Enemy Seduction: Dramione

By accio-draco

222K 6.3K 1.7K

Draco and Hermione have been enemies for as long as anyone has known them. It's in their nature to scowl at e... More

Down at the Quidditch Pitch
Rita Skeeter's New Level
Gossip and Rumors
New Feelings
It's a Girl Thing
Better Than Average Day
Things Can Change
Hogsmeade Trip
Just another butterbeer...
The End of the Beginning
Until Tomorrow
The Big Day's Preparation
Hard Work Pays Off
Dancin' the Night Away
What Now?
Lucius Malfoy
Welcome to Gryffindor
Dumbfounded Granger
It Pays to be Invisible
Spying on Draco
Draco's Idea and Hermione's Agreement
Let The Plan Begin!
"Team" Work
Potion's Class
New Quidditch Player
The Visitor
Gryffindor Advice
How to be Sneaky 101
One Week
July Before Fifth Year
To Be Seen Together
Polyjuice Potion
Party Like It's Your Last Day of Summer
Hogwarts Express
First Full Week
The Next Day
Another Day
Attraction Distractions
Betting Begins
Different Signals
Plan into Action
No Control
Change of Heart
The Day Of
The Brightside
As the Night Goes On
Lazy Day
How It All Went Down

Demanding Answers

4.1K 144 13
By accio-draco


I apologize for not updating as soon as I would like :( I could really use another Christmas break.

Anyways, I appreciate all your comments guys! I hope you like this chapter-Hermione is getting more and more suspcious of Zack and Draco. \

This chapter may be a little dramatic, but a little drama never hurt.

'"What in the name of Merlin is happening between you and Draco?" Hermione asked, walking fast to catch up to Zack's angry pace.

He was speed walking with clenched fists, the same, warrior-like expression glued to his face. Hermione had never seen this side of Zack before, and didn't know whether to be a little nervous or stare, marveled, at the gleam in his eyes and how intense it was..

But, the number one thing on her mind right now, and that was what Draco and Zack were referring to that got Draco to stop so suddenly when he looked like he was going to murder Zack.

"Nothing, let's just forget, okay?" Zack said, half frustrated, half desperate to change the subject.

Hermione nodded but knew that she wasn't going to forget about it.

She sat down with him in the Common Room, waiting for the others to return, in a comfortable silence. They were both thinking, and Hermione wanted more than anything to read his mind right now.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny came in through the door, beaming and laughing at something Fred and George were saying about Oliver before the game, and Hermione brightened up instantly. The whole crowd started talking in the Common Room. The party was going to start in a couple hours and everyone seemed pretty thrilled about that.

Normally Zack would've been more than pumped at the sound of a Quidditch party, but today, everything seemed off.

"Hermione!" Harry came over, a big grin spread across his face.

Hermione ran to him and gave him a hug. "Harry! Great job on the game!"

They let go of each other and Harry smiled. "Thanks, Hermione. You're coming to the party, right?"

"Oh, Harry, I-"

Zack was suddenly behind Hermione and cut in, "She'll be there!"

Hermione gave him a look but was amused by his appearance, and relieved that he wasn't still furious. She smiled.

Harry looked sastisfyed and headed off to talk to his teammates and everyone else.

Hermione turned to face Zack. "I didn't realize that you were my spokesperson now."

He half-smiled at her and Hermione gave him a look that wanted an explaination. His dark eyes gleamed. "I'm not going to the party alone."

Hermione laughed before saying, "We have exactly an hour till the party which means I have exactly an hour to study!"

He laughed. "Of course."

Hermione waved before heading off towards the library.


(Draco's P.O.V.)

The library was getting cold and I cursed myself for having to come here in the first place. But there were no other people in the library at this hour because of the big Quiddtich game, not even Madam Pince who was on a break. This was the perfect time to get the job done since I knew that dunderhead cousin of mine would take foever and a day to get it done.

I scowled at the thought of him. I've been deeply iratated by his work for the past few months now and today really ticked me off. He doesn't get any of the job done. It's like he wants his father to hate him.

My eyes scanned the doors again and I was pleased to see that the hallways were dead. This was my chance to get into the Restricted Section without a Prefect or student tattling him out.

