š„š±š©šžš«š¢š¦šžš§š­š¬ || š‚ļæ½...

By FlawlesSunsets

208K 4.6K 4.2K

" šˆ'š¦ š šØš¢š§š  š­šØ š¤š¢š¬š¬ š²šØš® š§šØš°. " ||š‚š”šššžš„š¢š¬šš š‚šØš§šÆšžš«š­ ā€¢ šœš­š­šØ|| ā—–šŒššš­š®š«ļæ½... More

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8.6K 203 98
By FlawlesSunsets


"Thanks for letting me stay the night," Lisa smiled as she pulled her t-shirt over her head.

Chaeyoung crinkled her nose as she outstretched her hand to the dark-haired girl standing in the center of her room, motioning for her to come over to her.

Lisa accepted her hand, allowing herself to be pulled in-between the taller girl's legs from where she sat on the bed as they intertwined their fingers.

"You can always stay," Chaeyoung replied simply, squeezing Lisa's hand in her own.

"Well not anymore," Lisa sighed as she looked over her shoulder, eyeing the empty bed that would soon be occupied by Chaeyoung's new roommate.

"You know what I meant," Chaeyoung insisted, remaining serious. "I love sleeping with you."

"Oh I know," Lisa teased, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde.

"I was referring to the actual sleeping part," Chaeyoung huffed as she reached up to shove Lisa's shoulder playfully. "Not saying that I don't love the other stuff," she winked.

"I know," Lisa grinned, moving her hands to lock around the back of Chaeyoung's neck. "I love it too. All of it," she added as she began to stoke the girl's soft skin with her fingertips. "I think I might be a little bit addicted to you."

"Like a drug?" Chaeyoung questioned, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at Lisa.

"Yeah, Chae, like a drug," Lisa laughed lightly. She bent down to connect their lips, unable to refrain from smiling against the blonde's.

Every kiss with Chaeyoung was as intense and as exciting as the first one. Actually, the fire she felt grow inside of her when their lips connected may have just been growing more powerful over time. Each kiss, no matter how short or simple, was completely intoxicating. Somehow Chaeyoung sucked all of the oxygen from her lungs while also making her feel more alive than she ever thought was possible. It was a feeling she never wanted to forget. She hoped she'd never have to.

"In that case, I'll gladly keep supplying," Chaeyoung whispered once their mouths separated.

And just like that, Lisa reconnected their lips once more, already desperate for her next fix.

One of Chaeyoung's hands rested on Lisa's lower back, gathering a fistful of her cotton t-shirt, and the other sat below the dark-haired girl's waist, palming the covered flesh there and pulling her closer. Lisa's hands had moved to Chaeyoung's face, cradling it gently as she bent down slightly to continue moving their lips together. Just as the kiss was beginning to intensify, both girls jumped when they heard a knock on the door.

"Damn," Lisa pouted, stepping away from Chaeyoung so she could get up and answer the door.

"I'm sorry," Chaeyoung smiled gently as she stood up. She gave Lisa a final peck before moving across the room.

Lisa ran her fingers through her hair as she stared at the closed door anxiously. She let out a deep sigh, knowing this probably wouldn't be the last time they would be interrupted in this way. They had lucked out with the privacy they had been granted without Chaeyoung having a roommate, taken advantage of it, even. Now that was all about to change, and for some reason it was really getting to Lisa. Was it really just because it would be harder for them to find time alone to do those intimate things, or was it something else?

It wasn't that she didn't trust Chaeyoung; she did. But was it really unreasonable of her to be a little worried about her being in such close quarters with someone else? She knew first hand the effect Chaeyoung had on girls. Would this new roommate be a threat to Lisa? To their relationship?

Lisa tried to shake away the paranoid thoughts. After all, how much of a threat could a shy member of the marching band really be, right?

"Sorry about that," Lisa heard Chaeyoung say. She drifted her eyes over to the doorway to see Chaeyoung stepping aside to let the new roommate in.

Lisa thought her jaw might have actually dropped. That was the flute player? She really had to learn to stop stereotyping people.

"Well, like I said," Chaeyoung said as she walked further into the room. "I'm Chaeyoung, and oh, this is Lisa," she introduced.

Lisa immediately latched onto Chaeyoung's hand, as if some primal need to mark her territory had taken over. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow in response to the quick movement as well as how hard Lisa was gripping her hand, but she smiled and intertwined their fingers anyway.

"We've met before," the girl smiled.

"We have?" Lisa blurted immediately. She winced in response, wishing she hadn't said that out loud. Of course they had met before, she'd been Jisoo's roommate. Which only made it more embarrassing that she didn't remember the girl at all. Not her face, not even her name.

Chaeyoung gave her a bit of a confused look, but before either of them could speak again the new roommate quickly cut in.

