Meliodas X Ban ~oneshots~

By melio_dasani

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Skinny And Dipped
The Adventures of Smol and Tol (Pt1)
Everyone But You
Before Love Came To Kill Us
Road Trip! (Pt 1)
Road Trip! (Pt 2)
Red Husky
For The Viewers
Locker Room
Dad? And Dad?
New Years Knot
Six Deadly Sins
TreeTrunk Buddies
Mid Night Runs
Proud of You
Lonesome Town
Everyone Deserves A Reward
Everybody Makes Mistakes?
I'll Bite
Welcome To The Caribbean
Bring Me Back A Trophy, You Ass
Bite Back
Really, really, really like you.
Lights, Camera, Action
In a Year (a more reasonable agreement)


2.9K 53 22
By melio_dasani

tags: modern, college au, established relationship or whatever, opposites attract?, cheerleader x bad boy? LMAOO

description: a continuation of "Enticing" set 4 months after that day meliodas and ban spent in the bathroom. the two decided to get together, because fuck it. why not? both of them have honestly been way happier. but of course there is the one dreadful fact that nobody knows they're together, not even their friends. they haven't hidden it at all. they've kissed in public, sent each other smiles and smirks in the hall, but it just hasn't got across.

Ban scoffed, leaning back in his chair.

He was trying to see Meliodas from his seat, but the usual girls and boy's clouded his vision.

"Oh fuck me." He mumbled, as he saw Gowther, from the school news coming in his direction.

He pulled down his sleeves, crossing his arms.

"What is it now?" He said through his teeth.

"oh god! his voice is so hot!"

"look at his arms! you can see his muscles through his jacket!"

Ban clenched his fist, turning back towards the pink haired boy.

"Ban! The students want to know why you haven't gotten a girlfriend yet, or maybe perhaps a boyfriend? You could literally have anyone in the school!" Gowther said, holding a voice recorder up to Ban's face.

The boy nearly went cross eyed trying to look at it. "Who says I don't already have one."

The crowd around him gasped.

"Who's the lucky girl? Will you tell us or is it a secret? Is she a senior like you!? Or perhaps a junior."

Ban rolled his eyes, pushing the recorder out of his face and standing up.

"She's a He." He said simply, exiting the dining hall.

"WHAT?!" People from the crowd said.

The boys cheered, knowing that at least if they broke up, they might have a chance.
Meliodas smiled as he walked into the dining hall, followed by his teammates.

"Excuse me." He said, slipping past a girl, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"What the fu- AHH!" She yelled out, face red once she saw who it was.

"I literally love you so much! Can you sign my notebook?!" She said, holding it out to the blonde with pleading eyes.

Meliodas grinned, taking a marker from his back pocket and scribbling his name with a heart.

"I'm no celebrity. Feel free to come and talk to me anytime Elizabeth." He said with a playful wink.

The girl blushed, hugging her notebook and turning to her friends. "He knows my name!"

Gillthunder smirked, pushing Meliodas forwards.

gillthunder. aka the only other fucking sane person on the team. the only one who was like meliodas; gay, wanted to quit the team, and liked to smoke weed. best friend material

"Let's keep it moving lover boy, we don't have all day." He said.

Meliodas rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I might just have to have a chat with that Senior you like." He said.

Gillthunder blushed. "You wouldn't." He said.

"Try me."

Gillthunder flicked Meliodas off, huffing. "I hate you."

"Love you too little Gil."

He looked around the lunchroom, eyes locking on a crowd of  people.

"I have to go real quick. I'll catch you guys later." He said.

His teammates waved at him, going off to get lunch of their.

Meliodas jogged over to the table, tapping on someone's back.

"What's going on over here?" He said.

The boy turned around and gasped.

"Oh my gosh look guys!" Everyone turned to the back of the group, gasping at Meliodas.

"Oh my god! You were so awesome at the game last night!"

"Can you sign this!?"

"I love you Meliodas!"

"Are you single!?"

Meliodas laughed nervously, putting his hand behind his head.

"Actually no, sorry." He said.

The group mumbled amongst themselves, all just as surprised as when Ban said he had a boyfriend.

"Did I hear that right?!" Gowther said, rushing over.

Meliodas bit his lip.

guess ban isn't over here...

"Yes Gowther. But If you don't mind, I'm looking for someone. So I'm gonna blast!" He said with a smile.