I took a step into the section and wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. My eyes trailed down the numerous genres of book until I found the slim selection that I needed. Thank Merlin it's here. I really didn't have another idea of where I would get the information if I couldn't find it in the Restricted Section.

My hands reached for the dusty book that looked almost hidden beneath other books.

"What do you think your doing?" A voice so close to me spoke.

A shiver ran through my spine but I ignored it. I knew who it was the moment the words left her mouth. I should've figured she would have come into the library at this time.

I turned towards her, trying to the best I could at pretending I wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Yes, Granger?" I said, nonchalant.

She put her arm on her hips and gave me a look. "What are you doing inside the Restricted Section?"

I gave her a look of my own and she continued to stare me down deep. "What are you doing inside the Restricted Section, Granger?"

She huffed. "I'm only in here to tell you not to be in here! And besides, what could possibly be so important that you have to go inside the library now with nobody in it. Seems all too suspicious," her eyes narrowed and I tried my best not give myself up.

I used a controlled voice, "It's none of your business, Granger, now if you could please just-"

"And what were you and Zack talking about earlier today anyway? What project are you two doing? Why is it so important?" Her voice was getting louder and louder and I was getting worried but tried my best to show no hints of that. First of all, I didn't want anyone to hear and suspect anything. Also, I absolutely didn't want Granger to find out because she would tell her annoying friends, and she would also stop associating with me. Not that I cared though.

I stepped in closer to her. "If you know what's best for you, you will keep your mouth shut."

Her cheeks started to heat up and I smirked inwardly at her reaction. She hesiatated before saying, "Fine if you won't tell me, Zack probably will and-"

My eyes hardened and Hermione looked up at him. "This always comes back to Zack, doesn't it! Zack's my cousin, but you sure seem to forget that when you're alwasy with him! He won't tell you anything either! But I wouldn't be surprised if he did because he's too stupid to know what he's dealing with!"

My voice rose sharply and for several moments, Hermione was completely silent. I wondered what she was thinking in that head that was always thinking. It felt like weeks before she finally decided to speak again.

"So, you're mad because you think that I'm stealing Zack away from you?" Her voice was soft and fragile.

I stared at the girl and let out a dry laugh humorlessly. "No, that's not it at all.." I said, distant, barely audible.

Hermione heard and her brown eyes locked with mine. "Then, tell me! I can help you, whatever it is!"

Oh, how I longed for someone to say those words to me. Only problem is, I had to do this alone. Zack was useless and I was irratated because he can get away with not doing anything and I can't.

"You can't, Granger. You just can't."

Her expression hardened and I was looking off in the distance, trying to think of the right words to say.

"I should probably go, then." Hermione said and hesitated before walking off.

I watched her as she left and for a moment considered running after her. I don't know why. But then I realized there was nothing to say to her and watched her as she disappeared down the hallway.

I glared at the book inches away from me before walking off in the opposite direction.


(Third Person P.O.V.)

Hermione walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room, dazed. She was in deep thought and even ran into a pillar. Good thing nobody was in the hallways.

She couldn't understand what could possibly be so important that Draco wouldn't tell her. But then again, why would Draco tell her? She wasn't necessarily her friend but she felt like he should tell her for reasons unknown.

Maybe Zack would tell her. Hermione could only hope.

"Hermione!" Ron came rushing by her and Hermione noticed the crowd of Gryffindors was still booming with excitement, ready for the party. Hermione smiled but it didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Hi, Ron. Excited for the party?" Hermione asked and Ron grinned.

"Yes. Oh, and Zack is looking for you by the way," Ron stated and then went off with Seamus and Dean who were, Hermione was positive, talking about Lavender's hottness. She rolled her eyes and continued to scan her eyes until she met a pair of dark eyes staring right back at her.

He was casually leaning against the wall, talking to some older students about Durmstrang and Hermione couldn't help but feel lucky that he was her friend.

She walked up to him and he stopped talking to turn towards her. "What did I miss?"

"Not much," he smiled, "The party is going to start soon. Want to come down with me?" He offered her his arm.

Hermione accepted it. "Of course."

And down they walked towards the Great Hall where the party was to take place. Lights were shining back and forth and food was set up on a long table. Hermione chuckled when she saw Ron's eyes light up at the sight of the food.

