Harry Potter Characters X rea...

By Gryffinpuffgirl_2310

311K 4.7K 3K

The name gives it away! I do these generations!šŸ‘‡šŸ‘‡ Marauders time Golden trio time Albus, Scorpius and all... More

Harry Potter X reader
Fat!Minerva McGonagall X Fat!reader
Luna Lovegood X Fem!Reader
Young!Sirius X reader
Petunia X reader
Ron X Reader
Draco X Reader
Hermione X Reader
Remus X Reader
Harry X reader
Harry X reader
Young!Sirius X Reader
Draco X Potter!Reader ~part one~
Draco X Potter!Reader ~part two~
James X Bullied!Reader
Sirius X Young!Reader
Oliver X reader
Neville X Reader
Ron X Reader
Regulus X Reader
Rita!Skeeter X Fem!Reader
George X Reader
Seamus X shy!Reader
Young!Severus X Reader
Luna X Fem!Reader
Young!Remus X Reader
Young!Sirius X Reader
Fred X Reader
Percy X Reader
Professor!Snape X Student!Reader
Young!Sirius X animagus!Reader
Dudley X Reader
Seamus X male!Reader
Charlie X Reader
Young!Remus X Muggle!Reader (part 1)
Young!Remus X Muggle!Reader (part 2)
Harry X Snape!Reader
Draco X Reader
Ron X Reader
Harry X Potter!Reader
Professor!Remus X Professor!Reader
Ron X Malfoy!Reader
Draco X Reader
Harry X Reader
Draco X Reader
Neville X Reader
Remus X Reader
Scorpius X Reader
Harry X Reader
Luna X Fem!Reader
Blaise X Reader
George X Reader
Fred X Potter!Reader
Ron X Reader
Draco X Lupin!Reader
Albus!Severus X Reader
Ron X Muggle!Reader
Sirius X Reader
Draco X Weasley!Reader
Sirius X Reader
Draco X Potter!Reader
Dudley X Reader
Sirius X Young!Reader
Draco X Granger!Reader
James X Black!Reader
Important AN
Ginny X Fem!Reader
Fred X Reader
Luna X Fem!Reader
Professor!Sprout X Professor!Reader
Young!Remus X Reader
Young!Sirius X Potter!Reader
Harry X Reader
Dean X Potter!Reader
Harry X Black!Reader
Harry X Malfoy!Reader
Young!Severus X Reader
Veela!Draco X Reader (part 1)
Veela!Draco X Reader (part 2)
Veela!Draco X Reader (part 3)
James Sirius X Reader
Albus Severus X Reader
Charlie X Muggle!Reader
James X Reader
Sirius X Reader
Harry X Reader
Neville X Potter!Reader
James Sirius X Reader
Sirius X Reader part 1
Sirius X Reader part 2
Voldemort X Muggle!Reader
Harry X McGonagall!Reader
Veela!Harry X Malfoy!Reader
Harry X Reader
Draco X Reader
Ginny X Fem!Malfoy!Reader
100 celebration
Sirius x reader
Ginny X Fem!Malfoy!Reader
Fenrir Grayback X reader
Fred X singer!reader
Ron X Reader
George X pregnant!reader
Dudely X Reader
Sirius X reader
Firenze X Centaur!reader

Teddy X Reader

2.9K 72 87
By Gryffinpuffgirl_2310

Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 14/09/202


You sat in the Hufflepuff common room on a couch in front of the fire, you read back over your letter. A tear escaped your eyes and you quickly dried them away as you heard the common room door open up.

"Y/N! I was looking for you!" Teddy your best friend and crush called as he saw you sitting on the couch. You turned around hoping it wasn't obvious you were trying to hold back the tears. "Hey" you said in a low voice hoping it wouldn't crack, to your luck it didn't.

"Is something wrong?" He asked you as he sat down on the couch, "what no!" You said a bit too quickly. "Okay" Teddy said not believing you entirely.

"You said you were looking for me? What's up?" You asked him putting on a fake smile. You saw Teddy's hair turn slightly pink and you chuckled, "what's so embarrassing?" You asked and he chuckled as well.

"You know me too well" he exclaimed, "anyway Harry and Ginny told me to invite one of my friends over for Christmas. They think I have a lot of them for some reason, anyway and since your pretty much the only close friend I have here. Well I thought, maybe you'd like to come?" Teddy asked you.

