Help Me Make it Through the N...

By 17wardm

655K 15.4K 6.4K

This is my first fanfic but here it goes. Katniss can no longer fight the feeling inside her. The feeling of... More

Chapter 1: Those Calm Blue Eyes
Chapter 2: His Voice
Chapter 3: Her Terrors
Chapter 4: Our Moonlit Love
Chapter 5: Our Truth is Revealed
Chapter 6: Thunder
Author's Notes
Chapter 7: Looking to the Future
Chapter 8: Only Time Will Tell
Chapter 9: His Nightmares
Chapter 10: A Place Just for Us
Chapter 11: Flashback
Author's Note
Chapter 11: Unanswered Prayers: Part 2 of Flaskback
Chapter 12: Talking About It
Chapter 13: A Simple Promise
Chapter 14: The Words That Changed Their Lives
Chapter 15: When I Heard Him Sing.
Chapter 16: In Our Own Time
Chapter 17: Unexpected Visiter
Chapter 18: A Way to Keep the Memories Alive
Chapter 19: To Make You Feel My Love
Chapter 20: Will They Ever Leave
Chapter 21: She May Be Broken But She's Mine
Chapter 22: Almost Normal
Chapter 23: Not All Scars Heal
Chapter 24: A Burnt Cake and a Crooked Smile
Chapter 25: In His Arms
Chapter 27: My World Stood Still
Chapter 28: How Do I Deserve You?
Chapter 29: Face to Face
Chapter 30: I'm Sorry
Chapter 31: Mending
Chapter 32: Back To Me Again
Chapter 33: My Wish
Chapter 34: You Love Me, Real or Not Real
Chapter 35: What He Doesn't Know
Chapter 36: His Dream Come True
Chapter 37: Within a Nightmare
Chapter 38: Bun in the Oven
Chapter 39: I Can't Do That
Chapter 40: A New Hope
Chapter 41: She's Gone
Chapter 42: When I Felt Her Move
Q & A
Chapter 43: Calm Before The Storm
44: It's Time
45: Their Beauty
New Story

Chapter 26: Where Are They?

9.7K 284 46
By 17wardm

Katniss' POV

I blink open my eyes to see the sky is still dark. I gently disentangle myself from Peeta's embrace and make my way to Rye's room. When I get there I see nothing but the pale grey walls of an unfinished room. Confused, I then walk to Willow's room and find the same thing. I begin to freak out and begin sobbing on the floor. I don't even hear Peeta come into the room and pick me up off the floor.

"Katniss, what's wrong?" he asks.

"Peeta! Where are they? Where are Willow and Rye?" I ask him. He looks at me confused and a little scared.

"Katniss, what are you talking about? Who are Willow and Rye?" Peeta asks.

"Willow and Rye! Our children! Where are they Peeta?!" I ask frantically.

"Katniss, we don't have children. There isn't any possibility for us to have children. We aren't even married yet." He says.

"But Peeta, we've been married for almost eight years. Willow is seven and Rye just turned two."

"Katniss, I just turned 18 and your only 17. We aren't old enough to have children that old. It must have been a dream." Peeta says, holding me close.

"But Peeta, it was so real. They were so perfect. They were so much like you. They were perfect." I sob. Peeta gently rubs my back a whispers soothing things in his ears. I just cry in his arms until there are no tears left and my sobs turn into soft hiccups.

"Hey," he says, lifting my chin up to look in my blood shot eyes, "Just because they aren't here now, doesn't mean they never will be. If we want we can have them some day."

"But I'm scared to have them. I'm scared of children, terrified even," I tell him.

"We don't have to have them if you don't want to. And if we do have them we don't need them right away," He says.

"Peeta, I'm just not sure. I'm sure what I feel about having children. It's kind of like when we came home from our first games," I tell him.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Never mind." I say trying not to open old wounds.

"No Katniss, tell me what you mean," Peeta says.

"I don't want to hurt you. It over and done with anyway," I say.

"Please," Peeta begs.

"Fine just don't get mad at me. You have to be really calm because I don't know how the venom will make you react," I tell him.

"I'll try. I'll promise you anything, but I can't promise the mutt won't react," he says. I just nodded.

"Peeta, how I feel about having children is similar to how I first felt about you. I'm not saying I don't want children just like I wasn't saying I felt nothing for you. My thoughts just confuse me so much and I just need more time. That dream made me want them but I'm still terrified. This world made us grow up so fast that I feel like I don't want to bring a child into this world. I know it's over but I just need time to make sure we are safe," I tell him.

"I understand Katniss. I would never make you do anything you didn't want to. I've seen what happens when people try. We will just try to live our lives in peace. No Capital to bother us. We can just live our lives now. We will be ok. Now that your calmed down, will you please come back to bed?" he asked me.

"Yeah. I kind of have a big day tomorrow," I say taking his hand and walking back to our room again.

"What do you have planned for tomorrow?" he asks me. I chuckle a little.

"Well tomorrow, I have to get a dress for a certain wedding," I say smirking and he laughs wrapping his arm around my waist as we enter our room. We fall into peaceful dreamless sleep until the Mockingjays wake us as the sun rises.

Hey new chapter! Yay! No school today and I felt this story needed an update. Shout out to @ericastafford75 for the idea for this chapter. I know it's not exactly what she described but I kind of wanted to make it more and when it's some ones idea I don't want to copy their idea exactly because that's plagiarism. That's why I made Katniss a little kinder than she was in the book and why she agreed to children earlier than she did on the book. I can't copy someone's story because its their's to be told. Also 38k reads which is amazing!

Love y'all!
Rock on!
- Kayla

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