Reincarte of Indra and Asura...

By Petrix001

67.5K 775 79

Cold Blooded Naruto. Reincarnation of Indra and Asura Otsutsuki God like Naruto. Sharingan Rinnegan Mokuton M... More

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Death flash and Shisui

5.3K 71 8
By Petrix001

"Nice to see you Temari" said Naruto.
"I am sorry, I was not aware about the terms of allaiance" said Temari.
"Well Temari you helped me indirectly" said Naruto and explained what happened with council.
"And I am happy that Kazekage fixed engagement with you as I trust you" said Naruto and he shunshin her to Senju compound.
"Since we will be placed in two man cell I want to tell you about my every plan for next 3 years and about my past life" said Naruto as he activated privacy seals.
Naruto then removed his shirt showing the patterns on his body which made her worried. Naruto then told her about everything.
"I will be more than happy to accompany you" said Temari.
"Since we are getting engaged, I want you to leave this formal attitude" said Naruto and Temari nodded.
"Then why don't we go where we first ate togather and this time it will be date" said Naruto and they left.
TIMESKIP(15 days):
After meeting everyone Naruto and Temari left for whirlpool and reached near location in 3 days.
"I don't think there are ruins of any village nearby" said Temari.
"Seals.. Seals are placed to prevent any foreigner from entering the village" said Naruto.
Naruto then managed to get past the Seals because of his Uzumaki blood.
"We will be living here for about six months. We will live in recidence of main family because I will be spending most of the time in main family's library" said Naruto "So now we need to make this place good enough for living."
TIMESKIP (3 months):
"Temari I am going to visit the Uzumaki temple for few things would you like to accompany me" asked Naruto and Temari agreed.
~Inside Uzumaki temple's ruins:
"Well I found one out of three things we are here for" said Naruto showing a mask.
"What is the use of this mask?" asked Temari.
"Well it is Shinigami Mask, I have no use of it for now but it would be hell lot of trouble if it gets in evil handd."
"What are the other things" asked Temari.
"Now we will search for an ancient Uzumaki sword which is supposed to be in basement enbeded in crystal and only worthy Uzumaki's hands can pass through cryastal and not only that the sword changes it self so it fits the user and is loyal to its weilder and can not be weilded by anyone else." said Naruto "Lets see if I can weild that sword"
They reached the basement and saw a old, half broken rusty sword enbeded in crystal.
"It doesn't seems to be a good sword" said Temari.
"Well I don't think Uzumaki elders will lie. Lets see if I can weild it" said Naruto.
As Naruto weilded the sword it turned into double bladed sword. The blades were in shape of dragon, one was red and has kanji for fire on it and the other was yellow with kanji for lightening for it. Then scroll appeared.
"Write your name and out your blood on it" spoke the sword and Naruto wrote his name and put his blood on it and scroll disappeared.
"We can talk telepathecally and I will help you develop the best kenjutsu style suited for you" spoke the sword.
"Sword fits its description, fire and lightening are my strongest affinity" said Naruto.
"Maybe trust on elders was a test" said Temari.
"Well I don't know but I am happy to get new partner" said Naruto.
"Partner can you tell me where to look for room of shadows" Naruto asked to Sword.
"Well you can give me a name" said the sword.
"How is death flash, its combination on my mother and father's battle feild name" asked Naruto and sword accepted.
"Well you fullfill both conditions to enter the room so I will teleporte you to shadow relm when you are ready." said death flash.
"What were the conditions?" asked Naruto.
'One must be worthy of weilding me and should have awakened Rinnegan naturally' said death flash.
"Temari I an going to shadow relm. It will take maximum of one hour to return" said Naruto and Temari nodded.
'Well I am ready death flash' said Naruto and immediately he found himself in front of a door.
'Naruto touch me with your right eye and then shove me through the door.
Naruto did this and a large rinnegan identical to Naruto's rinnegan appeared on door and engulfed Naruto.
Naruto was standing in front of a statue with mask on its face. Mask was black with one lagre Uzumaki swirl on it.
'Naruto pick up the mask and write your name on its inside with blood and then put it on.' said death flash and Naruto followed the procedure.
As Naruto wore the mask a black figure emerged from ground.
'You can share with him any one of your bloodline but remember it is one time decision' said flash death.
'Ang suggestions' asked Naruto.
'You already share sharingan with crow, giving Adamentide Chains is of no use so I think you share mokuton' said flash death and Naruto agreed 'He will have one fourth of chakra reserves as compared to you and will be one-third as efficient as you in any of the skills be it kenjutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu , fuinjutsu or any other skill but he can't use any power of you rinnegan.' added death flash.
'Ok now channel chakra through your hand and shove through his chest' said death flash and Naruto did the same and the black figure converted into exact copy of Naruto.