"So, this is a party for the Gryffindors?" Hermione asked, looking around and taking it in. Her mind drifted off to the last even that was in the Great Hall, the Yule Ball. She remembered how much fun she had that night, but it felt like billions of years ago now.

Zack took a sip of Pumpkin Juice and replied, "Well, it's supposed to be the end-of-the-season Quidditch party. Only a few Slytherins will be attending, I bet."

Hermione nodded. Slytherins wouldn't want anything to do with the Gryffindors for a long time after their loss. But nonetheless, she still spotted a couple Slytherins. They were younger though, figures.

Hermione was now suddenly interested. "Do you wish you would've made it into Slytherin?"

Zack shook his head immediately. "I always knew I was different from the rest of my family. I didn't want to be like them either," he added the last part with a harsh tone.

Hermione looked at him and he just shrugged. "I think it's cool that you're different from the rest of your family," she had to say slightly louder so he could hear over the boom of the music.

He smiled at her and they started dancing on the Great Hall's floor with the others. Hermione cracked up as Ron and Harry were trying to out-dance each other. Ginny, Luna, and Neville were stirring up some moves that got some stares but they didn't seem to care.

"You're not so bad at dancing," Zack commented as they moved around the floor.

Hermione smiled. "You too."

"Hey, I was just thinking-"

"Zack. I need you now." A cold voice drawled and Hermione and Zack stopped moving immediately.

There stood an adamant looking Draco Malfoy.

Zack's fists were alrady clenched up and Hermione prayed that nothing bad was about to happen.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something," Zack smarled and it was obvious Malfoy was expecting this reaction, for he stood there, a blank expression on his face but his grey eyes were narrowing.

"I can see that," Draco looked at Zack who was staring at him furiously wide-eyed and then Draco gave Hermione a look. "But this cannot wait. We need to get going. Now." The last part was full of venom and Hermione was a little apprehensive before the next move.

"Whatever you have to say in front of Zack you can say in front of me too!" Hermione yelleda and Zack looked impressed.

"I don't have time for this, Granger. I think you can spare two minutes without Zack and go by Pott-"

"No!" Hermione firmly stated. She was not going to let him get by this time without telling her at least something about what was happening betweeen them.

"Yeah!" Zack joined in, realizing that Hermione had every right to know; he didn't care about the consequences anymore.

Draco glared. "Oh how sweet. Do me a favor and spare me the act of being the best of friends? Just for a second because I need Zack now!"

"It's definately not an act, Draco!" Zack retorted and Malfoy gave him a hard glare.

He grabbed Zack's arm hard and looked him dead in the eye, "You will come with me if you don't want this to be your last year."

The moment paused and Hermione could feel the tension in the air as Zack studied Draco's hard face as if waiting for him to say that he would do it by himself, but nothing happen. It looked like Zack just awoken from a dream, and he nodded, slowly.

Zack gave a glance back at Hermione who was furious.

"I'm coming with!" She insisted, catching Zack's hand and pulling him back as he started to exit with Draco.

Draco stopped and watched the scene, blankly.

Zack gave Hermione a look. "No. Stay here with Ron and Harry and have fun."

"No! You stay here and have fun with me! I know you don't want to do whatever this is," Hermione said looking back and forth between Zack and Draco who laughed with humor.

"It's fine, Hermione. I need to go. I've been holding this off for a while, but Draco's right-"

"About what?" Hermione nearly yelled and could've sworn she felt her hair getting bigger.

Zack looked like he wanted to tell her and Draco noticed. Softie, he thought. Zack's eyes looked like he knew what Hermione must feel like, and slowly his mouth opened, figuring it was only fair to tell Hermione the truth.

"We need to go," Draco said in a low voice before pulling Zack away leaving an infuriated and impatient Hermione behind.


Hermione knew it could be risky, but she didn't care anymore. She was tired of her friend and well, whatever Draco was, hiding something that was obviously making their lives, or at least Zack's, a challenge.

She slipped out of the Great Hall without any notice and foillowed the two of them in a hushed conversation. Going to the Gryffindor's Common Room, Hermione was grateful that she was one of Harry's best friend and knew where he kept his Invisability Cloak.


I know this chapter is kinda short, again, I'm sorry! I hope you liked this chapter, though!!!

Comment and Vote! Love you all xoxo

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