Sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs [ᴇɴɢʟɪsʜ]

By Anni-Nessie_Jimsy

2.8K 94 61

⭑Soft One-shots about Anakin and Ahsoka, including the 501st and the Bad Batch⭑ "What's a soulmate?" "It's a... More

[norm] Come Back
[short] Sunrise (Anisoka)
[short] No Return
[short] "I Left"
[norm] The Empire

[long] Anxiety

345 8 14
By Anni-Nessie_Jimsy

Thirty minutes. Anakin paced around. His Hands crossed behind his back, the gaze straight to the front. The sun shone through the little darkened windows of his room, while his thoughs just radiated around one thing.

Fourty minutes. He contacted Obi-Wan. 'No signal', the older Jedi had told him. He continued counting. From time to time the walls of this chamber came slightly nearer, but he tried to ignore it and just kept on waiting.

Fifty-two minutes. The pure silence in his quarters eventually made him go crazy, so he rushed outside. His purpose: the command center.

One hour, seven minutes. Counting minutes made him tired and awake at the same time. The longer he counted, the bigger his bad feeling grew. Something must have gone wrong. The force was agitated, what made it hardly possible for him to look out for the signature he was searching for. This fact just reassured his supposition.

One hour, twenty-four. The young man got even more anxious. He ran his hands over his face in frustration, because he just couldn't do anything. And they didn't know anything. Of course he trusted his captain, but if really something had happened, he would never forgive himself.

Then, finally, his former Master called him again. And Anakin got shocked the moment Obi-Wan gave him a rough summary of what had happened. By that time, Ahsoka should have checked in three hours thirteen minutes ago.

12 Hours earlier...

The Togruta raced through the hallways of the Jeditemple as fast as she could. It wasn't her first time to get a mission on her own, but she got nervouse everytime all over again, even though less this time, due to the fact that it wasn't quite difficult what they had to do. Still, she was excited and proud to prove herself reliable.

"Ahsoka!" her master stopped the girl in her run. She nearly lost balance, but Anakin reached out for her just at the right time so she didn't fall. "Slow down, the mission's not runnin' away, Snips," he scolded her slightly. An amused smile was shown on his face. The Jedi loved the spritely spirit of his young Padawan, but also had to watch out so she wouldn't do something stupid in this precipitancy.

"Sorry, Master!" she exclaimed, laughing softly. "I was just on my way to check up on Rex, he didn't answer his Comlink"

"Well, that's unusual indeed," Anakin admitted. Yet he already had an idea why his captain didn't respond.
"Alright," he continued after a short moment, "go on, get him"
Ahsoka's eyes sparkled, she turned on her heels and dashed away.
"Be careful!" the young Jedi tried to lecture his student, but she was already up and away. He shook his head in surrender, but couldn't deny a slight laugh escaping his throat. When would she ever get less bouncy?

Ahsoka charged towards the hangar, slowing sharply when she reached it. She would lead this mission, she had to behave maturely. So with a steadying breath, she approached the captain of the 501st, who stood hunched intently over something on a shoulder-high stack of crates.

"I see," she said, more to herself. "What's the issue, Rex?" she now adressed him, approaching and trying to get a look at what he was working on.

Meanwhile the man had turned his head and greeted his Commander.
"It's just a faulty wire in my Comlink, nothing to worry about"

"Why didn't you just get a new one?" Ahsoka wanted to know. Rex paused. He really hadn't thought of that.

Abashed he rubbed his neck. "I'm gonna get a new one then," he mumbled sheepishly.

With that he abandoned the damaged Com and left the Togruta with an amused smile on her face. Ahsoka looked around brightly. She adored the steady and calm yet needed to be called a rush in the halls with multiple speeders, spaceships and droids ready to serve. Even though there were lots of soldiers in this area, she was missing her blue armored brothers, since half of Skywalker's legion was already assembled on the Resolute, being assigned to the mission she was about to lead.

As she decided to make her go to the awaiting cruiser that was hovering not far above, the young Padawan stepped right into a gunship transporting the few Shinies she was supposed to command on their first mission as part of the 501st.

