||You're Mine|| {Scrutinized:...

By xx_WriterChick_xx

170K 6.8K 14.7K

(Y/N) is a 24 year old girl who is currently on the run. After a tragic family accident, she moves to Virgini... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
BoNuS cHaPtEr
Chapter 8
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Bonus: Alternative Scenes
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Bonus! Alternative Scenes
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Bonus! (And Goodbye)

Bonus : (Y/N)'s Backstory

2K 76 97
By xx_WriterChick_xx

A/N : Hey guys! Here's the REAL bonus chapter while I'm working on the actual chapter. Also, from here on out, at the end of every bonus chapter, I'm going to let you know whether they are canon to the plot, not canon, or I'll leave it up to you to decide ^^

(The first  bonus chapter is up to you guys, and the second one was canon. Alternative Scenes was not canon😂)

Also, heads up for a little teaser ;)

Enjoy this chapter!


Do you know what it's like...

To be a completely different species to people?

Do you know how it feels...

To be treated like a freak, when you're just a little different from others?

Well I do.

I've never been able to make friends outside of my family, not including Riley, Arlo, Jake, and Olivia.

I'm meaning real friends. Friends who should accept you, despite being different.

I wanted to meet other people who could listen to me rant about my horror obsession, and my own theories about random shit, and I wanted to hear them rant about whatever they were passionate about.

But no...

All I got out of it was teasing, and poor treatment, as if I were nothing.

I just wanted to make new friends.

I just wanted to be loved.

But my family were the only ones who ever understood me.

And now they're gone.

I'm all alone. Even having Olivia around, I feel empty.


What's wrong with me?

Why do I have to be this way?

I just want love.

I want...

My parents back. My little sister.

I want my brother to wake up.


I just want them back.

Age 13:
"Aliens? Zombies?" A blonde girl was flipping through my torn up notebook, a look of disgust on her face.

Two other girls had firm grips on both of my arms, holding me captive as I was humiliated in front of everyone.

Just an average day of free period in middle school.

"Give me back my notes!" I demanded, struggling against the girls' hold on me. The blonde girl held it up above her head, grinning down at me.

"Why? You don't want everyone to know what a freak you are?" She asked tauntingly. The kids who were crowding around murmured all at once, and I still continued to wriggle around, trying to free myself.

Suddenly, I was tossed down on the grass, and blondie pressed her foot down on my chest and leaned in closer, so that I could hear her.

"Just give up, (Y/N), you're a little weirdo who just has these stupid fantasies. I think you need some serious help."

I wanted to cry, but my brother's words repeated themselves in my head

"To be a mature person, you have to prove you're smarter and stronger than them. Don't give them what they want. Look your enemies in the eye and tell them to fuck off."

"Screw you." I hissed.

Blondie didn't like that. She took her foot off my chest and kicked me in the side.

I groaned and rolled over on to my stomach, coughing and gasping for air.

"You'll never have friends." I heard her say. "You don't belong here."

I looked up, and Blondie ripped the already worn pieces of paper out of the notebook, and tore all of them up into pieces, dropping the shreds in front of me.

Then she stepped over me, and everyone retreated, some laughing about me, and others changing the subject, deciding what game they wanted to play.

Once everyone was far away from me, that's when I cried. I can't give them what they want, but that doesn't mean it all didn't hurt.

I lay there, curled in a ball, weeping. Torn up pieces of paper that had the spirits of my imaginative writing, and sketches.

That's how every free period went.

On my way home from school, I replayed the whole situation in my mind.

All I felt was confusion and anger. Why can't people just be good for once? Why can't they understand that I don't want to like the same things they do?

In the midst of my emotions, I glanced up, and saw a boy walking in my direction. I moved over a bit so that he could pass me on the sidewalk, but instead, he moved in front of me, causing me to skid to a halt.

I looked up at him in question. He just flashed me a friendly smile, and me being a nice person, I did the same.

"Good afternoon!" The boy greeted.


Age 17:

I burst through the front door and made a straight dash to my room, my brother's head snapping up in surprise from where he was doing college work at the dining room table.

