Mysterious Discovered Accepted

By balletlove

71.3K 3.8K 541

"The sweetest of smiles hold the darkest of secrets..." * * * The triplets are back! Everyone remembers the... More

Mysterious Discovered Accepted
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
The Greatest Announcement of All Time Part THREE!!!
Cover Contest Part 3
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Giveaways for all part one!
More Goodies Part Two!
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Even More Free Stuff Just For You!!
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Thunderclap Campaign

Chapter 14

1.8K 123 35
By balletlove

MDA: Ch. 14


Making sure Clarissa is ok, I bolt down the stairs as fast as I can. I recognised the daunting howl as Jett's, that information is enough to have me on the verge of tears. I swear, if Axel has done anything stupid to hurt my sons...

I burst through the door, my eyes instantly going to the two black wolves. I gasp in horror when the one that is bloody and unmoving shifts into Jett. What- How- Did Axel- I release a sob and fall to my knees, tears streaming down my face. Oh my poor baby...

"Mum! Mum, are you ok?" Dylan asks, rushing over to me. I cry out when I see his state. He has claw marks going right down his face, I don't know if they're shallow enough not to scar though. I wrap my arms around him tightly and clench my eyes shut. This can not be happening...

Hearing another growl, I snap my eyes open, holding Dylan close to me as a motherly instinct. What adores my eyes has me crying out in happiness and relief. I watch as the dark brown wolf throws Axel of off a limp and bleeding Jett, growling at him fiercely. Before Axel can even respond to the attack, a blonde coloured wolf attacks him from behind. The dark brown wolf quickly jumps on top of him as well. They know they don't strand a chance against him, so they've gone for the next best thing, holding him down.

Seeing that Axel is about to throw them off, I gently unwrap my arms from Dylan and shift into my white wolf. I dive my own self on top of all three of them, making sure that Axel knows it's me. He wouldn't dare throw me off, not if he knows what's good for him. Although, he has injuried both our sons badly and has broken our daughters heart. I wouldn't be surprised.

'Axel, calm down.' I plead with him through the link. Axel struggles for a little while longer before finally sagging under the weight of three fully grown wolves. I sigh in relief and jump of him, the blonde and dark brown wolf following me.

I quickly run into the house and grab two dresses and two pairs of shorts. I shift and pull one dress on before practically sprinting out the door again to give them to the others. I give Axel a sharp look to go change, to which he sulks off behind a tree.

'Doctor Aileen?' I call through the link, rushing over to Jett. There's so much blood... Dylan's already beside him, applying pressure to the wound. He looks at me reassuringly, but I know my own son. If anything, he's trying to reassure himself. That's just Dylan though, looking out for the likes of others. If he was a girl, he would make an awesome Luna.

'Yes Luna?' I hear the familiar voice of doctor Aileen reply.

'I need you here ASAP. Jett's hurt.' I weep to her. She replies hastily, telling me she's on her way over.

"Dylan, take Jett to the living room. Keep applying pressure to the wound, we're lucky it's not too deep." I whisper sadly. Deep or not, Axel was still the cause and this is one thing I'm not going to let him live down. He's going to have to beg and plead with me for forgiveness. Dylan nods quickly and carries Jett as carefully as he can.


I freeze at the sound of the familiar nickname. I slowly turn around and come face to face with an almost black eyed man with dark brown hair, a warm smile gracing his face. A massive smiles splits across my face, even with the circumstances.

"Comrade." I whisper. I waste no time running up to him and engulfing him in my arms. He accepts me with his arms wide open, locking them around my waist.

Absolute happiness consumes me in this single moment. I forget about the rouges, the letters, Lionel, my broken hearted daughter, my injured sons, my husbands betrayal, and only focus on the feeling of utter safety and contentment right at this given moment. I'm wrapped in the arms of Comrade, my guardian and best friend, who I haven't seen in just under a year. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"I missed you, Snow." Comrade whispers in my ear, holding me even tighter.

"Couldn't have missed me more than I missed you. I also apologise in advance for any pain I may have caused you over the past year." I mumble half heartedly, remembering some of my baking fails. Comrade chuckles at me and pulls back, his arms still locked around my waist. I stare into those dark and mysterious eyes, remembering the first time I ever saw them. They gave me comfort and still do.