"Yeah," she replied. "But it's okay, it was very briefly," she added quickly. "I'm Joy."

"Joy," Lisa nodded as if she had known all along. "Right," she continued as she reached out to accept the girl's outstretched hand with the one of hers that wasn't still clutching

Joy and Chaeyoung began babbling about where Joy should put her things, etc. and Lisa took this opportunity to take in the girl's appearance once again. Yeah, definitely not what she had expected from a member of the marching band. Her body was slender but toned. Her legs went on for days; she was at least the same height or slightly taller than Chaeyoung. Her face was young, yet defined and she had long brown hair with eyes to match. Much too attractive for Lisa's liking.

"Perfect," Chaeyoung said, her voice regaining Lisa's attention once again. "Here, let us help you with your stuff," she smiled at Joy. Chaeyoung released Lias's hand to follow the taller girl out into the hallway where she had her boxes waiting. Just as Lisa was about to follow, she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket.

Jisoo: Do you and Chaeyoung want to get breakfast with Jennie and I before class?

"Hey babe," Lisa said as she stepped out into the hallway, slightly emphasizing the second word as her eyes flashed to meet Joy's briefly. "Do you want to go eat with Jisoo and Jennie?"

Chaeyoung looked up at Lisa as she bent down to pick up one of Joy's boxes. "No thanks," she said as she stood up, her voice straining when she realized how heavy the box was. "I'm going to help Joy get settled in," she added, shifting the box against her body as she smiled at her new roommate. "But you should go, don't you have class soon?"

"Yeah, I do," Lisa replied as she followed Chaeyoung into her- well now her and Joy's room.

"I'll see you later though?" Chaeyoung asked as she set down the box in the center of the room, turning to face Lisa as she did so.

"I don't know," Lisa mumbled, crossing her arms across her chest. "I have class, and then practice. And I still have a bunch of homework."

"I have some too, we could get dinner and then work on it together?" Chaeyoung offered as she pulled at the thick tape on the box she had just set down, trying to rip it off.

"Maybe," Lisa shrugged, dragging her shoe across the ground in front of her as she looked down at it.

"If you have time," Chaeyoung smiled as she stood up to stand in front of Lisa. Just as the blonde was leaning in to connect their lips Joy walked into the room.

"Oh, sorry," the girl apologized quickly, turning away.

Yeah I bet you are, Lisa thought to herself as she tightened her folded arms.

"It's okay," Chaeyoung laughed, moving over to help her with the box that seemed to be slipping from her grip.

"I better go," Lisa said, pretending to glance down at her phone screen to check the time. "It was nice meeting you, or well, seeing you again, I guess," she directed to Joy.

"You too," Joy smiled sincerely as she and Chaeyoung moved further into their room, still carrying the big box together.

Lisa nodded, forcing a smile in return as she turned to leave the room.

"Bye Lali," Chaeyoung called after her.

Lisa looked over her shoulder to give the blonde a small wave before finally disappearing completely.


"I never said she was unattractive!" Jisoo defended. "Irritating, but not unattractive."

"Sooya never used to spend any time in her room. I've never even met her," Jennie said as she took a bite of her toast. "So she's hot?"

Jisoo and Lisa both shot the girl a look, causing her to raise her hands defensively.

"What? I was just asking!" Jennie chuckled. "Besides, what are you even worried about?" She asked Lisa. "Chaeyoung is basically in love with you."

"Who said I was worried?" Lisa mumbled as she shoved a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

Jennie rolled her eyes playfully while Jisoo gave her a knowing look.

"Am I being stupid?" Lisa questioned.

"Kind of," Jennie answered honestly.

"I'm almost positive Joy isn't even gay, if that helps," Jisoo offered hopefully.

"Uh, not really," Lisa said as she gestured to herself.

"Oh, right," Jisoo replied, her mouth forming into an apologetic grimace.

Lisa knew Jennie was right; she was being stupid. What she was feeling was jealousy, but it was extremely misguided at this point. She had grown so used to having Chaeyoung all to herself whenever she wanted, really. Joy coming into the picture changed that, but it wasn't the girl's fault, or Chaeyoung's. And honestly, how much would it really change things, other than the whole lack of privacy thing? It's not like Chaeyoung and Joy would start hanging out all of the time.

Or so Lisa thought.

The conversation between the three girls turned to focus on their softball games that past weekend, and soon they were all finished eating. They had just taken care of their trays, and when they were walking out of the dining hall something caught Lisa's eye from the other side of the large room.

While she and her friends were leaving, Chaeyoung and Joy were arriving. They were walking side by side, (a little too closely, Lisa thought), laughing about something. Lisa couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that Chaeyoung had denied her invitation to come eat with her earlier but was now here, just a short while later, with Joy. She finally managed to tear her eyes away as she turned to follow Jisoo and Jennie.

