Bakugou's a top.....Right ????

By sleepylepleb

146K 2.8K 2.1K

This is an older version of this book and therefore an older version of my writing read with that in mind ple... More

They're Dating?
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
420 is h e r e
420 c o n t i n u e s
Ending Intermisson

Chapter 3

15.4K 327 662
By sleepylepleb

Mina: la Gasp Iida?! How come? did you Find evidence? Yessss
Now everyone will have to give both of us money lol also Mineta called earlier And said He also Says he thinks Bakugous A Bakubottom weird right?! Oooo the face they're gonna make when they have to give all three of us Money!!!!
Iida honestly just called to tell Mina that he found Bakugou in unusual Clothing As he wondered if Mina has seen him in such Entire before, he feels like he should be reprimanding her but hey $20 doesn't sound that bad

Mina Put down her phone shes so winning that bet

In Katsuki dorm
"Kat..Kat you awake?"
Deku and Katsuki had been Cuddling For 30 minutes now
Katsuki grumbled
"C'monnn Kacchan we I wanna get goo outttt" Deku poured and Katsuki turned over
"You'll be outside plenty on tomorrows school trip"
"But I don't want wait-"
"Well shut up and deal with it"

*time skip*
Because I ran out of Ideas so I skipped to my it real Idea-

"Wake up Kacchan!-"
Kacchan Groaned They had spent the rest of the. Day watching Youtub and Shit
Katsuki turned around he had in a a Pinkie pie Jumper on
(Can you tell I like Dressing Katsuki up?)

"Fineeee will eat at the mall then.."
Although Deku poured at this he still Excitedly Picked up Katsuki and lead him to the Bathe because you guessed it no one was there


Uhhh lime? I think someone needs to properly educate me one the fruit chart I only know Smut, fluff, and A vague Understanding of the fruit chart

Katsuki had been sitting in Midoriyas Lap his hands around Katsukis Waist as he had his Face buried in his Neck

"Stop Cuddling and shit and let me Batheee"
"I Know you like this you can bathe when everyone Comes lets just enjoy while they arn't here"
Katsuki huffed knowing he was right he Could feel his Dick rubbing against his Ass he didn't know If the Nerd was doing this in Purpose Or If he even knew he was doing this but He dispised him for it

Katsuki grumbled blushing Deku looked up at his blushing face before looking down seeing his problem he got a light blush on his face before Chuckling

"Is this your Problem?" As Deku Said that he Suttlely Moved Katsuki causing his Dick to rub against his Ass even more
Katsuki's Face Got even Redder as he buried his Face in his Hands


Katsuki instantly Jumped of Dekus lap
At the new Arrival

Kaminari Looked around
"Ooooooooooo I see what's going on here Just save it for The bedroom"
As Sero and the if he boys piled in

Kaminari Looked over to the Deku
"And Midoriya I have Anal cream in my room just in case"

Some of the boys snickered as Midoriya's Blush intensified but not becaus if that Because of the Thought Of Applying that the Kacchan
Clearly if they saw Kacchans face they'd think otherwise about who the cream should really go to

Just As Katsuki got out of the water Snapping Midoriya out of this Thoughts to see Iida Reprimimding the Other Boys about there behaviour while also giving Midoriya a knowing look
"Oh-" was Midoriyas only thought before hearing Kaminari blurt out he was only saying.

Katsuki finally started Actually Washing as Midoriya stopped looking around and started following suit

Can you tell In inspiration hit me at this part ^

Katsuki was back in his room again he looked in the side of the closet people would see cause he clearly can't keep the Cute stuff were people could see not that he would let people other that Izuku in his room he took out some black ripped jeans as well as A Orange shirt that's had A white Ckull in front of it similar to his other shirt he normally weres out but a different Colour
He pulled in Some red Sneakers as Izuku Pulled into his room

Wearing a Mint Green and White Stripped sweater with a white collar
As well had Knee long White jeans And a mint Green Barret
They both laughed at Each other's outfits it at this point unusual For them to see each other like that
"Cmon Kacchan everyone's waiting outside!"
"Im coming Nerd!"


This was supposed to be a One-shot but that clearly isn't happening
Sorry for being so long But I really didn't have much inspriration as I said earlier it was originally a One shot but here's a new chapter and I'll try to Do the other chapter

Have a Froppy day!

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