Before I had time to slam my door, (B/N) was already there. His concerned expression was obvious, and it didn't take long for him to notice my black eye.

"Jesus, (Y/N)... what the hell happened?" He came into my room and shut the door behind him.

I fell backwards on to my bed, anger and hurt bubbling inside my stomach.

"They ganged up on me." I whispered, tears running down my face.

(B/N) sat down on the bed in front of me. "Who did?"

"The group of kids that were being nice to me." I suppressed a sob, and wiped my eyes. "They wanted me to meet them after school, but then they jumped me."

My brother's eyes got darker, and he turned to face away from me. "So all week, it was all just an act?" He stood up from the bed and began pacing back and forth. "Are you serious?! Mom and Dad were so happy that you finally had people to hang out with, and they do this to you?"

He plopped back down on the bed, and rubbed his temple. "What did they do?"

I rolled over on my face and sniffled. "Two of them grabbed me, and just like how I've always been treated, they all made fun of me, lecturing me about how I needed help, and that I was weird."

(B/N) narrowed his eyes. "And they hurt you."

I nodded. "The boy who I started to like... I just told all of them that they needed to leave me alone, and I didn't show any weakness. So... he punched me."

I pressed my index finger on my bruised eye. "Maybe it's time I just stick to my online friends. There's a reason why I didn't tell them everything about me. Maybe I should just burn all my stuff—"

But my brother didn't let me finish, he grabbed my shoulders, fingers digging into my skin, pulled me up, and shook me back and forth.

"No! Stop that right now!" He scolded, eyes burning into mine. "You're not the weird one. They are. Those assholes are the ones who should get a reality check."

I drooped my head, feeling so many emotions in that moment.

He sighed, and then spoke much more gently. "Remember that group of girls who started the whole bullying for you when you were thirteen?"

I nodded. "The ones that went missing a couple days before the last day of seventh grade?"

He hummed, letting me know that those were the girls he was talking about. "What were they like?"

I paused, trying to search my memories from years ago.

"They were cheerleaders, and all they talked about was makeup and boys. But at the time I thought they were cool, so I tried to be friends with them, and show them the things I liked... but you know how it went from there."

"I don't know about you, but normal people are probably the most boring creatures to ever roam this planet." My brother said, releasing my shoulders. "I think you should teach them a thing or two."

I couldn't help but smile through my tears. "Easy for you to say. You like the same stuff as me, but since you're a guy, it's normal to everyone else." I looked down, thoughtful. "I just don't understand. Why can't people just accept me? Why do they expect me to be into makeup and girly stuff?"

(B/N) shrugged. "That's just how some people are. But if you never manage to make any decent friends, just remember you still have your family. We love you just the way you are."

I snorted. "Cheesy much? Now get out of my room, no boys allowed!"

I quickly ushered him out while he laughed, and I slammed the door.

Before I heard him walk away, he called back to me. "I'll grab you an ice pack for your eye, and we are telling Mom and Dad about this!"

Leaning my back against it, I let myself smile.

He was right, even though nobody else wants to be my friend, at least I still had my family, who let me love whatever I wanted to love.

I was happy with my life right now.


I tried to blink away the blurriness in my vision. I felt too weak to lift up my head, and I groaned, soreness shooting up my back.

I was slouched against a metal pole, and when I shifted a little, I felt thick rope tug at my wrists from behind me.

Warm blood trickled down my forehead, and I could smell the mildew of the old warehouse I arrived at.

I was still here.

I moaned again, and although it took a lot of strength, I forced myself to look around.

My vision was still blurred, but I saw that the lights were now on, and the space was still big and open like it was before I got knocked out.

My heart did a somersault when I didn't see any people in sight.

Tanner... Adam... Where the fuck are you?

My breathing was shallow and uneven, and each breath brought a sharp pain in my right side.

Then I saw two misty figures approach me, and I squinted, trying to see who they were.

"Well well, look who's awake..."

A/N : This bonus chapter is obviously canon to the plot!

I wanted to put the teaser in the description, but I forgot, so I decided to add it in here! No, this teaser does not take place at the beginning of the story.

When this teaser takes place... is unknown.

I'll update tomorrow around the same time as my usual schedule!

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