Whether she was being stupid or not, Lisa was definitely jealous.



"Want to grab dinner before I leave?" Joy asked as she put a final item of clothing into her suitcase before zipping it shut.

It was Friday afternoon now, and Joy was getting ready to go home for the weekend.

"Sure," Chaeyoung sighed, looking over her shoulder from where she sat at her desk to give her roommate a small smile. Her eyes flashed to her phone screen, which remained dark, just as it had that entire afternoon. Chaeyoung had been trying to get some homework done, but she had ended up just sitting and staring at her phone, waiting for a text or call that never came. She hadn't seen Lisa since Monday, despite living just down the hall from one another, and she had hardly even heard from her at all. Chaeyoung wanted to blame it all on the fact that Lisa was just extra busy with softball on top of school, but she couldn't deny that something felt off. When they had talked, Lisa's responses were always extremely short and distant. It was almost as if she were upset with Chaeyoung, although Chaeyoung herself genuinely had no idea why she would be. They had just fixed things between them, but once again they seemed to sort of be falling apart.

"Ready?" Joy asked, standing by the door as she pulled it open.

Chaeyoung nodded and got up from her desk chair, following the girl out into the hall before closing and locking the door to their room.

It had definitely been an adjustment, getting a roommate. Chaeyoung had been so used to having her own space, to being alone pretty much all of the time. Not just in college, that had just always been the case for her, for as long as she could remember. She had never had a roommate before, so she didn't have anything to compare to, but as far as she knew, Joy was about as good as they came. She wasn't sure why Jisoo couldn't work things out with her. The second day Joy had lived there, she had pulled out her flute to practice. At first, it didn't bother Chaeyoung at all, but after about an hour she was ready to send Joy packing. Chaeyoung confronted Joy about it, and the girl quickly apologized and offered to go to one of the practice rooms in the music building. Chaeyoung asked why she hadn't done that while she lived with Jisoo, but Joy said that the girl never said anything to her about her practicing.

Joy and Chaeyoung had formed a quick friendship. Much like Chaeyoung, Joy was a bit of a loner in their new college environment. But also like Chaeyoung, Joy didn't mind being alone. Being so similar just empowered their dynamic. They were both respectful of each other's space, but were grateful to have the other around when they did want someone to talk to or go to the dining hall with. They had extremely similar personalities as well as interests and senses of humor, and so far they had gotten along great.

The two girls were now standing in one of the food lines in the dining hall when Joy tapped gently on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"Do you know her?" She whispered, leaning in to bring her lips close to Chaeyoung's ear in an effort to remain unheard.

Chaeyoung watched as Joy's eyes flashed briefly to their right before returning straight ahead. She looked in that direction to find Jennie watching them intently.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung laughed lightly as she waved to the girl seated across the room. "She's one of my friends, she's on the softball team with Lisa too," she explained.

"Oh," Joy nodded as they both reached to accept a plate of a burger and fries. "Have you talked to Lisa?" She asked curiously.

"No," Chaeyoung frowned. "Not anymore than a few words still, I mean. I texted her this morning but she was in class," she continued as she began to lead Joy to the table where Jennie was sitting alone.

"Do you still think she's mad at you?" Joy questioned.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung confessed.

"You don't think she's jealous or something, do you?" Joy inquired as she followed Chaeyoung through the maze of people, tables, and chairs in the crowded dining hall.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked, turning to give Joy a confused look. "Why would she be jealous?"

"Oh, I don't know," Joy said quickly, shaking her head. "You and I have just been spending a lot of time together, and I just didn't know-"

"There's nothing to be jealous of," Chaeyoung almost laughed. "I don't think that's it..." she trailed off as the two finally reached Jennnie's table.

"Hey Chaeng," Jennie smiled, tilting her head slightly as she looked at the girl next to her. "And, Joy, right?" She asked the brunette who was taking one of the seats across from her.

"Yeah, hi," Joy replied shyly, offering a small smile and wave.

"I'm Jennie, Chaeyoung and Lisa's friend," Jennie said, introducing herself. "You do know Lisa, right?"

Joy nodded, still wearing a smile that looked a little uncomfortable.

"Speaking of Lisa, where is she?" Jennie questioned, directing this question at Chaeyoung.

"I don't know," Chaeyoung admitted as she poured some ketchup onto her plate.

"You two are usually attached at the hip," Jennie replied, folding her hands and resting them on the table.

"Yeah, well lately you've probably talked to her much more than I have, trust me," Chaeyoung sighed, sliding a french fry between her lips.

"Ah, right," Jennie nodded as she took a sip of water. "You've probably been really busy, helping your new roommate get settled in and all," she continued, flashing a fake smile as she looked briefly at Joy and then back to Chaeyoung.

"No," Chaeyoung objected calmly, furrowing her eyebrow. "Lisa has been the busy one."

