By viviannehillary

216 30 0

Forget forgot forgotten. The darkness in Oden's new world. Facing a dangerous enemy is not easy. The bloodhou... More



26 2 0
By viviannehillary

Thanks for the support of book three as promised here is book four. Please comment and put a star on it. Note who is your favorite character and why.



White bright lights, the smell of antiseptic, bleach and blood, the voices of many blurring in the silence, movement of cold air filling in the room as the emergency doors fly open wheeling in a bloody dark prince barely alive, holding on to the shallow reasons to live. "The patient is having trouble breathing." A nurse dressed in purple scrub shouts as they keep on moving around gathering objects and sterilized materials to help out the doctor's as they struggle to help the prince stabilize. "Pass me a 20 cc syringe now also hand me an alcohol swab." The doctor commands as he tears open Oden's shirt cleaning the area as fast as possible and driving in the syringe between the first and second intercoastal muscle the pulls out the syringe cap while another does the same on the other side. "The patient has a pleural effusion at both his lungs, left leg is completely broken and burnt at his ankle up to his tibia, cyanosis at the chest area, fingers and lips we need oxygen running at 15 mls bring in the oxygen fast, heartbeat slow but steady as per now." An intern surgeon narrates to the main surgeon fast as the rest of the group rushes to assist attaching Oden to the different machines around the bed to check on his heart rate, temperature and breathing rate too. "Does the king know of his son's whereabouts?" "Yes he has been informed by the elders children who brought him in, Arthur and Jayden." "Let's just get him to the operating room, nurse please call Dr. Adan let him know he is needed for surgery."

Dark, deep bizarre darkness that's where Oden stands at this point, the cold empty room nowhere to be known. He was definitely dead or was he alive he couldn't tell with the silence. "So this is what purgatory must look like." Of course the two last things he saw before shutting his eyes was the so called light we all claim to see in death. Still a mystery to the living of where this light heads to but when Oden opened his eyes to a dark endless hall. His mind is flooded with strange words he could barely comprehend at the moment, then a continuous beeping sound it sounded like ... like why was it familiar yet farfetched then an uncomfortable feeling of someone driving a hand towards his chest, at this point he could barely move forward instead he crouches down to the ground his hand on his chest. First pump...second pump... third pump then pump after pump he could barely count now all he could feel was a warmth slowly growing inside him solidifying his stay in their world. What was happening? After a couple of painful pumps his head clears allowing him to hear his name out loud from a voice of not Arthur, not Jayden but his enemy, the vampire that drags his sanity to insanity. "Welcome back to the land of the living my dear rival."

"What is happening? Why is he not breathing? Oden! STOP JOKING and wake up." Arthur pleads the lifeless corpse that lays upon the cold stone floor. Skin as cold as ice and blue as the sky. "What do you mean, he isn't ..... No!no!no! You can't, he can't die on us." Thecla claims as her tears flow down her peach coloured cheeks. Ever since they separated after Oriela's wedding you'd think they would forget a piece of their friendship maybe act a little less casual. That was not the case as Oden put a mark in each of them. One that they will forever keep so crying for him at this moment was the least they could do. "You are bluffing he is not dead, he is Oden..... He should be okay." Olivia tries to convince herself even though her tears betray her after stating the obvious. The dark prince is no longer in the world of the living. They were too late. 12 hours he said Oden was gone before it hit five of the so called hope they had. The group shatters at the sight of their friend.

"Hmmm, so we came all the way here to find a dead werewolf in a grave." Velma states in disgust obviously not affected by Oden's death. Understandable stating by the fact that she barely knew him. The only connection they had was her brother's sick obsession over the wolf. "First of all shut the fuck up you thick minded headache and second Oden is not dead. He is strong, I know he is in there somewhere he just needs a push to pull him back." "I like your enthusiasm Blondie but between you, me and the dead let's state the facts your brother here is as good as gone, let's just make ourselves scarce leave him to the worms." Leonard says making Velma turn around to leave from the same entrance they came through. As they prepare to leave Arthur quickly takes a hold on to the red haired vampire's arm turning him around to face his blazing glare. "Arthur am tired of throwing down with you. Mourn in peace before I break your hands and feed them to my men." Arthur refutes holding his hand even tighter looking for the right words to throw at the cold blooded male. He wanted Oden back even if it meant selling his soul to this devil infront of him.