It was unusually quiet on their way up, for Ahsoka not knowing how to start interacting with the new clones and them not being aware of their commanders open-hearted character yet. Normally Rex would do the introducing job, primarily for his brothers. Ahsoka always spoke for herself, but in this very situation however, it seemed to come over strangely if she just started some random conversation as their superior, so she kept quiet.

Once they've landed on board, the Togruta headed straight for the bridge to check how things were going. On her way out of the main hangar as well as in the corridors the troopers saluted respectfully when they passed her. Not that kind of stern superior subordinate relationship salute though. After all, she considered them part of her family, and the men felt the same way.

Almost there, Ahsoka noticed her Comlink flashing as a new connection entered the frequency. Semmingly Rex made it to get himself a new communicator after all. As for the signal being strong, she assumed he'd be on a shuttle on his way up already, which was confirmed by his presence appearing nearby in the force.
The padawan grinned. Even though they shared all the same DNA, every single clone had his own force signature and she loved being sent on any mission as long as she was within this pulk of diversity.

With the opening of the doors to the bridge Ahsoka was greeted by Admiral Yularen as she stepped besides him.
"Quite a simple mission for a change," she stated.
"Someone has to do it anyway," the Admiral responded.
"Even though being overqualified?" the young Jedi teased.
"Always expect the unexpected, Commander, we still don't know what made the supplies arriving fail. It could be anything, or nothing"
"Respecting the importance of the mission, though it sounds simple, got it," Ahsoka decoded. Yularen nodded contently.

Although they got off to a pretty rough start because Ahsoka disobeyed the admiral's orders, they were both glad that they were getting along pretty well by now. The Padawan was even eager to learn from him and listen to his advice. Yularen quickly learned that she showed him great respect by doing so, as she clearly seemed to have a rebellious nature and would not show that to just anyone, as Skywalker had confirmed.

The doors slid open again, Rex entering the main commanding place as well. Even though she didn't need to to know it was him, she turned around, a chipper expression adorned her features when their eyes met.

"Captain," but Ahsoka didn't have to voice her question to get a response.
"We're ready, Commander!" the clone trooper was already announcing. The young Jedi nodded and turned to Admiral Yularen, who had also got the brief conversation. A glance was enough, then the fleet officer ordered in a clear voice: "Start engines!" And with a gentle, melancholy jerk the Star Destroyer began to rise from the atmosphere, until Coruscant below them was only a sphere marked by silver-gray grooves and covered with swaths. The starfield before them, the black background full of bright luminaries seemed to build ominously in their field of vision.

"Hyperjump in 3... 2... 1..."

The white dots stretched longer and longer into a glowing tunnel, through which the Resolute hurtled off seconds later, reaching out for the gas giant Bespin.


With a gentle rumble, the ship jumped out of hyperspace. Ahsoka eyed up the brownish planet. She kinda liked the mix of orange and beige stripes as surface around the ball. The young Togruta female had never been to Bespin before, so there was at least a bit excitement sprouting inside her.

Though she had already read about them and had seen holoimages, the tibanna refinery being actually right in front her as the Resolute kept on approaching the life-zone made quite a remarkable impression. The Cloud City behind it was giving a welcomed contrast to the satellite like looking hovering factory.

"Rex," she turned to her Captain, "Tell the boys to get ready, we're going down"
"Yes, Commander!" said clone saluted and went off the bridge.
Ahsoka took another moment to take in the exceptional view, then she followed him off the bridge.

Entering the main hangar, Ahsoka already sensed some very familiar signatures and headed straight toward their direction. Greeting Hardcase, Fives and the Shinies she remembered from earlier with a smile, she stepped inside the gunship.

"The Captain's taking another ship, so we'd be ready to take off," Hardcase informed her.
"I know," the Togruta calmly responded.
"Right, Jedi senses?"
"No," she chuckled, "I can see him right over there"
"Oh," he rubbed his neck, "Well then"
Ahsoka grinned amused.

