Anna: Harry Styles

By lonelyheartluke

321K 5.2K 1.3K

She was only supposed to be there for a month and he was never supposed to fall in love. He was off limits an... More

When We Were Young
Up All Night
Out Of My League
Thinking Bout You
How Long Will I Love You
Stockholm Syndrome
You Can't Do That
I Want To Write You A Song
You Make Loving Fun
What Makes You Beautiful
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Gotta Be You
Sweet Creature
I Couldn't Be More In Love
One Thing
Never Enough
Fallin' All In You
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Night Changes
R U Mine?
Little Black Dress
Best Part
Slow Hands
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off
You & I
Falling For You
This Town
Loving Is Easy
Truly Madly Deeply
Hey Angel
Let's Fall in Love for the Night
Only Angel
Fuck it I love you
Why Don't We Go There
Sparks Fly
Best Song Ever
No Control
Give Me Love
Lover of Mine
Can We Kiss Forever?
Belong To You
Somewhere Only We Know
Lights Down Low
Nobody but Us
Love On The Brain
Where Were You In The Morning?
Heart Out
English Love Affair
Kill My Time
Still Into You
Change Your Ticket
Super Rich Kids
Another World

Midnight Memories

3.3K 58 22
By lonelyheartluke

5th of December 2017

Quiet and slow mornings are a favourite of mine and they are something that I rarely get to experience but when I do I love to take full advantage of it.

Harry was still asleep in the bedroom of our Airbnb, having one too many drinks at dinner last night when we went out for dinner with Sarah and Mitch at a beautiful Thai restaurant in the city centre of Auckland.

I sat on the balcony with a cup of coffee in my hand, my laptop perched on the small wooden table in front of me, having just finished a Zoom meeting with some clients in Los Angeles, as it was only 9:30 am here, meaning it was early in the afternoon in LA.

I heard Harry approach me from behind, his arms wrapping around my body, resting his head on my shoulder sleepily.

"Mmm come back to sleep Anna," he said in my ear, his morning voice clear as day, a soft sigh escaping my lips as I rested my head back to meet his clavicle.

"I can't, I'm already awake Haz," I laughed softly, placing the coffee cup down to the side if my laptop.

"Yeah but the bed is cold without you in it," he mumbled and I smiled gently to myself, looking up at him to see his eyes closed softly, his curls messy from the deep sleep he had just been experiencing.

"Alright," I said. "I'm coming."

"Good," he said firmly and I shook my head at him as he let go of me and headed back inside as I finished the last of my coffee and bought everything inside, shutting the door to the balcony behind me as I placed my laptop and mug down on the kitchen counter, heading back to the dimly lit bedroom where Harry was already cuddled up amongst the pale blue quilt cover and white pillows.

I smiled at him as I made my way over to the bed, climbing in beside him to have him immediately wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to him, my head resting on his chest as he hummed in content.

"So, do you think you can back up your antics tonight?" I asked, Harry, groaning at the thought of going out again tonight. Sarah and Mitch had offered their hotel room to have some pre-drinks before we headed out to celebrate our last night in Auckland with the rest of the crew.

"Sure, all I'll have to do is spend the whole day in bed and then I'll be ready to go," he laughed, the vibrations from his chest filling my body with happiness.

"Sounds fine to me," I said, his fingers running through my curls which desperately needed a wash.

"I know how I can make it worthwhile though," he said, his voice raspy and dark and I felt an array of butterflies form in my stomach, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned and he gave me an 'mhmm.' "And how is that Harry?"

"Turn around and I'll show you exactly how."


"It's too much!" I called out to Harry as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair was in a ponytail in the centre of my scalp, loose waves cascading down the nape of my neck.

I had settled on wearing a YSL black mini dress that I had bought a while ago. It cost me an arm and a leg but I knew that I would probably be wearing it for years so that justified it in my mind.

"Can I see?" Harry called back as I smoothed out the creases in the dress with my hands, the silver chain necklace I was wearing adding a nice finishing touch to the outfit I was so unsure about.

"Yeah you can," I called back, straightening the high ponytail my loose curls were swept into. I heard his footsteps shuffle towards the bathroom from the bedroom where he was getting ready, Harry appearing in the doorway, his cheeks blushing a bright red when he looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"I cannot believe you are my girlfriend," he said, sounding slightly exasperated, running a hand through his hair before he leaned against the door frame, his eyes looking me up at down.

