The Adventure of Shurui and Y...

By ShaquanHarry

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Whether Mother Earth will be shut down and ruled by one man, or saved and protected from his sinister deeds... More

Fatal Universe
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

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By ShaquanHarry

Yuki, Shurui, Chintaman, Nyozom, Ziora, Hioto, now known as team
Cloudust, began their new mission on this big adventure to save the
people of the world from F.O.R.K.
F.O.R.K could have gone after them all, and the Sensation Insects,
however he knows that soon enough, they will be at his door, ready to
take him down. But he will be ready all the same. The second mission.
To find the five insects that have the ability to cancel the senses of any
human being. With each passing 24 hours, they get closer to the end of
their mission, but the end is just the beginning. Though two more
people of Cloudust were missing, time was too imperative to wait, and
with the hope in their hearts, maybe they will bump into them on the
road. Ziora had lots of information about the insects and the infamous
Project 57. But her knowledge of it left her years ago, as she read it in a
light grey binded book, way up in the palace's library. And now, the idea
she was about to give, could make or break their plans.
“Guy I think we should go back to my village….”“……Huh!.....” They all cocked their heads to the right.
“Yes, I did tell you I know of the insects but that’s because I read it in a
book. It’s not as if I studied it. I can’t remember most of what I read and
that book is the only thing that will lead us correctly to find them”
Taking her words into thought, Yuki spoke up.
“Ziora…It will be very dangerous to go back there. Your cuckoo father,
no offence”
“None taken”
“Will definitely have guards posted left, right and center”
Shurui voices his comment on the matter.
“I’m not even sure if getting in, or getting out will be the hardest, it’s a
risky move…”
“But a move worth taking…” Chintaman was in favour.
“I like the plan too” And so was Nyozom.
“Think about it carefully. The time we spend looking for tiny, not to
mention extremely rare insects, is the time F.O.R.K could do
something horrid to someone, something, or even any of the villages
we just passed. Those aren’t even all the villages, we all know there
are about 79 villages, and who knows if he is planning something right
now. We need to act fast, but careful, not hard, but smart” Nyozom
interjected at this point.
“And also, we don’t have to make a scene, in and out. We can go
incognito. Or Chintaman could teleport us all to the library and back
“That won’t work unfortunately. If I do that for five of you, my power of
teleportation will be gone for….two days per person soooooo…two
multiply by five is ten, ten days my power will be gone, and if by chance
we see the other two people missing from the group, I can’t teleport us
out since I already did it with 5 people. Also if I teleport more than 6
people, in which we are a group of 6 and add the last two that will be 8,
my power will be gone for good. It’s best we save my ability for a very
important time”
“So what do we do then? If we go back there, they will surely catch us!”
Nyozom pondered on another plan.
“How about we ask my dad…” Hioto voiced his idea, which was a good
“I can ask my dad to help us. Since he said it was okay for me to come
with you guys, I'm sure he'd help us too”
“That’s a great idea!” shouted Ziora.
“So now we have to turn around and travel……A BUNCH OF MILES BACK
WHERE WE CAME!!!” Shurui turned around and shouted his statement
to the forest.
“Or I can create some vehicles of ice for you guys to travel in…”
Suddenly there Icy was, Yuki's eye colour changed.
“And why didn’t you suggest this MILES ago?” Shurui questioned.
“As Yuki said, I wanted to see you guys suffer, have a laugh off of
it…besides, you piss me off anyway, with your supercilious attitude, get
a grip boy, you're not a king and we are not your servants…”
“What did you say” Shurui's fist charged at Icy but Zyozom and
Chintaman held him back, though it was a struggle with the physical
strength he had.
“Don’t worry, one day we will fight…and I will show you the different
between a giant, and an insect, you being the insect of course…” With
his finished sentence, Icy used his ability to create cars powered bysnow, or in his case, his snow, as there were none at this time of year.
Everyone climbed into the cars of ice, except Shurui.
“I am not driving in a car with you or made by you” The anger wove
itself into his mind and body.
“I will get there on my- OOOOWWWW!!! Ziora that hurt!”
“Get in the a car before the next hit is on a different head”
“Yes ma’am!”
Upon their return to Paradaisu, it was strange to see smoke in the air
above the village. As Icy slowed the cars he created to a stop, Ziora's
gasp sounded like she had seen something terrible. Nyozom's eyes
seemed fearful and worried. Icy switch to Yuki and both him and Shurui
were bulbous eyed at the sight before them. Hioto's entire body spelt
Only 9 hours had passed, and Paradaisu was beaten down. Some
buildings reduced to debris, doctors tended to the wounded children
and adults. The scene ached their hearts, and the same question ran
through their minds.
[Did our presence cause this destruction?]
It appeared as though not much damage was done to the village, only
enough to re-build ¼ of its structure. Chintaman approach the
Guardian of the Protective Ripple, Theo. As he was being treated with a
stabbed arm by the nurse, Chintaman asked him his questions.
“Theo, hey…what happened here?”
He stuttered to speak but spoke anyway.
“F…..F….O.R.K….happened, AH!”
“Hold still, this won’t work if you move a lot” said the nurse.
“Did we cause this by coming here?”
“No…don’t take the blame. He came to our village 4 days before you
guys came here…to see….the Village elder”
“I'll take it from here….” A voice much older, but wheezy and a bit
nasally sounded.
“Elder River…these are-“
“I know who they are, follow me. Come along now”
The elder man took the six of them inside a tent with a table and chairs
surrounding it. He told them to take a seat and he shall explain to calm
their guilty consciousness. He spoke him name.
“I am the Village elder, also in charge of things around here. River is my
“Sir, what is going on?” Shurui questioned the old man.
“So you're the impatient one of the group ey…” Shurui blushed the
embarrassment as his group chuckled at him.
“As Theo told you, F.O.R.K himself came to see us four days ago before
you came. There was something in our village he wanted and we were
reluctant to give him it. A white stone lies deep inside the caves
underground our village. That stone can enhance the ability of anyone
who takes a drop of its moisture into their mouths. F.O.R.K came here
to bully us for it, the villagers said they didn’t know…then he came to
me. He didn’t hurt me but he said he would hurt the village if he didn’t
get it to him in three days. And well…you saw what he did out there”
“WAIT MY PARENTS!” Hioto jumped out his chair.