"Hm," Jennie mumbled simply as she stared at the two girls for a moment before turning her attention to her food.

Chaeyoung was extremely uncomfortable, so she knew that Joy had to be. The three sat in overwhelmingly awkward silence for what felt like hours but was realistically only about ten minutes before Joy finally spoke after her phone began to ring.

"That's my mom," Joy said quickly, nearly jumping up out of her seat as she looked at her phone screen. "She's here to pick me up. I have to run back to the room to grab my stuff, so I'll see you later Chaeyoung. It was nice meeting you," she directed toward Jennie, forcing another smile before giving both girls a wave and nearly running out of the dining hall.

"You okay...?" Chaeyoung asked cautiously once she and Jennie were alone.

"Are you and Lisa?" Jennie replied, raising her eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung questioned as she set down the burger she just was bringing to her lips.

"Listen," Jennie started. "I know you and I don't spend that much time together and that we just met each other and all, but I like you. And I love Lisa. And I love you and Lisa together."

"I don't understand..." Chaeyoung said quietly. The girl was beginning to scare her. Were things between her and Lisa really that bad?

"You need to fix things," Jennie directed, pointing her fork across the table at her.

"Fix things?" Chaeyoung repeated. "I didn't even know things needed fixing," she frowned.

"She's really upset," Jennie confessed. "Okay, maybe not upset, but definitely jealous."

"Jealous of what?" Chaeyoung asked, genuinely confused.

"Of you and Joy," Jennie replied.

"There is no Me and Joy," Chaeyoung emphasized. "Not even a little bit. We're just friends. Just roommates," she added sincerely.

"Does Joy know that?" Jennie questioned.

"Yes," Chaeyoung nodded easily. "It's not like that."

"Even if that is true," Jennie began, "it's kind of like what happened with Lisa and Jungkook. You were upset and jealous even though there was nothing going on, but Lisa came to talk to you. She cleared things up. She comforted you. Now it's your turn."

"You're sure she's jealous?" Chaeyoung asked as she played with a fry between her fingertips.

Jennie simply nodded before taking a fry off of Chaeyoung's plate and popping it into her mouth.

"I really had no idea," Chaeyoung said honestly.

Chaeyoung felt awful that this was the reason why Lisa had been so distant. She was jealous, and possibly hurting. It probably didn't help that every time Lisa had asked what Chaeyoung was up to she had mentioned being with Joy. If Chaeyoung knew that this was the problem, she would have fixed it immediately. She definitely wouldn't have let it drag on for an entire week. Chaeyoung needed Lisa to know that she didn't have to be jealous or worry about losing Chaeyoung. Not to Joy, not to anyone. As long as Lisa wanted her, Chaeyoung would be hers, and only hers.

"Well now you do," Jennie replied, offering a small smile. "So what are you going to do about it?"


Chaeyoung paced back and forth across the short length of her room. She had been pacing like this ever since she had texted Lisa and gotten her to agree to come over. She was excited to see Lisa, but anxious to talk to her about things. She wanted to fix things with Lisa, to make her feel secure with their relationship, in the best way she knew how.

But first they needed to talk.

When Lisa finally knocked on the door, Chaeyoung opened it almost immediately, as if she had been waiting. (Because she had).

"Hey you," Chaeyoung smiled warmly as she opened the door, stepping aside so Lisa could walk into the room.

"Hi," Lisa said quietly, forcing a small smile of her own.

Chaeyoung watched as Lisa's eyes immediately drifted to Joy's side of the room.

"She went home for the weekend," Chaeyoung informed her quickly as she shut the door.

"Oh," Lisa nodded. "So did you just invite me over to hook-up now that you have the room to yourself?"

"What?" Chaeyoung asked as she moved to stand next to the chocolate-eyed girl.

"Well, let's do it then," Lisa said, pulling her shirt over her head.

"Stop," Chaeyoung objected, reaching to grab Lisa's wrist as she held her balled up t-shirt. "I invited you over because I missed you."

Chaeyoung's heart sank when she noticed the way Lisa's eyes looked; they were dull and glazed over, apparently by welling tears.

"What's wrong?" Chaeyoung questioned softly, still holding onto Lisa's wrist, which she now stroked gently with her thumb.

"Nothing," Lisa whispered, her eyes falling down to the ground.

Chaeyoung used her other hand to bring her fingers to Lisa's chin, lifting it up so their eyes met.

"I don't know why I'm being like this," Lisa sighed, her voice shaky.

"Talk to me. Please," Chaeyoung begged gently, moving her hand slightly to tuck a strand of dark hair behind the girl's ear before cradling the side of her face.

"You drive me crazy," Lisa admitted, almost laughing.

"Here," Chaeyoung directed, tugging on Lisa's wrist and guiding the girl to sit down on her bed.