"Wait wait! Boy or girl?!" Someone said from the crowd, clasping their hands together.

Meliodas blushed, putting up a piece sign.

"A boy of course. See you all at the competition tonight!" He said playfully.

The males in the group all high fived, cheering loudly.

A certain girl in the crowd frowned, walking over to Gowther.

"Can we speak for a moment. I think I might just have your biggest story yet."

Gowther smirked, putting down his camera. "I'm listening.."

Meliodas huffed, plopping down on Ban's lap.

Ban laughed, putting his hands on Meliodas's waist.

"What are you so tired for?" He asked. Meliodas grabbed a water bottle from the table, chugging it.

Ban raised an eyebrow.

"I ran around the entire—campus looking for you.." He panted out.

"Why? I was here like the entire time.."

Meliodas deadpanned. "Thanks for the tip. I'll check here first next time." He said sarcastically.

Ban smirked, leaning closer to the boy. "You can get way more than just a tip." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Meliodas laughed, putting a hand over Ban's face and pushing him back. "Oh my God, you just can't help yourself can you." He said.

Ban shook his head. "Not when it comes to you." He said.

Meliodas blushed, looking away.

"What time is it Ban?" He asked.

"Um.. quarter till four, why?"

Meliodas exaggerated a groan, leaning dramatically on Ban's chest.

"I have class in like ten minutes. I sooo, don't want to go..I just got here." He whined out.

Ban pat his back sympathetically.

"It would be much better if I could just stay with you and stare at your beautiful tattoos all day."

Ban tsked. "I'm convinced my tattoos are the only reason you're going out with me." He joked.

Meliodas smirked. "They are."

Ban pushed Meliodas off of him, frowning.

Meliodas laughed, putting a hand over his mouth.

"I'm joking, i'm joking."

Ban side eyed him, shaking his head in disappointment.

He grabbed a nearby jacket, slipping it on.

"Let's get you to class. Can't have you missing anything important." He said.

Meliodas groaned, lying on the couch.


Ban scoffed. "You say that like I won't carry you to class right now."

"I'm not opposed to the idea" Meliodas said, not missing a beat.

Ban rolled his eyes, pulling Meliodas up off of the couch.

"Get uppp." He said. Meliodas stomped his foot. "You're no fun. I can't skip one class?"

Ban smirked, placing a kiss on the corner of Meliodas's lips, lingering there to whisper something to him.

Meliodas's eyes widened. "You've got yourself a deal!" He said, placing a big kiss on Ban's lips.

The taller boy laughed, standing up straight and jogging to his room.

He came back with a jacket, tossing it to Meliodas's.

"Think Fast."

Meliodas looked down at his hands. "What's this."

"A jacket. Cover up, buttercup."

Meliodas looked at Ban in confusion. "What?"

Ban pointed at Meliodas's outfit. Shorts and a cropped yellow shirt with a sunflower necklace. "What's wrong with my outfit?"

"You have to spend 90 minutes with nearly all seniors. Not a chance in hell you're going to class like that, not while I'm alive." Ban said, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.

Meliodas giggled. "You're a piece of work. A jealous piece of work." He said, slipping the jacket on and zipping it up.

Ban opened one eye, peeking at the boy.

"I'm not jealous of those wannabe groupies."

Meliodas put his hands behind his head, undoing his necklace.


Meliodas smiled.

"Yaknow..If I'm wearing something of yours, then you should wear something of mines." He said, taking Ban's hand and putting the chain into it.

Ban squinted. "But it's so—girly." He said quietly.

Meliodas punched his arm lightly. "Hey! I think it's pretty." He said.

Ban sighed, putting the necklace on.


Meliodas clapped his hands together.

"Now take your jacket off." Ban's eyes went wide.

"Woah! Not a chance." He said. Meliodas frowned. "But you can't even see it.." He said quietly.

Ban shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I'm not showing my arms to those freaks!" Meliodas pouted, eyes watering. "Ban do you not want to be seen wearing my necklace. Is that it?" He asked.

Ban grimaced, leaning down and kissing Meliodas's nose, rubbing the boy's cheek.

"Of course that's not it baby. I-"

"So you'll take it off?!"

Ban sighed, taking his jacket off and tossing it on the couch.

"Sure. Whatever you want." He said, leaning in to hug the boy.

