My Best Mistake | Bret Hart x...

By Wrestling_xxx

6K 44 58

"i've made a lot of mistakes in my life and you just happened to one of them." "rose, i-" she silenced him wi... More

{ CAST }
prologue: i'm done
one: what friends are for
two: oh, it's you... again
four: a friendly "hangout"

three: his wonder woman

698 5 3
By Wrestling_xxx

Rose's Point of View

three: his wonder woman
date: the day of summerslam '95

(let's just take a quick moment to appreciate our queen ^)


"Alright Kid, just remember. Go out there and do your best!" I encouraged my little Kliq brother, Sean Waltman, as he warmed up for his match since he was the opening act for the show.

"Thanks Rose." He gave me a quick hug, before Hunter walked him out of the dressing room and over towards the gorilla area.

I smiled, before continuing to apply my makeup for tonight's show.

The guys knew about the entire plan with Bret that was set for tonight, but they weren't exactly fond of it.

... And to be honest, neither was I.

Although he and I hit it off pretty well considering the circumstances of our relationship as peers, I did not want Bret or myself to cross the boundary.

We were only talking for work, that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

However, even though I'll be involved with Bret's match, I'm still going to be in Scott's corner since I'm his valet or as you know, his manager.

Speaking of that, all my Kliq brothers have matches tonight, and I couldn't be more proud of them all, especially good ol Kevin Nash.

Not only was Kevin apart of SummerSlam, he was the main event.

Anyways, about the matches...

Currently, Sean is fighting a wrestler named Hakushi. Hakushi was one of the most interesting competitors I've seen. But, Sean is a damn good in the ring and I'm confident he'll do great.

Then, after a couple of segments and other matches, Hunter finally makes his pay-per-view debut against Bob Sparkplug Holly, which I'm also very confident he'll win.

Then, Shawn and Scott are fighting each other in a ladder match, and I couldn't be more nervous. Although I knew they both weren't that stupid to seriously hurt each other, it was just that unpredictability factor when it came to ladder matches.

Finally, it's Kevin against King Mable for the Main Event of SummerSlam. I was overjoyed with happiness for my friend, and who wouldn't be? Kevin worked so hard to be where he is and I couldn't be more proud of him.

"Jesus, why do women wear so much makeup?" I looked up, to see Kevin rolling his eyes at me with a smirk.

"Oh c'mon Kevy, don't be a dick." I pouted, putting my lipstick away. "If I'm going to have to save Bret, I need to make sure I don't look like a trash bag at least. Don't you agree?"

"You're perfect the way you are. Stop trying to be something you're not. I hate that more than anything." Kevin said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Ha," I laughed, packing up my makeup bag. "I wish I was perfect."

"Oh stop! You know you are." Kevin shook his head.

"Why thank you, Big Daddy."

"Anytime, princess."

"You two are like the father and daughter of the locker rooms." Scott laughed, greasing up his hair for the upcoming segements he had.

"Cut me some slack, you sleazy motherfucker." I rolled my eyes at the self proclaimed Bad Guy, shooing him with my hand.

"It ain't easy being sleazy." Scott remarked back, smirking at me.

"You're such a dumbass." Kevin said.

"Aren't we all." I laughed.

"So Rosie Posie," Shawn got up from his seat and strutted over to me. "Are you ready to save good ol Bret Hart?"

"If I must," I replied dramatically.

"I wish Vince didn't do this to you. I know you'll be uncomfortable." I saw the frown on Kevin's face, and I let a soft grin appear on my lips.

"I'll be fine, Kev. It's only a simple action. Besides, if it means I'll get paid more money, then I'm for it." I said as I shrugged carelessly. "Besides, Bret should know by now that the only reason I'm talking to him is for the business, not because I want to."

"She's got the spunk." Scott smirked, grabbing his black vest.

"Learned from the best." I cackled.

"Which is me," Shawn said proudly.

"No, me!" Scott argued back.

"It was clearly me, you pricks." Kevin added on, swatting at both Shawn and Scott with an eye roll.

"Children, I'm surrounded by some fucking children." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways," Scott coughed. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to film a promo against you, Michaels."

"Bring it on," Shawn smirked cockily.

Scott rolled his eyes, before leaving the dressing room to shoot the promo.

"Alright guys, I think I'm going to have a quick talk with Sherri." Shawn said as he began heading for the door. "I haven't seen my girl all day."