“Don’t worry, they are safe. He attacked the Upper Right Digon not the
Left where your parents live”“Oh….thank goodness…”
“So…is he coming back to get the stone?” Yuki asked.
“He most likely knows that you six have come back, and that you will
have the stone, so he won’t come after us again”
“Wait what do you mean, will have?”
“Here…I'm giving you it…” River held the white moisturized stone in his
hand as he presented its reflective beauty to Cloudust.
“But…what are-“
“Use it whenever you are fighting him as an extra boost. It is something
related to Nyozom's enhancement ability called ‘blaze', but its much
“Wait you know about my power?”
“Young man I have been alive for one hundred and twenty two
years…of course not I learned about it from the villagers, this old geezer
has not the time to research on you teenagers and your fanciness”
After a chuckle or two, the wet stone was collected and placed in an
empty, transparent jar.
“Now…you came back for a reason didn’t you?”
“Ah yea that’s right! We are going to see Hioto's parents, mainly his
father” Yuki jumped up now.
“Well then, safe travels” After leaving the tent, everyone was looking a
bit more lively. Wounds were patched up and muscles were working to
walk and move generally. Hioto's house was in tip top shape, nothing in
this area was destroyed, not even in the slightest. Before he could
knock on the door, his twin brother open it and was surprised to see
“HIROTO!” With a brotherly hug, they chit chatted a bit until Hioto saw
his mom and dad behind his brother.
“Hi mom, hi dad! You're safe!”
“Hioto! Yes we are! It was a horrid experience! We on this side were
lucky he didn’t attack here. We wanted to go down to the main gate to
help but the elder said to stay safe where we were”
“What are you six doing back here anyway? I mean I'm happy to see
you son, but you were on a mission”
“Yeah and we need you dad to help us with it”
“Yeah. We have to go back to Hikari Village”
“Are you crazy! That king might have your heads the next time”
“That’s why we need you for this. You're head of the palace guards. You
can sneak us in”
“Why are you going back anyway?”
“We need to get a very important book that will save us a lot of time
from the palace library”
“I see…you know as a parent I can’t condone danger…but if its to,
ironically protect you...I'll do it”
With his confirmation, they sat at the table in the kitchen and pondered
on a plan to infiltrate the village and then the castle. Night descended
with a nicotine yellow, crescent moon. Some stars shone slightly. Barely
visible. At this very moment the plan was in action. All dressed in black,
Ziora used her ability of nature control to perform, Crustal Change.
With this she can change the surface of the area around her. She may
use this to hide in the earth as a defense or bury someone as anoffense. This time she was using it as neither, its more of assistance. A
long and wide tunnel was formed into the soil and beneath it all the
way to the palace. With this they stayed incognito and it’s a faster
process to the inside. Making it all the way to the back on the palace
they jumped out the tunnel and were ready to go inside. Mr. Rikoungi
assigned all the guards different post so it could be a smooth, in and
out process. Within the walls of the palace now, from the front door is
a risky move, especially with six roaming around. With that in mind,
they needed to be seriously keen. The only people they needed to look
out for now is the Ziora's new stepmother, the new queen of the land,
Queen Morgana and of course her father. With just two more stories to
go, they were almost there, and were almost caught by a guard and the
Queen having conversation. They hid behind the throne chair and wide
base. Nyoxom and Chintaman having to lie on the floor to match the
horizontal shape of the few stairs.
“Are they gone?” Yuki asked as he whispered.
“Yeah let’s go…” Ziora led the way. The voices getting further and
further. Finally making it to the library unseen, it was one elongated
circular room with books in the atmosphere for years. Yuki had one
word to say.
“BOOKS!!!” His voice ricocheted off the walls.
“Shhhhhhh keep your voice down!” Ziora scolded as a whisper.
“What's his deal?” Hioto questioned Shurui.
“He loves books….and reading, my totally opposite, except for manga”
“You mean hentei”
“Noooo…I said manga”
“But hentei…”
“But manga…”
“You like boobs?”
“Then Hentei”
“But Manga has it too”
“Ohhhh so you just read manga for the boobs, I understand”
“What no I-!”
“No no no…no need to explain, you're just an anime perv it's fine”
“But I never-!”
“Shhhhhhhh, Jiraya shhhhhhhhhh”
“I am not Jiraya!!”
“I said keep it down!” Footsteps were heard.
“Oh no, someone is coming…hide quickly” Everyone found a place to
conceal themselves. Ziora, Yuki and Shurui fitted perfectly within a
widen crease on the left side on the room's circumference. Chintaman
took the right crease of the circumference and Nyozom pulled out a bit,
book after book, hoping to magically open a concealed room. Shurui
slapped his forehead with his palm. Without luck he swiftly shifted into
the crease with Chintaman. A rather awkward position they took. The
guard scrutinized the area, squinted his eyes, when satisfied enough,
turned around and walked away. They all finally breathed and began a
quick search for a grey binded book. Ziora knew vaguely in which area
she left it. And a pretty high one at that. Yuki switched with Icy and he
created an ice ring from the door all the way around for them to walk
on and search. Time was wasting and soon enough the gates will be
closed, but for them, it shouldn’t be a problem with Ziora's tunnel.
They all kept asking Ziora if this was the book. With so many grey
covered books it was difficult to find the right one. Chintaman asked
Ziora about 27 grey books he found and happening upon the 28th, he
didn’t ask and pushed it back inside. Ziora caught a glimpse of a
something shiny bouncing off the book Chintaman pushed back.
“Chintaman pull out that book again!” He did so and as she read the
title, it was a cook book with an aluminum title. They had been
searching now for an hour. Their hands were tired of stretching and
toes tired of tip toeing. Knees tired of bending and necks tired of
looking up and down. How many grey book were in one library? As
Ziora sweated on the ice ring with her head down, she saw one grey
book way at the bottom of the library.
[Wouldn’t hurt to check…] She thought. And it didn’t hurt at all. That
was the right grey book they were looking for.
“Um…Guys….it would seen I miss-calculated. I found the book and I
know remember it being at the bottom right here…not the top…”
Groans were her response, and a nervous laugh was her reply.
“You are dumber than you look” Shurui said.
Ziora puffed her faced and looked irritated by his comment.
“What did you say to my future wife?”
“Nyozom, it’s no use arguing when he is asinine himself…” Yuki
“Ah ha! You use that word on me before! I know what it means! Stupid!
I am stupid!”
“And he proves my point”
“No! I was telling you what your word meant!”
“Shurui…spell the word…superior…”

