WE DON'T BELONG (Andley fanfi...

By cindybvb

778 34 6

This is a andley fanfic with jake and jinxx (i ship them i create weird ships lol) and i ship CC with myself... More

Die For You
Heart Of Fire part 1
Heart of Fire Pt 2
Love Isn't Always Fair
Heaven's calling

Heart of fire pt 3 (last one of heart of fire)

136 7 3
By cindybvb

I'm just going to skip right to the story, I know, you missed me blah blah blah... Well today I've got a very interesting and I'm trying to fast-forward the uninteresting parts of the story but you know me, I always get off topic so... Ooooo pie! ANDY YOU GOTHIC GIRAFFE GIVE ME A SLICE!! 

*from the distance* "NO! THIS IS MY PIE, IF YOU WANT ONE THEN MAKE ONE!!!" 






Any-mhm-ways back to the... this pie is hella good... back to the story. 

I slowly began to get up, or tried to anyways, I told myself I'd get up in a second as I closed my eyes. Suddenly my blankets were yanked from me. "ehh ahhhh give me my blankets!" I murmur, while trying to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. I tried to raise my voice but I just can't seem to do so, I was still speaking in a low whisper.

"What did you do that for?" I uttered, still unable to raise my voice louder.

"It's already 11, even owls are awake now. Hurry up, Jake and Jinxx is coming in around 10 minutes. You better look at least decent for them, after all, they are guests." Andy said in a serious tone, while shaking me to get up.

One voice in my head said to get up and productive and the other half told me to ignore everyone else and just sleep longer. After what seems like 5 seconds but was really 5 minutes, I got up and strechted, then went to the guest restroom next to the living room.

It was, suprisly, clean and smells like flowers and sunshine. I looked around, it looks different than the last time I came, well, I mean, the last time I came here was during a party. That is basicallly the worst time to go to a restroom, I remember accidently walked in while Ronnie Radke hooking up with a chick... No wait was it Jacky... The world may never know. Then another time this girl with a black veil brides shirt on, well sort of on, was puking while in one hand cluching a bottle of vodka, she looked sick. Well no shit, sherlock, she was throwing up shit for christ's sake. I have to admit, she looked pretty hot, other than the puking part of course. I checked her out and went and padded her back, soon after she finished, she went and rinse her mouth, thanked me and walked out, still holding the bottle of vodka. There was also another time where I... The point is that this restroom has been through a lot. However it is very clean now, weird. The counter near the sink wasn't messy at all, there weren't any make up or anything, very shiny and clean. I am pretty impressed by how clean it is compared to what it was before. 

After pissing I smelled my shirt, and of course it smells like sweat and dirt. "Hey guys, can I borrow any of your shirts?" I said, poping my head out the restroom to look at them. 

"Sure, of course." Andy said as he got up from the couch and went upstairs to his room. After round one minute, he appeared half way down the stairs and tossed a plain black shirt to me. "Do you need pants too?" 

"Umm..." I considered and smelled my black skinny jeans. "Nope, mine passed the smell test." 

"Kay then." He said, hesitantly. "Tell me if you need anything else."

"Ok" I respond and proceed to change. 

After I'm done, the door bell rang. 

"Get the door!" I yelled at them.

"I would never have known!" Ashley respong sarcasticly.

Andy nudged Ashley, "go." 

Ashley nudged him back, "you go." 

"No you go."

"No you go."

"No you go."

"No you go."

"No you go." 

"Oh my god! Just get the GOD DAMN DOOR ALREADY!!!" I snaped. 

"Somebody's mad." Ashley said while rolling his eyes. 

"You bet somebody is mad and if SOMEBODY don't get the fucking door SOMEBODY IS GOING TO CHOP OFF SOMEBODY'S HEAD!" I threaten. 

"Ok ok, geez." Ashley got off the couch, finally and got the door.

"How long does it take to open a door?" Jake snapped. 

"Yeah, stop arguing and just open the door?" Jinxx added. 

"Ok ok," Ashley said, "I'm sorry. Is that better." 


They came in, behind Jake there was a girl. She has long black hair and somewhat big brown eyes. She's wearing a casual shirt and leggings. Nearly no makeup except for some eyeliner. She's pretty good-looking, wearing a smile on her face. I noticed Jake and her were holding hands. 

"Hey guys, so this is Ella. She's my girlfriend." Jake stuttered, suddenly very interested with his shoes, blushing. 

Andy and Ashley cooed over them and congratuated the so-call happy couple. I waved at her, gave a poliet smile and turned to face Jinxx. He was smiling but his eyes suggested differently. It's a mix between sadness, anger, and jealousy. I felt so sorry for him, I padded his back and looked at him sadly. 

"Are you ok?" I whispered to him, hoping the rest wouldnt have heard. 

"I feel great, awesome." Jinxx rolled his eyes,"What do you think?" 

"I'm so sorry." I said sypathly. 

He laughed, "I bet he doesnt even like guys, whats the point? Am i right?" He kepted on laughing. I felt horrible. "I should've known, he's straight as a line im as straight as a circle." He signed, giving up on trying to laugh it off. "You know, CC, it's becoming harder and harder to see him with someone, not just someone, a girl, if it would've been a guy then I might still have a chance but..." He trailed off. He didn't need to continue for me to get his point. He looked like his heart was on fire, ha that reference though. Anyways, he looked like he got shot. "My love for you was bulletproof, but your the one who shot me." - pierce the veil, bulletproof love. 

We went and sat on the couch, making meaningless conversation. Mostly of Jake and Ella, she seems nice and all, I just can't stand the fact that she hurt Jinxx, well more like Jake hurt Jinxx but... Whatever, still, it fucking kills to see my best friends like that. God, this whole thing is killing me, I'm like a worried mom, like I worry about Jinxx and Jake, I'm scared for Ella, and Andy and Ash is worst to deal with. Oh well, life will sort itself out, at least that's what i do, I like to just fall back, relax and not have a care in the world. Why should I? One second I'm a worried mom, the next I'm a relaxed asshat. It doesn't matter anyways, I just want to let go of everything for a while, of all the drama in life, all the shit I have to do, and worst, love. 

God damn, I really need to relax and sit back. I really don't want to care anymore, but at the same time I want to know everything about them and just, I dont know. 

I hope you enjoyed this, blah blah blah... bye, btw there might be a lot of errors because I'm realy tired and I cant go back and fix it, besides I'm lazy. 

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