
By naydoug

196K 4.2K 943

What happens when your seemingly normal town suddenly becomes the home for vampires, witches, doppelgängers... More

Friday Night Bites
Family Ties
You're Undead To Me
Lost Girls
Haunted/ 162 Candles
History Repeating
The Turning Point
Children Of The Damned/Fool Me Once
A Few Good Men
Let The Right One In
Under Control
Miss Mystic Falls
Founder's Day
Season 2 Cast
The Return
Brave New World
Bad Moon Rising
Kill Or Be Killed
Plan B
The Masquerade
The Sacrifice
By The Light Of The Moon
The Decent/ Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance
The Last Day
The Sun Also Rises
As I Lay Dying
Season 3 Cast
The Birthday
The Hybrid
The End Of The Affair
Disturbing Behavior
The Reckoning
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Ghost World
Ordinary People
The New Deal
Our Town
The Ties That Bind
Bringing Out The Dead
Dangerous Liaisons
All My Children
1912/Break on Through
The Murder Of One
Heart Of Darkness
Do Not Go Gentle
Before Sunset
The Departed
Season 4 cast
Growing Pains
The Rager
The Five
The Killer
We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
My Brothers Keeper
We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
O Come All Ye Faithful
After School Special
Catch Me If You Can
A View To Kill
Into The Wild
Down The Rabbit Hole
Stand By Me
Bring It On
Because Of The Night
American Gothic
Pictures of You
The Originals
She's Come Undone pt. 1
She's Come Undone pt.2
The Walking Dead
New Books

Night Of The Comet

6.1K 125 11
By naydoug

Caroline: "I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" she asks Bonnie the next day at school as they walk down the hall

Bonnie: "Technically, grams says I'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something.Grams tried to explain it all, but she was looped on the liquor so I kinda tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches? I don't think so."

Caroline: "Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night. Since this one can't." she motions over to Aspen

Aspen: "I didn't see him, you did. Why didn't you just talk to him?"

Caroline: "I don't know. I was drunk." she shrugs and they all laugh


Matt: "They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Stefan hears as he sits at a table outside, pretending to read a book

Elena: "That's good news."

Matt: "Yeah."

Aspen: "Hey. You got a problem with blood or something?"

Stefan: "What?" he looks up at her in shock/confusion having not noticed when she came over "What are you uh...what are you talking about?"

Aspen: "It's just I noticed how you sneaked away last night when the whole Vicki thing happened? Very suspicious timing of you."

Stefan: "Yeah. No, yeah. Blood does make me tend to be very queasy. But I went to call an ambulance. It was easier for them to hear and understand me a little away from the group."

Aspen: "Really?" she gives him a look of disbelief "Because I don't remember you ever coming back."

Stefan: "I wanted to stay out of the way. And then my uncle called and wanted me home. Didn't get a chance to say goodbye to anyone."

Aspen: "Right." she nods still giving him a small skeptical look

Matt: "I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers." Stefan tunes back into hearing

Elena: "Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?"

Matt: "She said it was a vampire." he says making Stefan's body tense up a little

Elena: "What?"

Matt: "Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters "vampire" and then passes out."

Elena: "Ok, that is weird."

Matt: "I think she was drunk" he shrugs before looking over at where Aspen and Stefan are talking "So what's up with you and the new guy?"

Aspen: "You okay?" she asks noticing how his body shifted

Stefan: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembered I had something to do" he nods and begins standing up while grabbing his things "I'll see you around."

Aspen: "Ok" she watches him walk off and sees a piece of paper fall out of his bag and she goes over to grab it "Hey! Uh..." she calls out to him but he doesn't turn back around and she sighs, looking down at the paper that has a bunch of random letters jumbled together.

She looks at it in confusion before seeing as how they start to shift and change into words that she can actually understand "What the..." she looks at it more in confusion, not seeing how Stefan is watching her from his hidden spot in the parking lot


Bonnie: "Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." she tells the girls as they sit outside the Grill and create pamphlets for the the comet event

Caroline: "Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens" she gives Bonnie a look before turning to face Elena "So then what?"

Elena: "So then nothing."

Caroline: "You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy feely of any kind?"

Elena: "Nope. We didn't go there."

Caroline: "Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Ok? You are supposed to share the smut."

Elena: "We just talked for hours."

Caroline: "Ok, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex."

Elena: "Profound." she shakes her head at her before thinking of something and begins to grab her belongings

Aspen: "Where are you going?"

Elena: "Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying I was going to do." she nods, walking off

Caroline: "What's that?" she motions down to the piece of paper Aspen continues to look at

Aspen: "I have no idea. Just...something I found on the ground." she shrugs

Bonnie: "Looks like a bunch of random words."

Aspen: "Do you...see anything else? Like...anything...changing?" she holds the paper up so they can look at it while also biting her lip with anticipation

Caroline: "Is it like a crossword puzzle or something?"

Aspen: "Yeah" she exhales in slight defeat "Yeah, I think so."

Aspen: "Hey, mom." she greets when Liz comes into the kitchen and sees her sitting at the counter still looking at the piece of paper from earlier

Liz: "Hey. Whatcha working on?"

Aspen: "Just some homework" she shrugs and puts one of her books over the piece of paper "You going to watch the comet tonight?"

Liz: "Well I will be on duty tonight but hopefully I'll be able to catch a glimpse of it."

Aspen: "You know according to Bonnie's grandma, the comet is a sign of incoming doom."

Liz: "Sounds like just more work for me."
Aspen: "That is the job of Sheriff."