"Excuse me? Actual mate over here." An amused voice says from behind Comrade. Comrade spins around with me still in his arms, so I crane my neck around to peer at the voice.

"Alex!" I squeal in delight, bursting out of Comrade's hold to engulf Alex in my arms. Alex and I had become really close over the years, much like Chloe and I when we were younger. Which reminds me, I must call her and ask how Russia is. She's been traveling the world for the past 17 years and has been loving it. She been helping out in poorer countries, donating this and that. She's only come back once, but it was a two day thing. After that, she whisked herself off to Asia. That was about five years ago.

"Alex, I've missed you so much!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her tighter. Alex chuckles at me and hugs me back.

"I've missed you to, Celina. It's been a while." She says still amused. I pull back and glare at her playfully from an arms length.

"A while? 10 months is more like it!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up in the air. Both Comrade and Axel chuckle at me as Comrade walks over and wraps his arms around Alex's waist from behind, resting his hands on her stomach.

It's then that I realise the slightest bump that Alex is sporting. My mouth drops wide open as I point and stare. She's either gained weight, which I doubt, or is pregnant. Comrade sends me a grin and says cheekily, "Surprise."

"You're pregnant!" I yell in utter shock, my eyes locking with Comrades. He places a hand to his heart and gives me one of those sarcastic, heart felt looks.

"Snow, I'm honoured that you think I'm pregnant. If only I could go through the wonderful stage of child birth. Unfortunately, my dear mate here gets to do that." Comrade states with a grin, earning an elbow to the stomach by Alex. I giggle and shake my head.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys." I proudly say, giving them a large smile. Alex opens her mouth to say something, but quickly shuts it when her eyes lock onto something behind me. I furrow my eyebrows and turn around. Axel stands stiffly behind me, his eyes never leaving mine. Just like that, the betrayal, anguish and disappointment comes rushing back into my system and I remember my half dead son in the living room.


"Don't. I don't want to hear it. I don't want you anywhere near the triplets for the rest of the day." I announce, cutting off whatever apology or accusation Axel was about to say. I am not in the mood for him right now and I don't think I will be for a long time.

I turn back around to face Comrade and Alex and give them a tight lipped smile. I gesture to the door and lead us all inside. Doctor Aileen must have come through the other door because she's already tending to Jett, looking very concentrated on her work.

"Is he ok?" I whisper, taking a seat on the floor near his head and running a hand through his hair.

"He's lost a lot of blood. Thankfully, the bite wound wasn't too deep, so I was able to stitch it up. However, because of the blood loss, he won't be waking up for a day or two. Nothing to worry about though, Luna." Doctor Alison says reassuringly. I take a deep breath and nod my head, forcing a smile.

I lift my eyes from Jett's pale face to the doorway, making sure that Comrade and Alex had come in. Unfortunately, my eyes lock onto Axel's silver ones. I grit my teeth as I glare fiercely at him. I've given him a warning, does he really want to push it?

"Get out." I growl. Axel doesn't doesn't need to told twice, he just walks straight out, leaving me with a such a broken look that I hear my wolf whine.

'Stop it. He's practically broken all three of our children in a time span of 20 minutes. He deserves what he's getting.' I snap back at her. My wolf grumbles something, but stays quiet. Honestly, I'm more disappointed than angry with him. He let his wolf take control, which he never does, and it ended badly for all of us. He should've known better than to do that. Then there's the situation with Clarissa... Ok, that I'm very angry at him for. He was fully in control when he forbid her from staying away from Lionel and he had no right to do that! She's his mate!

"Celina, you're shaking." Alex points out suddenly. I suck in a breath and blink my eyes rapidly, trying to get my anger under control. When I do after a few minutes, I give her a sheepish smile to which she returns with a sad one.

"So where's the princess?" Comrade suddenly asks, obviously trying lift up the mood. If anything, it brings it down.

"She's, uh..." I mummer quietly, looking down at the carpet. How do you explain to your guardian and best friend that your mate practically forbid your daughter from seeing her mate because he's a rouge and broke her heart and spirit in the process?

"She's right here." A weak voice mutters from the doorway. I snap my head up, wincing when I hear a crack. I lift myself up from the floor and walk over to my daughter. She looks terrible. I left her alone for a what, 10 minutes? She looks awful! Her skin's paler than normal and her eyes are sunken in with dark circles underneath them. Not only that, but her body seems to be getting weaker, which means her wolf is taking the toll for Axel's words. I have no doubt that Lionel is feeling it also. Probably not to the extent Clarissa is feeling it, but he'll feel a restraint when trying to get close to her.

