The guy from the bar

By bieberstoriez

111K 3.1K 1.6K

He's Justin Bieber by day; a successful businessman, and Jason McCann by night. More

Twenty One
Twenty two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty four
Fourty Five
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Seventy Seven
Seventy Eight
Seventy Nine
Eighty One
Eighty Two
Eighty Three
Eighty Four
Eighty Five
Eighty Six
Eighty Seven
Eighty Eight


2K 46 5
By bieberstoriez

Madison's POV

"Hello?" I answered my phone as I just got home.

"Hey, I'm on my way." Grayson said. "What are you wearing?"

"Excuse me?" I scoffed, finding it a little inappropriate.

"I can't have you wearing a dress nor heels, you don't know when we might need to run."

"I'm wearing jeans and a top." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Good, I'll be there in 5." He said and hung up.

Why is he being so dramatic?

Oh right, it's Jason McCann, he might kill us.

Okay, I'm starting to freak out. I don't know if this is a good idea.

I got in the elevator and got down before I had a chance to changed my mind. I need to get out of doubts.

I opened the lobby door and Grayson was just pulling up.

I got in the car and he said "You ready to do this?"
And I nodded.

He licked his lips and started driving.


"Grayson, where are we?" I asked.

We've been driving for like an hour and we still haven't gotten anywhere. What if he's actually Jason McCann and he's kidnapping me? And that why Justin didn't want me to be with him!

Im so stupid.

"Relax, we're almost there." He said.

"Look." He said and pointed to a cabin?

"What is that?" I asked, my heart racing.

"That's where your boyfriend is right now." He said as he parked the car.

"You ready?" He said as he reached for something in the back seat.

"Grayson, what the fuck?!" I screamed as I pushed myself away from him. He has a gun!

"You never know. Now come on." He said as he got out the car.

This was a terrible idea. I want to go home.

He went to my side and opened the door for me. But I just sat there, frozen.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, I'm here. And I doubt Justin will hurt you." He said, reaching his hand out to me.

"What if he does?" I asked.

"Mads, he's your boyfriend. Don't you trust him?"

"No! I don't even know who he really is."

He sighed and said "Look, if you don't want to go through with this, we can just go back."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can do this.

I took his hand and got out of the car.

We walked to the cabin, me behind him at all times.

I was scared. There's no one here. Just a couple of cars, and it's really dark outside.

We got to the cabin and Grayson walked me to the window. I'm scared to look.

Grayson with his facial expression was insisting for me to look. I swallowed and crouched down to be at the level of the window. It was a basement.

It was pretty dark but I could see a guy on a chair with his hands tied behind his back. He had his head down and his hair was sweaty, it was covering his face.

There were a couple other guys with guns guarding the place. And then Justin walked in.

My eyes got wet with tears as I observed him.

He really is Jason McCann.

He walked over to the guy in the chair, in an intimidating way, and he squatted down to be at his level and smiled at him.

"Hi." He said. "Do you have any idea of who I am?"

"You-you're Jason McCann." The guy answered him.

"That's right. And I believe you know something that could help me." Justin said.

He seemed laid back, but manipulative.

He was being fake nice to make the guy comfortable enough to speak to him.

"Sir, I-I swear! I know nothing!"

Jason let out a sigh and said "You see..." he got up and rolled his sleeves. "I think you do." He said as he got a taser.

"And you better start talking for your own sake." He said as the guy started crying.

I covered my mouth as Justin got closer to the guy.

He was a psychopath. The way he acted...

My whole body started shaking and my legs couldn't hold my weight anymore.

I tried moving to switch my position and I ended up slipping and falling against the wall, making a loud noise, which made everyone inside the basement look, but luckily I hid fast enough.

"We have to go, get up." Grayson said, my heart pounding more as the seconds passed.

He gave me his hand and helped me get up.

I got up and ran with him.

I have never been as scared as I am right now.

I glanced behind me and saw dogs chasing us. I'm terrified.

I'm running out of breath and I'm far behind Grayson.

"Grayson!" I cried out.

He turned around and ran over to me. Before he could reach me, one of the dogs tackled me down and bit my leg.

I cried in pain, but also because I was terrified of what was going to happen to me.

Some guys stood over me and one of them pointed at my head with a gun while the other one got the dog off of me.

"Man, put it away!" One of them said and slapped the back of the guy with the gun head.

"Look at her."

"Oh shit." He said and put the gun away.

"Get up."
He pulled me by my arm.

Once my foot made contact with the ground, I winced in pain, and almost fell to the ground again.

One of them quickly grabbed me before my body met the ground, and helped me walk.

I was confused, why are they being... nice to me? Why didn't they shoot me?

He got me inside the cabin and helped me sit down on some dirty couch.

I stayed petrified, my eyes scanned the room, getting a glance of the people around me.

