Lost between realities

By Yukiiyuno

14.1K 218 126

Charlotte Rosenbury never thought a place like Brennenberg castle actually existed. When she's thrown into th... More

Short note for the first-time readers
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Screw editing, I'm going to finish this thing

Chapter 20

356 4 3
By Yukiiyuno

Nothing lasts forever. Some last longer than others but everything has an end. There was a way to reverse this. The effects had to wear off eventually, she just had to speed them up before it was too late..but how? How could she fix this? How could she set things right before her own time ran out? She feared she had little time left as it was and if she succeeded at this then that time would become a lot shorter, perhaps even run out completely in a matter of seconds, in an instant. It was worth it, they would be more happy, maybe even escape.

The current matter at that moment however was, how was she going to do this? A simple conversation would work but it wasn't enough, old emotions would have to return by physically doing something. It could be from a simple brush of the hand to a kiss. But she would have to understand the entire thing first, and believe the truth.


Author s Note.

This is a very special chapter that in the original plan for this story would not have been allowed it to be written. I have decided to do most of this chapter in G's point of view as this is an extremely important part that she is involved in. If you can guess what is happening then keep it quiet! But I applaud you for your quick thinking. This is a one-off as I can't reveal an awful lot about G.

Enjoy :)




I had been gathering items for my plan all morning. I'd snuck out of the tower and traveled to the room that they should've been safe in. Oh, why had it failed?! They must've found the other mirror or something. I forgot how the knights work..

I took charlotte's hoodie that she had been wearing when they arrived, I took what was left of Pewdie's old shirt and Mr Chair's sweater vest. It was a good start I guess.

Next would be a really difficult part. I had to get rid of the potion. Switch it for something harmless..perhaps the reverse? This meant sneaking into Barrel's study without him knowing. The punishment for getting caught was probably death.

I happened to know the reverse for the particular potion in question. There was a bottle of it in the store room. You see, I did know a fair bit of alchemy from living here for several years. I had stolen books and studied hard. I knew every nook and cranny in the castle and could travel blindfolded and find my way out. You may wonder why I hadn't already left. The reason is one that I am ashamed of.

I'm a coward. I've always been far too scared to do so. Recently I'd been feeling stronger. I'd sneak out of tower more and talk to the people in the dungeons. I wanted to help them but I feared that if my plan failed then we'd be doomed! I couldn't let them suffer like I did. My own life didn't matter as long as theirs were spared.

Had things gone too far already? I mean....I saw them... Ugh, it's so repulsive to even think of what happened. I know it was just them in the same bed and all but I already guessed what had happened..she wasn't the first one either....but it was different. This plan was original, and at least..at least this version of her..liked it. Utterly revolting..excuse me while I throw up. This man..this..sick excuse of a man does this to the people he traps. The worst part is that no one will ever find him because I doubt this castle is on any map..or even in the world I once lived in. In the time that I had been there I had seen and heard so many deaths, none of them peaceful. I heard their final screams as he tortured them until their last breath. I heard their wails of agony as the blood ran out and the bitter sobs as they realised that it was the end.

I awoke on the cold stone floor, wrapped in the old rags of the jumper I had once worn. It smelt of home. A faint, cinnamon apple scent still lingered in the fabric after all that time. I didn't fit into it anymore but I didn't get rid of it.

Rubbing my eyes and becoming accustomed to the light from the tiny hole in the wall for air. It shone directly into my face. Kneeling up I brushed down my dress and blew a kiss at the panel in the wall.

I went about my routine as I did everyday. Dusting one room, clearing up the clutter in the next, making meals, serving meals, polishing, scrubbing, shining, sweeping. Everything had to be done or I dread to think of the punisments that would follow.

I took a short break around noon to go see Mr Chair and tell him about what I was planning.

I was careful not to trip like I always did on the stairs, only ever stepping on every other step.

When I arrived, the state in which they were all in was terrible. Mr Chair was huddled up, hugging his knees up to his face and burying his head between them. He sniffled ever so often and it was obvious that he had been crying. Pewdie was lying, facing away from me at the very back of the room. He chuckled to himself and muttered to no-one in particular. It was as if he was having a conversation with an unseen person.

"Oh no.." I whispered.

"G?" Mr Chair's voice was weak and croaky.

