His Mafia Luna (Original Vers...

By FemmeRocker97

432K 10.7K 698

*A/N* This story is being remade onto my new account, volpinawrites! The new name is |Siren for Luna|! It has... More

Guns and Roses
Bound to Him
Good-Bye Ximena Hello Luna.
Leaving for Freedom
Author's Note!
The Truth Won't Set Me Free
Authors Note
Extra Terrestrial
Keep The Streets Empty For Me
Young Volcanoes
The Wolf
Author's Note
Epilogue: Centuries


15K 447 3
By FemmeRocker97

Ximena lay on the bed asleep as I watched her, my Wolf on edge. Everytime she moved in her sleep, he growled in fear. He didn't like the fact that his mate had such a dangerous past. Neither did I. I only wanted to keep her safe, but she wouldn't stop fighting me. My mate had such a tenacious spirit; everything about her invited me in: her hair, her eyes, her scent. It was the most appealing scent in the world: pine and roses. I may complain about her stubborness, yet there's really nothing I would change about her. I surprisingly accepted her Mafia past, but I felt jealous of it at the same time. She had now loyalties to my pack and to her family. I knew for a fact that she would not give her world up without trouble.

"Lorcan?" Hearing my name, I turned around to see my mother and Aideen walk in. Immmediate worry pulses through my body, and my Wolf whimpered softly, hoping that this will end well. Mother and I had never been on the best terms; she was closer to Cadmar while my father favored me. I looked to Aideen as my mom rather than my own. Nonetheless, I desired her approval. She advanced towards Mena, wearing a wary and worried expression on her face. I look to her friend for help, but she looks at her the same way. "Tá sí an duine." (She's human) The way she said this was condescending and disappointed; I involuntarily growled in anger, shocking her. Aideen jumped to Mena's defense.

"Is féidir Mena bheith an duine, ach tá sí ina cheannaire nádúrtha agus Trodaire. Bheadh sí a saol a chosaint ar cad a chreideann sí a leagan síos. Tá sí ag dul a dhéanamh Luna fíneáil." (Mena may be human, but she's a natural leader and fighter. She would lay down her life to protect what she believes in. She's going to make a fine Luna.)  Mother shot back,

"Tá sí lag. Beidh tú i gcónaí a bheith a chosaint di seachas do phacáiste." (She's weak. You will always be defending her rather than your pack.) At the blatant disrespect, I growled,

"She's is strong, and she's mine. Yes, I will hold her safety as a higher priority; isn't that the usual case?" Enya hissed,

"What good is a Luna that cannot shift, Lorcan?" My Wolf was growing angry, and I swear that if she continued that I was going to attack my mother. "Why do you think that we haven't had a human Luna in so long?" I growled out, 

"She's my mate, Mother!" Aideen jumped in and yelled, 

"Enya, she's his mate; the mating dance brought the two of them together!" My mother hissed at her, 

"Know your place, Aideen!" The woman flinched at the tone, but she recovered quickly. 

"Enya, I don't care if you were a Luna. You still give me respect-" My mother lunged for her friend, her canines bared, but someone jumped in and it wasn't me. My mother was flying backwards, and we all turned to see who pushed her away. Mena stood in front of Aideen, a murderous glare in her eyes. A sharp knife was in her hand, and her whole posture was crouched. She hissed, 

"If you ever touch Aideen, I'll kill you with no mercy. I don't care if you're some werewolf." Aideen's eyes were wide with surprise while my mother was shocked. I was too awed to say a word; she didn't seem to care whether this was a woman. All that mattered was that Aideen was being threatened. She was already an amazing Luna. Enya snarled in indignance, 

"Do you know who I am, human?" My mate merely shrugged. 

"Do you know who am?" There was a disrespectful tone in her voice, but I was aroused by the fiery look in her eyes. Her emotions were pulsing with anger towards the woman, and I knew that it wouldn't take much for her to kill my mother. I jumped in and yanked the knife from her hand. She yelled in protest, but I mind linked her an explaination. 

Mena, this is my mother. I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill her. She was also the past Luna; you're her successor." Her face paled, and I could sense the horror in her thoughts. I peeked in, and all of a sudden, I saw an image in her mind. 

It was a woman with blonde hair and green eyes holding a baby to her chest. Around her stood a little blonde girl with blue eyes, one with red hair and green eyes, and lastly, a little girl that looked like Mena. Her hair was cut shorter than it was now, and I recognized the fierce protection in her eyes, 

"Lorcan, why the hell didn't you tell me that this was your MOTHER?" I replied with no shame, 

"You had a valid excuse to go against her; I would have thrown her off-" She interuppted and stomped right up to me, defiance clear in her eyes. 

"I don't care if she spat in my face, if I find someone going at my mami, I'd go crazy. What's wrong with you?" If only she knew. Before I could get her a decent answer, I saw her eyes go blank and she froze. I called out her name, but there was no response. My Wolf desperately tried to get her attention, but she wasn't responding. My mother walked up to us, and I saw no worry in her eyes. Instead, there was guilt and surprise. 

