The Bright Side (Male sunflo...

By Thescout234

46.6K 630 227

"Life won't always go your way, but hey, all you need to do is look on the bright side!" -(Y/N) PvZ crossover... More

So im back i guess? (A/N)
Your clothing Looks
A strange beginning
A new world
Starting over.
Exploring Beach City
Story update
Moving stories (Not a chapter)
Decision made
A New Home
Reforming and saving
The "Date"
An Old Friend
Sector 347B
Hiding Something
True Nature
Better or not?
Come Back
The Plan
The Future!
Author Note - Story's Future and Roadmap
Your Sunlight (Story Writing Demo)

Final Battle

566 13 8
By Thescout234

We warped into Calynth and walked a few steps off the warp pad towards the rest. They all had their weapons, well, most. I could see Peridot without a weapon and Lapis looking around the place.

Lapis: This place is void of water. I don't know if I'll be able to help.
Y/N: Don't worry, as long as we stick together, we should be fine.
Steven: Yeah! We've faced bigger than her before!
Pearl: You're right. But how will we ambush Tara if this place is pretty much empty?
Y/N: I have an idea. Step back, everyone.

With my request, they all backed up as I began creating vines from my hands and boots, creating a massive tangle of vines under me, bringing my high into the air.

Y/N: Get inside the vines, this will be your hiding spot until the time is right. Oh! And mind the thorns.

They began climbing my vines and going inside. Once everyone was in, I began moving the outer vines as to not squish the others inside. We travelled a long way until I thought I heard something. I stopped and looked around, trying to be quiet to hear her. And then... rumbling. I looked in front of me and saw where the rumbling was coming from. A small elevation in the ground was closing in on me until it reached a few meters away. It seemed to go into the ground more, no more rumbling until something shot out of the ground, landing right in front of me. The figure was Tara, who used some vines to traverse through the ground. She stood up and looked at me with a smug, toothy smile.

Tara: Seems you're here now! And you're trying to look big and tough!!
Y/N: Just get ready, Tara! Lets end this.
Tara: Straight to the point, huh? Hehe!! Alright then!! Up I go!!

She created many vines as well, reaching my height.

Tara: Hope you're ready to lose!!

Tara created more vines which separated and formed into axes, hands, etc. I did the same and created more vines to create weapons as well.

Y/N: I'm ready to win.

We stood there, without movement until she started the fight by launching the vines towards me, I doing the same as well. Our vines kept cutting each other but we could never reach each other. Vine after vine after vine, our battle was futile as we managed to predict our every move. I launched more vines towards her oncoming ones but instead of cutting them, I grabbed them and kept them in place.

Tara: Trying to stop me, huh? Good luck with that!!!
Y/N: Thanks for the luck!! Now, everybody!!!

As soon as I said that, I made holes on the sides of my vines and they all soon ran out towards Tara.

Tara: What the?!!

Her shock helped them as they tried coming from all sides. Though it didn't go very well as she quickly began grabbing them by their legs with her vines. She grabbed everyone but Garnet managed to hit her square in the face, making her let go everyone as she backed up. She quickly shook her head and looked at me, angry.

Tara: You cheater!! You will pay for that!!!

She grabbed everyone and threw them off. They all landed safely and Bismuth managed to catch Steven as he fell. We all readied ourselves as Tara began creating more vines.

Tara: You forfeit!!
Y/N: That won't stop us!
Amethyst: You're still getting you're butt kicked!
Tara: Fine, be that way. It'll be a joy shattering you all!

We all charged, Tara trying to stop us. She kept blocking most of her attack as the other kept trying to cut the vines coming towards them. I soon saw some of her vines launching towards Steven who was too busy with some other ones. I made more vines and made formed axes with them. I soon brought them down towards her vines. Steven finally noticed and grew scared. Her vines were only an inch away from him as I cut them off. He looked at me with a nervous smile and gave a thumbs up. I looked back and tried shooting vines at her again. She looked towards me and tried to defend against me but was suddenly kicked in the face by peridot who was launched by Lapis. Tara backed up again as Peridot was caught by Lapis again.