"What's your deal? You cannot be so inhumane to leave him like this." "What makes you so sure, Jayden. I always let the dead bury the dead. It's not my problem." Leonard states taking Arthur's hands off him not willing to help at all. "Yeah sure,walk away like you always do. You know the problem with you vampires, you tend to pretend to be strong but in real sense you are cowards. You are so afraid to face yourselves, the world and most especially death. Immortality is just an excuse not to get judged like the rest of us."
"You barely know us what makes think you have any right to judge us." Velma protest moving a step towards her brother her teeth bared at the brunette threatening to kill if needed. "Despite the hate you feel for Oden I know deep inside you want to help otherwise you could have turned away the moment we summoned you." Arthur lectures but that doesn't stop Leonard and Velma from walking away. "Why didn't you walk away?.... Leonard answer me." Olivia questions putting a stop to Leonard's grand exit. "You didn't want to see him dead, you knew the risks you were taking but you didn't leave." she continues. That was enough to put a stop to the vampire prince's forward movement. Of course they would assume he cared for all he knows he just wanted to confirm it with his own eyes that the dark prince was no more. That he finally got rid of Oden Alexander. It was a satisfying sight to witness at first yet he was not happy at all. He wanted something else and it was too late for it.

Meanwhile Thecla ignores the bickering and walks over to Oden's side getting a rather peculiar feeling around him she could barely pinpoint. She stretches out her hand inorder to get skin contact with his body urgent to understand what was happening.while she holds his hand at first everything was quiet until a loud well know voice shouts back at her, a cry for help. "Thecla save me!!!"

She quickly let's go of his hand, standing and stumbling back almost falling on the cold ground only to be held by Arthur's quick reflexes."Did you hear that........ Oden ........he called out for me." Everybody turns to face her, all confused and in doubt of her statement as they turn to face a non moving body of their friend. There was no way he was calling out for her. They were all present with super hearing, they could have heard him too. "Thecla, Oden is dead!!" Velma shouts tired of the lycans in the room trying their hardest to keep them "entertained" with all their nonsense. "I know what I heard... Arthur you believe me right.....I- I am not making this up he .....he is in there somewhere....... please Leonard if there is something you can do, do it now. You might be a vampire but that does not make you cold hearted." Leonard stands in the shadows contemplating on whether to help out or get lost and mind his own business.

While in deep thought he looks at Oden's lifeless self, remembering the one thing that haunts him till date, the connection that keeps pulling him to the werewolf side. The Maker clearly knows he is not in any way gay and the attraction is not sexual but he wants the boy alive, he wants Oden to live. So that he can kill him himself when the time is right. "Fine." He walks towards him leaning down, he pushes his hand in Oden's chest making the girls look away except Velma who looked like she was prepared to attack."Jayden I suggest you keep Velma on a leash before she does something you will all regret."
"What are you doing to him?" Olivia asks frustrated to see her friend In a vulnerable position."I am doing what looks like normal chest compressions but directly to his human heart, red you need to use those spiritual ears just in case your brother decides to send you another RIP message." Leonard instructs as he continuously pumps Oden's heart making Oden's body think it's his own heart doing it's job.

