Single Father //Taekook// ✔️

By _kookielucious_

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Complete ✔️ Where taehyung is a single father and have to find a suitable eomma for his baby princess taeguki... More

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By _kookielucious_

Third person point of view

It was an Autumn wedding in the late afternoon. The area faced the breathtaking sunset. At the end of each seated aisle, jasmine scented candles hung from naked tree branches. Spread down the aisle was white leaves, as far as the eyes could see, slightly moist so they wouldn't crack when jungkoom stepped on them. yes today is the day jungkook and taehyung are getting married they have a small group of close family and friends dressed in beach attire for comfort. On either side of the aisle, they sat in white chairs set up for them on the sand.

Finally, the priest came out and asked every to stand. It was jungkoom turn! All eyes would on him. The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. Jungkook only took two steps out before he was greeted by Mr. Lee his father friends a father figure to him. He escorted him down the aisle, which seemed longer than before. He became jungkook strength after his parents died

The guests looked at jungkook taking pictures of him and his dress, waving at him, smiling. Up ahead jungkook saw him, taehyung. His soon to be husband, the love of his life, his everything. Taehyung stood taller, his shoulders back and his eyes on jungkook , If jungkook wasn't mistaken he could have sworn tears filled his eyes.

At the end of the aisle mr. Lee hugged jungkook said "I'm proud of you" and then presented jungkook to his groom. Mr. Lee placed jungkook hand in taehyung hand and smiled. As a couple, taehyung and jungkook stood in front of the priest.

Before mr. Lee walked away, he patted taehyung on the shoulder. That was his way of welcoming him into the family. Standing next to the love of his life jungkook felt really overwhelming.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today here to witness the marriage of this lovely couple" priest said , Taehyung and jungkook say their wedding speech in front of the everyone

"I kim taehyung take jeon jungkook, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live" taehyung said

"i, jeon jungkook take kim taehyung to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live" jungkook said

"Dearly beloved," priest began, "we are gathered here this evening to witness this man and man join together in holy matrimony." He said the speech and a fterward jungkook and taehyung exchanged vows, tears filling both their eyes.

The ring bearer came forward and presented the rings. Jungkoom placed taehyung ring on first, then he placed on jungkook finger

"does anyone have any objections Speak now or forever hold your peace". Priest said no one object this time "I now announce you guys a wedded couple You may kiss the each other" priest said and taehyung leaned in and kissed jungkook ,softly like he's never done it before. Everyone cheered for them however jungkook barely noticed because his full attention rested on taehyung

Couple take individual candles and use those candles to light a larger candle (called the "unity candle) that symbolizes they are no longer "two" but now "one".Soon after they did the whole candle symbolizing they left the stage. They both were was beyond happy finally they are together and hungry too The guests followed behind them


Three weeks later

Jungkook point of view

I was in the living room together with taeggukie and taehyung we were watching a movie i feel something weird i feel like vomiting so i get up and quickly went to the bathroom sink

Taehyung follow me from behind "yah kookie are you ok?" he asked "i don't know tae i always feel like vomiting and my head feels dizzy from last ten days" i said "you should go to doctor and why don't you tell me before" taehyung asked

"eomma are you okay?" taeggukie asked "yes baby" i said and hugged her then something come in my mind my eyes widen "are you really fine jungkook" taehyung asked "u-uh i need to go somewhere i just need to buy something" i said and place taeggukie on floor "ok" taehyung said

I have a feeling about this i went to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test i was waiting for the test oh i forgot to tell you i can get pregnant i was shock to see the result "t-two red line m-mean im pregnant oh my gowd" i quickly went out to taehyung

"are you ok what were you doing inside you took so long" he asked worriedly i smile brightly as a reply "why are you looking so happy suddenly" he asked i showed him my pregnancy test he was confused at first but then his eyes widened with a excited face

"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK YOU ARE PREGNANT IM GONNA BECOME A FATHER FOR SECOND TIME I CAN'T BE MORE HAPPY" taehyung excitedly said i nodded he kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly the door slowly opened reveling taeggukie "eomma app what's happening" taeggukie asked "your eomma is pregnant you will be a big sister" taehyung said

"really yahhhh" taehyung excitedly cheer "i love you guys so much" taehyung said "we too" jungkook and taeggukie said at the same time


The end

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this story and thank you for giving your precious time to this book stay healthy have a great day ahead

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