Peridot: Hahaha!! Peridot: one! Destroyer: zero!!

Tara regained her composure and looked even more agitated.

Tara: ENOUGH!!!

She grew more vines and managed to grab everyone by surprise. The vines wrapped around each of them multiple times to keep them from escaping, leaving me to fight her. Tara then launched some vines towards me but I cut them off with mine. I thought it was a normal attack from her until I felt my neck grabbed by a vine. I was about to try and cut it off but she launched more vines and cut mine off quickly. She left me without vines and wrapped hers around me, not enough to poof me with her thorns but enough to keep me still. Now everyone was stuck. Tara laughed.

Tara: This many people and you still couldn't do anything!! Hahahaha!!! Pathetic!!

She then lowered herself towards me while bringing the others high enough to see us.

Tara: And now...

Tara then made another vine from her right hand which formed a thorn at the end, creating a drill. Her vines wrapped around me then split, showing my gem to her.

Tara: It's time to end you once and for all!!

I grew scared as she ascend higher into the air and readied her drill towards my gem. I guess this is the end. But before she could shoot her vine at my gem, something big and pink hit her and crashed into the ground. I grew surprised and looked where it came from. There was a small, thin pink line connected to what appeared a gloved him that hit Tara and landed on the ground meters away from us. I looked to what it was connected to and saw someone landing slowly to the ground. Spinel...

She landed in front of me and used offered her hand to me. I noticed Tara's vines loosened and let go of me and everybody else. I began getting out and grabbed Spinel's hand to get up.

Y/N: You came back.
Spinel: Yeah, well, I did it for them.
Y/N: Yeah, gotcha.

I was about to turn to the others but I heard Spinel speak softly.

Spinel: And I did it a bit for you...

I grew surprised and smiled softly. Spinel then began retracting her hand that hit Tara. Soon it retracted it back to its normal state to her. We then began walking to everybody who was getting out of the vines they were wrapped in.

Steven: I think we did it!!
Bismuth: I hope so.
Steven: And Spinel! You came back!
Spinel: Yeah, no problem or anything! Heh!

We then all turned to the crater Spinel created with her hand. All we saw was a massive pile of purple throned vines in it.

Y/N: You did a real number on Tara.

We all began walking towards the vines, happy it was over until vines shot from the crater and wrapped  themselves around all of us. We couldn't do anything as some vines began rising from the crater, falling off revealing Tara. Spinel looked towards her, nervous about the situation.

Tara:Well well well!! If it isn't the little toy that strayed Y/N off the wrong path!!

Spinel backed up in fear.

Tara: How did a no-good jester like you gain the attention of a destroyer? I don't know if it's an insult towards you or him. Either way...

I saw Tara rise up while her she retracted the vines in her hands while the ones on her boots kept us all restrained. Her hands then started glowing purple, all of us knowing what that meant.

Tara: It's time for you to die!!
Spinel: Why are you doing this!?
Tara: Because I can! But you had to take Y/N from me! And by taking him back, we'll be unstoppable!!
Lapis: Like you'll ever be able to!!
Tara: Shut it!

I took this as a chance to escape from the vines holding me. I squirmed around, trying to find an opening in the vines until I managed to get my arm through it. I grew a vine and began cutting myself free from the vines as Tara kept talking.

Tara: Enough!! It's time for you to die, little toy!!

Spinel tried to squirm free from the vines as Tara then readied a sunbeam. I broke free from the vines myself and and ran towards Spinel. Tara then shot a sunbeam at her but I quickly placed myself on the ground in front of Spinel and shot a sunbeam back.

Tara: What the?! So, trying to help her out? We know how this ends.

I didn't respond as I tried to keep focus and fight her beam back. I was struggling as I noticed Tara's sunbeam shooting closer despite my best efforts to shoot back. I tried speaking to Spinel as she tried to get out of the vines wrapped around her.

