This 'alien' feelings!

By Efilon777

36.3K 2.4K 204

Meet Metawin Vihokratana, known as Win . A smart and quiet but sometimes feisty boy who live with his two dad... More

Metawin..Win Metawin!
Bright V C
Definition of define
Nice game! Let's invite them too!
Bad friends!
It's comfortable
Special Part! Drunk Dance!
I was left alone, and now forgotten!
Just the passing of time
Special Part, Fiends plan.
You are the Bright, Bright Vachirawit Chivaare
Why are you guys here?
Heyy, are you by the way avoiding me?
I'm waiting for you
Special part! You're SICK!
Dogs play with my emotions!!!
Short PoV: No!
Things weren't planned like this
So I can't?
This is toxic
We need to take a breather.
A punch is not gonna solve this!
Win Metawin!
Few things
New place
The Attack. . .?
Teaser: The sparks, The signal and The location
To blame
Namtan meet my Dogs.
Time and timing mends.
Let's start with some greetings!
Short PoV : Mike
The talk... or...
Teaser : The Parent meet The Parent
Short PoV : Khao

Treacherous Fiends!!!

1K 71 9
By Efilon777

Bright's PoV

How? How in the world did I ended up alone in a mall with him. I can't even reject him if he decided to hang out with me by seeing his wonderful yet oblivious eyes.

Flashback 5 minutes ago

I called Mike for the nth time. We promised to meet here in the at 11AM. And here I thought I was already late and running toward the meeting place. I arrived only to be greeted by nobody. I look at the time it was 11:15AM, 15 minutes late. I calmed myself and I called Mike again, much to my dismay, the call got disconnected. AGAIN. I tried calling Gun and Pluem, the result are the same. Then a text message from Mike popped up.

{Hate to tell you the news, WE AREN'T coming.} After reading the message my eyes almost popped out from the socket. I don't usually lose my cool, but this is a No No No. I spammed him asking why, but then again Mike left me on a read mode. It was so  frustrating, now it's gonna be me , Pluem, Khao, AJ and Win. Thinking of it just sent chill through my bones. My thought was cut off when someone nudge my shoulder... I look behind and it was Win. He smiled.

"Hey, when did you arrived?" Win asked me.

"Just now.. you? and where are your friends?" 

"I arrived 10 minutes ago, but my friends still not showing up..." Win told before his phone rang.

"Whaat? Really? Oh no, should I come too? Huh~ Okay. Hope she recovered well. Send my regards to her..." Win was talking to someone on the phone. A moment later he hangs up and look at me with his eyes that I still cannot read.

"So, uhmmm... my friends aren't coming." 

"HUH!?" I was dumbfounded, I feel like I got into a trap.

"Khao told me that his grandma dog is sick. They went to visit her. With Aj and Pluem tagging along with him. It was so sudden he said, that's why they couldn't make it." Win told me... I calmly asses the situation, right... poor Khaotung, to have her grandma's dog to be sick at this weekend. I hope she doing alrig- fuck this shit. I ain't buying that, but judging from Win's eye, HE TOTALLY BUYS IT. God! 

"So where is Mike and Gun?" he asked.

"They aren't coming too..." 

Flashback end

"Huh~? So what we're gonna do?"

"I guess I'm going home then..." 

"Oh... then see ya at school..." Huh, you aren't even trying to ask me anything and do anything about the ridiculous situation that we are in right now Win? How much oblivious you're gonna be?

"What about you?" I muttered, well surely he'll go back home too right?

"I guess I am going to see what movie is showing then..." what? is he planning on spending this time alone?

"You're going alone?" I asked.

"Yeah, since you're going home." I facepalm myself in my mind. This boy.

"Well I'd go with you if you ask." .

"Oh really..." He smiled brightly breaking off his 'image' turning into a cute bubbly bunny boy.

"Then lets go watch movie together~" 

"Sure... I got nothing to do at home too." I told him as we went to the cinema.

Upon reaching the place, Win scanned the big TV that listed the showing movies.

"What kind of movie do you prefer?" He asked.

"Anything." I told him that, and he give me his stinky eyes.

"Then might as well you go back home." Huh? what did I do wrong?

"Hey, what I mean is up to you." He glare at me and side rolling his eyes.

"Okay, action movie it is."

We went in line to get the tickets and also popcorn. We've got few more minutes before the movie start.

"Do you want a popcorn?" He asked me.