"So, I look okay?" I questioned with a smile, looking at Harry who nodded profusely with a smirk on his face.

"More than okay, golden girl, you look absolutely incredible," he said, walking over to me, his ring clad hands taking hold of my waist, his fingers gently pulling at the fabric that was clinging to my hips. "So pretty," he mumbled against my lips and I felt a rush of heat flow through my body and before I knew it I was kissing him, my back pressed up against the bathroom cabinet.

Memories of this morning flooded my brain. His hands gripping my waist, his tongue between my thighs. His lips on the soft skin of my neck, our legs intertwined as he kissed me like he died if he did not get a taste of my lips.

"Harry," I moaned softly against his lips, his hands gripping my waist even tighter has he lifted me up and placed me on the counter, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist to pull him closer, the space between us too much for me.

"God Anna," he breathed heavily, a smirk on my face as he ran his hands up my body, lingering over my breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze as I breathed heavily, my hands fidgeting with the buttons on his soft blue silk shirt.

I heard my phone begin to ring, both Harry and I ignoring it as hard as we could, his lips placing sloppy kisses on my neck as he pulled down the top of my dress, my chest exposed as he moved his lips down from my neck and down to my breasts, sucking the left one gently as he palmed the other with his hand, the phone continuing to ring off the hook.

"Harry I need to answer the phone," I breathed, growing irritated at the continuation of my phone ringing for the second time.

"Noooo," he whined, his face now level with mine, his once neat and styled hair, quite frankly a mess.

"Sorry," I giggled softly and he gave me a pout but he knew the moment was over as he pulled my black dress back up to cover my chest. "Fix your hair, yeah?"

"Oh piss off," he laughed, helping me off the counter, my feet hitting the tiled floors with a soft thud and I looked up at him with a smile, his red lips smiling back at me.

"Youuuu loveeee meeee," I sang as I practically skipped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where my phone was still ringing, the caller ID reading 'Sarah Jones.'

"God finally, what took you so long?!" Sarah exclaimed over the phone and I debated telling her the truth, but then decided against it as I knew she would take the piss out of me later.

"Sorry I was fixing my make-up, what do you need?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed, fixing my phone against my ear and pushing my shoulder up against it to hold it there as I pulled on my black heels for the evening.

"Can you and Harry grab some drinks on the way, please? Just checked our suitcases and it turns out all we have is vodka and tequila," Sarah laughed. "Everyone else is bringing stuff too so we won't run out."

"Yeah of course that is fine!" I exclaimed. "We are about to leave so I will see you in about an hour."

"Excellent, see you soon love."

"See ya," I said and then Sarah hung up as Harry walked out, looking considerably more presentable than he did five minutes ago.

"Who was that?" he asked as I stood up, picking up my black crossbody from the floor, making sure everything from lipstick to plasters were in there for the night, which they were, meaning we were now officially ready to go.

"Sarah, she wants us to pick up some alcohol on our way to their hotel room," I said, Harry nodding as he announced that he was calling an Uber for us.

"Easy done," Harry said as I followed him out of the bedroom to wait in the living room where golden hour was well and truly happening, displaying a warm glow all over everything in the living room, including me. "You truly are looking like my golden girl right now," Harry said cheesily.

"Literally hey," I said with a smile, Harry planting a soft kiss on my lips as we stood in the living room, the sun setting around us outside. "I love you."

"I love you too Anna, always and forever," he said seriously and my heart fluttered slightly. "Ooo, Uber is here! Let's go!" Harry said loudly, taking my hand and pulled me out the door as the door deadlocking behind us before we climbed into the back of an Uber, Harry politely asking the guy to take us to the nearest liquor store, which he happily agreed to thankfully.

We ended up in a large liquor store called Liquorland, Harry disappearing as I went to the cheap wine section, knowing that was all I could afford at the moment as my pay does not come through until the end of the week.

I ended up clutching two bottles of extremely cheap white wine, searching the store for Harry, who I eventually found with a basket, carrying two bottles of Moet champagne and two bottles of Grey Goose vodka. It was moments like these when I realise that Harry and I come from two extremely different worlds.

While I am out here buying two bottles of wine for fifteen pounds, Harry is spending what I get paid each week sometimes on alcohol and I know that it should not make me feel bad, but the situation is bigger than this. I know it should not even be an issue because Harry is not only Harry Styles but he is my boyfriend. I let him paint my nails and likes three cups of tea a day, no more, no less.