The deceit was loud enough to awaken every vessel, every cell in his body slowly, his nervous system also awakens sending impulses to his brain awakening the poor boy to life.
"Oden wake up." Leonard commands. "Oden!" Thecla's voice surpasses the hollow darkness yanking the poor boy back to them as he slowly open his eyes then shutting them he takes a sharp breath followed by tiny coughs of blood as his lungs take in air as he takes a big whiff of it. The action that made everyone hold their breath finally releasing it with smiles plastered on their faces. He is back. "Thank the Maker...... Oden if you can hear me squeeze my finger." Thecla requests wiping away her tears with her left hand while stretching out her right to him. Though weak the dark haired prince does as told making everyone in the cave relax. "He is not out of danger yet, you need to take him to the hospital fast." Leonard reminds them as he stands from his position wiping his bloody hands on Oden's revived corpse not wanting to have his werewolf scent all over him. "Thank you Leonard we know it wasn't easy for you to do this, may be one day we can set aside our difference....." "And be what Arthur, be frenemies, share tea while talking about the future generations."
"Yeah, something like that." "That is an oblique future that I don't intend to be in. Just be sure to keep your friend alive long enough for me to kill him myself. Velma let's go."

Jayden and Arthur assist each other to carry Oden carefully making sure not to increase the injury any further. "Thecla!!" Velma calls out getting closer to the female.

"Yeah! What do you want?" "Nothing I was just wondering how a werewolf was able to throw two werewolves and vampires a length distance from their standing position with her voice and not only that, how was she able to call out the spirit of the dead? Until I did a bit of my own research in my head and that's when it hit me." Though doubtful this was the closest the strawberry blonde has to knowing what has been happening to her so without the normal hostility in her tone she willing asks the burning question in her head.
"What is it? What's wrong with me?" Of course she was clueless. The reaction puts a smile on her face. "You my frenemy are what we all call the wailing spirit."

"Wailing spirit?!" She had never heard of such a thing in her life. Wolves were not allowed to have other extra power other than the natural strength, speed, heal. What was this spirit. "Can you help with more information?" "First of all do not summon me to talk about this, I gave you a clue now do your own digging. One thing for sure is whatever you are you can only be one a wailing spirit or the wolf. You'll find it very interesting." With that said Velma turns joining her brother. Leaving behind a very confused Thecla standing in the darkness of her confusion with a single small dot of light to help her understand her current predicament. Velma superspeeds with her brother through the light gateway as they disappear back into the Leonard's bedroom from where they were summoned before. This time the sky was dark blue with few stars up in the air as darkness slowly takes over it's position. "This wolves are like a jug of untested blood. Everytime you take a sip you find yourself lost in the new taste and smell only to realize there is more to it."

Xander, Eden and khalifa come bursting into the hospital straight to the reception area in their pajamas of course dressing up like a king doesn't matter when you get news of the prodigal son returning in a state of near death. "My son was brought here, I want to see him." "Sir... king Xander, you can not see your son right now, he is still in surgery the doctors are doing everything in their power to stabilize him." The nurse at the reception quickly states in a nerve-wracking manner hoping that the king may not drag his claws at her neck. "You better pray on those words because if Oden does not wake up I will personally make sure each and every surgeon in that room faces my claws including you." The nurse at the reception shakes in fear at the king's words wishing she shut her big mouth instead of stating facts that may not end up a reality. The dark side of her job keeping everyone happy while keeping yourself alive.

Back at the Alpha palace Valvida sits at the kitchen stool taking a large cup of chamomile flower tea unable to close her eyes after getting the glorious news that Oden is alive but not fully out of danger. Khalifa was able to tell her of what they were able to find out at the moment. As she sits there her head in the clouds unable to hear the princess tap her shoulder making the two jump out of their skins forcing her to drop the huge cup of hot clear yellow fluid, spilling the tea all over the cold floor. "Oh! My Maker, princess you gave me a mild heart attack." "Am so sorry Valvida I just wanted to get a glass of water. It seems like am not the only one unable to sleep." "The more the merrier I guess." She says picking up the pieces of broken porcelain pieces off the floor careful not to injure herself.
"What is keeping you awake?" "They were able to find prince Oden and now my boy is in surgery fighting for his life. I was going to say a prayer for......" CRASH!! A loud clash of the glass of water with the brown mahogany ground that Oriela got for herself is heard colliding with the floor as the princess stands there frozen by the news."Princess are alright?" Valvida asks the shocked princess who looked like she saw a ghost."Oden is ..... Oden is okay, they found him." Oriela speaks mostly to herself happy deep inside of the news but she needed to confirm the news. She has to see him with her naked eyes."I need to go." "Princess you...." Before Valvida could stop her, she runs past the poor old woman leaving her confused on cleaning the broken surroundings of her glass and porcelain cup or leaving it to go after her. "Urgh! I am not being paid enough for this mild shocks, I need to stop, retirement is calling my name." The maiden complains as she decides to continue picking up the new broken pieces, the princess will be fine, right? Who will touch her with the power of the Ora?

