The Strongest Cripple[IN HIAT...

By MrNayar

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A story about a more powerful but a way more injured Accelerator, his interaction and fight with the other ch... More

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Prologue : WW3
Chapter 1 : Even more powerful !
Chapter 3 : A protector protected
Chapter 4 : A peaceful morning
Chapter 5 : A tense afternoon
Chapter 6 : Annoying evening
Chapter 7 : Dream Maker
Chapter 8 : The Dark Side
Chapter 9 : The Sisters
Chapter 10 : The main ennemy
Chapter 11 : An harsh reminder
Chapter 12 : Bad luck
Chapter 13 : Some rest
Chapter 14 : A little talk
Chapter 15 : There's no escape!

Chapter 2 : Even more crippled...

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By MrNayar

Accelerator P.O.V :

Accelerator open his eyes, his vision was blury and blinked multiple time to try to correct his vision.

When he is able to clearly see, the only thing he can see is white wall, some medical machines that are connect to him, a table with a lot of full can of coffee on it and a clock that is showing 8am, after some time of looking around he see a..wheelchair?

He is in the hospital...again, he don't know how many time he was uncouscious, but it must be a long time because he had clear difficulty to move his legs, after some time someone enter the room, it is a bald doctor with a frog like head, accelerator recognize him almost instatly, he is Heaven Canceller after all.

Accelerator spend a lot of time in his hospital after being shot and he is the only doctor that accelerator trust enough to let him take care of Last Order when she is hurt or sick.(he could let the medical check to some scientist related to lvl 6 shift project but he don't trust them.)

Heaven Canceller : "Ah so you are finnaly awake Accelerator"

Accelerator : "Cut the crap, how is the kid and the other one"

Heaven Canceller : "Don't worry they are fine, you did a pretty good job back there, i don't know what you did but you fully healed the arm of this young girl."

Accelerator : [what..what the fuck is he talking about, i broke her arm , i didn't healed it, can it be that the magic that i used to save the brat healed her too. No her arm was still broken after that then how...]then Accelerator remember his discussion with Aiwass[Tch. can it be the effect of these wings...might need to do some test later.] "Tch..."

Heaven Canceller : "You know...." he walk toward Accelerator until he take a sit next to him "Last Order and this other clone stayed next to you during all the time you were uncouscious, your guardians too, they bring all this coffe for you." he says while pointing toward the table "they were very worried about you, they came everyday to visit you...i th-"

Accelerator : "Fine i get is my situation"

Heaven Canceller just smile and says : "Well, i couldn't tell it's the best one, but atleast you are in a relatvly good shape"

Accelerator : "Again cut the crap, how many time i've been uncouscious and what happened to me" he said those word with a threatening tone

Heaven Canceller : "Well it's only been 5 days since you fall unconscious"

Accelerator : "Only five day then why is it so difficult to just move my leg"

Heaven Canceller : "I'm comming to that point, it seems that you used your power too much, all of your wounds re opened, more importantly your head(when he got shot by amai) and your abdomen(when he got stab by aiwass), these 2 spot being hurt in the same time make every movement very difficult for you, even your cane couldn't properly help you, plus a lot of your organs has been damaged, so you need to use a wheelchair from now on."

Accelerator : "So you are basicly saying that i became a vegetable again and that i will be block in a bed and a wheelchair and spend the rest of my life in this shitty hospital like a fucking disabled?"while he was speaking he was checking on his body, there is bandages on his head and all around most of his body exept his legs, arms and his neck

Heaven Canceller : "In normal condition with a normal doctor, yes." he says while holding a proud smile.

Accelerator clenches his fist and teeth then tell : "COME.TO.THE.FUCKING.POINT!"

Heaven Canceller : right sorry, well it seems that your power has evolved and constantly heal every part of your body, your brain include."

Accelerator : "And ?"[probably those wings]

Heaven Canceller : "Well with this fact, you will only be blocked in a wheelchair during 1 or 2 week, then your cane would be again able to support your own body."

Accelerator : "Ok so what's the counterpart of all of this."

Heaven Canceller just look at him, then sigh and says : "Obviously you guessed that part...Your lung has taken more damage than the rest of your body, your lung will heal by themselve in 2 or 3 month, in the meantime you need to use a Ventolin every hour for help your lung to filter the oxygen. Plus by constantly healing at a slow rate your choker has became useless, so i replace it by a new one that will evolve as your brain heal itself, but for doing that i needed to upgrade the choker, it is now connected more deeper in the Misaka Network, it may help the sisters to have more knowledge about this world, they could use all the thing that you know for their own good and can freely acces to your brain, but because of the deeper connetion with the Misaka Network it will have some bad side effect on you, i don't know these side effect yet as you are the only who can tell what they are, so i need you to stay in the hospital or around it during 3 or 4 days for medical test and re adjusting your choker if needed."

Accelerator just stared at the doctor during some few second before letting a sigh escape his lips, he then tell : "Well...if that can help them, then it don't matter that i have some shitty side effect. They deserve to be able to live a normal life, i own them at least that."