I smiled softly, happy for my friend.

You see, Shawn and Sherri were one of kind, and the perfect match. Vince wanted Shawn to have a manager in his early days after The Rockers split up, so he sent in Sensational Sherri Martel, who was the definition of a tough and beautiful woman.

Sherri had managed a lot of guys, and one of those guys just happened to be the one and only, Macho Man, Randy Savage. So it was safe to say that she was seasoned when it came to being a manager and valet to some of the best talents of the entire World Wrestling Federation roster, and the wrestling business if we're being honest.

In the beginning, Shawn didn't want a manager. It wasn't because of Sherri or anything like that, but Shawn felt like he didn't need a manager.

But once he met Sherri Martel, things changed quick, real quick.

Shawn hates admitting it, but Sherri really boosted his career and helped him become the successful wrestler he is today in the wwf.

And even if their relationship was written off TV, things between Shawn and Sherri weren't finished in real life just yet... Trust me.

Shawn actually asked Sherri out, and Sherri easily said yes.

I mean c'mon, who'd reject Shawn?

Well, I would... But that's a story for another time folks.

Anyway, the two are happy together and I believe sometime soon Shawn would love to propose to her, and you better believe I'll help him pick the perfect ring for her.

As for my friendship with Sherri, I cherish it. Sherri was there for me a lot when I went through it with Bret and our messy break up back in 1993.

I know I never went into detail much about their relationship, but I did now and that's all that matters!

But either way, I'm thankful for Sherri and I couldn't be happier for her and Shawn, and I wished them nothing but the absolute best.

"See ya," I waved at Shawn as he left the dressing room, which left me and Kevin all alone. I smirked and took a seat beside Diesel.

"So, you ready for your match tonight as the main event?" I looked at him with a happy smile. "It's definitely a big step but I'm proud of you. You earned it and worked so hard."

"Thanks, Rosie. But honestly, I'm not too excited. I mean, it's a huge step and I'm thankful for it, but I don't know. Some people have said that I don't work hard enough and that it was all handed to me, which is far from the truth." Kevin said gently.

I sighed softly, before giving Kevin a raised brow. "Kevin motherfucking Nash, Big Daddy Cool Diesel, when in the hell did you start giving a fuck about whatever people think of you?"

Kevin laughed softly, before he let a smile escape his lips. "I don't know. I never have. But I just want to prove that I belong here and that I earned this main event spot. You know?"

"I get it," I shook my head. "But if the people or anybody here thinks that you are not worthy of being the main event or even being included in the pay-per-view, then tell them to fuck right off. Vince sees something in you and is giving you the props that you worked your ass off for, and that's all that matters. Right?"

Kevin smiled, "Right."

"Alrighty well I'm going to go see if I can find Mr. Canada or Vince so we can run through of how this plan or rescue mission is supposed to go." I yawned, sighing.

"Alright. Be careful and if you need anything, just-"

"Come back here and tell you." I finished Kevin's sentence before he could finish, grinning.

"Thatta girl." Kevin smirked.

I chuckled, before leaving the dressing room, as I began walking down the hall towards Vince's main office where he held meetings.

A lot of thoughts ran through my mind about tonight because in simple words, I'm basically saving my ex who cheated on me after six years of us being together as one.

I know yesterday Vince talked about a possible storyline for myself and for Bret, but I really hope he wasn't too invested or serious in the idea.

I know Bret wouldn't be that difficult to work with, but still. Sometimes the Canadian could be the most stubborn asshole on the planet and sometimes he's brutally honest with no filter.

I continued walking towards Vince's office, until I felt a rough shoulder hit with mine, causing me to stumble.

"I'm sor-"

"Watch where you're going, freak!"

I recognized the voice instantly.


"Oh Sunny, what a surprise." I began with a smirk, eyeing her.

Sunny scoffed at me, "You still look like shit, Rose. Have you been eating less or barfing more?"

"Barfing more." I said, looking at her with disgust. "I mean, how could I not barf around you? You bitch."

"Well this bitch took your little Bretty Boo if I remember." Sunny cackled.

I glared at her in response, balling my fists. "You must feel proud of that,"

"Oh, I am." Sunny grinned. "Everyday because you see Rose, I got everything I wanted. Like they always say,"

She paused again, smirking.

"Whatever Sunny wants, Sunny will get." She said, before giving me a nice fake smile, and looking me in the eye.