"It's me. What happened?" I rushed to him (or as close as I could get).

"Charlotte..came down and, and-" He sobbed, she must've done something to them. I needed to act faster than I originally thought.

"Is Pewdie ok?"

"N-no..h-he's gone."



"Oh no.."

"Y-yes." He hiccuped. I stuck a hand through the bars and he flinched when it rested upon his should in a comforting fashion as though he thought I was going to hurt him. They would all be destroyed emoticionally if this wasn't fixed, let alone literally destroyed.

"I do have some good news."


"I have a plan."

"You do?"

"Mhm, and I'm pretty sure it's going to work although I can't promise."


"Yep. I'm going to try and get her to remember everything. I-I don't quite know exactly how but I'll give it my best shot ok?"

"Ok, thank you.."

"As long as you're all safe and happy then my work is done. Goodbye Mr Chair, I fear that this is my final farewell."

"W-what? No!"

"I'm afraid that if this works then I shan't make it. He'll kill me."

"But you-"

"I'm prepared to die if it means your escape. I have been here too long and suffered too much. I'm ready."

He grasped my hand and shakily pressed it to his chest, bowing his head. "I won't forget what you do. You don't have to do this. You really don't. I have the greatest respect and honour for the sacrifice that you are willing to make."

I left the conversation there as I was really unsure of what to say. I blew him a kiss before walking away down the hallway. I was determined to fix this no matter if it cost my life. I fetched the items and the bottle of the reverse potion and bundled them up in a small bag that I used for laundry. I headed up the ten flights of twisting, uneven stair that lead to Charlotte's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Hm..she sounded happier than usual. I gingerly pushed the door open.


"You! You must help me prepare! Oh my goodness I'm so excited! Have you heard the news?!"


"Victor proposed!"

A fought back the fury, I wanted to scream at her. This wasn't right! Instead I forced a huge fake grin and stuttered: "Th-that's great."

"Isn't it?! And we are to be wed in two days!"

"T-two days?"

"Yes! Help me get ready! Come on!" She sat in the chair at the dressing table, waiting for me to come over. I began to brush out her hair and style it in a kind of messy bun. I pinned it down with jewelled pins, ruby, sapphire, diamond. I let her do her own make-up and choose her dress. I tied her corset and made sure that everything was perfect.

Once we were finished I perched myself on the edge of the bed and quietly cleared my throat.

"Yes?" She turned from the mirror to face me.

"I need to talk to you about something. It's quite important..."

"Well I don't have a lot of time. What is it?"

I paused for a second while I tried to think of a conversation starter.

"Do you know how you got here?"

She seemed a little stunned for a second as though she couldn't find an answer. "Y-yes. Victor saved me."

"No, I'm sorry but that isn't true."

"What do you mean it isn't true?! Of course it is!"

"I'm sorry Charlotte, but he'a going to kill you."

"No he won't! He loves me! I love him!"

"I'm afraid that neither of these things are true."

"How do you know!? You don't know how I feel!"

"You're under a spell! Your true emotions are clouded!"

"I don't believe you!"

"It's fine, I didn't expect you to. However I do speak the truth."

"Get out! Leave! Go!" She pushed me out of the door and slammed it shut. I heard the key turn, locking it from the inside. At least I had tried an perhaps it had worked. Maybe she just needed time to think over things.

I suddenly realised that I had left all of my things in her room. For a few seconds I panicked but then I decided that they might help her to remember things. I headed back to my room and tidied around, rearranging my items once again. I never liked how it looked and I wanted to feel safe in there regardless of what had happened earlier in the year.

My bed (which was only a few blankets and a moth-eaten pillow, tucked inside the blankets was my old jumper) was neatly later out in the corner, the walls had sketches that I had drawn, pinned to them with pieces of tape. My clothes were carefully folded in a wooden box that I had pushed up against the hatch in the wooden panel in the wall. On top of the box was a lantern and there were several bottles of oil too. The ceiling was too low for me to stand up on the room even though I was short as it was. My back ached from stooping so much that I dropped to a crawl whenever I was in there. Most of the things had been stolen from Barrel himself while I had been cleaning his study. I was surprised that he hadn't noticed yet. He'd only been in my room once but even then he didn't stay long.

