Daily Bible Readings

By PeculiarJods

9.2K 447 71

Throughout history, God has called His people to a deeper spiritual experience and renewed commitment to live... More

What Does the Bible Teaches About Grace?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Fear?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Love for God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Faith?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Wisdom?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Hope?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Holy Spirit?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Salvation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Jesus Christ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Creation of Man?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Who Wrote the Bible?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Death?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Worship?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Loving Your Neighbour?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Love of Money?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Abiding in the Holy Spirit?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the God's Unfailing Strength?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Who God Wants to be Saved?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Holy Spirit Praying?
What Does the Bible Teaches About What God Wants to do for us?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Sabbath day?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Free Will?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Prayer?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Compassion?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Reconciliation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Sin (Part 1)?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Character of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Being Born Again?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Loving the World?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Confession?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Eternal Life?
What Does the Bible Teaches About how God Will Make us Clean?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Peace (Part 1)?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Seeking God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Riches?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Wicked?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Eyes of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Day of the Lord (Judgment Day)
What Does the Bible Teaches About Prayer?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Creation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About God Being One?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Word of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Salvation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Spirit of Truth?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the State of the Dead?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Living?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Hope for Sinners?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Temptation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Test of Character?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Time of Trouble?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Record Books in Heaven?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Wrath of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Gods Covenant With His People?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Tithes and Offerings?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Heart?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Brokenness?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Patience?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Endurance?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Angels?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Angel of the Lord?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Prophecy?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Heaven?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Hell?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Sin Not Rising a Second Time?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Kingdom of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Jesus Christ as our High Priest
What Does the Bible Teaches About We Are All Created Equal?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Oppression?
What Does the Bible Teaches About God is no Respecter of Persons?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Justice and Judgement?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Mercy?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Righteousness by Faith?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Hope?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Resurrection?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Baptism?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Fall of Man?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Sabbath?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Reward of the Wicked?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Satan, his Angels and Followers?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Meek?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Sacrifice?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Ten Commandments
What Does the Bible Teaches About Marriage?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Reward of the Righteous?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Jesus as our Judge?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Judging Others?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Condition of the Heart?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Obedience?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Lord, God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Eternal Life?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Love?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Glory of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Divorce?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Waiting on God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About God Giving a New Heart and Spirit?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Abominations?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Six Things God Hate?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Fasting and Prayer?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Fruit of the Spirit?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Peace ( Part 2)?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Armour of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Signs of Jesus's Return?
What Does the Bible Teaches About our Warfare?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Wisdom?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Last Solemn Warning?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Health ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Knowledge and Understanding?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Children?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Suffering?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Witnessing?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Soul Winning?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Christ Method of Soul Winning?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Intercessory Prayer?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Seal of God?
What Does The Bible Teaches About Sin (Part 2)?
What Does The Bible Teaches About Pride?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Satan's Wrath?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Law of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Gifts of the Holy Spirit/ Spiritual Gifts?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Plan of Salvation?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Self?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Godliness?
What Does the Bible Teaches About LOVE/ Charity?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Sanctification?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Idolatry?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Thanksgiving?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Studying the Bible and the Benefits?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Praise to God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About What We Should Think About?
What Does the Bible Teaches About the Mind?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Chastisement from God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Friendship?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The World?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Unity?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Curse?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Lust?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Fornication?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Adultery?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Blessings?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Murder?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Victory in Jesus Christ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Healing?
What Does the Bible Teaches About The Promises of God?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Fools and Foolishness ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Repentance?
What Does the Bible Teaches About God's Beauty?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Submission?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Belief?
What Does the Bible Teaches About God's Final Appeal?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Joy?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Imitating Jesus Christ?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Humility?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Holiness?
What Does the Bible Teaches About Courage?

What Does the Bible Teaches About Rejoicing in God's Word?

3 0 0
By PeculiarJods

(Jeremiah 15:16 KJV) Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.

(Psalms 119:162, 164 KJV) I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil. Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments.

(Philippians 2:16 KJV) Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

(Psalms 20:5 KJV) We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the LORD fulfil all thy petitions.

(Habakkuk 3:18 KJV) Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

(Psalms 70:4 KJV) Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified.

(Isaiah 25:9 KJV) And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

(Zephaniah 3:17 KJV) The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

(Isaiah 62:5 KJV) For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.


There is constant need of patience, gentleness, self-denial, and self-sacrifice in the exercise of Bible religion. But if the Word of God is made an abiding principle in our lives, everything with which we have to do, each word, each trivial act, will reveal that we are subject to Jesus Christ, that even our thoughts have been brought into captivity to Him. If the Word of God is received into the heart, it will empty the soul of self-sufficiency and self-dependence. Our lives will be a power for good, because the Holy Spirit will fill our minds with the things of God. The religion of Christ will be practiced by us; for our wills are in perfect conformity to the will of God. YRP 116.2 by Ellen G White.


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♥️ Jods

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