Meliodas grabbed his bag, running towards the door.

"Great! Let's go! I have like 4 minutes!" He said, excited.

Ban froze, frowning. "I definitely just got played."

Ban and Meliodas stepped out of his room, Ban locking the door behind him.

They walked side by side, as they neared the staircase.

Once they left the dorms, and entered the class buildings, all eyes were on them. Girls and boys met eyes, and then it seemed like everyone ran up to them.

"Ban is wearing a T-Shirt oh my gosh!"

"Why are these two together?! Isn't it odd?"

"Meliodas! Meliodas!"

"Ban! Ban!"

"The papers weren't lying! It's true guys look! He's even wearing Ban's jacket!"

"Look he has on Meliodas's lucky necklace!"

Suddenly a girl pushed through the crowd and ran up to them, eyes glistening.

"Is it true?

Meliodas and Ban looked at each other confused.

"Is what true?" Ban asked, already annoyed.

The girl shoved a entry from the campus paper into their faces.

Howzer pushed through the crowd. "Best friend here! Coming through! Beep beep! Hey! Mind the hair please!"

He grabbed Meliodas and Ban by the arms, dragging them away from the group, and the girl.

Once down the hall, and outside of Meliodas's class, Ban snatched away from Howzer.

The taller blonde crossed his arms.

"I'm guessing you two haven't read the paper?" He asked, almost hurt.

Meliodas laughed sheepishly. "I haven't yet."

"Fuck reading." Ban said, rolling his eyes.

Howzer scanned both of them, scoffing. "You two are completely obvious. I really hope you weren't trying to keep your relationship a secret. Cause surely if the school had doubts, they don't anymore. It was all over the papers and school webpage, and then you two come out wearing each other's stuff?"

Meliodas blushed. "Excuse me? Our relationship?"

Howzer nodded. "Gowther wrote about it in the paper. Apparently someone told him first. Then it circulated, and now everyone is literally fangirling because it's 'totally straight out of a movie.' I couldn't care less about the whole thing. Except the fact that you—didn't tell me!" He said, flicking Ban.

Ban rubbed his head, gritting his teeth.

"I don't have to tell you anything! Just because you're my best friend doesn't mean I'm obligated to tell you.

Meliodas and Howzer both gasped, looking at Ban in shock.

"That's like the first rule of Best-Friend-Ship!" Meliodas said.

"Thank you!" Howzer said, gesturing to the boy.

Ban rolled his eyes. "Fucking Cheerleaders.." He mumbled.

Before Meliodas could shoot an insult back, his voice was being yelled from down the hall.

"You little bitch!" Gillthunder said, running up and flicking Meliodas's head repeatedly.

"Ouch! Stop! GILLTHUNDER!"

Ban raised an eyebrow. "Who's this?"

Gillthunder turned around to face Ban, scoffing.

"His best friend. And I'm guessing you're this secret new boyfriend that he didn't tell me about." He said, putting emphasis on the didn't.

Ban smiled in amusement, turning to Meliodas.

"First rule of Best-Friend-Ship huh?"

Meliodas giggled. "Oops."

Gillthunder turned to Meliodas, pain etched across his face.

"I'm honestly hurt that you didn't tell me.. I'm supposed to be the first to know..not some geek that records other people for fun!" He said.

Howzer laughed chuckled, looking Gillthunder up and down.

"What's so funny you pri— Oh my god Howzer?"

Gillthunder's face flushed as he pushed both Ban and Meliodas to the side.


Ban rolled his eyes, walking over to Meliodas.

"So I guess the secrets out huh?" He said, holding back a laugh.

"How the hell did they even find out?"
Meliodas asked, trying to remember if he said anything that gave it away.

Ban shrugged. "Guess we'll just have to read exactly what that weirdo wrote. You should get to class." He said, pointing at the door.

Meliodas nodded, kissing Ban's cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you."

Ban leaned on the wall and watched Meliodas skip into his class.

He chuckled, and began to walk down the hall.

Only, he was stopped by and Pink haired boy. Gillthunder.

"I'd like to have a little chat with you."

Ban blinked. "Whatever.
Ban stood up, looking down at his phone.

"Sorry can we cut this short? I have to be somewhere." He said to Gillthunder.

The cheerleader slammed his hands on the table. "Gosh! What could possibly be more important than me telling you how to treat my best friend."