"Nah, you go ahead and buy for yourself. And here." I said as I handed him my black card.

"What is this?"

"Considering that I am paying." I told him, but he still gives me his confused look. Don't tell me he don't even know what a credit card is?

"Well, how am I going to pay?" He asked, cutely while raising my card on my face.

"Just give them this, and they'll know what to do."

"Realllly? You aren't playing tricks on me like my dogs do?"

"Ahhh, no. If I play tricks on you, you'd be under me already." Fuck, what the hell I was even saying.

"I don't get it..." he looks at me innocently then proceed on ordering the largest popcorn and two drinks. He gives the black card to the cashier. His eyes went uwu as he watch how my card pay up for the food and drinks.

"Wow this really work... what is this?" 

"It's called a credit card Win."

"Oh so this is a credit card, but why is it black?"

"Because I am rich." He then gives me his 'Ooo' looks as he shoves the drinks to me.

"You hold the drinks while I hold this..." He said that, but I can totally see he just want to eat the popcorn. 

"Okay, lets go... I'm tired of standing already..."

The movie was good, the effect were cool and so are the plot line. Other than the movie, now rest to the only thing that worries me now... its Win. When the movie starts, I focused on it. Not gonna lie, I was even enjoying it. Halfway through I tried to sneak a peek to see his face, but as he munching the popcorn. His face otherwise show disinterest in the movie but he keep on watching. He then looks at me catching me watching him.

"You want some?"

"Y-yeah..." I then took a fistful of popcorn and continue watching.

The movie ended with Win sleeping through the movie after he emptied the popcorn.

"Win wake up..." He slowly open up his eyes as it's connect to mine. Lovely I thought for a moment before he stands up and stretch his body.

"Lets go then." He leads the way toward the exit.

Exiting the theater, I took this opportunity to ask him question that I've been wondering.

"Was the movie not good?"

"No, it was fine?" He reply while checking his phone.

"Did you like it?" I asked another one.

"Did you like it?" he asked back which makes me stares at him weirdly before answering.

"Yes. You?" I answered

"Well, as long as you like it... doesn't matter to me" as we walked side by side heading nowhere.

"Did you perhaps choose the movie because of me?" Well I am trying to be sure here, it's Win and I don't fucking know how his mind works. He just look at me and smile.

"Well, I know that I am socially inept. That's what my dogs been telling me all this time. So once in awhile I'll try to make an effort to open up myself. But I still can't figure it out. Whether this person is having fun, sad, angry, happy. Sometimes if they tell me truthfully I'll know. But for most of the time...I don't know. That's why I am only close to my three friends as they are the only people that I've known for so long aside from my parent. They are the only one that I truly understand." Win explain while we walks toward the exit of the mall. Hearing him trying to open up to me, making an effort to it. A warm feelings creeps into my heart. I instantly hold his arm halting him from moving. He looks up to my face. With his innocent bunny face.

"What's up?"He asked as he's stares into my eyes, probably trying to figure out. Which he is still incapable of.

"Are you hungry?" I asked...

"Kinda... you?" Why do he always ask back? I wondered that not until just now, it's Win behavior when he tried to understand an individual. And this time, its me. Bright Vachirawit.

"How about we go and grab a bite, I know a great place here. I'll send you home after this."

"Really? your treat again?" his once innocent eyes turns into full excitement.

"Yes... do you want it or not?"

"I never say no to food." He said smiling.

"Then come this way." I slowly lead him to my favorite place to eat here. Dragging his body with his wrist tightly gripped in my hands. 

"Urm, Bright~ aren't you gonna let go of that?" He pointed at my hand that tightly gripping on his wrist as we walk...

"Oh yeah, sorry about that..." 

"Okay. Lets go~ I'm hungry...."

"Chill we're almost there..."

Reaching in front of the restaurant. Win eyes is now sparkling like a little kid seeing a robot for the first time.. So cute and innocent. I guide him inside and sit on a table far off the corner.

"Woaah, this is my first time going inside restaurant like this.... THANKS!" he said as he scanned around. I just smiled at him.

"So anything particular you wanna eat?"

" hmmmmm.... can you order for me please?" He asked as he take out his phone to take pictures.

"I'm so posting this on my IG." I heard him said.

 I call the waiter. Ordered bunch of foods that I know he's gonna love. Then after finish ordering, the waiter leaves with the menu. And now watching Win like this, I feel peace, comfortable and fun. Feelings that I rarely feels during my time growing up. 