Oriela changes into a snow white werewolf and runs to the exit of the castle leaving the castle guards dumbfounded unable to move and stop her. They know their heads will be on a platter if something happens to them but that speed is beyond them especially when she uses the Ora's energy to accelerate. "Oden am coming." She felt all the love that she lost trying to bury, dig up and arising memories of every kiss and promise of love she and Oden shared.

Xander sits impatiently on the waiting area looking at the big red emergency letters on the two closed doors of the surgery room as if wanting to rip them open with his eyes, unfortunately for him wolves don't come with Lazer eyes or telekinesis. "Arthur how did he look when you found him, tell me everything." Xander demands, his face with a worried look in his eyes only a father can have."We couldn't go home as you had requested us at first because Oden, Jayden and I share a brotherly bond and we could feel his life force slipping that or it was the guilt of not doing anything when we both got visions of Oden fighting with the bloodhound anyway long story short we got help from our Omega friends back in claws academy and Leonard the prince of the vampires and before you start attacking us about the rules and how breaking them has consequences we did it for known reasons, getting to the point........Oden was dead when we found him, his leg was bleeding profusely, he was cold, his heart stopped when we got there, he had really struggled to stay alive but unfortunately he lost that will. The how is he alive right now? It is literally the Maker's grace."

Xander could barely believe what Arthur was telling him. This all meant Oden had cheated death again for the second time. His son kept winning the game of death with flying colours but even with this Victory he still had to survive the long surgery that seemed to be taking years to end than a few hours. "Oh! My Maker what are they doing to him a full body plastic surgery make over!!" Xander shouts impatiently scaring the nurse at the reception desk. In the midst Eden excuses himself from the waiting area heading to the bathroom leaving a very impatient Xander, sleepy guards and two very worried friends.

Eden walks up to the bathroom sink washing his face as memories of what he did to his brother flood his mind well not exactly him but the pest that uses his body as a host and keeps him in a prison he can barely claw out from."Your brother is a pest." An echo coming from across the room, he turns spotting his "reflection" in mirror. He is met by the shadow reflection of himself deep red eyes and that stupid annoying smirk.

"Hallo!! Eden it seems our brother is back to the land of the living." "Why can't you leave us alone huh! Why did you almost kill my brother, what do you have against him? If you think hurting my family will get you what you want........for me to submit are wrong." "(Sarcastic cold laugh) WOW! And I give the best actors awards to our one only Eden, can the crowd please applause." The demon says clapping his own hands making a mockery of the male across the reflecting object. Eden glares at his counter part wishing he could choke the man behind the mirror but how do you kill your own reflection."How long do you think you can pretend to be strong, how long do you plan on keeping your sanity. Eden I am here to stay and soon I'll be you, we will be one like a foetus to it's mother." The figure stretches out it's hands taking a root hold to the copper coloured frames dragging it's dark veiny body out of the mirror a disturbing sight to see. It stands behind Eden, he grabs him by the neck bashing his head on the window to the point Eden's head starts bleeding. "What part of say yes don't you understand. The fact that your brother has made it a hobby to escape the hands of the grim ripper is about to end." "What do you mean? What are you going to do?" Eden questions struggling to stand from the ground he slid down upon the image letting go of him. The image walks away from a bloody Eden towards the exit without turning back.
"What is necessary?" Was it the words or the blow to his head he could not tell with his vision blurring followed by a sudden darkness.