Once Lisa sat down Chaeyoung immediately joined her side, folding one of her legs and resting it against Lisa's as she faced her fully.

"You drive me crazy too, you know," Chaeyoung said softly, smiling at the girl.

Lisa took a deep breath and Chaeyoung watched her chest rise and fall slowly as the girl was now sitting in just her bra after stripping her shirt off.

"I'm so jealous of Joy, and I don't even know why," Lisa confessed as she looked down at her hands.

"I don't know why either," Chaeyoung replied, reaching to take one of Lisa's hands between her own. "There's nothing to be jealous of."

"And I know that," Lisa agreed. "I really do. I just can't help it."

"That's why you've been avoiding me all week?" Chaeyoung asked.

Lisa nodded as she lifted her eyes to meet Chaeyoung's again.

"I wish you would've just told me how you were feeling. You can always tell me, Lali," Chaeyoung promised.

"I thought I would get over it," Lisa said as she sighed again. "But every time you mentioned that you were with her, it just got worse."

Chaeyoung frowned but stroked the back of Lisa's hand soothingly, encouraging her to continue.

"I'm so afraid of losing you, Chaeyoung," Lisa went on. "I like you a lot. So much that it scares me."

"I know the feeling," Chaeyoung ensured her. "But I also know that you have nothing to worry about. I'm not going anywhere; you're not going to lose me. Not to Joy, not to anyone else. Ever."

Lisa smiled as she leaned in to bring her lips to Chaeyoung's. It was a short kiss, but that didn't stop the butterflies from taking over Chaeyoung's stomach, as they always seemed to do.

"I'm sorry if I'm being dramatic," Lisa apologized.

"It's okay, you're not," Chaeyoung insisted before reconnecting their lips.

"I missed you," Lisa whispered once their mouths separated.

"I missed you too," Chaeyoung smiled as Lisa nestled her head onto her shoulder.

"I think I'd be okay with it if you did invite me over to hook up," Lisa teased as she ran her fingertips up Chaeyoung's thigh.

"I didn't," Chaeyoung laughed. "I told you, I missed you. And I wanted to talk."

"Mhm, okay," Lisa nodded as she leaned in to press her nose to Chaeyoung's neck.

"But we're done talking now, right?" Chaeyoung asked, her voice deepening as she ran her fingers along the edge of the back of Lisa's bra.

"I knew you only wanted me for my body," Lisa joked as she lifted her head from Chaeyoung's shoulder, shaking it at the girl.

"Don't say things like that," Chaeyoung pouted as she stood up from the bed, now standing in front of Lisa.

"I'm just teasing," Lisa ensured her, smiling as she looked at Lisa with now bright eyes.

"So you're okay?" Chaeyoung questioned as she slid between Lisa's legs. "We're okay?"

Lisa nodded as she wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's tiny waist.

"You know there's nothing to be jealous of, right?" Chaeyoung asked as she brushed a few strands of hair out of Lisa's face.

Lisa nodded again as Chaeyoung leaned in to place a kiss on her left cheek.

"You know I'm yours, right?" Chaeyoung asked, her voice becoming raspier.

Lisa nodded once more as Chaeyoung brought her lips to Lisa's right cheek, letting them linger there this time as she made a trail up her jaw and toward her ear.

"Good, baby," Chaeyoung whispered, her voice soft and rich.

"I love when you call me baby," Lisa admitted, moaning just ever so slightly as Chaeyoung attached her lips to the corner of Lisa's jaw right before it met her ear, leaving an open-mouthed kiss there.

"You're mine," Chaeyoung smiled against Lisa's skin. "And I'm yours," she husked into the dark-haired girl's ear before placing a kiss behind it.

"Chae," Lisa sighed as Chaeyoung now attached her lips to Lisa's neck.

Chaeyoung stepped away from Lisa briefly, looking at her with a hooded gaze as she reached to pull her own shirt over her head. She smiled when Lisa's eyes widened when Chaeyoung revealed a white, lacy bra. She smiled even wider when Lisa's mouth fell open slightly once she revealed the matching thong.

Chaeyoung retrieved her phone from the pile of clothes she had just created on the ground, gliding her fingers across the screen before sliding it into her dock and soon filling the room with music from it's speakers.

"I wanna be your vacuum cleaner

Breathing in your dust

I wanna be your Ford Cortina

I will never rust

If you like your coffee hot

Le me be your coffee pot

You call the shots babe

I just wanna be yours"

The tension between them was growing quickly, and Chaeyoung wasted no time before stepping back over to the bed and pulling Lisa's shorts off from under her and dropping them onto the floor. She situated herself between Lisa's legs once again and cradled her perfectly sculpted jaw as she brought their foreheads together.

"You're so beautiful," Lisa whispered, their mouths only inches apart.