"It's funny," I laughed. "You slept with almost the entire roster. So how dare you say you worked for your career and accomplishments."

Sunny chuckled, "Me? No. As a matter of fact, Rosie, you slept and continue to sleep around with The Kliq. So do not call me a hoe, understand?"

I smirked evilly at her as my eyes narrowed. "No Sunny, I'm not a hoe."

"Mmm, yes you are." She replied.

"No, listen," I paused for a moment as my heart jumped. "The only man I ever dared to open my legs for was Bret The Hitman Hart. He was first, and my last. I gave him my virginity."

I almost was in shock about how powerful and strong I sounded.

Sunny laughed though, of course.

"How pathetically cute," She spat.

"Bret was the one man I loved with all of my heart. He was mine, my love, but you took that away from me." I said in hatred, glaring hard at the blonde in front of my eyes, trying not to lose it.

Sunny laughed, before strutting away.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game."

I growled, now shaking with anger.

"Hey, Rose!"

I bit my lip, turning around only to see the familiar face of Bertha Faye, a wrestler who I used to talk all of the time until she took time off of work because of injury.

Bertha was a good woman, and nice to everyone in the locker room. She was also great in the ring, but people always overlooked her because of her size and because of the embarrassing gimmick Vince made her do.

That's what I hated about Vince; he always, and I mean always tried to mock Women's Wrestling and the women wrestlers.

So for Bertha, this was the case.

But you know what, Bertha always made it work and did her best, and that's what I admired.

She went out there and gave every performance her all, as best as she could. She may not be as great as the other talent, but she tried, and that's what was admirable.

"Oh, hi Bertha." I said plainly, having no interest in conversation.

"You seem off today," Bertha said as she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Well, you'd be off too if some broad took the one thing that made happy and now rubbed it in your face after two years, when now you have to go out and rescue him tonight." I huffed.

"Woah, slow down there Rosie. Take a deep breath." Bertha expressed.

I did a dramatic deep breath, making Bertha roll her eyes. "There, happy?"

"Rose, talk to me," Bertha said in a serious tone. "You don't have to be scared. I'm here for you."

"I'm not scared. I'm just pissed." I said.

"I know, and it's better to let your emotions out instead of holding them all in your heart. Holding all of your emotions and feelings in like that is just a key to self destruction." Bertha reported to me.

"Yeah yeah," I brushed her off.



Bertha and I turned around, only to see Bret coming to us.

"Oh, it's loverboy." Bertha grinned.

I rolled my eyes as Bret appeared.

You see, Bertha never knew Bret and I broke up, even though I bashed him in a lot of interviews.

When Bret and I were a couple, she always was one of our biggest and I mean biggest, supporters.

"Hey Bertha," He greeted with a grin.

"Bret," Bertha smiled back.

"Um, Rose... Could I-"

"No no, I'll leave. I'll give you guys your personal space. Catch up with you later, Rose." Bertha smiled, before patting my shoulder and walking back towards the Women's Locker Room.

I sighed, turning my attention back to the tan Canadian, who was staring at me with his brown eyes.

"How may I help you, Hitman?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"Rose, are you okay?" He immediately noticed my attitude.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." I scowled.

"Rose, talk to me." He looked at me with concern, holding my wrist now in his soft hand, the same hand he used to caress my face with.

"I don't know anymore, Bret." I huffed out. "I don't know if I could do this stupid little rescue. I don't know if I could mentally be prepared to be in this storyline with you. I don't know!"

Bret sighed, holding my shoulder now.

"Look Rose, I know it's hard." He began, biting his lip. "But just think of it as a blessing in disguise."

"How the hell is this a blessing?!" I snapped at him. "I'm forced to look and talk to a man who cheated on me and broke my heart."

Bret looked shocked, but sad.

"Rose, I know it's pointless to even say this, but..." He paused for a second. "I never cheated on you."

"Funny how you still deny it even after I caught you." I crossed my arms.

"Rose!" He was getting frustrated.

But before we could argue, I saw a man from the camera crew coming over towards us.

"Mr. Hart?" The man asked.


"It's time for your promo." He spoke.

Bret nodded, before turning back over to me. "I need to go, see you when it's show time, Rosie."

Before I could lecture him about calling me Rosie, the camera man led Bret to where the promos were shot.

I sighed, needing a fucking drink.

Hopefully this all went smooth and Bret and I do bad so Vince keeps me with Scott, and not make me go into this stupid storyline with Bret.