Ban ran a hand through his hair.

"Me going to pick up my boyfriend from class."

Gillthunder scrunched up his face. "Huh?... OH! Oh go ahead!" He said with a bright smile. "We can talk later!"

Ban nodded slowly, already walking away.

"People like him might just be why I've hated cheerleaders all these years." He said under his breath.

Ban walked across campus, strategically avoiding students who would surely bombard him with question.

He stood outside of Meliodas's classroom, playing a random game on his phone.

He pouted when his character died, restarting the level.

Suddenly the door swung open and out came a large mob of students, Meliodas at the center.

Not noticing Ban due to all the people, he smiled nervously.

"I know you guys probably have a lot to say, and I'll definitely listen, but I'm kinda busy right now! Have to practice for the competition tonight you know?! Hopefully i'll see you guys there, then we can talk all you want!" He said, hoping they'd leave him alone.

Luckily they did, all excited with the reminder of the cheer competition tonight.

"Bye Meliodas!" They said, rushing down the hall, and back to the other buildings.

Meliodas huffed, whining. "Where's Ban?"

The latter creeped up behind Meliodas, putting his hands over the boy's eyes.

"Guess who~"

Meliodas grinned, rocking on his heels.

"Oh I don't know...." He turned around, grabbing Ban's hands.

"Ban! It's you!" He said, faking surprise.

Ban snickered, leaning down and pulling Meliodas into a kiss.

"How was class?"

Meliodas gagged as he thought about it.

"Everyone was asking about us, I couldn't even hear the lecture. And those seniors you were worried about, real pains in the ass." He complained. Ban wrapped his arms around Meliodas possessively.

"Pains in the ass how?"

Meliodas shook his head. "Not like that.. They just sit in the back of the class like they own the place, and really make it hard to focus." He said.

Ban nodded.

"Right.. I took Integral Calculus my junior year. I can help you if you want." He said, pressing soft kisses on Meliodas's forehead.

The blonde giggled.

"Yeah that'd be nice." He tilted his head, pushing back from Ban. "Wait you took Integral Calculus?"

Ban nodded. "Yeah. Worst year of my life." He said, internally groaning.

Meliodas laughed, grabbing Ban's arm and slipping under it. He wrapped his other arm around Ban's waist looking up at him with a grin.

"We should go to the yard. I'm itching for some fresh air. Maybe I could show you some of my newest stunts." He said as they began to walk.

Ban nodded. 

"I'm down."

The walked through the halls, getting surprised stares from the few people that did still linger around the buildings. Most people were in the dorms, getting ready for the comp. that was in a couple of hours.

So if they went into there, they would surely get bombarded.


Ban and Meliodas sat in the courtyard on a hill towards the gates.

Ban pulled a lighter from out of his pocket, along with a small glass pipe.

Meliodas tilted his head, looking at Ban.

"What's that?"

Ban showed the boy, laughing at how his eyes lit up.


Ban shook his head, inhaling the smoke from the little glass pipe.

It was new. Still working perfectly. Custom made. Not a bong. It was different. Same concept though.

Meliodas pouted, crawling into Ban's lap.


Ban smirked, pulling the glass away from his mouth.

He brought Meliodas's lips closer to his, parting them with his tongue.

Once opened, Ban blew the smoke into the boy's mouth. Meliodas pulled back, coughing.

"I didn't even know you had smoke in your mouth-!" He said.

Ban laughed tiredly.

"That's the whole point. It's something you pick up when you're smoking in class, or the hallways. You hide it behind your tongue, or sometimes even push it to the back of your throat." He said, running his finger tips up and down Meliodas's neck.

The blonde chuckled. "You should rest. You look tired." He said, climbing out of Ban's lap, and instead sitting behind him, against the tree.

Ban looked up at him confused, until Meliodas patted his lap.

Ban hummed, putting the pipe in the boys hand.

He shimmied up towards Meliodas, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist, and putting his head on his stomach.

"Sleep tight Ban." Meliodas whispered, hands already going to play in the boy's hair.

Ban hummed, liking the feel of the boy's fingers in his locks.

Within a couple of minutes, he was snoring quietly.

Meliodas chuckled, not in the mood to smoke anymore. He pulled put the pipe in Ban's jacket pocket and took out his phone.

He put his airpods in, setting an alarm for 2 hours before the game, and then putting on some music.