Chaeyoung smiled appreciatively before eagerly closing that distance, kissing the girl's lips fully.

"I'm yours," Chaeyoung replied simply once their mouths separated. She took Lisa's hand and brought it to rest on her collarbone as she reattached her lips to the dark-haired girl's neck. "All yours," she mumbled against her skin as she began covering the area in open-mouthed kisses.

"Yours," Chaeyoung said as she pulled Lisa's hand lower so that it was cupping her breast over her bra.

"Yours," she added as she pulled Lisa's hands to her stomach, feeling her fingertips trace over the smooth skin of her stomach gently.

"Yours," she moaned as she pulled Lisa's hand to finally cup her warm center.

Lisa applied pressure with her fingers, a moan of her own escaping her lips when she felt how wet Chaeyoung already was.

"Tell me I'm yours, Lisa," Chaeyoung begged as the heel of Lisa's hand bumped against her straining bundle of nerves.

"You're mine, Chae," Lisa said before eagerly attaching her lips to the skin of Chaeyoung's bare chest, just below her neck.

"That's right," Chaeyoung agreed, tilting her head back as she felt Lisa begin to mark her skin. "So lay me down on the bed and take what's yours."

"Secrets I have held in my heart

Are harder to hide than I thought

Maybe I just wanna be yours

I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours

Wanna be yours, wanna be yours, wanna be yours"

Clearly not needing to be told twice, Lisa stood up, moving one arm to Chaeyoung's back and the other to the back of her thighs and literally picking her up, cradling her in her arms. She paused for a moment as Chaeyoung smiled at her, leaning in to give her a quick peck before laying her on the mattress and then quickly situating herself between the blonde's legs.

Chaeyoung wanted nothing more than Lisa to feel like she was in control. She wanted Lisa to know that she was hers and no one else's.

All of her.

"Let me be your 'leccy meter and I'll never run out

And let me be the portable heater that you'll get cold without

I wanna be your setting lotion

Hold your hair in deep devotion

At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean

I wanna be yours"

Lisa immediately bent down to recapture Chaeyoung's lips, wasting little time before sliding her tongue into the mouth of the girl beneath her. Chaeyoung accepted it more that willingly, tangling it with her own as she moved her hands to Lisa's hair. She let out a small whine when Lisa moved her lips to attach them to Chaeyoung's already swollen bottom one, sucking on the flesh fully before pulling it between her teeth and releasing it slowly. Chaeyoung pressed her hips up into Lisa's as their mouths continued to work against each other's in a collision of lips, tongue, and teeth.

Lisa moved her mouth to Chaeyoung's neck to begin giving it a treatment similar to the one her lips had just received as she reached her hands around the girl's back to unclasp her bra. After Chaeyoung's was gone, Lisa sat up to remove her own, and when she tried to lay back down Chaeyoung stopped her, bringing a hand to her chest.

"What?" Lisa asked breathlessly as she sat on top of the blonde's hips, taking the hand on her chest and intertwining their fingers.

"No one has ever fucked me the way you do, Lali," Chaeyoung said seriously, moving their connected hands so that Lisa's now laid on her heaving stomach, Chaeyoung's hand resting on top of Lisa's.

Chaeyoung grinned as Lisa squirmed slightly. She wanted to boost Lisa's confidence, and she could tell already that it was working.

"You make me feel so good," Chaeyoung emphasized as she pulled Lisa's hand higher so that it was now cupping her bare breast. "And the things you do with your mouth," she sighed as she reached up with her other hand to run her fingertips over Lisa's swollen lips before tugging on the bottom one gently.

It was almost as if Lisa took that as a challenge, or maybe just an invitation. She lifted her hand from Chaeyoung's chest and grabbed her wrist, gently pushing two of the girl's fingers into her mouth before sucking on them gently.

Chaeyoung bit her lip as Lisa looked at her with heated eyes as she slipped Chaeyoung's digits from her lips and leaned down to connect their mouths once more. The contact remained somewhat brief, though, because after just a few moments Lisa was kissing back down Chaeyoung's neck until she reached her chest. She left open-mouthed kisses along the valley of Chaeyoung's breasts while taking both of the mounds beneath her fingertips, squeezing the flesh there.

"Your mouth," Chaeyoung panted. "I need it," she begged, tugging lightly at Lisa's hair.

Chaeyoung could feel Lisa smile against her skin as she kissed her way to her hardened nipple before taking it between her lips. Chaeyoung squirmed beneath the dark-haired girl when she felt her teeth lightly tug at it. Lisa instantly soothed the sensitive flesh, swirling the nub with her tongue before sucking at it again. Chaeyoung's breathing grew more and more unsteady as Lisa moved her mouth to the other side, giving it a more than fair treatment.