An hour, a minute, a second he also could not tell all he knows was he Suddenly wakes up standing at a well lit bathroom, the part of the mirror where his head was hit fixed like nothing happened, he was not bleeding anymore and the wound healed, like his life was not being threatened a few minutes ago. Wait what about Oden.... is he .... has he?

In the operating room the surgeons aligned themselves on both sides ready to assist, Oden was laid on a metallic bed covered in sterile green towels with part of his leg exposed and chest.
"Pass me the scalpel, swab the area. The clot seems to move towards his heart,if we are not careful we might cut the wrong vessel we cannot have him go in to a hypovolemic shock so be careful. Anaesthetist Keep pumping in the whole blood fast. Remember he is the prince, our heads shall be on a pike if we lose him." The senior surgeon urges before they proceed.

As they carefully make an incision at Oden's chest the lights at the operating room suddenly begin to flicker continuously then stop. "What the hell is going on? Nurse Emma is the power off? Are we using the back up generator?" "No sir it was just a slight mishap."the running nurse answers. "Better be, I can't have my head sent to my wife on a silver platter by king Xander himself." As the surgeon continues handling the situation, the lights flicker again this time they see a shadow stand in front of them it's red eyes spooking the hell out of all of them. The shadow walks over to the main surgeon going into him through his nose and mouth as the rest watch in horror. His body transforming veins projected around his head, skin colour turning dark as if burnt. Eyes turning in all directions as if grasping the entirety of the room and it's victims. Unlike Eden this body was easy to take over, so easy all he had to do was drag the surgeons conscious state to a coma with a snap of it's fingers. "Weak."

"Hello! Well this body is definitely not appealing but it will do for now. Okay where were we?" The surgeon smirks his eyes turning red giving the entire room the knowledge of it's presence. Just like the warning 'watch out for the wolf with red eyes, bloody tongue it only wants to tear you apart' . "Oh! Yes killing Oden. So are you going to watch?" The whole medical team is sent into fits of screams and escaping nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists out of the room. "They are all the same hahahaha you are their prince yet they are willing to save their lives over yours. Alphas the most demonic of our breed. Born to destroy, born to chaos. What a waste of talent?"

"You my boy are such a fuss. A mosquito that annoyingly buzzes in my ears unwilling to die no matter how many times I clap right next to you." The possessed man pulls a stool next to Oden's sedated body. Let's have a chat and you better listen, oh what's that Oden nothing to say ..........of course you can barely open your lips, Ha! Oden! Oden! Oden! How many times have I called your name?.....Look at that can't even answer a simple question. Well am not surprised, complaining about my existence is what you people know how to do, like a bunch of rats I have exited and infested their homes. The bone chilling fear feeding my very existence. Instead of complaining about me come up with a visible clear solution like how am I going to get rid of this stupidity in my head and find a way to kill this rat? Then again who am I kidding? Weak creatures such as yourself are only good at one thing using brutal force with a thought to your head and that's why a creature unseen is able to cause more distraction than a bullet straight to your head. You will never find a way get rid of me, am here to stay, like an annoying virus....... So much to a habitual creature. Now how do we get rid of you. Doctor any suggestions?..... None, okay here is what I am going to do. Listen attentively I will cut the supply of oxygen in his brain then pop a blood vessel, create a hole at the pleural cavity causing a second pleural effusion at the second lung. We are at a hospital setup the cause of death can be termed as mismanagement right Dr..... still deaf and dumb. Any way who cares about your opinion. Death is a decision for the murderer and murdered to make." Oden's body starts collapsing again slowly this time as the bloodhound blocks the door to any saviour out there who would try to get in.

The doctors and nurses run towards the reception leaving Xander and the boys in a confused state at the waiting area.

