2gether Nights || One Shots

By Mixi_who_writes

601K 14.9K 4K

2gether and Still2gether one shots for mature readers. ------------- "If you keep looking at me like that, I... More

Author's Note
[NEW] 2gether Nights Playlist
01 (a) - Confessions 2gether
01 (b) - 2gether for the First Time
02 (a) - Moving In 2gether
02 (b) - Teasing 2gether
04 (a) - 2gether 2day
04 (b) - Celebrating 2gether
05 (a) - Matching 2gether
05 (b) - Gratitude 2gether
Author's Note - Setting the Mood
06 - Searching 2gether
07 (a) - Start 2gether
07 (b) - Musically 2gether
08 (a) - 2gether Revealed
08 (b) - 2gether Healed
08 (c) - 2gether Sealed
09 (a) - Jealous 2gether
09 (b) - Bad 2gether
Author's Request
10 (a) - Apart 2gether
10 (b) - 2gether with Type
10 (c) - 2gether Discovered
11 - 2gether Again
Quick Questions for Readers
12 (a) - Brothers 2gether
12 (b) - Others 2gether
13 (a) - Trip 2gether
13 (b) - Rescue 2gether
14 - 2gether Day to Day
Author's Note : 10k reads. WHATTTTT!
15 - The Soldier Returns (AU)
16 (a) - Date 2gether
16 (b) - Great 2gether
17 (a) - Anticipating 2gether
17 (b) - Standing by 2gether
17 (c) - Stronger 2gether
Just Type ... Dancing
18 - AMA 2gether
Quick Poll - The Other Parents
19 - Bright 2gether
20 - Win 2gether
Thank You (For Now)
NEW 2gether BOOK
New 2gether AU
New 2gether AUs - Apr 2021

03 - Lunch 2gether

21.5K 567 108
By Mixi_who_writes

Author's note : Wat flirting with Tine after declaring his intentions to pursue him.

Trying to keep this one non-smutty.

There is no timeline to these one-shots.

"That quiz killed me. I didn't understand a single question", whined Ohm, as he exited the classroom with Tine, Fong and Phuak.

"That's because you were in the wrong class. You don't even take this elective", said Fong.

"Oye, why didn't you tell me that when I came to sit in the class with you?" exclaimed Ohm.

"Because your expression when the professor announced the quiz as soon as class started was hilarious", grinned Fong.

"You bastard" shouted Ohm.

Tine chuckled as Ohm and Fong bickered all the way to the faculty cafeteria. He was busy thinking about his cheer club practice later in the afternoon. There was a particularly complicated move that he was finding difficult to pull off.

He was jolted out of his thoughts when he walked straight into someone, and was steadied by two warm hands. Someone with a hard chest, chiselled arms and sculpted abs. He didn't even need to look up to know he would be met with an impish smile on a handsome face.

"Hey, watch where you're going. I don't want you bumping into anyone other than me", said Sarawat in a low voice, leaning into Tine's cheek. And then he blew lightly into Tine's ear.

"Cheesy", Tine rolled his eyes, but his cheeks were tinged with pink and his heartbeats got quicker.

Wat leaned against the wall casually, hands crossed on his chest, his guitar slung over one shoulder. His hair flopped teasingly on his face, a smirk played on his lips. His eyes were dark and intense. He looked like he had stepped out of a magazine cover.

Tine realized he was staring at Wat and checked himself. He nodded and walked to join his friends who were already at a table.

"Oooooh, look at Wat. He looks so yummy" he heard two girls giggling.

In another corner, Tine saw several girls and a guy surreptitiously taking photos of Wat as he stood checking his phone.

Others were clamouring to buy snacks for him at the snack counter.

Tine felt an irrational twinge of irritation. Did Wat always have to look this hot?

He plonked his bag at the table where his friends sat, a little more forcefully than he intended to. Fong jumped back and then smiled knowingly when he saw Tine's expression and where his sight was fixed.

Tine didn't know it yet, but he was falling for Sarawat.


"Anything the matter?" asked Fong carefully.

"Some people need to be more aware of what's happening around them. You can't just be the center of attention and not know it. It disturbs other hardworking people, distracts them from their studies" rambled Tine.

Phuak, who had been snoozing on the table, woke up with a start and mumbled, "Huh? What hardworking people? Who's studying? Are we still in class? I'll give my assignment next week, Professor". And went right back to sleep.

Ohm laughed loudly. "Why is Wat in the law faculty cafeteria anyway? His own faculty is way across campus and has better food", Tine continued, ignoring Phuak and Ohm.

He was still watching Wat, who had finished whatever he was doing on his phone and was walking out of the cafeteria.

He felt a sudden sense of loss and longing as he watched Wat's back walking away from him.

A gaggle of girls followed Wat at a short distance, giggling and fangirling hard.


"Why don't you ask him yourself? Or better still, comment on the photo he just posted" said Fong, handing his phone to Tine.

Tine sighed and took Fong's phone. He looked at the photo for a long minute, then picked up his bag and ran after Wat.

"What just happened", said Ohm, who was clueless in and out of the classroom.

"Tine won't be having lunch with us today", smiled Fong.


Wat was surprised. Tine stood before him, doubled up with hands on his knees as he caught his breath. He looked like he'd been sprinting.

"Are you okay?", said Wat, a little worried.

Tine held up a hand and gave a thumbs-up as he panted. He straightened himself. "I'm fine. Have you had lunch yet?"

Wat shook his head.

"Do you want to go get some tomyum soup? I know a great place", said Tine.

Wat was stunned and then his lips broke into a wide, delighted smile.


"Cool. Let's just hurry though, okay. I don't want to be trampled by the mob that is your fan club. They're right around the corner" grumbled Tine.

Sarawat's Wives were a dangerous lot.

Wat chuckled and then said teasingly, "I won't let anyone get close enough to touch you. I want you for myself."

Tine rolled his eyes. "You need better lines if you're hoping to impress me. And also, move your feet, will you. I wasn't joking about your fan club."

Wat chuckled and followed Tine as he led the way out of the law faculty.


Fong smiled at the photo.

It was a selfie of Wat at the cafeteria, with Tine in the background. The caption read "I guess I'll remain hungry today. I didn't get asked to stay for lunch."

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