"She's having a vision. Calm down." Vision? I glanced at her in confusion, and I could see that Aideen wasn't concerned either. I asked, 

"Vision? Why?" She looked confused as she answered, 

"You haven't been aware of this? All the Lunas of Pack Wolf Moon have visions; I didn't know that humans could as well. Just lay her on the bed and wait for it to be over." I did as she asked and lay her on my bed once again. To calm myself down, I called Declan and Faolan to my room, wanting some support. I had agreed NOT to kill his mate for attacking Mena, but I will keep a close eye on Regan for the time being. Hopefully, Faolan would be able to train her soon. 

My friends came in, both respectively bowing to my mother and Aideen. Declan gave me a questioning look. 

"What's going on?" I answered, 

"She's having a vision; we're waiting for her to wake up." Faolan looked immmediately concerned. 

"What kind of vision? The future?" Mom answered with a smile to my Delta. 

"Yes, Faolan. She will be able to see little glimpses of the future." Declan stiffened and then hissed, 

"Remember when she attacked Cadmar? She said that she had a dream that he was hurting someone..." My eyes widened. She wasn't just going crazy; Cadmar would attack her sister, Nubia, sometime in the future. 

"I think she had one right after, when Cadmar broke into the house. She literally froze for a few seconds." Faolan was now by her side, gently holding her hand. I didn't feel jealous at him however; I knew that his devotion to her was pure loyalty. 

"ROSALINA!!!!" A piercing scream left her lips, and she opened her eyes, looking around wildly. I jumped in front of her and held her face. Tears will filling in her eyes and she was still yelling. "Cadmar's got my little sister, Lorcan; I hafta save her. She's pregnant!" Pregnant? She repeated the words, then calmed down softly. "Lorcan, she looked older...like she was eighteen or something...She was being dragged out screaming something. It was too warbled...Yeah she was pregnant." Enya whispered, 

"How old is she now?" She looked at my mother and answered, 

"Rosalina just turned fifteen two weeks ago." She sucked in a breath. Turning to me, pure excitement filled her eyes, 

"She's able to see three years into the future; no Luna stood be able to do this. Seeing weeks or DAYS is normal, but years-" Mena interrupted with a yell.

"Hey, whoa, what is this about me seeing into the future? I'm just having weird dreams." She shook her head at my mate. 

"No, child. You've been granted a gift selectively picked for a Luna of Pack Wolf Moon. Every single Luna has been given some form of clairvoyance. I'm just surprised that you were given it." Her eyebrows rose, and she said, 

"So everything I've seen is actually going to happen." It hit her, and pure panic filled her features. She turned to me. "Lorcan, I have to call someone; where's my phone?" Her hands patted around for a phone, and she looked down surprised at her new outfit. 

She was wearing a black long sleeved shirt that belonged to Lottie and black skinny jeans. I made sure that she was looking modest but comfortable at the same time. I've already heard some disgusting thoughts in my pack regarding my mate; she was only to be mine. 

"Lorcan, where is my phone?" I had it in my pocket, but I wasn't giving it to her anytime soon. She needed to close all connections with the outside world; they may try to lure her out. "Lorcan, I need it. Give it to me." The tone she was using with me was beyond disrespectful, and I made sure she knew it. I growled, 

"Do not speak to me like that, Ximena." Her eyes darkened at the reprimanding edge, and she stood straighter and looked me straight in the eye. 

"Oh why not, my dear Alpha?" She was speaking with a mocking smile, but I knew she felt no respect towards me. I screamed through the mindlink, 


With no question, everyone left, even my mother. We were left alone in the room, but that didn't scare her. Instead, she just yelled, 

"You better give me back my phone, you mangy mutt! It's my property-" Within seconds, I had her held down on the bed, her wrists in my hands. My hips were pressed against hers, and I immediately felt aroused. She was fighting me a little, but she seemed to be frozen in time, gazing at my eyes. "Lorcan, something could happen. Renee has to call me if anything happens-"

"No one has called; I'm sure they are fine." She shook her head. 

"I can't just think like that; they are the only family I have now. My father's been killed, and my mother-" Her voice hitched, and tears fell down her face. She stopped resisting me, and I let go immediately to hold her in my arms. "It was my fault she died; she should have survived. But no. I was weak!" Sobs overtook her body, and she held on to me tightly. "We were swimming at the pool. Rosie was on the edge of the pool, and I was bothering my mom about letting me go to some friend's house. Back when I had friends. Then, she fell in the pool, right at the deep end. I jumped in the pool, but the thing was too deep for me too. I remember blacking out and then waking up on the concrete. Mom was on the bottom of the pool; she DROWNED trying to save me and my sister. It was my fault!?" She burst into tears again, and I held her tightly. She eventually fell to sleep, and I decided to do something that I knew I'd regret. I grabbed the phone out and looked through her contacts. Only one was in her favorites, under the name Renee. Taking a deep breath, I dialed it, waiting for someone to pick it up. 

"Ximena, what's going on?" 

Ok, I know this is a filler chapter, but I had to explain what the cooky visions were ok? I hope you guys like it, so read and review! Thank you so much for the views!

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