Lisa began kissing down Chaeyoung's stomach, leaving more open-mouthed kisses and gentle bites, before pulling off Chaeyoung's thong and tossing it onto the floor.

"Where else do you need my mouth?" Lisa whispered as she began leaving kisses along Chaeyoung's waistline.

"Wait," Chaeyoung objected, causing Lisa to sit up immediately.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lisa asked, her gaze soft and tender as she looked down to examine Chaeyoung's face.

"I'm fine," Chaeyoung assured her, smiling as she reached to run her fingertips up and down Lisa's back. "I just want something else."

"You can have whatever you want," Lisa said as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. "Anything. Just tell me," she directed as she slid her hand back up Chaeyoung's body, placing it on top of Chaeyoung's breast and massaging the flesh there gently.

"The box under the bed," Chaeyoung replied simply.

Lisa quickly moved to lean over the edge of the bed, finding the box Chaeyoung had been referring to and recognizing it right away. She bit her lip again as she sat up and opened the box, pulling the strap-on out.

Chaeyoung smiled up at Lisa as the dark-haired girl untangled the straps of the harness and dropped the box back onto the floor. But when Lisa lowered it to Chaeyoung's body to help her put it on, the blonde grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"No baby," Chaeyoung said, shaking her head slightly.

"Oh," Lisa replied understandingly.

Chaeyoung continued smiling up at Lisa. She wanted her to wear it.

"Is that okay?" Chaeyoung asked softly.

"More than okay," Lisa nodded, her eyes darkening.

"I've never done anything like this," Chaeyoung admitted. "I've never had anything that...big."

Upon hearing her own words, Chaeyoung began to grow just a little bit nervous. Lisa's fingers, not even her vibrator came close to the girth of the plastic strap-on Lisa was now situating around her hips after discarding her own underwear.

"Are you nervous?" Lisa asked once she had it on.

"A little," Chaeyoung confessed, wearing a small smile. "But I'm always nervous with you."

"You make me nervous too. Only in the best way, though," Lisa smiled as she lowered her body back onto Chaeyoung's, leaning in to connect their lips.

Chaeyoung felt her body begin to immediately relax in response to the gesture. She was convinced that Lisa's kisses could bring world peace. Not that she wanted to share them with anyone.

Lisa slid her tongue back into Chaeyoung's mouth and Chaeyoung groaned when the girl shifted, pressing the silicone of the strap-on between her legs. She groaned again when she felt Lisa's hand slide down her body, followed by the sensation of the tip of the strap-on pressing directly onto her bundle of nerves as Lisa kept kissing her.

Chaeyoung squirmed when Lisa dragged 'herself' through her wet folds while moving her lips to Chaeyoung's neck. The amount of pleasure she was feeling was already so intense, the build up so far had been incredible, she began to wonder exactly what she was getting herself into. She let out a frustrated groan when Lisa removed the contact between her center and the strap-on, but was immediately appeased when she felt Lisa's fingers begin to make her way through her folds.

"You're so wet," Lisa whispered before biting at the soft skin of Chaeyoung's neck. She brought one finger to Chaeyoung's entrance and wasted no time before sinking it into her core.

"Lali," Chaeyoung panted, reveling in the way it felt to finally be filled, even if it was only minimally.

Lisa brought her lips back to Chaeyoung's, kissing her softly as she entered another finger. Chaeyoung kissed Lisa back harder as Lisa began pumping her two digits in and out of Chaeyoung's core. She couldn't maintain the contact when Lisa slid in a third.

"Fuck," Chaeyoung moaned, digging her nails into Lisa's back.

"You're really tight," Lisa said softly, biting her lip as she looked down at Chaeyoung tenderly yet passionately while continuing to scissor her walls.

Once Chaeyoung adjusted to the size and her breathing steadied a little, Lisa reconnected their lips, kissing Chaeyoung sweetly as she continued working her fingers in and out of Chaeyoung's wet core.

"Take me now, Lisa," Chaeyoung said suddenly, separating their lips so that she could look up at the girl.

"You're sure?" Lisa asked carefully as she slid her fingers out of Chaeyoung and sat up.

"Positive," Chaeyoung nodded.

Lisa leaned back down to kiss Chaeyoung's lips again before sitting back on her heels. She tightened the strap around her waist before turning her attention back to Chaeyoung.

"Here," Lisa directed, gently bending Chaeyoung's knees so they were pressed to her chest. She situated herself so she was aligned with Chaeyoung's hips before spreading Chaeyoung's legs in their slightly bent position.

Chaeyoung heart began to pick up pace in anticipation as she watched Lisa eye her hungrily.

"God you're beautiful," Lisa sighed as she took in Chaeyoung's naked body sprawled out in front of her. "I'm going to make you feel so good," she added, biting her lip.

"Fuck me, baby," Chaeyoung begged, moving her hands to her knees in an effort to spread her legs a little wider.