When I was happy with the way it looked, I left to finish my work for the day.



What had that girl been talking about?! Telling me lies like that. I should have her killed...or at least tortured. She's useful.

She had left a bag of things on my bed. I don't think she should get them back. What were they anyway? I peered inside. Old clothes? Was that....bloodstains?!

I pulled them all out and observed them. The hoodie, I think it should've been grey once upon a time, was caked in dirt and blood. The sweater vest, jade green, had three uneven tears across the front and wine-coloured stains surrounded them. The other tshirt was almost shredded in places. It probably had the least blood on it but there were still a few splashes here and there. All three seemed very... nostalgic. They seemed so familiar and when I picked them up or even just looked at them, I felt a sentimental pang in my chest. Why? I didn't know who they belonged to or where they were from so, why did I feel like this?

I contemplated them for a long time. Thinking everything over. What she said, was it true? Was everything he had told me a lie? I don't...remember myself.

I tried so hard to remember everything that had happened before I got to the tower. I thought so hard that I made my head hurt. Come on Charlotte, think!

I picked up the sweater vest again, I wondered who could've worn it. What made those marks? And were they ok afterwards? I fumbled with the material, feeling the jagged lines. I hoped that they were alive, were they even still here? I didn't even know whose it was yet I felt compelled to fear for them. I began to feel lightheaded and I had to sit down.

I'm not sure exactly when I fainted but I know I did.


The sight I met was terrible. A young man lay on his back, his light brown hair a mess, his green beret fallen off. Glasses askew. His shirt and green vest soaked with his blood. He was so pale, almost anaemic. He blinked a few times, his eyes were a dull green hazel colour, his face was wet with tears. They were once full of light but he was times, his eyes were a dull green hazel colour, his face was wet with tears. They were once full of light but he was dying. He reminded me of a little mouse, shy and quiet. He was probably quite gentlemanly too. He was so beautiful, I didn't want to watch him die.

I knelt beside him. Confusion clouded my sadness. I reached out to touch him but I found that my hand went straight through him like a ghost. I silently shrieked and withdrew it quickly. I felt as if I knew this person and the sorrow I felt for them was overwhelming.


My eyes snapped open. I was lying on the floor facing up to the ceiling. What was that?! I had an unnerving sense of déjà vu. I had definitely been there before, I had seen that happen. I knew I had. Tears blurred my vision and I broke down on the floor. I wasn't even sure if I was crying because of sadness or the fact that I was just so confused and overwhelmed.

I didn't feel like speaking to anyone for the rest of the day. My happiness from the early morning had faded and all that was left was a confusing hollowness. I sat alone trying to work this all out but I just couldn't.

"Just ignore it. Hey, think more about how happy we'll be on our wedding day." A voice came from nowhere making me jump. Victor was stood in front of me and I hadn't even noticed. How long had he been there?

"Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, you were spaced out."

"I know, sorry."

"What were you thinking about anyway?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing in particular."

"You seemed conflicted or something."

"No, I was just thinking."

"Alright then." He sat down next to me on the floor and I leant against him.

"I have a plan."

"For what my dear?"

"For what we should do with the prisoners."

"Oh, well tell me what it is then." He sat up, interested to hear what I had to say. I whispered my plan into his ear so quietly that he only just heard me.

"That...that is excellent. It's perfect! I'll go and prepare everything." He smiled and got up to leave. Pecking me on the cheek he went to get ready. For the final battle.



Barrel had been busy with something all day. Though I wasn't sure what, I knew it wasn't good. I decided to not go back to Charlotte until the following day, the night before their wedding. I guessed that it would give her more time to think about what I told her. I only gave her a quick glance when I served them their meals. She tried to avoid my gaze. Had she already begun to realise?

That night I crawled into the hatch in the wall because I was scared he might try to kill me in my slumber I dragged my blankets inside along with me. They were scratchy and torn but I wasn't complaining. They kept me warm when winter came and that was what counted.

It was beginning to smell in there now. The stench of her rotting flesh burnt by nostrils but I didn't care. I wasn't going to let her go. I pulled her upwards and leant her back against me as though she was sitting in front of my all by herself. I took her chestnut hair in my hands and continually plaited it. Undoing yesterday's, plaiting them again, undoing those ones, making even more braids. I laid her back down with two little pigtails tied with the red ribbons she always kept in her front pocket. I tucked her up in the blanket too and kissed her goodnight on the forehead. Then, curling up against her small, decaying figure, I drifted away into the land of sleep.