You smiled brightly a real smile this time and nodded eagerly, "I'd love to Teddy!" You exclaimed. "Great!" He said as he stood up, "I should go pack, you know, we leave tomorrow" he said his hair turning even brighter of a pink color.

"Me too!" You said excitedly as you stood up and went to your dormitory. You quickly packed everything you would need for example. Your Christmas homework, clothes, warm for being outside, some Christmas clothes. And a couple sets of underwear and the regular, you also managed to put a couple of books into your trunk before you shrunk it.

That night you fell asleep peacefully, with only the thought that you were spending Christmas with your crush on your mind.

The next morning you woke up early and hurriedly got dressed in some comfortable clothes. You hurried up to breakfast and found Teddy already there, you sat down in front of him and put some toast and bacon on your plate.

"Are you excited?" Teddy asked you, "of course im excited! I get to spend Christmas with my best friend!" You exclaimed. Teddy chuckled at you and smiled sweetly as his hair turned a bright pink color.

"Okay what is up with all that? Your hair is constantly turning pink while I'm around recently" you said. You knew there was no way he'd like you back so it was bugging you, maybe his crush just always happened to be around when you were.

"Nothing" Teddy hurriedly said. As he looked down scrunching his nose up in a adorable fashion to change his hair back to its original blue color.

Once the two of you finished eating you hurried to get your trunks and get to the Hogshead station. Once you arrived you found a empty compartment and sat down, none of Teddy's god siblings were at school so none of them would be on the train.

All too quickly you were stopping at Kings Cross station and you went off of the train onto platform 9 3/4. You saw a woman with long flaming red hair and Teddy dragged you in her direction.

"Ginny, this is Y/N, Y/N this is my godmother Ginny" Teddy introduced you and Ginny, "hello dear, come on, Harry is waiting outside with the kids" she said. Teddy smiled warmly at you and you smiled back, both of you were wearing your Hufflepuff sweaters.

Once you got out of Kong's Cross you saw a man with black unruly hair, two boys with the same hair as the man and a girl with the same hair as the woman. You knew that this was Harry Potter, you had learned about him in history of magic class.

You smiled as you approached them "Harry, James, Albus, Lily, that's Y/N, Y/N that's Harry, James, Albus and Lily" he said. You smiled and shook Harry's hand and smiled at the kids in front of you.

"Hi" you said trying to stay calm. "Hello, we finally get to meet you, Teddy talks a lot about you" Harry said laughing a little while Teddy's hair became as bright pink as you have ever seen it.

"All good things I hope" you said chuckling at Teddy, "of course" Ginny exclaimed giving Harry an elbow in his side. You went to a car and you all sat inside, it was magically made so it had enough space for everyone.

As you drove away from Kings Cross the three kids started shouting at each other while Ginny tried to get them to be quiet.

Finally you arrived at the Potter's house, when you got inside it was roomy and homy. "We made a extra Ben for you inside Teddy's room I hope you two don't mind. Although if you do we can always just move the bed into Lily's room" Ginny said.

"I don't mind as long as Teddy's okay with it" you said smiling at Teddy, Teddy's face had become pale. "Y - you were in my - my bed - bedroom?" He asked stammering his question out.

"Yep" Ginny said and popped the P in the end. Teddy ran up the stairs and you followed at a walking pace in case he had something to hide. Once you got up the stairs you saw a door with TEDDY written on it and then his height over the years.

You knocked on his door, "can I come in?" You called out to him, "um, wait a second!" He called out to you and you just chuckled. "He's hiding all the pictures of you I'm guessing" a voice said behind you.

You turned around to see James and Albus standing there together, you raised one eyebrow in question. "What?" You asked, "yeah, his walls were covered in pictures of the two of you" Albus said.

You blushed a little but smiled at the boys, "you know I'm pretty sure that wasn't supposed to reach my ears" you said. The boys laughed, "we know" they said together, "were just waiting to see his face when he realizes you know.

You shook your head at them, finally Teddy opened the door and let you inside, "sorry I had some embarrassing stuff on the walls" he said. His hair yet again turned pink, you smiled at him, "it's fine, I like it" you said as you looked around his room.

