Falling For You// Cameron Dal...

By Magcon_directionerxx

447K 10.7K 2.2K

Crystal was just and ordinary girl that finished senior year. She was 18 and independent. Her summer started... More

Falling For You//Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chater 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
I changed my cover
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
The Wedding
Chapter 77
Last chapter

Chapter 75

3.1K 102 26
By Magcon_directionerxx

The rest of the week went well but Cam never spoke of seeing his mom. He only spotted her that one time and he never seen her for the rest of the week.

Lexi enjoyed disney so much. When we went to see the princesses, she was so excited out and went crazy over them. Her smile sent so much happiness to my heart, it was beautiful.

We were on our way back home on the plane and Lexi had went to sleep so I sat there fiddling my fingers within Cams.

"Babe?" He said moving his finger under my chin to have my eyes look into his.

"Yes?" I said looking at him and returning a smile he sent my way.

"We're getting married in a month." He said smiling and I couldn't help but feel so happy and nervous all at the same time. It was all happening how I hoped. Everything was going how I wanted it to. My daughter, my boyfriend which I was finally engaged to and soon going to be married to, my family, my home, it was all coming together. I wasn't a little immature girl anymore, I had everything I've ever wanted. That's why I came to California, for this, I wanted this. This is my dream.

"Aren't you excited" I said smiling moving my lips closer to his but still not touching.

"Shit I'm nervous." He said laughing and I just shook my head and finally moved my lips close to his.

He kissed me lightly and then stuck his tongue in my mouth which made the kiss deeper.

I smiled looking at him as I pulled away and heard the flight attendant telling us that we will be landing soon.

When we got off the plane I got a phone call from Jacob.

"Chrissy you have to get down her fast, Mahogany is in labor."

"Oh shit." I said and widen my eyes as I covered my mouth realizing I just cursed in front of Lexi. Cam moved Lexi away and as we made our way down to the taxi to take us home, I tried calming Jacob down.

"Jacob we'll be there soon just stay by her side everything will be okay." I said getting into the taxi.

He said okay and hung up the phone and I took a deep breath.

"What's wrong is everything okay?" Can said looking at me and holding Lexi on his lap.

"Yes everything is fine, Mahogany is in labor, Jacob wants us to go." He widened his eyes when I looked at him and he looked like he couldn't believe what was happening.

"I know, me too." I said smiling.

We finally arrived home and put our bags down in the house. Lexi wanted some toys so I brought a bag of her toys and Cam got the gift bag for the baby. We got got him a onesie that said 'I got the best auntie and uncle in the world.' It was cute and I know M would love it.

Once we got everything we headed off to the hospital.

We got there quicker than I thought and I ran in as Cam held Lexi. As soon as I walked in I saw Jacob and he nervously go tho and ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Ugh thank god your here, she's in the room come on I'll show you." He led us into the hospital room and I saw Mahogany on the bed holding onto the bar as she squinted her eyes in pain from the contractions.

I ran over to her Side and when the contraction ended, she opened her eyes and saw me. I said hi and gave her a big hug.

"How you feeling love?" I said and held her hand as can sat on the chair
Playing with Lexi.

"Ugh, it hurts so bad. You have to be FFFUUUCCC-" her contractions were getting stronger and the nurse came in.

"Honey, your 10cm we have to start pushing soon." The nurse said and Jacob ran to Mahogany side. I saw tears in his eyes and I knew it was because he hated seeing M in pain.

Cam freaked out and ran out the room and I had to stay in the room with M because she held on to my hand so tight and didn't want me to leave.

Before I knew it, she had started pushing. The blood from my hands were stopping from the pressure she was pushing on it.

Cameron's POV•

I sat in the waiting room because I couldn't deal with that stuff and Lexi was not seeing that, Nope.

About 20 minuets later I heard Chrissy call my name as she was walking into the waiting room. I saw her and her hands were so red but she had the biggest smile on her beautiful face.

"Babe, it's a boy! He looks just like them its adorable. And he's healthy, they named him Justin !" She said hugging me.

"Oh that's great, so we can go now?" She laughed and then nodded.

"Lexi auntie M had the baby!" Lexi smiled and Chrissy picked her up.

We headed out and finally went home.

I fell onto the bed after putting Lexi to sleep and Chrissy scudded in next to me.

Her warm body came in between mine.

"Baby?" I said looking down at her.


"I really am nervous for the wedding. Like scared as shit."

She moved up closer to me and looked in my eyes. I was just being honest with her and although it sounded weak of me, she was everything to me so I had to make sure she trusted me. Although I don't deserve it after everything I did to her.

"Baby, don't be scared. We're doing it, you can trust me. I love you, I love you more than I've every loved anyone, you make me so happy, it's going to be okay." She said smiling and I pulled her closer to me.

Crystal's POV•

I was scared too. I mean more than him I think but I found it so adorable at how nervous he was. I was so lucky to have him in my life, feeling his warm hands pressed against my stomach and his eyes staring into his eyes as if it was just him and me in this world. Of course with Lexi.

"Baby you look sexy tonight, can I have a taste." He said looking at me seductively in a funny way. It made me laugh.

"Stop, your acting like an immature teenager." I said and he hovered over me laughing.

"I can be an immature teenager for tonight." He said and I laughed with him as he buried his face in my neck kissing my color bone, and tickling my sides.

I laughed hysterically but my laughs become louder so I told him to stop before Lexi woke up.

"Cam stop! Oh my gosh." I said and he fell over laughing beside me as he reaches out heavy and I followed.

I sarcastically rolled my eyes and moved the covers over to my side and also moved my self more over to make it look like I was mad at him for doing that to me but I really just did it for the fun.

"AWW baby cakes, come here I just want to play with my baby that I'm going to be married to in a month." He said and I smiled and turned over to him as I felt him wrap his body around mine.

I felt his lips pressed to mine and his hands slightly trickling my body up and down. Sending chills everywhere throughout my body.

His lips continued to intertwine with mine and our lips and I felt his tongue enter my mouth as he held my face.

What a night.💒
A/n: sorry I haven't updated guys, thank you for sticking with me through this but this book is coming to an end soon. Not very quickly but soon.

Next chapter is special so ☺️.

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