When my morning call came, which was just someone screaming at me from the other side of my door, I slid out of the hatch and dressed myself. I went about doing my chores as usual. The tower was just..too quiet, usually there's something going on but that day everyone seemed to be locked in their rooms, busy with something. I knew that it would be a bit more lively later in the day because I had been informed to prepare the grand hall for a 'gathering' of some sort. He didn't specify what.

The grand hall was enormous. The ceiling must've been the same height as a four storey building and it had an arched ceiling, like the ones in the old cathedrals and churches, wooden beams supported it but the ceiling itself was stone slabs. A huge chandelier hung from the centre of it and there was a thin walkway from a small door in the wall at the top to the chandelier. I guessed that it was there in case something needed fixing.

I made sure the podium was set up and cleaned so that Barrel could lead this 'meeting'. He said that the rest of the room needed to be bear but chairs and benches had to be placed around the perimeter. It took a good few hours but I managed it.

I then had to serve everyone lunch, it wasn't anything fancy, just some vegetable soup and bread. Charlotte was alone so I figured I should talk to her again.

I softly tapped on the heavy wooden door with the hand that wasn't holding up the tray.

"Enter," she called. I pushed open the door and placed the tray on the small table.

"Hello, Miss Charlotte," I nodded. She didn't answer I noticed that she glanced over at the bag I had left the day before, but only for a split second. She didn't move to eat.

"Is something the matter?" I asked.

"Why...." She whispered under her breath.


"Why is there blood....?"

"Blood? Where?"

She pointed to the bag, her hand trembled.

"Don't you remember?"


"The hoodie is yours."

"Wh-what? N-no, no it isn't.."

"Think back, Miss Charlotte, don't you remember your friends? Your love? Everything that you went through with them?"


"Please, you need to think!" I was getting worried now, time was running out.

"I don't remember..."

"Think as hard as you can!"

"I..I can't."

"Try! Please!"

"I already did.."

I sighed, frustrated. I would have to resort to desperate measures. My hand closed around the tiny bottle on the chain around my neck. "Can you fetch the bag, please?" I asked, using it as a quick distraction.

"Um..o-ok.." She got up from her chair and went over to get it. I quickly uncorked the bottle and tipped the liquid into her water. The effects wouldn't be immediate but it was almost certain to work. She handed me the bag and retook her seat.

"Thank you. Now, I think you should have a drink. You seem rather flustered."

"Oh...yes, thank you." In my head, I did a small victory dance as she drained to glass slowly.

"Can you look inside the bag again now? See if you can remember again."

She took the green vest automatically. I hid my smile, it was working.

"I...I met him....he was wounded.." Her eyes were shut and she screwed up her face in concentration.

"Good, that's right. Do you remember his name?"

"Mr Chair."

"What did he mean to you?"


"No, he meant a lot more to you than nothing. Do you remember the night you met?"

"Y-yes..I-I save his life.."

"Do you care for him?"

There was a short pause in which she fumbled with cloth. Turning is over and over in her hands. She brought it up to her heart and slowly, almost silently answered me. "Yes."

"That's brilliant!" I cheered, "what about the others do you remember them too?"

The speed that she spoke at quickened as she recalled more.

"Yes, P-Pewdie..and Stephano. But he got captured."

"Do you know where they all are now?"

"In....the dungeons."

"Do you know who put them there?"

I could tell she knew the answer. She just refused to believe it.

"Who put them in the dungeons Charlotte? Who tortured then until they were on the door of death? Who took you away from your love?"

She shook her head in denial.

"Who did all this?" I repeated.

"V-Victor...Barrel did."


The door was flung open. We both jumped, she screamed. I whipped round. The anger radiated off of his body. The fury blazed in his eyes and he shook with rage.

"How. Dare. You." He thundered.

"I...I..." I was so scared to speak. I a flash I bolted past him and down the stairs to my room, almost falling on my way.

I bolted the door and slunk back into the hatch. Quaking all over.

This was it, this was the end.


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