"Aren't we a bit overqualified for this mission, Commander?" Fives now started a small conversation for their way down.
"We are not going to underestimate things today, Fives," she answered clearly.
"What's there to underestimate, Sir?" a bold Shinie spoke up. Surprised, Ahsoka turned around, looking at the soldier, curious about him. She then cleared her throat briefly, "When is there ever nothing to underestimate, soldier?" she asked the counter question.
"She knows it all again," Fives whispered to Hardcase, which earned him an elbow into his side, causing his brother to laugh heartily.

The Togruta sensed the mixed feelings of the new troopers beside her, but she couldn't take care of them right now, since in that very moment the ship throttled its speed and the doors slid open, dismissing them onto the hovering platform.

They didn't have to wait long, as for one of the workers - seemingly and later on confirmed the supervisor of the refinary - trailed toward them.
"You're the representative of the Republic that's been announced to check on the supply run that hasn't arrived as intended, I presume?" the Ugnaught exclaimed in a raw voice.
Ahsoka was cought a bit off guard, but managed to find her composure rather quickly and responded "I didn't know we were announced, rather that the communication was lacking as well, but yes, the Jedi Council sent me and my men to investigate the situation"

"The communication was repaired just some hours ago," the explanation came in an instant.

Rex rose his voice: "So I guess you already know what's the problem with the supply?"
The humanoid narrowed his bushy white eyebrows, almost acting offended. "Of course we do!"

To lower the tension and get things moving, Ahsoka chose to interfere and asked quickly: "Would you be willing to share your knowledge with us?"
His jowls wobbled as he turned to the young Jedi. "Of course, that's why I'm here"

The Togruta could feel the disapproval radiating from her Captain, but luckily he kept quite, putting the mission first.

The Ugnaught lead them to a part of the refinary located on the edge of the construction. "As you can see here," he opened a low door and pointed on smashed cords, pipes and crates, supposedly where the gas would normale be transported in, "The cooling chamber has suffered quite a bit of damage. We're already working at full speed, but it will probably take a little longer until we have it fully operational again. Since the tibanna gas is frozen in carbonite in these special chambers for transport, unless they function again, we won't be able to convey the gas away from here, weather we wanna keep it or not."

Ahsoka observed the hall accurately, noticing that the burning marks on the different gadgets seemed not as random as she would have expected them to be after happening accidentally.

"I can tell you've already seen it, Jedi," the pink skinned addressed Ahsoka.
"There's a conspicuous constancy of distance between the burn marks. The bombs were placed in a certain pattern," she replied.
"Affirmative. It was most likely sabotage," the Ugnaught finished his report. Ahsoka nodded, then the diminutive was dismissed and went back to his work.

The 501st boys and their sister left the destructed cooling chamber shortly after.

"But who would do that? The supplies are as important to the Separatists as they are to the Republic, they would be foolish to sabotage their own supply," Ahsoka reflected to Rex.

"Unless they have already obtained a stock so they can weaken us" Hardcase looked back and forth between his two superiors, more questioning than asserting.

"We have supplies for that eventuality as well, Hardcase," she reminded him in a lowered voice.
The clone captain agreed. "You're right, and there's enough to last until things are fixed."

"Seems pacifistic somehow, doesn't it?" the ARC soldier commented, earning looks from both of them.

"Fives, you may be a genius!" Ahsoka exclaimed.
Now the trooper understood what he had just said: "So it was probably a less than successful attempt to prevent the battles in the war"
Ahsoka shook her head slightly, "I don't think sabotaging the freezing chamber is the whole plan, it feels like there's more to it"

"You mean," Rex started and Ahsoka finished "something's off."
"It was just the first attack," Fives added.

And at that very moment all the alarm bells were ringing in the Force, Ahsoka felt like her head was going to explode. That's when the scales fell from her eyes. "The gas!" she exclaimed, right as a cloaked figure slipped hastily through the shadows into the refinery.

"Evacuate the people," Ahsoka commanded roughly. The clones knew the harsh tone was not directed at them, but due to the given situation.

Without any further explanation, the Jedi rushed after the shady person into the damaged factory.