"Clarissa, why are you out of bed?" I ask concerned. Clarissa smiles softly at me and points to Comrade. I shift my eyes to him confused. What has Comrade got to do with anything?

"I heard my favorite uncle's voice and decided to come say hello." She mutters weakly, leaning heavily against the wall with her eyes half closed. I sigh, but give her a small smile anyway.

"Well, I'm sure uncle Comrade and auntie Alex will be happy to talk to you, princess, but maybe while you're in bed." I advise. I gesture Comrade over, Alex following closely behind him with a worried look directed towards Clarissa.

Before I can even open my mouth to ask Comrade, he beats me to it, "Yes, I'll take Clarissa back to bed. Calm down, Snow."

I give Comrade a grateful look and relax slightly. I hug Clarissa gently and whisper in her ear, "Get some rest."

* * *


I sigh contently as uncle Comrade places me softly in my bed. I swear, my bed has never felt so good. Uncle Comrade smiles at me, but even I can see the pain reflected through it.

"Clarissa, what happened?" Uncle Comrade asks quietly, taking a seat in the chair beside my bed while auntie Alex sits at my desk chair.

I sigh, resting my arm over my eyes. I feel like crap and it's been less than half an hour since dad said what he did. I don't really have the strength, or want, to repeat what he said, his words just bring too much pain. Who knew something verbal could inflict such tremendous physical pain?

"Can you ask mum? I don't really have the energy right now." I say quietly. I don't see it, but I have a feeling uncle Comrade nods his head.

"Jeez girl, if I didn't know any better, I would say your mate rejected you." Alex mutters from across the room, totally oblivious to the situation but almost spot on. I feel tears prick at my eyes as I take a shaky breath.

"Something like that." I mummer, not meaning for anyone to hear. Sadly, auntie Alex and uncle Comrade are werewolves, so they hear loud and clear.

"Oh honey, don't tell me..." Auntie Alex trails off, sending me a look of sympathy after I remove my arm from my face. The tears threaten to fall, but I hold them in. I'm not going to cry over this because I'm gonna fix it. Dad can't keep me away from Lionel forever... If he tries too, well, then he's gonna lose a daughter.

"Honey, just tell me who it is and I'll go and kick them hard in the balls for you, free of charge." Auntie Alex says in all seriousness. I laugh slightly at her words while I shake her head. She cracks a smile, seeming happy that I'm smiling.

"It's not like that auntie Alex, it's more like... I don't even know. Just ask mum." I groan, feeling down in the dumps once again. I must be getting close to my period because these mood swings are just getting annoying.

"Can you at least tell us who the lucky guy is?" Uncle Comrade asks with his usual cheeky grin. I've grown accustomed to it since I was little. I've always loved having uncle Comrade around, he's like a second dad to me. As for auntie Alex, she raised me and the boys when mum and dad couldn't. She's like my older sister if anything.

"His name's Lionel Lockhart." I whisper with a smile, feeling happy just saying his name out loud after everything that's happened today. Auntie Alex squeals and starts asking me questions like what's he like and his appearance, does he have a big family, have we done the infamous it? I cringed at that question. Uncle Comrade nearly choked on his spit and fell off his chair which was quite funny. He then commented about he, and I quote, "didn't need to know about that shit." Then he started apologising about swearing in front of me. 

"I swear I've heard that name before..." I hear uncle Comrade mutter when auntie Alex finally stops talking. I forgot how much she can talk.

"That's funny, mum said the same thing." I inform him quietly. I must admit, I'm really sleepy and not really paying attention. Uncle Comrade seems to notice because he smiles and tucks me in under the covers.

"Get some sleep, Clarissa." Uncle Comrade whispers, giving me a light kiss on the head. I hum in response before slipping into sleep.


Hello lovelies! Second chapter of the day, albeit, a bit late. Unless you live on the other side of the world, then probably not. I only have like two hours left of the 5th here... Anyway! I hoped you enjoyed it!

Please vote, comment and share! Only 11 days to go until I have to have this book finished! Ahh!

Love ya

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