Lisa shifted on the bed, bringing herself closer to Chaeyoung as she reached down to grip the long, thick silicone attachment of the strap-on. She looked at Chaeyoung who nodded eagerly, giving her the silent go-ahead.

"Oh," Chaeyoung whimpered once Lisa sank the tip into her core. The size difference was immediately noticeable, and it was hardly in.

Lisa soothingly stroked the skin of Chaeyoung's thigh with one of her hands as she pushed it deeper.

"Oh," Chaeyoung moaned even louder as she felt 'Lisa' enter her fully, her walls immediately clamping around her.

"I can feel how tight you are Chae," Lisa panted, closing her eyes assumingly in response to the insert of the strap-on applying pressure to her bundle of nerves.

"Move, please," Chaeyoung instructed, her head falling back onto the pillow.

Lisa moved her hands to the back of Chaeyoung's bent thighs, pushing gently against her knees for leverage as she began to move her hips back and forth. The strap-on's length made it so that she hit that spot inside of Chaeyoung with nearly every stroke, and the blonde was already writhing beneath her.

Chaeyoung's head was spinning; this level of pleasure was something else. She felt full, and 'Lisa' was hitting so deep. She felt extremely close to her, almost as if their bodies were connected.

"Right there," Chaeyoung whined as Lisa continued to fuck her at a steady pace.

"Chae," Lisa responded as the insert hit her own straining nub again.

"God Lisa, that feels so good," Chaeyoung panted. She dropped her knees so that her feet were now resting on the bed, her legs still on either side of Lisa as she filled here. "Come here," she said, reaching up for the brown-eyed girl.

Lisa quickly obliged, lowering her chest onto Chaeyoung's as 'she' remained inside of her. Chaeyoung let out her loudest moan yet when the shift seemed to force 'Lisa' even deeper, something she wasn't previously aware was even possible.

"Kiss me," Chaeyoung directed as Lisa was already bringing their lips together.

Lisa kissed Chaeyoung slowly as she continued to grind their hips together. Chaeyoung wrapped her legs around Lisa's waist, wanting- no, needing- every part of their bodies to be as close as possible.

Lisa brought her lips to Chaeyoung's neck when the blonde's breathing became unsteady again, and Chaeyoung scratched at Lisa's back.

"Tell me you're mine again," Lisa mumbled against Chaeyoung's skin as 'she' continued to pump in and out of the girl's core.

"I'm yours," Chaeyoung said quickly, her voice breathy and broken. "I'm all yours, Lisa. God," she panted, feeling herself getting dangerously close to the edge.

"I'm close," Lisa admitted after leaving a small bite at the base of Chaeyoung's throat, soothing it with her tongue.

"Me too," Chaeyoung whispered, bringing their lips back together and into a short kiss before needing to catch her breath again. "Don't stop."

That wasn't something Lisa really needed to be told, as 'she' was now moving in and out of Chaeyoung with a new pace, seemingly chasing her own climax now as well.

After a particularly hard stroke that hit Chaeyoung's g-spot in just the right way, she felt herself begin to fall apart.

"I'm coming," Chaeyoung moaned, digging her fingers into Lisa's back and throwing her head back. "Baby, I'm coming," she continued, feeling her walls clamp around 'Lisa' as she released a gush of wetness against 'her'.

"Fuck," Lisa whimpered, moving her forehead to rest against Chaeyoung's.

"Don't you dare stop," Chaeyoung breathed heavily, reaching up to cradle Lisa's face as she forced their eyes to lock. "Come for me," she begged, weakly pushing her hips back up into 'Lisa'.

Lisa didn't stop, and after a few more strokes and swipes of the insert against her straining bundle of nerves she too was falling apart.

"Chae," Lisa panted, her hot breath coating Chaeyoung's swollen lips as their faces were still just inches apart.

Chaeyoung connected their lips in a sloppy kiss as both girls continued to work their hips, breathing heavily as they rode out their orgasms.

After a few more moments, Chaeyoung groaned when Lisa pulled out. Her chest was still rising and falling at an erratic pace when Lisa collapsed on the bed beside her. She smiled when Lisa pulled gently on her shoulder, bringing her body into hers. Chaeyoung tangled their legs together and laid her head on Lisa's bare chest, Lisa's fingers soon finding the skin of Chaeyoung's back as they always did.

"Mine," Lisa whispered, pressing her lips to Chaeyoung's forehead.

Chaeyoung smiled again as she brought her lips to Lisa's collarbone to leave a kiss in return.

"Yours," she confirmed.

A/N: tbh, I think that Ice Cream is an amazing song but the line distribution is just shit. Like what kind of main vocalist only gets 17 seconds of vocals and screen time?! But please do support the song, the pinks have worked so hard on it. It's ot4 or nothing ✊

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