"Go, go, go!" he shouted, already doing everything he could to get these people out of here in time. The concern for his commander had to be ignored now, even though, at the moment, that seemed harder than ever to him. He and his brothers already understood that something was going to blow up this whole place, plus only the smallest spark would be needed for that.

And their little sister had run right into the highest danger zone.

Ahsoka was aware of this as well. She couldn't ignite her lightsaber here without the risk of blowing up everything around her.
She strode through the corridors of the facility with a bent posture. With all her senses heightened by the force, she scanned the entire room she was in. No other signature was in this section, so she carefully crept to the protective interlock and activated it behind her. This protected at least part of the factory from a possible explosion.

In this way, she worked her line further and further, winding her path between large, heavy machines, squeezing under pipes and conduits, and sealing off one room after another, shooing some workers out now and then.

When she reached the main area, the air pervaded by multiple tibanna gas clouds, there was still no sign of any intruder. Ahsoka let her posture relax a bit, but didn't abate her concentration and alertness. The moment she thought she might have missed something back in the other chambers, there went some prickling through the force.

Ahsoka strode around the corner, trying to get a grip at what she was sensing. She didn't like how it seemed to get quieter every passing second. Even the swaths stopped moving, hovering entirely motionless above her.

With all her senses on highest attention, a slight shadow shifting couldn't get unnoticed by the Jedi.
Suddenly, as if it had known it had been spotted, a clear figure jumped and ran closely past the Togruta, who immediately took up the chase.
In her run, Ahsoka was appalled to see the numerous tiny charges placed all over the main area.

She quickened her pace.
So did the intruder.

But thanks to her training, the force sensitive has even learned how to keep up with her Master, Anakin, who was about six inches taller and therefore had a decent bit longer legs than the short Togruta. Thus she had no problem catching the absconding cloak a few moments later, pouncing it easily, and laid it low.

The - according to the high pitched voice cursing at her - young woman underneath the fabric fidgeted and floundered, but was held too tight by her opponent. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at the attempt of escaping her grip. If she was able to hold way more dangerous prisoners captive, she could handle an amateurish 'pacifist'.

But what she didn't reckon with was an all too small explosion above her when a slightly cracked pipe broke open and the gas erupted wildly around them. She quickly covered her mouth and cleared away from the toxic area, dragging the intruder with her, causing them both to turn and latter's hood to slide off her head.

They both scrambled to get on their feet again, the Jedi falling into a defensive position, the woman at least attempting to. Her long black hair enwraped her slim face and neck in it, the flaming eyes poking at Ahsoka hostilely.

She began sprinting forward inflamed with rage, eyes wide, teeth clenched. Ahsoka's eyes widened as well, as she rolled aside pushing the human in the back the moment she passed her. Said one turned, aiming her fist at the girl, who just then noticed that her opponent wasn't even much older than herself.

The Jedi warded every attack off without big effort, until the woman seemingly had enough, bent forward, arms resting on her knees. She then reached for something in her pocket.
Ahsoka slowly approached, hands appeasingly raised in front of her. That was when she could recognize the thing that was pulled out of the cloak. A trigger.

"Please," she began to speak with an easing voice, "put that down."

The woman frantically shook her head. "It has to end," she cried, voice shaky. "I- I have to end it"

Ahsoka didn't know what to do. How to calm the human opposite her, how to save her and herself and everyone who hadn't been brought out of the detonation radius yet, which would be huge.

"I- It took e- everything, everything! from me -"

The Togruta opened her mouth about to reply, but was cut off before she could even speak.

"No! I just have to!" the black-haired screamed and whispered, "I'm sorry", deep sadness glistening within her eyes. Then her thumb pressed the button.

Multiple little tremors jarred the ground, as explosives detonated everywhere inside the main area, the heat instantaneously encountered the massive clouds of gas, causing an excruciating chain reaction.
Ahsoka didn't have any time to react, as something was forcefully tossed right into her and knocked her off her feet. Fire engulfed the air as everything blackened.

To be continued...

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