks defensively.

"It doesn't, I just wondered how she was doing in that group home, if she made any friends or not." I say and walk out of the room and let them figure it out.

Veronica's POV:
"What was she talking about?" I ask Betty and she looks at the ground.

"My parents sent my sister Polly away..." Betty starts explaining.

"Why?!" Jughead asks confused.

"I think that's what we have to find out." I point out seeing how Kado pointed us in the right direction.

"Wait, you think that Polly has something to do with this?" Betty asks.

"Betty, look at this, isn't this your mom's handwriting?" Jughead says holding up a piece of paper ripped out from what looks like a checkbook.

"Kado must've left it...but how did she get it in the first place?" I say reading the name of the group home.

"Wait, the day of the funeral! Cheryl's grandma thought I was Polly. Polly was engaged to Jason. They were running away together!" Betty says in shock.

Kado's POV:
I head to Fred's work and see Veronica storming off.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask her making her stop.

"I was going to bring my mom lunch but it looks like she's busy eating something else." Veronica says heartbroken and gives me the lunch bag.

"Wait, why is your mom here?" I ask.

"Apparently she doesn't just work with Mr. Andrews." She says in a salty tone and storms off.

I look in the window of the building and see the two having a make out session.

She's dead. I think to myself.


My phone rings and I get a call from the group home, "I have to notify Mrs. Cooper that Polly has a visitor, I thought I should tell you so you can get the Betty girl and her boyfriend out of here before Mrs. Cooper comes barging in." One of the nuns explains then hangs up.

I sigh as I head to the group home where Polly is. Memories start rushing back and I let out a deep breath before entering the gates of hell.

"Kado? What the hell are you doing here?"  Betty asks shocked as I walk towards them.

"You need to get out of here, now!" I growl.

"What why-." Jughead starts asking.

"Betty, you didn't really think that I wouldn't get a phone call if Polly ever got a visitor did you?" Alice says storming down the hallway.

"How could you not tell me that she's pregnant?!" Betty argues.

"And what are you doing here?" Alice asks me pointer her finger in my chest.

"Protecting your daughters." I say.

"From what?!" Alice scoffs.

"You." I say and jab her in the chest with my finger, she slaps me across the face making my lip bleed a bit.

"Is that all you got?" I chuckle while wiping off the blood from my mouth.

"Everyone stop!" Polly shouts.

"You stay away from me and my family, or I will have you arrested!" Alice threatens and I walk past her with a smirk.

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