Break in- Tierna

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By imperfect82

I had just made it to my hallway to my apartment after dinner with a few teammates.

As I made it to my door and put my key into the lock to unlock my door, I realized it was unlocked. I could have sworn I locked it before I left.

I continued my walk into the my apartment but a movement caused my blood to run cold and before I knew it I shoved to the ground. My back hitting the ground hard and who every it was took off running down the hall.

I could hear the blood rushing in my ears as I sat up in shock. Jumping when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n) are you okay, what happen?" She asked, the noise probably causing her to look.

"I think I was robbed. I came home at the wrong time" I mumbled in a daze as I stared at my apartment and it was easy to see my apartment was trashed.

Everything else seemed to happen fast. My neighbors call the police once we were safely back in her apartment, I texted my girlfriend, the police arrived and I told them what I could as they looked at my apartment.

That's when Tierna arrived, looking stressed and panicked until she saw me. Both of us visibly relaxing once we saw each other.

She quick rushed over and pulled me into a tight hug before releasing me and scanning over my body, looking for injuries

"I'm not hurt" I replied hoping she would believe me, knowing my back was already stiff from hitting the ground.

I could tell she didn't believe me but wasn't going to push it at the moment.

"Let me grab some of your things, then we will go back to my place" Tierna said as I gave a nod she gave me a worried look before she quickly went to gather my things.

She was back quickly, placing an arm my waist as she placed a kiss to my temple as she lead me to her apartment.

The ride to the apartment was quiet as she held my hand. Then guiding me into her apartment.

I was still in a daze as she gently laid me in her bed, joining me as she pulled me her. Rubbing circles on my back.

That was when everything hit me and I started crying. Tierna held me and whispered soothing words until I feel asleep.
2 weeks had pass since the break in and we were now at camp. I had been jumpy then normal the pass few weeks and I could tell Julie and Alyssa were concern but not pushing it. Tierra has been there for me the whole time and with her around I felt more safe.

We were currently all in Megan and Ash room hanging out and catching up.

I felt my phone start to vibrate. I saw it was my landlord and excused myself before heading to the hallway.

I was getting frustrated with my landlord. He wasn't letting me out of my lease, even if I was willing to pay a fee. We had been arguing and not making anywhere.

"I want out of the lease. Your security system fail and someone broke into my apartment" I said irritated with my landlord. We had been arguing over this for two weeks now.

"Your apartment got broken into and you didn't say anything!" Julie exclaimed causing my eyes to widen as I turned around and found her standing in the hallway with me.

I had intentionally not told anyone besides Tierna for a reason. The veterans were very protective of the younger ones, especially my Chicago teammates Julie and Alyssa.

I quickly hung up on my landlord, I can deal with him later.

"Hey, Julie. Didn't see you there" I said awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck

"Is it true?" Julie said looking at me

"Is what true?" Kelley asked as she peaked out the hotel door

"Nothing Kelley" I said looking at her a I looked back a Julie who looked like she was connecting the dots based on my reaction.

I watched hurt cross her face before she stormed into the hotel room past Kelley as I followed.

I watched as she went directly to Tierna who looked panic and confused as she looked between us.

"Alyssa, we need to have a chat with Tierna and (y/n)" Julie said as she looked more calm but still upset as Alyssa looked confused but nodded standing up.

"Julie" I said almost pleading her to stop

"What's going on?" Carli said looking between all of us since the whole team was waiting to figure out what was happening.

I looked at Tierna and gave her a defeated look, knowing there was no way to hide it now that everyone knows something is up.

"Julie overheard my argument with my landlord about trying to get out of my lease for my apartment because someone broke into it" I said taking my seat next to Tierna as she instantly wrap arm around my waist and pulling me closer to her, knowing that I didn't like talking about it

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alyssa asked with an hurt expression that matched Julie while everyone wore worried.

"I didn't want to worry anyone" I said looking away from them

"We are always going to worry about you" Julie said

"That what we do. We all worry about each other, but especially about you younger ones" Ali said as I gave a small smile.

"Please tell me, you haven't been staying there alone" Becky said with concern

"No, I haven't step foot in that apartment since I caught the person. I've been saying with Tierna" I said said but instantly regretting what I said.

"You were home!"julie nearly yelled, instantly looking me over

"Yes, but she is okay" Tierna said hoping to calm the older women down as she tighten her grip slightly on me.

"Only got knocked down" I said moving out of Tierna arms and next to Julie who instantly pulled me into a hug to which Alyssa joined

"You should have told us" Julie whispered to me as she pulled me closer

"I know, next time I won't hide it. I'll be honest from the start"

"I hope there isn't a next time" Alyssa said pulling away

That when I felt my phone vibrate again

"Shit, I hung up on him" I said as I pulled out my phones and read the message, a smiling appearing on my face.

"Who is it?" Emily asked

"My landlord"

"Well what did he say?" Tierna asked with curio express, knowing about my ongoing fight with him and they I usually look annoyed when reading a message from him.

A huge small made its way to my face as I looked at her "looks like you are getting a permanent new roommate"and I watched as smile made its way on to her face as she pulled me into a hug then kiss that was interrupted by coughing by Julie as everyone else laughed.

"Love you" I whispered, pulling away from her as she whispered it back with a huge smile.

"Look at the babies of the team adulting" Emily said with a smirk as the rest of us rolled our eyes, while Tierna pulls me to her and rested her chin on my shoulder as she held me close to her

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