Sous Chef | TK ✓

By yoongiflo

1.3M 86.4K 58.4K

Kim Taehyung is in need of a job to pay off his monthly rent for the one bedroom home he lives in. To his luc... More



21K 1.4K 1.8K
By yoongiflo

"Where is he." Jungkook mumbled to Namjoon who he was sitting on a fancy couch with in the back of the ballroom, watching everyone dance alongside their partners with smiles on their faces. 

He was only getting more and more anxious every second Taehyung was late.

"He's probably just as nervous as you are, give him a minute." 

Jungkook impatiently tapped his foot on the ground as he rested his cheek on his fist, elbow rested on his thigh as he kept scanning the room.

He got excited once he saw someone approaching him but rolled his eyes once he saw it was just his mother. The last person he wanted to see.

"Jungkook, are you going to find someone to dance with or not? This is your opportunity to find someone who you would eventually want to wed." The Woman persisted. The said male had to act like he didn't know what his mom tried to do, she didn't even know Taehyung was still alive.

"I'm waiting for someone." He bluntly responded, keeping his eyes set on the wide room in search for of course a certain someone.

"If you're waiting for Taehyung, he won't be coming. His brother decided to keep him home tonight."

The Prince had to hold back his laughter from his Mother's obliviousness and stupidity. It would be interesting to see her expression once she realized Taehyung was well and alive.

He really wished the latter would get there quicker so he could leave the Queen. She was really aggravating him at the moment.

"What about her? She looks very elegant." The Woman pointed to a young lady dressed in an expensive looking gown. Jungkook ignored his mother and kept scanning the room. "Where is he.." He mumbled to himself so only he could hear. 

"Well, if you won't approach someone then I must do this." 

The Queen left her son and began walking up the stairs to the top patio where everyone could be seen, also where the King was sitting as he was examining the successful ball. She stood at the top of the Patio and grabbed the microphone off the stand, grabbing everyone's attention as well.

"Good Evening citizens of the Jeon Kingdom! I would like to announce that at this moment, the Prince will be choosing a lucky maiden to dance with. If everyone could form a circle around the Ballroom that would be magnificent! Once the maiden is chosen everyone may continue dancing."

Jungkook first rolled his eyes at the word 'maiden', it being obvious that his mother was so homophobic. He then began panicking once everyone stepped backwards so a big area in the middle of the room was cleared.

Fuck, where are you Taehyung. He thought to himself as he nervously stood up off the couch. He kept looking around the room in search for the said male even though he knew he wasn't there as he made his way to the center of the room.

He had no clue what to do. He was so scared and frantic, he hated being put on the spot like this. It would've been easier if Taehyung was in the crowd.

"U-um.." Jungkook announced, his voice stuttering since he still had no clue what to do. He knew he wasn't actually going to choose someone in the crowd so he stood still while examining everyone.

Suddenly, everyone's heads shot towards the sound of the Ballroom door opening. Jungkook being last to turn his head at the echo. 

Everyone gasped at the male who entered, as for the Prince who felt his whole body stop functioning. His breath hitched and his heart began beating a little too rapidly, it was as if the whole world stopped for him.

Taehyung stopped midway once he saw everyone stare at him. He watched all of the crowds gaze shoot at him before turning his attention to Jungkook who was standing in the center like a brick.

Jungkook was completely speechless. He knew the latter was going to look gorgeous, but this was even better than he expected. He really felt like he couldn't function.

Without even hesitating, the Prince began walking up to where Taehyung was standing who's face reddened up. Jungkook wasn't able to hold himself back once he was right in front of the older. He looked to beautiful to resist.

He didn't even care that everyone was watching him at the moment. Jungkook softly took the mask off of Taehyung's face, becoming even more stiff once he saw his beautiful facial features.

"H-hi." The older mumbled, face and ears completely red by now as he stared at the ground. Jungkook didn't respond since he was still so speechless, just brushing his hair behind his ear and staring directly into his eyes.

It was so tempting to kiss the black haired male, but the Prince forced himself to control himself even though it was near impossible. 

"Everyone i-is looking at you.." Taehyung gulped as he suddenly look at all of the faces. Once he heard that, Jungkook took the latters chin in his hands and made his face face his. 

"No Taehyung, they're looking at you."

"No they're looking at y-"

"Shut up before I kiss the life out of you." Jungkook whispered so no one else would hear. Taehyung softly smiled as he cheeks reddened up even more. 

The younger also smiled once he saw the older do the same. "Follow me." 

The Prince happily lead Taehyung to the middle of the Ballroom, both hands intertwined with each others. "You look so beautiful." He whisper-commented to the elder who's legs were almost shaking.

Everyone was completely silent as they watched the beautiful pair share their moment together. Jungkook giggled and bit his lip as he pulled the older in by his waist, Taehyung's eyes widening once he was pulled in and felt something poking at his skirt.