"I've just ordered bunch of foods, hope you like it." I told him.

"Anything from you I definitely would like it." He said nonchalantly, again throwing my emotions in places, making me feel jittery. I take out my phone and snaps a picture of him intensely looking at his phone. I tagged him in my post with caption 'does he even notice?' then click the post. I didn't know that one move from me would change my perspective wholly. I guess a notification popped up in his phone.

"Heyy not fair, you're taking my picture secretly. Let me get yours too." He said as he snap few pictures of mine, we've been following each other since the day I drive his home. Soon a notification popped up. I clicked at it ignoring all the notification before. A picture of me, looking sideway smiling in Win's IG account. With caption 'I can take yours too'.

The food arrived just in time.

Win's PoV

I feel bad, I didn't get to come with Khao to visit his grandma's dog. I mean, he sounded almost crying on the phone just now. But he said it was okay since Aj and Pluem would be with him. And now I am alone with Bright, oh yeah he just told me his friends couldn't make it too. He was gonna get home but he then asked me to ask him if he wanted to come with me, which I did. His face changed up momentarily I couldn't figure it out. Was he happy? I don't know. Then Aj voice suddenly rings in my mind.

"Win, are you going to be socially inept forever? You can't rely on us all the time to save you in a situation like this." Aj was mad, I knew he was mad because he is one of my close friends.

"Atleast try to make an effort to change, you're not actually inept at socializing. But it's easier to call you that." Aj added.

"I am sorry..." I muttered Khao and Pluem patted my back telling me it's fine.

So I thought I should try to make effort in getting to know Bright.

Reaching the cinema place, I wanted to know what movie Bright wanted to watch so I tried asking. But the answer he gives me are among the answer that I find annoying, so maybe I unconsciously gives him my stinky eyes. Seeing his reaction again, I couldn't figure it out whether his embarrassed or just surprised by my face. But his next answer also leaves me in blue. Well I liked horror,but I'm not sure if Bright like it. So as I thought hard enough. What would Bright likes to watch. I remembered Pluem liked action movie. Maybe Bright too.

He then gives me his black card which I didn't know at first it was a credit card until he told me. I ask him with strong curiosity. Why is it black? And his only answer was 'Because I'm rich'. I almost replied he wasn't rich, it was his parent's. But who am I to told him that, so I just took the opportunity . The smells of the popcorn makes me forget my main motive, which is to make effort to open up to another person. In this case it was Bright.

It wasn't even halfway through the movie I felt boring, but when I took a glance at Bright, he was focused and immersed at the movie. I guess I choose the right one. I said as I continued to watch and eating. Halfway through I felt pair of eyes were looking at me, and to my surprised it was Bright's. His eyes grows bigger as his pupil dilated under the dim light theater. Yes I can perfectly see his eye as he was slightly taller than me. I guess he wanted the popcorn as I offered him, he took plentiful of it and resume watching.

I didn't know when or how, but I open my eyes to the once dim theater is now a bright one and people are beginning to leaves. 

Walking out from the place, Bright asked me a question. Which kinda took me by surprised, how'd he know I wasn't totally into the movie? But I just answer it just like I would normally do. And told him how I was actually making some effort to open up as I was a socially inept. As I was about to leave. A strong grip holds my arm in the wrist. Sending electricity throughout my whole body. I feel warm as this is the first time I feel this emotion. What is this? Will I ever figure it out?

Bright asked me if I was hungry, of course I was. He drags my arm as he move, I move as he does. Until my wrist feel sore and warm. I asked him if he's going to let it go. The moment he lets go of my arm, the electricity feeling intensify as it was needing his touch badly. I ignore it, since I couldn't really be sure about it.

Magnificent, thats all I can say. This place must be expensive. Just look at the decoration. I was admiring the place as Bright lead me toward a table around the corner. He asked me what I want to eat. I just asks him to order for me. I can literally eat anything right now. And now I think I am going to snap a few pictures. As I was scrolling through my IG, a notification shows up. It was from Bright. I click at it and a picture of me looking at my phone shows up with his caption 'does he even notice?' . I smile, yeah I noticed alright... The picture. Should I do one too? I then proceed on taking snaps of him which he noticed but tries to hide his face. It's hard to choose between the picture because all of them looks great. 'I can take yours too' I tagged him and posted it. As the food arrived, I feel company and companion with warm feelings that I never feel with my three dogs.

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