'He can do all things like human and will be loyal to you and will also share your personality' said flash death.
'What can I do for you master' asked the shadow.
"I want you to be my partner like Kurama and death flash." said Naruto "Do you have a Name?" asked Naruto.
"No" said the shadow.
"Well then I will call you Shisui and I want you to implant thes eyes (as he took out a pair of sharingan). These are eyes of my sensei his name was Shisui." said Naruto and gave jar to Shisui and he implanted them instantly but will take few days to adjust.
"Fox meet Shisui Uchiha. You will be trained by him and from now on you will live with him" said Hizuzen.
"Nice to meet you sensei" said Naruto.
Timeskip(few days before Uchiha clan massacre):
Naruto is living with Shisui and are like brothers.
Naruto is sitting in his room reading a scroll when a crow appeared next to Naruto.
"Naruto crow elder is going to reverse summon you in few moments from now so get ready, its urgent" said the crow.
~Summon crows' world
"Why do you wish to see me elder" asked Naruto.
"Here, Shisui told me to give this box to you. I have completed my work so I will send you back to your world" said elder and he sent Naruto back.
Naruto opened the box to see a container with pair of sharingan and a letter. Seeing the container Naruto got worried and opened the letter with shivering hands.
Dear Naruto,
I got poisoned by a enemy ninja in my mission and by the time you will be reading this letter I will be long gone. I am entrusting you with my sharingan. Use them wisely and don't tell even a single person that I gave you my sharingan. Become a great ninja and protect hidden leaf with your life. The letter may seem to be professional rather than emotional but remember this I love you my little brother.
Shisui Uchiha.
"How will you travell?" asked Naruto.
"I can stay in your shadow" said Shisui as he merged with Naruto's shadow.
'Anything thing else?' asked Naruto to flash death.
'No, I will train you to use shadows and summon shadows latter.Summoning will be easy beacuse shadow clan only has two summons, one specialises in spying feild and other one in fighting. To use shadow or summoning you need to have this mask. You can were it like you are wearing now or you can fuse it with your skin. It would be nice if you never remove it and also no one other than you can remove it.' said death flash.
'Ok I will never remove it' said Naruto.
'Ok I will teleport you back to temple' said death flash and teleported him.
"You got new mask?" asked confused Temari.
"No its symbol of contract with shadow summon" said Naruto.
TIMESKIP(2 years):
Naruto and Temari have completed an assassination mission and now will meet up with Jiraya in a nearby village.
Naruto had shared chakra with all bijus and can now Rinnegan does not have any effect on his body but he still can't use any ability of Rinnegan other than teleportation that to can only be used once in every 24 hours. Naruto has mastered ability of his right mangekyo and can use susano but after using teleportation Naruto's right eye becomes useless for next 24 hours, he can't even use mangekyo's power. So Naruto uses teleportation rarely.
Naruto is now 15 years old and is 5 fett 7 inches tall. He has hairs as in anime. His mask has one hole for left eye and other hole appears when he wishes and is half way to level 14 seal master.
TIMESKIP (few days latter):
"Hey ero-sanin" said Naruto.
"Hi, Naruto and Temari" said Jiraya.
"Nice to meet you Jiraya-sama" said Temari.
"Why are you being formal" said Jiraya.
"Yes you should call him Ero-sanin" said Naruto.
"This is the list of members of Akatsuki" said Naruto as he handed over a scrol to Jiraya.
"How do you get all this info" asked Jiraya.
"Well my spy network is not as large as you but if you want info about something in particular then you can count on me and I am after Akatsuki these days" said Naruto.
"Open the scroll their is a great surprise for you" said Naruto and Jiraya opened and got schocked.
"Yes sensei your former student and my father's supposedly dead student are at the core of Akatsuki and Obito was the one who freed Kurama that night" said Jiraya.
"So what are you planing to do now?" asked Jiraya.
"Well I and Temari will go arround the world to gather info about my eye for next few months and then we will slowly finish off Akatsuki." said Naruto.
"You think that you will be able to travell arround the world in few months" asked Jiraya.
"Well wait till I return to Konoha, then I will reveal my abilities" said Naruto.
Naruto gave Jiraya three Seals with tags of Konoha, Suna and Senju compound and said "Seals with villages' name on it contain things like minerals and other things. I have distributed them as per need of the village and the seal with name of Senju Compound contain my and Temari's personal belongings and extra money we earned by bounties on missing nins"
"When are you leaving" asked Jiraya.
"Now, if you have nothing more to discuss" said Naruto.
TIMESKIP(6 months):
Naruto and Temari have entered Konoha.
"You can go to Senju compound, I will discuss all the info with Obaa chan" said Naruto and sank into his shadow.



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