He had some quidditch posters on his walls showing his love for the sport even though he didn't play himself. He had a picture of his parents, and some shelf's with Hufflepuff stuff.

"Kids dinner" all of you heard from downstairs, "you can just leave your trunk up here" Teddy said. You smiled and nodded, "thank you" you said as you followed Teddy down the stairs and into the kitchen.

After dinner everyone were full and a bit tired, you had been eating late because your and Teddy's train was a bit late. "I'm getting tired, I think I'm going to bed" you said after you had helped Ginny do the dishes.

"Okay dear, good night, Teddy!" She said before calling her godson into the kitchen. Teddy came running in almost falling on the floor, "yes?" He asked.

"Show Y/N where she can change her clothes and everything" Ginny said and Teddy nodded motioning for you to follow him. You followed Teddy up the stairs and showed you where the bathroom was and where you could get a towel if you needed to take a shower.

You smiled once he finished, "I think I'm going to take a warm shower before bed" you said smiling at the thought. "Okay" Teddy said and left you to your things.

You smiled before grabbing a comfortable fuzzy robe, one of the towels and your pajamas. You hurried to the bathroom and took a relaxing warm shower before brushing your teeth and putting your pajamas on.

Once you finished the door into Teddy's room was open, you walked inside to see Teddy looking through a picture album on his bed. His hair had become dark blue telling you he was sad, you slowly walked over "Teddy?" You asked quietly.

His head shoot in your direction and he sighed when he saw it was just you, he moved a bit so you could sit down on his bed as well. You smiled sadly at him before sitting down besides him.

You saw the pictures he had been looking at, you sighed a little and put a hand on Teddy's shoulder. "Teddy" you said sadly and hugged him, you got a couple of tears in your eyes as you remembered the letter from your mom.

You slowly took the album from Teddy's grip and closed it on the bed and letting teddy cry into your shoulder. "Shhh it's alright" you said rubbing small circles on his back, you tried your best to stay strong for him. Although it was extremely hard for you to do.

Once he stopped crying he looked at you and smiled a little, "thank you, I live you" he said, you froze for a second. As did. Teddy once he realized what he had said, his hair and face became a bright pink.

"I - I mean" he stammered out not know what to say, you didn't let him think about it though. You decide to be the Gryffindor you had almost become and you kissed him, the kiss was sweet and soft.

Once the two of you pulled apart you sighed, "I hope you meant it like that" you said and Teddy chuckled his hair and face still bright pink. Your face had also turned a shade of red at the kiss, "does that mean, that, well that you I don't know, feel the same?" Teddy asked.

"Of course I feel the same" you said and chuckled a little, Teddy chuckled with you before hugging you tightly. "Be mine?" He said probably without realizing he said it.

You smiled at him and nodded, "of course I'll be yours, but only if you'll be mine" you smirked at him. Teddy chuckled and kissed you again.

"Hey, why didn't you want to go home to your parents this year?" Teddy asked, you looked from Teddy's eyes and your smile fell. "I'm sorry" he instantly said as he saw your frown.

You didn't say anything as you left the bed and opened your trunk, you went to the bottom and grabbed the letter from your mom. You walked back to the bed still not saying anything but feeling Teddy's curious glance on you.

You handed him the letter and he slowly opened it.

Dear Y/N
Please don't come home this Christmas
Your dad's cancer is getting worse and I don't think I can emotionally take care of the two of you. I will let you know if anything changes
- love mom

Once Teddy was done reading he pulled you into a hug, "why didn't you tell me he had cancer?" Teddy asked. He knew how close you were to your dad, your dad was like a best friend to you.

"I was scared" you admitted to him.

Teddy lifted your chin gently so you were looking at him in the eyes, he dried your tears away and the kissed your nose. "He'll survive it, I know he will" Teddy said smiling at you, you smiled sadly back before a gasp from tiredness escaped your lips.

"I'm tired" you said laying down, "your, your sleeping here?" Teddy asked, "if that's alright with you" you said back. Teddy didn't say anything, he just slid down so he could cuddle you to him.

"Good night beautiful" Teddy said, you looked up at him and you saw his hair a bit pink, "good night handsome" you said. You watched Teddy's hair become a bright pink and you chuckled before kissing him gently and cuddling up to him and falling asleep.

WC: 2061

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