"What is going on?" Xander demands for an answer grabbing one of the surgeons from the rushing medical team. "The um ..... Oh! No! ..... My Maker come down ...." "Spit it out!!"
"Their lights started to flicker, there was a freaking shadow and the main surgeon started acting like a possessed creep. Let me go my king."
"And my son? Your prince? You left my son with that thing?" "It was all based on instincts my lord. We are sorry." "Oh! You will be once I get my son out of here dead instead of alive!!" Xander threatens making the doctor freeze in her position. "Arthur get your father same as for you Jayden it seems we have ourselves a bloodhound to capture." Arthur and Jayden nod as they rush out of the room leaving a very determined Xander transforming into his lycan formation, his teeth barred out, eyes crystal blue and claws stretching out.

While this is going on.
Oriela manages to reach the hospital after the long run, excited to see Oden only for her tracks to be stopped by the movement outside standing at the entrance. She transforms to human walking through the crowd hoping to get to the entrance when she bumps to a familiar face.... "Jayden what are you doing here? What's happening?" She inquires as Jayden quickly hangs up his conversation with his mother happy to see Oriela. "I can't go into details because Oden is kind of stuck between a large heavy rock and the bloodhound. He has managed to possess the doctor who apparently was the main surgeon for Oden' s urgent operation." "I need to get in there." She runs off towards the entrance before Jayden could stop her. As she runs through the long hallway using her powerful sense of smell to sniff out her true love, although the strong scent of antiseptic and medicines cloud the air around her she keeps going, she could feel the terror surrounding the halls and Xander's anger.

Xander managed to get to the hall and at the theatre door only to be stopped by the jammed door. No way of getting in but through the small translucent window marked EMERGENCY he is able to see his son struggling to stay alive, he could hear Oden's heartbeat slowing and next to him stands the devil incarnated. Staring at the soul of his son like a blockbuster movie. "LET HIM GO!!" Xander shouts at the figure that turns it's head to him with smile plastered on it's face not daring to budge watching the father struggle to break the door but it was no use. Xander wasn't ready to bury his own son that's not nature, never should a parent bury his own child but apparently the world is not round any more since the bloodhound was raised, the so called circle of life has gaps that stops it from flowing the way the world is supposed to. Just as Xander is about to lose all hope Oriela shows up and moves towards the door. Without questioning her on her reasons to be here at this time he lets her be. "Excuse me king Xander." She urges as her eyes turn golden yellow, her palm lit up with a yellow flare like fire. With her anger boiling inside giving off more than enough energy to break the theatre door.

Facing each other now was Oriela and bloodhound, light vs dark. The demonic shadow pissed off even more than he was when he heard of the news "I've had enough of you and your stupidity." "Little girl aren't you supposed to be tucked in bed sucking your thumb?" Oriela walks towards the doctor unafraid absolutely tired of the bloodhound's remark, she grabs a hold of the doctor and looks into his red bleeding eyes with her powerful golden glare "out" she commands the pestering beast forcing it out of the doctor letting the doctor's body fall to the ground leaving Oriela holding onto the shadow form of the bloodhound. "Still weak."

"Little miss Oriela you must think that you have won. You are still weak by the way. Still have a long way before you destroy me fully." With that the feared creature leaves the perimeter in form of smoke and rushing to Eden's limp body back in the bathroom just the same way it got in to the doctors.

"Where did it go?" Xander questions.
"For now back to the hell it crawled out from." She assures him even though she is unsure herself. She moves towards Oden putting her hand on his chest letting the ora revive him and heal his wounds as she has always done to the many victims of the bloodhound's bites and claws.

"Thank you Oriela." Xander offers his gratitude."It's alright, everything am doing is selfless I don't need you telling yourself you need to thank me every time." She explains but the truth is that she is also not prepared to lose Oden from all this stupid evil growing in the roots of their kingdom. Even though she was no longer his, she could not stop herself from loving this boy that lay in bed finally stable. "You should have that checked." Xander advises pointing at her feet as Oriela spots her bleeding sole prints almost forgetting she ran all the way barefoot stepping on broken glass and not feeling the pain for all she needed was Oden to be alive and breathing.

The world they share is dipped in the sea of darkness. The fear grows for all, the pain of losing one greater than not finding one. Breath is as important as water and now that the dark prince has won the game of death yet again let's see how long it will all last.' ORACLE.'

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