The Prince chuckled once he realized what Taehyung was so startled about. "Oh come on, did you think that wouldn't happen when you look like this?" 

The black haired male bit his lip as he wrapped his arm around the youngers neck, his mind going crazy now with all of these thoughts.

"Ready?" Jungkook sweetly smiled, both forgetting about the Princes 'problem' and intertwining their free hands again. Taehyung nodded his head before the younger began slowly stepping in directions which the latter was now familiar with since he practiced the day before.

The Queen was also speechless, so the King took the microphone away from her and stood tall. "Everyone may continue their dance!" 

Taehyung and Jungkook were both smiling while staring into each others eyes, both dancing around to the music. It took all of the Prince's power not to kiss the elder, but he somehow managed.


"Thanks Jin." Jungkook sassily told to the said male as he picked up a bottle of whipped cream, smirking to himself and giving Taehyung a glare who was standing right beside him at the food table.

The Prince tried to hold back his giggles as he sneakily and quickly enforced a big blob of whipped cream onto Taehyung's nose, the said older giving him a distraught glare.

"Jungkook!" He exclaimed to the younger who was smirking again as he set the bottle down. "Oh sorry, I should get that off for you." Jungkook leaned in close to Taehyungs face, smiling before eating the whipped cream off of his nose making the black haired giggle.

"Kook what are you doing." He giggled out. The Prince was addicted to the elders little giggles, so he picked up the bottle again and this time put a blob onto Taehyung's lips.

"Oops! Sorry about that. I'll get that too." 

Taehyung then widened his eyes once Jungkook began leaning in towards his lips, the younger wanting to die once Pete beat him to it and started eating at the whipped cream on the elders mouth who sat on his shoulder.

Taehyung was about to do the same thing to the Prince once the dove was gone, that is until a few guards made a dramatic entrance into the Ballroom. Everyone's heads snapped towards them, each one walking up to a separate person.

The first one approached Jimin who was standing behind the stand, turning him around and putting his hands into cuffs. "Park Jimin, you are under arrest for attempted r*pe on a co-worker."

"What?! Where did you get that bullshit from?" The said male yelled as he was escorted from the Ball.

The next went across the room to a very familiar looking male, Jungkook and Taehyung later realizing it was Yucheon. Neither of the two even realized he was here.

"Kim Yucheon, you are arrested for attempted murder and arson at the first degree"

And the final guard began walking up the stairs to the patio where the King and Queen were, all of the guests gasping once the man cuffed the Queens hands behind her back. 

"Kim Jein, you are arrested for conducting the act of attempted murder and arson at the first degree."

The whole crowd gasped once again, everyone besides Taehyung and Jungkook who were more than happy to see this happening. This is what they've both been waiting for, their abusers to finally get their consequence.

Sure, the King and Prince were both sad to see their wife and mother go. But it was what she deserved and there was nothing they could do about it.

The three felons couldn't get many words out before the were all gone from the room, everyone staying silent before the King calmly picked up the microphone again.

"Folks, I know this is very shocking for all of us. These were not the circumstances I wanted to go through this Evening, but it is for the best. All three have committed unbearable crimes and should be held accountable. I am very disappointed in my wife's actions, along with Yucheon's and Jimin's. But they are going to somewhere where they deserve to go, so let's not sit in sorrow. Let's continue to smile."

Everyone was still a little hesitant over what just happened, but of course Jungkook and Taehyung weren't. And because they weren't, the younger pulled Taehyung back to the middle of the room.

Everyone's eyes were back on them and it was silent again. The older was very confused because the Prince looked even more nervous than he looked before.

"Kook? What are we doi-" Jungkook shut Taehyung up as he connected the pairs lips, in front of the whole Kingdom.

He was so anxious, but once he felt Taehyung's lips on his own again he felt comforted. And so did the said male as he smiled into the kiss. It felt so right to the two. 

They wanted everyone to see how much they loved the other, even though the two didn't know they shared the same feelings towards each other. But Jungkook wanted to change that as he disconnected their lips, hands and legs shaking as he looked towards the ground

He warily looked back up at Taehyung who looked so confused as to why the Prince was nervous again. Jungkook wrapped both his arms around the latters waist and looked him directly in the eyes.

"I love you."

sorry to ruin the mood but MY HONORS ENGLISH TEACHER MAKES ME SO MAD OMFFHGDHJ she just assigned me homework on a WEEKEND to practice formal and informal writing 😒 girl im in high school not 4th grade 😕 im so tempted to email her a link to my wattpad 😹😹 maybe she can learn a thing or two💅

ANYWAYS  i hope you guys liked this chapter! goodnight and i love youuu thanks for the support<3!!

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