But we'll see...

{ quick a/n: this match between Bret Hart & Isaac Yankem did really happen at Summerslam, but i'm going to change things up. so some of the writing is accurate to what really did happen, but i'm gonna add some things of my own)


Narrator's Point of View

"You see McMahon, the Hart Family produced so many mistakes," Jerry The King Lawler laughed, making fun of the Hart family as he sat back in his chair as one of the commentators.

"Settle yourself, King." Vince said, as he focused on the action of the match.

Bret and Issac continued to wrestle in the ring, until the referee decided to disqualify Bret due to him using the cords to tie up Issac's ankles to one of the steel posts.

But as Bret stormed back in the ring, there was Jerry Lawler on the apron, shouting taunts at Bret.

Back in the gorilla, Rose watched from the small screen nervously.

"It'll all work out fine, Rose." Sherri Martel and Bertha Faye were by her side, trying to make her feel better.

"I know, I know..." Rose tried to be calm about the situation, but her nerves weren't lightening up at all.

Meanwhile back in the action, Bret Hart was trying to fight off Issac and ran the ropes to deliver a move, until Jerry Lawler grabbed his ankle.

"You'll enjoy this, Hitman." Jerry yanked Bret's foot, and Bret growled as he grabbed a fistful of the man's hair, trying to pull on it.

However, Issac was recovered and suddenly, Bret felt a large knee slam into the back of his neck.

Suddenly, Bret felt his throat hit the tough ring rope, and he felt Issac lifting him up.

With the aid of Jerry Lawler, Issac wrapped Bret's neck between the ropes and suddenly, Bret felt the air being cut off to his throat.

He knew that Issac and Jerry were suppose to attack him, but he didn't think Vince wanted it to be this bad.

"Guys, I can't breathe..." Bret tried to release or free himself, but with the men holding the ropes, it was hard.

"Consider this as my revenge to you, Bret. Besides, it's not like you can go complain to McMahon. This is an act, remember?" Jerry gave Bret a smirk.

Back in the gorilla, Rose felt her heart start to race when a man from the backstage area came up to her.

"It's time, Rose."

Rose nodded, before looking at both Bertha and Sherri.

"You got this!" The two women yelled.

Rose smiled softly, before taking a deep breath, and going to pursue the action she dreaded.

Taking another breath, Rose smiled, before running out of gorilla to save her man, Bret Hart.

Rose's Point of View

"Ooh! It's Rose! Rose is here!" Vince McMahon shouted from the commentator desk.

My nerves still acted up, as I strutted down the ramp. Multiple fans looked at me, some confused and some full of joy that I was saving Bret.

I walked up to the action in front of me, seeing Issac and Jerry choking Bret with the ring ropes.

"Let him go." I said in a cool manner, as the crowd cheered and screamed from behind me, not expecting me.

I looked in Bret's eyes, and for once, I knew in my heart he was in pain.

"Why would we do that, princess?"

I looked in the eyes of Jerry Lawler as he eyed my body, licking his lips.

Jerry Lawler, ah didn't I hate the guy...

Jerry was a talented commentator for the World Wrestling Federation. But as talented as he was, he was such an asshole outside of the ring. Basically what I'm saying is, how he acts like in ring is how he is in real life.

So when he insulted Bret's entire family, including me when Bret and I were dating, Bret didn't take it well. I didn't either, and I hated Jerry since.

"I said, let him go." My tone wasn't as pleasant as before, and I scowled at both Jerry Lawler and Issac.

Suddenly, Issac yanked on the ring ropes harder, and I saw Bret starting to loose his cool. He kept kicking and wiggling around, trying to get free.

My eyes began to water and I know that wasn't part of my character or what I was supposed to be doing. I was suppose to look strong, tough or anything like that.

But for some reason, my heart began to hurt, and what I feared was happening to me...

Old feelings

I looked at my ex boyfriend, Bret.

Jerry looked at me, and released Bret's foot, and walked over to me.

"What's the matter, Rosie?" He taunted me, as I tried to remain tuff.

"I said let him go, Lawler!" I snapped.

But as I shouted, action happened.

Jerry brought his hands to my face, caressing my cheek, as the fans by me began yelling at him and shouting at him to let me go.

"Rosie Posie, you should've never came out here." He eyed me, licking his lips with pleasure.

"Oh, I shouldn't of?"

My character was back!