Accelerator : "So when my brain will be fully healed"

Heaven Canceller : "Probably in 1 year, but your choker can overheat now if you use your power too frequently, everytime it's overheat it will start to beep, if it beep you just have to stop using your power or your brain will be more damage."

Accelerator then let a smal chuckle before speaking again with a normal tone : "Great now i'm a fucking disabled that can't even use his power properly."

Heaven Canceller just smile at him and tell him : "Well now that Last Order and Worst are connected to you, they know when you are asleep and when you are not, i believe that they already got the information of you being awake so i guess they will be here in some minutes."

Heaven Canceller then get up and walk to the door while making a 'goodbye' sign with his hand and walk out of the room.

Accelerator just sigh, then take a can of coffee that was on the table, open it and start to drink the coffee.

He was thinking about everything that happened since he fought Worst during WW3, the magic, the angels, Aiwass, the fact that he was connected to the Misaka Network, ect.. [Tch...all this will give me is a massive headache.]think accelerator

Accelerator : "Tch...these kids and hags should have brought me aspirin too dammit."

Suddenly someone slam the door open and burst in the room while screaming, Accelerator should really have aspirin on him now that he is connect with these clones.

Last Order : "ACCELERATOR I'M SO GLAD YOU ARE AWAKE! SAYS MISAKA MISAKA WHILE SHOWING HER JOY!" Last Order then jump on Accelerator and put him into a tight hug while showing an incredibly joyful smile on her face, Accelerator just growl but doesn't try to put himself out of the hug, to be honest, it was feeling quite good.(NO LOLICON)

Accelerator : "Tch damn brat, just show me your joy by being quite."

After he said that Last order ended the hug and look at him with a incredibly joyful and pure smile, it almost made Accelerator blush.(I SAID NO LOLICON)

Then 3 other women come in the room, they are Yomikawa Aiho, Yoshikawa Kikyou and Worst, Last Order just go next to Worst and Yoshikawa that have already take a sit near Accelerator like they are ready to watch a movie while Yomikawa was going toward Accelerator with an angry look. When she got next to Accelerator she punch him with a lot of strenght, before Accelerator could say something she put him a tight hug and say while almost starting cry.

Yomikawa : "You idiot, next time you want to save her don't make you get so hurt, think about yourslef a bit and don't make us be so worried."she says while sobbing

Accelerator just widen his eyes as he hears these words, it's true, because he is the strongest, nobody ask him how he is, everyone think, 'he is the strongest so he must be fine', that was wrong, he was never 'fine' in his life until he met Last Order, but even then she was the only one who ask him how he was, but he couldn't say that he wasn't fine in front of her, he must stay strong in front of her for her well being, well it was what he though until this hero punched him again in the face, then he understood multiple thing and one of them is 'you can show weakness to the one you love, beause they will help you' , he then look at yomikawa with a smile, a warm smile.

Accelerator : "Sorry for have all of you worried"he said those word with a very gentle tone, then he says with a very grumpy voice as his smile disapear of his face "Dammit i'm already hurt, don't you have other things to do than breaking the bone of a freaking disabled you old hag"Yomikawa just put accelerator out of her hug and warmly smile at him.

Worst : "AH MISAKA WON! Mr.Angel ruined the scene with his shitty attitude, you owe misaka money!"

Yoshikawa : "dammit i had hope in him..." she sigh and give Worst 40€

Yomikawa : "That's right jan, you should stop hiding your emotion like this."she says with with a joyful tone

Accelerator : "I don't need to listen to the advice of a spartan woman who is still not married."he says with a sadistic tone

Yomikawa : "Hey! What's the problem with not-"

Accelerator : "Anyway, so why are you here?"he says while looking at Worst

Worst : "Oh well that's very simple." she start to speak with a prideful tone "Misaka actual purpose is to study your fighting style, but when misaka heared about your guardian that can defeat you with only world, misaka got intrested and-"

Accelerator : "You just don't have anywhere to go and you don't want to merge with the other Sisters, so you went at yomikawa house right ?"he says with a serious voice but there is a sadistic smile on his face.

After he finished his sentence, he could see the frozen look of Worst, she is desesparly trying to search for some escuse, when accelerator decide to strike again.

Accelerator : "Plus the doctor told me that you were visiting me everyday with the other, Were you actually worried about me?" The frozen look of embarasment on her face was priceless, all the thing that he said were true and he know it.

Worst : "Y-you shouldn't assume t-things on t-this misaka, it's true that misaka was worried about you." She says it with a very calm tone that is proving that she is telling the truth, she then continue "BUT MISAKA HAVE PLENTY OF PLACE TO LIVE !"she says with a not very calm tone that is proving that she isn't telling the truth.

Accelerator just sigh, playtime was over and while the other were laughing about various subject(actually they were just laughing about accelerator grumpyness), he was staring out of the window while thinking about something, something that was in his mind since Last Order has entered the room, then accelerator speak again while still looking toward the window.

Accelerator : "Oi Last Order."