However, the glitz and glamour can be a bit intimidating sometimes, and the fact that I am dating Harry Styles, a man who can spend whatever he wants whenever he wants, including tonight in a liquor store, makes me for some reason, incredibly nervous.

"Anna, put those away," Harry laughed and I shook my head. "Anna c'mon, we do not need to bring six bottles to pre-drinks."

"Maybe I like cheap wine, I become very accustomed to drinking it when I was in uni," I said, turning my back on him and speed walking towards the counter where a very bored, presumably eighteen years old was working.

"Well then let me pay," Harry sighed and I shook my head, continuing to walk to the counter, ignoring Harry as I greeted the boy at the counter who just gave me a bored nod as I placed my bottles of wine on the counter. "Annaaaaaa."

"Harrryyyyy," I said imitating him, handing the cashier the correct change, continuing to ignore Harry as I walked out of the store, waiting for him on the sidewalk with, holding my bottles of wine in my arms.

"Why didn't you let me pay?" Harry wined as we headed back to our Uber and I gave him a glare, not wanting to start a stupid, petty fight about me buying two bottles of wine to drink tonight.

"Because Harry, I can, and I don't date you so you can pay for my cheap bottles of wine for pre-drinks," I said rapidly. "Also, should I remind you that tonight is pre-drinks, and not a dinner party for six?" I laughed, gesturing the four bottles that Harry was holding in his hand.

"Oh shove off it, we are from England you know, we do drink a lot."

"Alright," I said, hopping back into the Uber with Harry. "Let's go drink then."


Midnight is usually the time where I would decide whether or not I go home and save my liver or stay out and spend half of my savings account on tequila shots, and apparently tonight was the latter.

We were in a club called Impala, the eight of us sitting in a booth, all of us extremely intoxicated as we had consumed an obscene amount of alcohol and had only had a few crisps before heading out, which truly was not a smart idea on our behalf.

Adam and Mitch had ventured back to the bar to get us another round of god knows what, and some time during the night Harry had pulled me onto his lap, his arms wrapped loosely around my waist as my head drunkenly rested from time to time on his shoulder, Harry often placing soft kisses on the bare skin of my neck.

"What do you MEAN you got kicked out of boarding school?" Sarah exclaimed, Ruby laughing and shaking her head as all of us continued to stare at her, dumbfounded at where this information was coming from.

"I mean, my parents sent me to a boarding school in New Hampshire and I got so drunk at a party one night that I vomited in our girls common room and I got kicked out the next day," Ruby said with a devilish grin on her face. "That, I guess was the last straw."

"Fucking hell Rubes, you were a party girl," I laughed, feeling the laughter from Harry vibrate through my body.

"Still bloody would be if Mitch and Adam would hurry up with our drinks," she said from between Clare and James.

"Amen sister," Clare said and on queue, the boys came back with gin and tonics for all of us, a cheer erupting from all around the table as Adam handed out our drinks, the feeling of the freshness of a gin and tonic a welcome one.

"Did you know that Ruby was expelled from boarding school?!" Sarah exclaimed to Mitch and Adam whose eyes went wide as they looked at the redhead who just sipped on her drink innocently.

"That is some Serena van der Woodsen type shit," Adam laughed, everyone cackling in agreement as we all nodded our heads.

"Anyways, I want to propose a toast," Mitch said loudly, all of us falling silent as this was very unlike him.

"You fucking what mate?" Harry laughed.

"Shut the fuck up and let me speak mate," Mitch laughed and Harry was then silent. "I want to propose a toast, to all of us, for making it this far on tour and doing so fucking well. So, let us raise our glasses and have a toast to us!"

"To us!" we all exclaimed, clinkng our glasses together as we all laughed and cheered, making me realise, midnight is one of my favourite hours of the day when it was like this.


God this took me ages to get up I apologise I have been on a four week party bender while trying to go to uni and ~ work ~

HARRY. GRAMMYS. HARRY WINNING A GRAMMY. HAYLOR INTERACTION. Can't stop watching him during the instrumental bit of WS omfg

Also today (Rn in aus) is 6 years since Zayn left 1D... my first heartbreak

Anna's outfit:

Stay safe, thank you for reading. I love you xxx

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