“Well…..It starts with S….and ends with R….and I know it has two Rs.
“Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!” Nyozom got a hearty laugh. They all got a
laugh off of that.
“I can spell the stupid word!!”
“Well spell it!”
“Shut up and let's go I'll spell it later!”
“Or never…” Yuki whispered to Nyozom.
“I HEARD THAT!” Now that they completed this tiny yet exhausting
mission, the tunnel was awaiting their return. A guard saw them just as
they arrive at its end. Nyozom took advantage of his lack of sleep with
those red eyes, and weak form.
“This is a dream, you don’t see us…..go to sleep…go to sleep…go to
sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep…” He finally gave in to his slumber and fell on the
floor. Ziora closed up the tunnel with every piece they walked, until
they made it. In and out. Mr. Rikoungi saw that the tunnel was gone,
which mean they were safe and sound. He reposted all guards to their
original post and took his leave home.
“YES!” A high five was an order and so they did just that.
“We have the book!” Yuki was excited to see what the insects looked
“Okay! Let’s see the first one, and its name” Shurui couldn’t control his
excitement either.
“He’s gonna look for the word superior isn’t he?” Nyozom asked Yuki.
“With that brain, can he even pronounce the letters…?”
“Screw both of you!!!”
Ziora laughed. “I knew I would have fun with you two around!”
She open the book slowly as they all crowded around her. The first few
pages were written for Project 57, and as they turned one more page,
there she was.
“Guys, this is the first insect. An all black lady bug with red dots. The
inverted lady bug…”

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