Y/N: Hey, Spinel?
Spinel: Y-Yeah?
Y/N: This is the worst time to say this but I'm really sorry about what I said!
Spinel: At this time?!
Y/N: I know, I know! It's just... I really didn't mean to say that! I was stupid! And since it seems it might be game over for us all, I just hope you can forgive me for my stupid self!
Spinel: Despite the bad timing, I forgive you!

Tara's sunbeam got even closer to the point where just a minute more and it would be the end of us. Then I got an idea. I grew vines under my boots which went into the ground and popped from the ground around Spinel and I. The vine rose and blocked her sunbeam as I stopped mine. The vines closed up into a small dome around us. I then moved closer to Spinel and her vines from my hand, creating and forming axe before cutting Spinel out of the vines. She got up and we looked to where Tara was using her sunbeam. I created many layers of vines around us but I could begin to see a hole starting to form where Tara was shooting. Spinel and I looked each other.

Y/N: I guess this is the end.
Spinel: yeah...
Y/N: But hey! We made some great memories!
Spinel: Yeah, you're right. But, I didn't think it would end this way.
Y/N: Me neither.

Spinel then quickly hugged me tightly, I doing the same.

Spinel: You think we'll see each other again?
Y/N: I hope so.

We stood quiet, the only noise being heard was the sunbeam slowly blasting in...

Spinel: I love you...
Y/N: I love you too...

I closed my eyes, and I knew Spinel did as well. I expected the sunbeam to come I soon but I soon saw white...

3rd POV

Outside of the vine dome, everyone was screaming, trying to get out and help while Tara kept the sunbeam at them. The dome was at the brink of being blasted to ashes.

Steven: Guys! Get out of there!!

Despite everyone's yelling, the dome stayed.

Tara: C'mon Y/N! Just accept fate!!

Tara's Sunbeam was close to destroying the dome until the dome began to shine. Tara and the rest noticed this and grew confused until a bright flash escaped the dome, blinding everyone. Tara stopped her sunbeam as she tried to regain vision as well as the others. Everyone looked back once their vision was good and saw a figure standing where the dome once was. They were glowing brightly as it they seemed to be stretching their arms and yawning. The bright light soon dissipated and the figure was now visible. They looked like almost exactly like Spinel, thought with different features. Spinel's shoes were now boots but still had a spiked tip, her neck had a petal-like collar like Y/N, and the tear marks on Spinel's face were mixed with Y/N's marks as well. Noticing their gems, they were both pink and yellow. Spinel's gem was still on her chest but Y/N's was now moved to the stomach area which was also colored purple despite the rest of the pink color. Spinel's eyes were also different. One eye's iris was magenta while the left eye was E/C. And the most noticeable feature on her was a pair of vine-like arms sticking out of her back.

Everyone was stunned by the...fusion as they yawned and looked at themselves.

???: Man! Finally, I'm here! First time didn't work so I had to wait longer but man, does it feel good to be here now!!
Tara: What the?!

The fusion looked at Tara, who was confused.

Tara: Who are you supposed to be?!

The fusion then bowed.

???: The name is Kyanite! Never at your service! Hahaha!!

The fusion named Kyanite laughed before putting on a smug expression towards Tara.

Kyanite: And it seems you weren't so nice to Spinel and Y/N, much less the others, huh?
Tara: Great. A fusion. Won't stop me from destroying you!!
Kyanite: You can try!!
Tara: Gladly!

Tara was about to shoot vines towards the fusion but was interrupted.

Kyanite: Hey! How about you fight us without those vines!!

Kyanite then created a sort of pole to lean onto with the help of one of the vine-like arms on her back while giving Tara the same smug, toothy grin she gave to them.

Kyanite: Or are you scared?

Tara's eye twitched, annoyed by those words and quickly lowered to the ground.

Tara: How dare you?! I man not!!
Kyanite: Then lose the vines!
Tara: Fine!! I don't need this many vines to win!!

Tara landed on the ground and retracted all her vines back while making sure she cut the vines holding everyone else so they didn't escape. She left a few vines on her arms and formed axes.