Last Order : "Yes, what is it? answer misaka misaka wondering what could trigger such a seriousness in you in a moment like this one."

Accelerator : "Why any of the Sisters exept you, has entered my mind yet."he says with a very serious tone while still looking at the window

Last Order then look at window and says : "Well, the Sisters don't want to enter your mind without your permi-"

Accelerator : "I know that's not the only reason, just tell me already, keep ditching in lies will only cause greater failure, i already told you that. Right Last Order?"

Last Order : "Y-yes, misaka is sorry. says misaka misaka while apologizing."

(imagine the image with Worst, Yomikawa, Yoshikawa next to Last Order and Accelerator having some basic hospital clothes)

Last Order take a deep breath then says.

Last Order : "Well, the Sisters are a bit afraid of what they might discover says misaka misaka."

Accelerator : Ah? don't you already have the memory of the dead sisters and how i killed them ?"

Last Order : "This is not the problem says misaka misaka."

Accelerator : "Then what is the problem ?"

Last Order : "Most of the Sisters kept wondering why you killed so many of them and then acted so kindly toward them.answer misaka misaka"

Accelerator : "I didn't acted kindly with them, all i did was ruin innocent live by torturing them before killing them."

Worst : "Then why did you protected the Sisters ?"

Accelerator : "Ah?"

Worst : "If you really just ruined the sisters life, then why did you even cared to protect the command tower, the misakas got this answer in Russia, but they still don't know about why you kept protecting them and helping them, like you did with 10046 for exemple."

Accelerator : "I..."

Worst : "Plus the first time you saved the brat" she says while pointing toward Last Order "The only thing you did was eat with her and let her sleep in your apartement."While she was speaking Accelerator was clenchng his teeth

Worst : "When you saved her, you didn't had a deep relation , she was a mere stranger beside the fact that you knew she was part of the Sisters, so why did you saved her back then, you could have killed her, it would just had been one more anyways, when you saved her back then, was it for saving only her or all of the Sisters ?"

Accelerator : "I just don't want to kill any more of you, it's simple as that" he said with clear anger in his voice, if he could say that he was worried about Last Order, telling the same thing for the Sisters was unimaginable, even if it is the truth.

Last Order : "Misaka know you're lying, but it's ok because misaka is sure that she will be able to make you confess about your true feeling, says misaka misaka while thinking about diabolic plans with her Sisters via the Misaka Network to make you confess."she says while trying to do a scary tone but fail miserably at the scary tone was cute as hell.In the same time Worst was trying to hide her laughter at Accelerator.

Accelerator then chops Last Order and Worst head.

Worst & Last Order : "Oww, why would you do that to misaka!"

Accelerator : "Because you two are being anoying brat."

After he finished his sentence, he remember one thing that he wanted to do, he then try to grab his wheelchair and fail misearably because he can't leave his bed, Last Order then take the wheelchair and bring it up next to Accelerator.Accelerator just clik his tongue and sit on it.

Last Order : "Where do you want to go  ask misaka misaka to her angel"she had a huge smile on her face

Accelerator : "We are going where i can get some god damn aspirin"

Last Order : "Ok! says misaka misaka ready to drive you there !"

Worst : "Oh~i'm comming too!"

Accelerator : "Tch..then don't be too much of a nuisance"

Then Yoshikawa and Yomikawa look and nod at each other, after Yomikawa start to speak

Yomikawa :"Hey jan~, im going to Judgement for a bit of work, When you are finish can you come please to the office~?"

Accelerator :" I don't even know where are all these dumb Judgement branch are."

Yoshikawa : "It's why im comming with you too, i know where she have some work to do so i could help you to get there, plus i can't let 3 kids roaming around the city!"

Accelerator : "Tch..."[These hags are teaming up, Tch it's useless to argue with them...] "You aren't even exepting me to deny the proposition are you ?"

Yomikawa & Yoshikawa : "Well, of course !"

Accelerator : "Tch...annoying hags, brat we are leaving"

Last Order : "Hai Hai! says misaka misaka happy to be able to spend some time with her angel"

Accelerator,Last Order,Yoshikawa and Worst then leaved the room, Last Order was driving the wheelchair.

Yomikawa then sigh and says : "I'm quite sure you would not apreciate it, but it's for your own good..."

Hey guys, that's it for this chapter (3105 words), i still think it's kinda rush, im proud of what i did this time.

Anyway, the next Chapter will come out at the end of the week or during the week-end.

Ask question if you want, answer mine if you want and see you next chapter(if you are still there).

Accelerator clothes for this arc + a wheelchair(no cane obviously).

Accelerator in the angelic realities :

Accelerator : "Wait a minute... if i can do whatver i want here then..."

Accelerator then transform the black in white and white in black.

Accelerator : "yes...Yes...YEESSS!!!"


Accelerator : "SHADOW IS THE LIIIIIGHT !!!!!!!"

Aiwass was behing him and looking at him

Aiwass : "hmmm is that how normal people do as usual..."

Accelerator and Aiwass :  "SHADOW IS THE LIIIIIIIGHT !!!!!!"

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