Suddenly, as Jerry went to touch me again, I grabbed his hand, and did something I leaned from my Kliq brothers.

I kicked Jerry with my heel in the gut, and then I smacked him in the face.

"Nice try, Burger King."

"Go save Bret, Rose!" I heard the fans start to yell at me.

I snapped my head up, looking at Bret and Issac.

Suddenly, I saw Bret start to gain some power. I smirked, and that's when I knew this action that Vince had me do maybe wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

I got on the apron, and quickly smacked Issac across the face, feeling completely fearless of the man.

Issac released the rope that was holding Bret's neck together with the other one, and Bret was finally free from them.

As he rolled out of the ring to catch his breath, Issac snapped his head towards me, glaring hard.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

"You think you can just walk your sweet ass out here, Rose?" Issac gave an evil grin, as he walked up to me.

I didn't talk.

Instead, as he walked up to me, again, I fearlessly tried to smack his cheek.

However, before my cheek could connect to his face, Issac caught my hand and grinned evilly. "Nice try,"

Suddenly, he shoved me.

My whole breath held for a second.

But as I prepared to take a nasty bump outside of the ring, a pair of strong, familiar, arms caught me.

I looked up, to see myself being held in the arms of Bret Hart.

"Bret..." I mumbled out, putting my hand on his chest. "Thanks,"

He did his infamous Hitman smile and I couldn't help but genuinely smile back at him. As he held me, we both heard the fans cheering us on.

"Anytime, Rosie."

Before Issac could try to attack one of us, multiple officials stopped him and one of them directed myself and Bret to the gorilla. Bret finally released me and we both walked together.

As Bret and I made our way inside of the gorilla, we were greeted by some of the other wwf superstars, including Sherri, Bertha, my Kliq brothers, Jim Neidhart, Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith; my friends.

"You guys nailed it!" Bertha clapped her hands excitedly.

"That was good!" Jim added.

"Yes! I'm sure Vince will be pleased with the results. You guys did great out there. Especially proud of you, Rose. You were fearless out there. I feel weak now." Owen laughed.

"Thank you, Oje." I smiled, as he and I hugged tightly. "But I can't take all the credit." I turned back around and looked at Bret.

"No, those assholes really choked me with the damn ropes." Bret huffed as he massaged his throat.

"C'mon Hitman, be a man." Shawn rolled his eyes at Bret.

"Shawn, be nice." I said.

Everybody laughed, and as people began clearing out, it left Bret and I alone in the hallway of the gorilla.

"See Rose, that wasn't so bad." Bret smiled down at me.

"I guess you were right, Bretty."

"I was right." He smirked.

"Shut it," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm proud of you." He put his hand on my shoulder, chuckling.

"Why thank you," I chuckled back.

As we both looked in each other's eyes, I got this feeling.

"I'm still mad at you for calling me Rosie back there. Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" I hummed at Bret as I played with his curls as a tease.

"I don't listen very well. You know that better than anyone, Rosie." He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but grin back at him, despite me trying to stay serious with him.

"I'm going to throw my heels at you and you won't stop me." I smirked.

"Oh shut up, Rosie." Bret huffed.

"Make me," I challenged.

"... And as for your heels, I'm not scared. I've been through worse." He said as his smile widened.

"Well, then I will just have to-"

Bret cut me off, pressing his lips to mine. This obviously wasn't our first kiss, and in my heart I had the feeling it wouldn't be our last.

"Bret," I said in a soft voice, as we both pulled away, looking in his eyes.

"Sssh," He growled, pulling me back in the kiss, as our lips moved in sync. I kissed him deeply, slipping some of my tongue into his mouth. I heard him growl lowly as I pulled away.

"I may just make you fall in love with me again, Hitman." I laughed, as I tugged on his hair teasingly.

Bret smirked, before he looked deeply in my eyes, making me blush.

"... And I may just accept that, Rosie."

Oh boy, what has happened...

I guess this is what I deserve for being his wonder woman...


oooooo the tea was real y'all!

okay so rose and bret, my otp

what did you guys think? lol i know some scenes may be kinda bad but i tried. also, in this book i'm considering making jerry lawler one of the main antagonists, alongside good ol sunny.

but anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote & comment!

and before we head off to continue more, here's some reminders:

1. #blacklivesmatter ✊🏾🖤
2. wear a mask, slow the spread
3. please pray for california 🙏

anyways, enjoy the rest of your day and night y'all!

• author •

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