Tara: Better?!
Kyanite: Fair enough!!
Steven: Be careful!

Steven screamed towards them while the others stood quiet. Kyanite looked towards him and waved to him.

Kyanite: Don't worry! I'll be just fine!!

Unbeknownst to the fusion, Tara took the chance to stab them while they were talking to Steven. Tara swung but Kyanite's vine-like arms grabbed onto her axes. Kyanite looked back and noticed what Tara tried to do.

Kyanite: You sly dog!

Kyanite used her leg and stretched to kick Tara, successfully kicking her pretty far.

Kyanite: You caught me monologuing!!

Tara began trying to get back up.

Kyanite: Thankfully my viney arms helped! Thanks viney arms!!

Kyanite then fistbumped their normal arms with the vine ones before turning to Tara.

Kyanite: Try again!

Tara looked at them, agitated and began charging towards them. Tara swung from the left but Kyanite stretched back from the hit. Tara formed a drill on her right hand and swung forward but Kyanite elongated her legs, making the drill go under. Tara grew tired and even more agitated.


Tara began aimlessly swing left and right, Kyanite mocking her every hit. Kyanite then lengthened her neck and threw her neck up as she did a hand stand. She began using her feet to juggle her head which had a silly look on her face as she used her hands to move away from Tara's attacks.

Kyanite: Then catch!!

Kyanite then kicked her head at Tara who caught in confusion before being kicked away. Kyanite's head fell to the ground but picked herself up and placed herself on her head again. Tara was trying to get up again as Kyanite then stood still.

Kyanite: All yours now, you two!!

Kyanite then began glowing brightly as two figures separated. Y/N and Spinel. They separated and nodded at each other before running towards Tara, readying a final blow. They created massive fists but were stopped in their tracks as Tara created vines and wrapped them around the two.

Tara: FINALLY!!!

We grew scared. After all that and we were finally caught.

Tara: You two are just annoying!! I'm ending this now!! Starting with her.

She brought Spinel closer to her as she tried to squirm. Tara made her vines show Spinel's gem and created a drill on her right arm.

Tara: Goodbye little toy!!
Y/N: No!! Let her go!!
Tara: Why? Gonna miss your little toy?
Y/N: Please, I'll do anything!!

Tara grew surprised as well as the others. Though Tara then smiled.

Tara: Anything?
Y/N: Yes!

Tara then let go of Y/N as cut off the vine holding Spinel so she wouldn't escape. She then walked towards Y/N and held her hand out to him.

Tara: Then join me! Fuse with me!!

Y/N contemplated it, afraid of what he just said before until he looked at Tara and held her hand.

Spinel: NO!!!
Lapis: Y/N don't do this!!
Garnet: Think about what you're doing!!

Y/N Looked towards them, especially towards Spinel with a sad expression.

Y/N: I'm sorry.
Tara: Good to know who you really belong with!

Tara grew a smug expression as she then held both of Y/N's hands as the two began glowing brightly. The two merged and the new figure began growing in size, getting bigger and bigger until it finally stopped growing. The figure was now the size of Diamond and the light began dissipating. The fusion had most of the same features of both Y/N and Tara except for some. Instead of two legs, there were now 4, one on each side of the body. The petal-like collar was now bigger, almost looking like a massive mane. The figure had four arms and with Tara, had long hair. The fusion looked at itself and began laughing maniacally.

???: Hahahahahahaha!!! Finally!! We are unstoppable!!! Now I can do what we were created to do! To destroy!!! Y/N and Tara are no more!!

Everyone grew afraid of what Y/N had agreed to...

Eris: Now! It's time for the spotlight to shine on me!! Eris, Destroyer of Worlds and Ruler of The Universe!!! Hahahahaha–

Eris was cut off as she then spoke differently.

Eris: NO!! You aren't doing anything!!

Eris then created a vine from her back and formed an axe. She then launched it towards Steven's vines, freeing him.

Eris: Steven! Now!! Use the communicator!!!