He turned it down fairly quiet. Quiet enough to where he could still hear those little cute sleepy mumbles Ban let out.

He put his phone under his thigh, lacing his hands back in Ban's hair.

"I love you..."

He said, closing his eyes and slowly falling asleep.

Ban stirred.


He frowned. What the hell is that?

Beep Bee-

It shut off before it could finish it's next beep. "Ban."

The sleepy boy could feel he was being shaken, but was still tired. "No." He grunted out.

Meliodas giggled. "Cmon Ban we have to get up. Plus you said we would read the school paper."

Ban mumbled something under his breath. "I don't give a damn about that paper. I'm tired." He said. Meliodas smiled down at him, and then began pulling his hair harshly. Ban shot up, slapping an hand on the back of his head.

"Ouch! You fucker!"

Meliodas shimmied from under Ban, standing up and dusting off his shorts.

"We should hurry. There might not be any papers left."

Ban grumbled quietly, standing up and rubbing his eyes.

He bent over, flipping his hair back as he took out a pocket mirror. He flipped a small comb out of it, carefully combing his hair up.

Snapping it back closed, he grabbed something else out of his pocket, turning it on and aiming it at his face.

Meliodas burst into laughter, making Ban look over.

"What?" He asked, dropping his arms to his side.

Meliodas put a hand over his mouth. "Do you really carry around a pocket face steamer? And mirror with a flip out comb?" He laughed out.

Ban's face went pink as he turned away from Meliodas, continuing to steam his face. "I just woke up okay?!" He said.

Meliodas laughed even harder, walking over to Ban and grabbing his arm.

"We should get going. You can steam your face later." He said, pulling him along. Ban frowned. "But I look a mess. And before you say anything, no, I don't care about what I look like to other people. It's just....a personal preference to look as good as I do." He said.

Meliodas rolled his eyes. "Fine. Do your little face steaming.." He said, crossing his arms.

"Thank you."

Ban pulled back out his steamer, pushing his hair out of his face and allowing the machine to whisk the post sleep grogginess away.

Cutting it off, he slipped it back in his pocket, grinning. "Ready."

"Wow you do look good.." Meliodas said quietly, eyes scanning Ban's face.

He smirked. "I know right?" He wrapped his arm around Meliodas's shoulder as they began to walk through the grass, towards the doors.

Ban pushed it open, Meliodas still under his right arm, and they walked through.

"Here we go again." He mumbled, already seeing people running his way.

"Omg look at them!"

"Are you together?!"

"Ban's skin looks so nice!"

The boy cracked a small smile at that one

"I so need to get a picture of them!"

But of course that quickly changed with that comment.

Ban's head snapped over, freezing in his spot.

"You take one and I break your phone." He said, scowling.

The girl blushed, putting a hand over her chest and turning to her friends. "He noticed me Lyssa! He's totally gonna ask me out, just like in those books!"

Ban scrunched up his face and continued to walk through the crowd.

"What's up with these fucking kids? They worship up like some type of gods. Can't they focus on something else for once?" He said, kinda disgusted.

Meliodas grinned, looking up at Ban. "I think it's nice." He said. The two neared the news stand, Ban grabbing one and tossing it Meliodas's way.

The blonde gasped. "How quick do they print these things? This was just a couple of hours ago and by then people were already asking about it." He said, showing Ban a picture of him and Meliodas walking out of the boy's dorm room.

Ban gagged. "Who even took that? The entire photography club are all stalkers." He said.

Meliodas's eyes scanned the paper.

"When asked about dating, both of the boys in the dining hall confirmed that they were in a relationship, but not with who. Both of them answered that they were dating someone of the same gender, which had all the boys screaming with joy. Our star cheerleader rushed away, supposedly looking for someone, and then minutes later he was seen leaving Ban's room. Not only that, but Ban had on Meliodas's lucky necklace. Oh, Did you see that stylish jacket Meliodas had on? You guessed it. Ban's! Is this some coincidence, or have the two been getting closer..? More updates coming soon!"

Meliodas threw the paper back on the stand. "They should really hire these kids to be detectives." Meliodas joked.

Ban grunted, leaning on the wall.

Meliodas quirked an eyebrow. "What's wrong."

Ban sighed, pulling Meliodas into a hug.

"Nothing. I just know for at least like, another month, our time spent together is going to take a major dip. More than usual."

