Royal Games

By csutcliffebooks

2K 239 90

After a failed assassination attempt, a princess leaves her life in a magical world to live a normal life amo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 2

124 14 3
By csutcliffebooks

Author's notes:

If you're confused at any point in this story, please leave a review to let me know. Creating a fantasy world can become a little complicated, so I just want to make sure my readers fully understand what's going on. If you point anything out to me, check back a few days later and the story should have been edited for clarity.

"We cannot renegotiate all our trade agreements. It would mess up our relationships with multiple other kingdoms and we cannot afford that. We are a small kingdom that could easily be integrated under the reign of another kingdom. Let us not give anyone a reason to be rid of us." My dad says. I'm sat in a meeting with his council, discussing things that will very soon be irrelevant to me.

"But it is not sustainable the amount we are trading. Our production is struggling to keep up with all the demands for exports, and if we don't send things out, we won't get anything sent in return." The woman sat to my right says.

"I am well aware." My father replies. "That is why we must increase our own production. Longer hours and more workers unless anyone comes forward with any new machinery to speed things up. But those adverts have turned up nothing in over a year, which is why we are still debating the way forward now. You are all dismissed, except Alyssa."

"Your Majesty." Everyone says in unison as they stand and bow. They all file out of the room, leaving just me and my dad.

"I heard what happened between you and your brother yesterday." He says. "I expect better from both of you. The guards posted outside your rooms could hear enough of the conversation to tell me what it was about."

I hang my head. "I'm sorry father. I will try harder to get along with him."

"I vaguely recall you saying the exact same thing after that shouting match in the library only a few months ago." He sighs. "You've never gotten along very well. I don't expect you to become best friends overnight, just ignore each other if you can't be civil. Better that than the guests arriving this week hear the two of you at each other's throats."

"I tried, but it's not easy to ignore him when he bursts into my rooms unannounced and tries to control my future."

"I have already had words with him about that this morning. He is aware that your future is up to me, you, and your mother, but not him. But one more altercation between the two of you this week and I will not let you go to Earth this year. Next year I would review my decision, but I will not budge about this. Prove to me that you are mature enough for university."

"Yes father."

He reaches out suddenly to hold my hands in his. "There is a traitor in our midst. I don't know who, or what they are planning, but I do know that there are people who have knowledge they should not. Me and your mother confirmed it last night after dinner, and I informed your brother this morning. This stays within our family until we know more. Trust no one, Alyssa. Stay safe."

"This won't affect my leaving, will it?" I ask about a lesser possible consequence to avoid the topic of more sinister intentions.

"No. In a worst case scenario, you would be much safer far away from here."

"How do we catch the traitor?"

"As things are, I'm afraid it won't be possible. The traitor is too cunning, too practiced. It is possible they have been operating for years. We may need to set a trap; give them an irresistible opportunity for secrets that will lure them out of hiding. But you need not worry about that. All I want you to do is keep your wits about you. And no more shouting about anything unannounced." By 'unannounced', I know he's referring to how the renouncement of my title will be made at my birthday ball.

"As you wish father." I stand to curtsey and take the fact that he says nothing else as permission to leave.

But, with my hand on the doorknob, he says his parting words. "Do not disappoint me."

His words echo in my head as I walk down the corridors.

I will not let you go. There is a traitor. Trust no one. Do not disappoint me.

I don't know how to react to it all. On the one hand, I'm more determined to please my parents. But, on the other hand, I'm scared, worried and paranoid about the traitor. It's too overwhelming to think about all at once.

Considering the past 24 hours, I decide to go to the training room to blow off some steam. I make a quick stop on the way to change from a dress into workout clothes.

When I get to the training room, I'm pleased to recognise Liam's shaggy hazelnut hair in the center sparring ring. He's been one of my personal guards for a little over a year and is the only one who treats me like any other person. The other guards are all too formal for my liking. Liam's actually become one of my few friends. He's currently sparring with one of my mum's guards.

"Hey, Liam." I call out. Since his back is to me, he's caught off guard by my voice. In his momentary pause, his opponent manages to knock him to the ground with a swift kick. A sword is suddenly at Liam's throat.

"Good match." He says to the guard holding the sword, who helps him back up to his feet. I'm laughing as Liam turns towards me. "You messed that up for me!" His tone is mock accusative. "I could've won if you didn't distract me."

"You mean if you were better at ignoring distractions you could've won."

"Good to see you too Alyssa."

"Fancy a round against me?" I go over to the rack of sparring swords; blunt but still possible to cut someone with.

"Your family getting on your nerves again?" His previous sparring partner sits on a bench, presumably to watch us in the ring.

"You could say that." I jump into the ring, sword in hand, and get into a defensive stance. Liam copies suit and we begin circling.

"I was outside your room yesterday when your brother showed up." He lunges for me and I block his sword with my own. Metal clangs as our swords clash a few times in quick succession.

"You didn't tell my father, did you?" I try swooping my sword low, but he blocks me again.

"Of course not. It wasn't me who told him." I block another of his attacks. "But there were two others, so I don't know who it was."

I feint right, but he doesn't fall for it. For a minute, the only sounds are our heavy breathing and the ringing of metal against metal.

"I know you wouldn't do any of what your brother thinks you will at university." Liam says. "He has a point about the family image, but he also made it clear he doesn't really know you."

"Thanks, Liam." I pant. "What would you say if..."

I shriek as something falls between us. We both jump back as glass shatters. One piece grazes my calf. Two scratches appear on Liam's leg. Luckily, only a small amount fell. Upon closer inspection, it seems to be a bulb from the chandelier overhead.

"A bulb shouldn't fall if it's fitted properly." Liam comments. He sounds as suspicious as I feel.

"I'll make sure someone checks over all the light fittings." I decide not to reply about the irregularity of the incident.

"I think I should walk you back to your rooms, Alyssa." He sounds concerned.

"Stay with me when we get there. I'll have a healer examine both of our legs."

"I'd rather not intrude."

"You really should learn to accept an offer for help." I put my sword away and begin to walk away.

He follows close behind me. "I'll stay, but only because it's you."

As we leave the room, I notice the guard who Liam was sparring with before is gone.

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