Steven knew that it was Y/N trying to take over the fusion and grabbed the communicator. He twisted the upper part and the communicator.

White Diamond's POV

Yellow, Blue and I stood outside waiting for the signal until Yellow's Pearl spoke.

Yellow Pearl: My Diamonds, it is activated!

We all looked up at the direction where Y/N said the planet him and the others were and aimed our hands towards that direction, a blast readying itself on each of our hands.

3rd POV

Steven began trying to free everyone as Eris began backing up away from us as it seemed Y/N and Tara were fighting for control. Soon Eris stopped and Y/N spoke.

Eris: Hey Tara! You've ever been victim to a Diamond blast?
Eris: What?

Everyone seemed to notice a shine up at the sky as bright white, blue and yellow light blasted onto Eris.


Everyone covered their eyes from the light which lasted for a good half a minute until the beam stopped. Everyone uncovered their eyes and looked where Eris used to be. All that was their now was a massive crater. Everyone was horrified. Steven looked at the communicator and realized why Y/N wanted him to activate it. For this. Everyone was cautiously walking towards the crater except for Spinel who began tearing up.

Spinel: Y/N!!!

Spinel began running towards the crater, but stopped suddenly as a hand sprang from wishing and grabbed the floor in front of Spinel. The figure then climbed weakly, revealing Y/N who had sharp teeth on one side of his mouth and some slash spots on his body. Spinel stood still before running and hugging him tightly.

Spinel: You're still alive!! Don't do that again!!

Spinel kept Y/N with her while everyone showed up with them. Steven stepped up and also noticed the new features.

Steven: Y/N, you're becoming corrupted!!
Y/N: Yeah. You think you can help?
Steven: Yeah, yeah. Just show me your gem.

Y/N walked to Steven, Spinel still clinging to him. Steven then licked his thumb and rubbed it on Y/N's gem. Y/N's corrupted features began going away fully, like it was never there.

Steven: There we go!
Y/N: Thanks.
Pearl: So what happened to–

Before Pearl could finish her sentence, a pained groan could be heard coming out of the crater. Everyone looked back and saw a figure climb out before standing up. Tara. She was limping and majorly scratched.

Tara: You haven't one yet! I-I've still got some fight in me left, you little pests!! Now die– Ack!!

Tara stopped as a thorn went through her stomach. She finally poofed and behind was peridot, holding a thorn.

Peridot: Hahahaha!!! I defeated the destroyer!!! Fear me!! Hahahaha!!!

Everyone shook their heads, silently laughing about Peridots gloating. Steven then came up to the gem and put in a bubble. He held it and turned to the others.

Steven: So what do we do with her?

Everyone was about to think but we soon heard something in the air. They all looked up and saw the Diamond's ships landing in front of everyone and the crater. Once it landed, and white orb came out of the Diamond ship and opened up, showing the Diamonds. They landed and looked at us.

White Diamond: So it seems you lived, Y/N.
Y/N: Sorry to disappoint.
Steven: Wait what?!
Y/N: I should probably explain. I made a plan with them to blast Tara and I as a last minute resort. Though it seems we lived.
Spinel: So you planned a suicide mission!?
Y/N: Hey, it worked right?
Spinel: But you could've died!!
Y/N: Yeah, I wasn't thinking right. But still, we did it.
Yellow Diamond: Do you have the other gem?
Y/N: Yeah.

Steven came up and showed them the gem inside the bubble.

White Diamond: Good. Steven, if you may.
Steven: Oh, right.

White Diamond put her hand out and Steven placed the gem on it. White Diamond gave it to Blue, who accepted.

White Diamond: We'll be sure to shatter her as soon as possible.
Steven: What?! You can't do that!!
White Diamond: We have to, Steven. She's too dangerous to be kept alive.
Steven: I'm sure she can change!! Or at least do something so she can't escape!!
Y/N: I don't know if that's a good idea–
Steven: Please, you have to trust me.