Meliodas pouted. "It doesn't have to. We can just do what we always do. Shoo them off. I mean just think of today. That was a solid couple of hours we spent together, even if we were sleep." He said, laughing.

Ban rolled his eyes, smiling, and leant down to kiss Meliodas.

Suddenly, a squeal was heard from the side of this.

Ban clenched his fist, pulling away. "What the hell is it now!?" He said.

Meliodas swatted at his hands, telling the boy to unball them.

Ban listened, mumbling something under his breath.

Meliodas pushed off of Ban, turning to the girl.

She had a blush on her face.

"I'm sorry! I just didn't get to talk to you in the hallway, and you told me that I could-"

Meliodas stopped her, smiling. "Yes Elizabeth I remember. I said you could feel free to talk to me anytime. Was there something you needed?" He said.

Ban huffed loudly, in defeat, knowing Meliodas was going to talk to this girl now.

Elizabeth twirled her hair.

"Well I was actually wondering, Ban..If I could sit with you at the game so I could watch Meliodas cheer too!" She said.

Ban looked her up and down. "No."

Meliodas gasped. "Ban! Elizabeth don't worry, he's just joking."

"No I'm not."

Meliodas pinched Ban.

Elizabeth looked down. "No I understand. He's your boyfriend, and you should be able to sit and watch him yourself.." She said.

Ban crossed his arms, puckering his lips and looking away.

"Absolutely correct."

A couple seconds passed and Ban glanced back over, seeing the girls sad look. He sighed, getting off of the wall, and rolling his eyes.

"Fine. Whatever. I guess I'm not obligated to sit alone or whatever. Just don't get too comfortable sitting with me. Or watching my boyfriend." He said, pulling out his phone.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "Really!? Thank you so much!" She began to run over and give Ban a hug, but stopped herself, instead settling for a smile.

Ban looked back at Meliodas and huffed.

"I'm going to head back to my room. Are you going to be good?" He said, putting in one of his earbuds.

Meliodas nodded. "See you at the game." He said.

Ban began to walk off, but Meliodas quickly ran over and pulled his arm.

Ban bent down, pressing his lips against Meliodas's.

"Love you"

"Love you too baby."

Elizabeth cooed, walking to Meliodas as Ban left.

"He calls you baby? That's so cute. And you pulling his arm is so adorable!" She said.

Meliodas grinned. "Is it that hard to believe he could say something like that? He's nicer than he lets on you know?" He said, walking with Elizabeth to the Junior building.

He usually spent most of his time in the Senior building, but occasionally he went back to where he was supposed to be.

Elizabeth giggled. "It's just weird. I mean... I don't know if you know this, but me and Ban went to highschool together."

Meliodas tilted his head. "Really?"

Elizabeth nodded. "It's been like this for as long as I can remember. Everyone thirsting after him." She laughed out.

Meliodas crossed his arms behind his back, a sort of sway in his step as he walked.

"Does that include you?" He asked, trying to sound unbothered. Elizabeth shook her head. "I didn't care too much for the whole thing. He just seemed really uptight and mean. Never understood the whole idolizing another student. Now look at me. Nearly crying because you touched my shoulder in the lunchroom." She said quietly.

Meliodas laughed. "I wouldn't call it idolizing. Wanting to be someone's friend isn't a crime." He said.

They walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Elizabeth spoke again.

"So how did you guys get together anyways? You are the definition of unlikely couple."

Meliodas tilted his head.

"If I remember correctly, we smoked together, and then fucked in a bathroom before I went to class almost exactly 4 months ago."

Elizabeth gasped. "You smoke?! Couldn't that get you kicked off the team?"

"Here and there. But that's kinda the whole reason I started actually. I guess me and Ban has that in common." He said.

Elizabeth bit her lip nervously. "In a bathroom? Really?"

Meliodas nodded proudly. "It made me late, but it was totally worth it."

They neared the entrance of the building.

"I have to get ready for the game Elizabeth. I'll catch you later."

The girl nodded, rushing off. "Bye Meliodas!~"

The boy ran the rest of the way to his dorm, bursting in the door and looking around.

"Alright! Big day. I'm already running late. Shower!" He said, grabbing a towel and rushing into the bathroom.
He came out, grabbing the hanger with his cheerleading outfit on it.