Liz: "Tell me about it." she nod with a chuckle

Caroline: "You ready to go?" she comes into the room, fixing her hair

Aspen: "Yeah" she nods grabbing her jacket and putting the piece of paper in her pocket "Bye mom."

Liz: "Bye. Be safe."


Caroline: "Hey, I got some candles." she hands one to Elena and Bonnie when they come over to where the group is standing to watch the comet

Elena: "Hi" she smiles at her before going over to Matt "Hey."

Matt: "Hey."

Elena: "Thank you." she smiles when he lights her candle for her

Matt: "You're welcome." he gives her a soft look and she turns to light someone's elses candle only to find out that it's Stefan's

Stefan: "Thank you" he softly says "Hi."

Elena: "Hi." she breathes, turning to glance over at Matt before walking a little away from the group with Stefan following


Jeremy: "Hey, has anyone seen Vickie?" he asks a while later after they moved into the Grill

Tyler: "You're her stalker. You tell us."

Jeremy: "I can't find her."

Tyler: "She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced."

Elena: "What's with the pill pusher?"

Tyler: "Ask him."

Jeremy: "You wanna do this right now?"

Elena: "Are you dealing?" she looks at him with wide eyes

Tyler: "She's never gonna go for you."

Jeremy: "She already did. Over and over and over again."

Tyler: "Yeah, right."

Aspen: "You slept with Vickie Donovan?"

Caroline: "Vickie Donovan slept with you?" they both give him shocked/surprised looks along with everyone else

Tyler: "There's no way." he shakes his head looking between the two sisters

Jeremy: "And I didn't even have to force her into it."

Matt: "What the hell is he talking about, Ty?"

Tyler: "Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk."

Matt: "You know what, how about all of you shut up and help me find my sister?"

Bonnie: "We'll check the back."

Matt: "I'll check the square."

Jeremy: "I'll come with you."

Elena: "Oh, no, no, no. You are coming with me." she grabs his arm and makes him follow her


Aspen: "Hey." she comes over to where Stefan is walking towards the entrance of the Grill

Stefan: "Hi."

Aspen: "You uh dropped this earlier." she hands him the piece of paper

Stefan: "Oh. Wow I didn't even notice. Thank you."

Aspen: "No problem" she shrugs "What uh...what is it? Because I have been trying to figure it out all day and have come up with nothing."

Stefan: "You know I actually don't know. I found it in an old book my family had. Think it said there was some hidden code in there or something."

Aspen: "Oh."

Stefan: "It wasn't all that important to me. You can keep it if you want." he goes to hand it back to her but she stops him

Aspen: "It's ok. Looking at it too long makes everything kind of shift, messes with my eyes. Actually started to give me a headache. But uh, thanks anyways." she nods with a smile and he holds the door open for them to head into the building

Matt: "She said you found her wandering around."

Stefan: "Yeah."

Matt: "So, um, thanks."

Caroline: "Uhh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" she looks over at where Matt is putting a new bandage to Vicki's neck

Bonnie: "Yeah."

Aspen: "I'm heading home. You good?" she asks Caroline who nods and she turns to head out the door, giving a goodbye to Stefan, Matt, and Vicki

Stefan: "Excuse me. Hi."

Bonnie: "Hi."

Stefan: "Um, have you guys seen Elena?"

Bonnie: "I think she went home" she says and he nods going to walk away but her voice stops him "I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her..."I said so".

Stefan: "Thank you" he takes the paper from her hand and she gasps at the contact they made "You ok?" he furrows his eyebrows at her

Bonnie: "What happened to you?" she breathes and Stefan and Caroline give her confused looks "That's so rude. I'm sorry. Excuse me." she hurries out her seat towards the door

Caroline: "Yeah, she kind of wigs out. It's like her thing."

A little while at home after changing into a pair of sweats and t-shirt, Aspen goes to grab her phone from her jacket pocket. She feels around a little and hears a crinkling sound making her eyebrows scrunch up in confusion and she pulls out a piece of paper, unfolding it to see it's the one she gave back to Stefan however it has his number on it

Aspen: "Hey, Stefan. It's Aspen. I uh...found the page. Obviously" she says on the phone, heading into the kitchen to grab herself a drink "I meant it when I said I didn't need to keep it but thanks anyways. And well, since I have it I was wondering if you could maybe lend me the book you got it from? Want to see if I can crack the code or whatever..." she shrugs "Anyways uh, let me know. Have a good night. Bye" she hangs up and goes to head back to her room but stops in her tracks when she sees Damon standing in the doorway making her gasp out in shock "Holy-!"

Damon: "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

Aspen: "And yet you're standing there all creepy like."

Damon: "You were on the phone. Didn't want to interrupt."

Aspen: "And you are?"

Caroline: "Sorry. He's with me. Had to check that mom wasn't here" she comes into the room and stands between the pair "He's the guy from the bar." she whispers to Aspen

Aspen: "Oh. Ok."

Damon: "Damon Salvatore. Nice to meet you."

Aspen: "Salvatore? Like Stefan?"

Damon: "He's my younger brother."

Aspen: "Cool" she nods before giving them awkward looks "Well uh...nice meeting you."

Damon: "You too." he nods and watches her walk out the room with a curious look on his face


The next morning as the sun starts to come up, Damon and Caroline are laying in her bed and he kisses up her stomach. When he reaches up to her face his face vamps out and he digs his fangs into her neck making her scream out in pain and in the room next door, Aspen is asleep with her headphones in and the music blasting loudly

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