Y/N would've argued but maybe it was good to keep her alive. Maybe she could change. After all, Steven managed to turn the Diamonds good. Y/N sighed.

Y/N: Alright, I trust you. Let's keep her gem intact.
White Diamond: You can't be serious!
Steven: Please. Trust me.

White Diamond tried to argue but she knew Steven wouldn't change his mind.

White Diamond: Fine...
Bismuth: So what happens now?
Steven: We go celebrate!!

Everyone nodded but the Diamonds.

White Diamond: Steven, if I may ask. Maybe you changed your mind now about living with us?
Steven: No. I've said before, earth is where I belong.
White Diamond: Please!
Blue Diamond: Please consider it!
Steven: Ask Spinel! She'd probably accept.
White Diamond: Spinel?

Spinel was surprised by the offer again. She wanted to live with the Diamonds she did.

Spinel: Me?
White Diamond: We offered it before, didn't we?
Spinel: Are you sure?
White Diamond: Mhm!

Spinel then looked towards me before looking back again.

Spinel: Can Y/N come with?

The Diamonds grew surprised.

White Diamond: You want him to come with?
Blue Diamond: Even after what he did?
Spinel: Yes, I forgave him. Although...

Spinel then stretched her arm and booped Y/N's nose with her finger while smiling.

Spinel: He's gonna have to work some more for the rest of that forgiveness!

Y/N laughed a bit from that and smiled. The Diamonds contemplated but accepted it.

White Diamond: Alright.

Spinel then looked at me again.

Spinel: So, you on board?

Y/N began nervously rubbing his neck.

Y/N: Maybe it's best. I need to let go of the past anyways.
Spinel: Really?!

Y/N nodded as Spinel looked towards the Diamonds. As a response, White, Blue and Yellow then kneeled and began to do something I haven't seen in some time. Sing.

W,B,Y Diamond:
Come live with us in the Palace
There's a room waiting for you

Yellow Diamond: Come on!
Blue Diamond: Come on!!
White Diamond: Come on!!!

W,B,Y Diamond: Just let us adore you!

We were all surprised from the singing.

W,B,Y Diamond:
Come live with us in the Palace
There's a room waiting for you

Yellow Diamond: Come on!
Blue Diamond: Come on!!
White Diamond: Come on!!!

W,B,Y Diamond: Just let us adore you!

W,B,Y Diamond: Yes, we know that you're not her but you were hers
You know what it meant to love her
And you remind us so much of her!

Spinel looked to Y/N again, wondering if he's sure he wants to go.

Y/N: I'm right behind ya!

Spinel smiled as he looked at the Diamonds again, jumping up and down slightly in joy. She began walking towards them, Y/N following after.

Today, right here, right now
I'll love again
I've already found someone

Yellow Diamond lowered her hand to which Spinel and Y/N hopped on. Yellow then lifted them up to the others.

W,B,Y Diamond:
Come live with us in the Palace
There's a room waiting for you

Yellow Diamond: Come on!
Blue Diamond: Come on!!
White Diamond: Come on!!!

W,B,Y Diamond: Just let us adore you!

Spinel and Y/N then jumped onto White Diamonds hands. Spinel then jumped and began swing from Blue Diamond's hand.

Yes, I know that you're not her and I was hers
You know what it meant to love her
And you remind me so much of her

Spinel then jumped back on White Diamond's hands and held mine as the Diamonds stood up again. The pad under them began lifting them up towards the Diamond ship. Spinel and Y/N looked towards Steven and the rest while waving towards them before turning to each other and hugging.

W,B,Y Diamond:
Today, right here, right now

We'll love again
We've already found someone.

They soon entered the Diamond ship before rising into the air. Before it could warp away, the hands began moving before forming a heart. The ship soon warped away. Steven and the others were happy for them and began walking back home. And now marks the end of a chapter and the beginning of another story.

2/??? chapters completed.

Hopefully you like this chapter of this story and hopefully you liked the end. I will change the end if needed or at least once I get more ideas. Other than that, hope you enjoyed and with that done, this is Scout signing off! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

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