He threw his towel in the bin, pinning up his hair. He hung his clothes on the mirror.

"Alright, makeup. Simple, so it doesn't look too obvious."

He grabbed his clear mascara, brushing it up over his eyelashes, then getting some eyeliner.

"Wing or no wing?" He looked at himself in the mirror.


He drew on some eyeliner, adding a little heart on his cheek just for the hell of it.

He grabbed some lip balm, applying it to his lips.

He unpinned his hair, grabbing his outfit. He slipped on his undershorts, when his phone began to ring. He answered it, putting it between his ear and his shoulder.

"Yes Gill?" He slipped into his skirt, buttoning the side, and making sure it wasn't wrinkled.

"Where are you?!" The pink haired boy asked.

Meliodas put his phone on speaker, getting his deodorant.

"I'm getting dressed? Why?"

"Why? Because the competition starts in 30 minutes and we have to be on the field in ten." He said.

Meliodas gasped, dropping his deodorant.

"Fuck i'm gonna call you back." He said, hanging up and grabbing his shirt.

He put it on, adjusting it, and smoothing it out. He sprayed himself with perfume, grabbing his shoes.

He grabbed his phone and bag, stuffing his pom poms in there.

"Alright, lets go!"
Meliodas wiped his forehead, patting Gillthunder's shoulder.

"Am I late?"

The pink haired boy shook his head.

"Right on time. Where are your pom poms?"

Meliodas took them out of his bag, shaking them.

"Nice. Let's go."

The blonde nodded, quickly changing his shoes and following Gillthunder.
Elizabeth sat down gently next to Ban. "Hello!" She said.

Ban nodded pulling out his phone and checking the time.

Elizabeth looked behind her, or at the shocked looks of her classmates. I mean after all, Ban never let anyone sit next to him. He nudged the girl once he saw Meliodas come on field.

"Right." She said, looking attentively.

(gonna basically skip this cause—well you know why but— basically it was a field show competition, and only one of the teams won.)

The announcer grabbed the mic, clapping his hands.

"Now the moment you all have been waiting for! The winner of the annual half time show cheer competition goes to.... From Taizai LI, The Fusion All Stars!"

The crowd rumbled in cheers and screams, the squad all bouncing in happiness as they jumped around into each other's arms.

"Please come collect your trophy!" The announcer said happily.

They all pushed Meliodas towards the man, the blonde laughing. He took the trophy with both hands, smiling for a picture.

As soon as it was done, everyone came running towards Meliodas, picking him up and cheering again.

The boy got down, still laughing as he handed Gillthunder the trophy. Before the team could ask why, Meliodas broke into a sprint towards the crowd.

All wondering if their suspicions were right, they watched wondering exactly who the boy would go to.

Ban shook his head with a small laugh. He stood up and hopped over the railing, meeting Meliodas halfway.

He scooped the boy into his arms with Meliodas wrapping his arms around his neck, pressing their lips together.

"*intense screaming*"

Meliodas laughed into the kiss, pulling at the hairs on Ban's nape.

"Congratulations Baby. I'm glad you guys won."

"All of us or just me?"

"I think you already know that answer to that." Ban said, kissing Meliodas again.

The blonde giggled.

"Thanks for making my last year at this fuckwad, good. I love you baby."

Meliodas pouted. "Right. You graduate this year"

Ban nodded. "I'll just have to make sure to pick you up everyday and hog you until curfew so you won't find someone who looks better than me." He joked.

Meliodas smiled. "Guess so."

And with that, the two took their last kiss of the cheer season.
Ban nibbled on Meliodas's neck, pushing him on the bed. "You should wear skirts more often. You look good in them." He said, running his hand up the boy's thigh.

Meliodas blushed. "I'll make a mental note of that. We are getting new uniforms next season, so you probably won't see this one again. I do have a few though.."

Ban chuckled quietly. "Well then. What do you say we celebrate your most recent win before we retire the outfit huh?"

Meliodas nodded. "I'd like that." He said, cheeks flushed

enjoy this 5.5k word shitwad that i spent weeks on for no reason other than i have absolutely no inspiration.

school does that to you😌

but yeah i still have hella drafts, so i'm not saying you should expect those anytime soon, but that's exactly what i'm saying. lmao i still have to post on my other story oops. so don't get your hopes up too much😭🌝

5512 words

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Enjoy ; )
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