I didn't even dare to move, I was surrounded by men with guns. Justin isn't here, what if they just kill me? What if Justin gets mad at me and kills me?

Justin walked in with a gun in his hand as well, his eyes focused on the ground as he walked towards me. He pointed it at me with this look on his face... his eyes were dark, his eyebrow were furrowed together... he had no emotion.

Once he saw me his face changed, it softened, and he looked confused and alarmed.

"Madison? What the fuck? What are you doing here?" He asked as he put his gun away.

I couldn't answer him, I was too scared to even look at him. My eyes stayed glued to the ground as I breathed heavily, and my bottom lip trembled.

He was about to shoot me!

"Sir, we need to leave." Some guy walked in as he pushed Grayson in front of him. "He might've tipped off the East."

I looked up and saw Grayson being held by two strong men.

"You know what to do." Justin said as he pointed behind him.

They walked past me, pulling Grayson somewhere, and Justin followed them.

"Justin!" I called out.

He turned around and looked at me. "What are you going to do to him?" I asked.

"That's not for you to worry about." He said. "Don't let her out of your sight." He made eye contact with the guy that helped me walk earlier and left.

Oh god.

I have to do something. I can't let Grayson get hurt.

I tried running after him, but I fell flat on my face, causing me to break down crying. My foot made me useless.

"Madison!" The guys helped me up and held me down.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry Mads."

Justin's POV

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat at Grayson, and pushed him back by hitting his chest.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why did you bring Madison here? Are you fucking stupid?" I yelled, getting irritated at him and his cocky smile

"I thought she deserved to know the real you. After all, you are her boyfriend." He said with a smile.

"That was none of your business." I yelled as I threw a punch at his face, letting my anger out

"You just ruined my whole relationship with her." I yelled as I grabbed him by his shirt. "And you're gonna pay for it."

If Madison leaves me after this, it's on him.

"What are you gonna do? Kill me? How do you think Madison would react to that?" He yelled.

"You're manipulating her." I said.

"Me? I'm not the one who's been keeping my real identity from her Jason." He said. "Or should I say, Justin."

"You don't know what you just got yourself into."

Madison's POV

I heard a shot go off and my heart sinked down my chest.

He couldn't ve had. Could he?

"Take her to the car." Some guy said. And suddenly the two guys from before started grabbing me.

"No, no, please!" I begged for them not to take me as I sat my fingers into the couch, trying to hold onto it in hopes that they'd leave me alone.

"C'mon Mads."

"No! Stop!" I yelled. "Where's Justin?!" I looked around the room.

"He's the one who ordered for you to go in the car, c'mon. We're not gonna hurt you." He said as he held me up.

"What about Grayson? Did he kill him? I need to know." I asked as tears began to form in my eyes again.

"I wouldn't know."

They helped me into the backseat of the car and they got in the front.

The car ride was silent, but inside my mind... it was very different.

I'm still processing this reality. Really, my brain is just trying to process everything that just happened.

To me, Justin was the sweetest guy in the world. He was just Justin, my boyfriend. And now it turns out that he's the complete opposite of the image I had of him.

After a couple minutes, we got to Justin's mansion.

They helped me walk in and made me sit in the living room.

They both stayed with me to 'watch over me'.

I sat on the couch, looking at the floor. Sometimes I would glance at them, trying to get a full look of them. But I was too scared to let my eyes meet the men next to me.

Truth is I was a nervous wreck. I didn't know the men that were in the same room as me. I didn't know how dangerous they were, or if I was safe with them.

But I was also more terrified about what would happen when Justin gets here.

"Well..." one of them spoke, making me lift my head to look at them. "I'm Jack and this is Tyler. Since were waiting here maybe we should get to know each other."

Jack had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a tanned skin. Tyler ,on the other hand, has curly, light brown hair and blue eyes, and they both had strong bodies.

"Jason has told us a lot about you, you're all he can talk about, you know?" Jack said, trying to make conversation with me, and break the tense environment.

"Yeah, he loves you a lot. I never thought I would see the day in which Jason would be such a wimp." Tyler said and they both laughed.

I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Yeah, he's um... kinda soft now. He's terrified of how this will affect everything. So, I... I just want you to know he's a good guy Madison. And he cares... a lot about you. Way too much." Jack said.

I looked away, trying to understand how any of that could be true when he's actually a monster.

I've seen what he does on the news, he's anything but a good guy.

Does he expect me to just look past that fact just because he "cares" about me?

Before I could have the time to answer them, the sound of the door opening caused us to turn our heads.

A couple seconds later, Justin walked in and made eye contact with Jack as he walked closer to us.

"We're sorry about tonight, we didn't know it was you. Other wise this wouldn't had happened." Jack said, referring to my leg.

"It was nice meeting you." Jack said as he stood up.

"Thanks for looking after her." Justin said as he gave each one of them a 'bro hug'.

They both left and now I was alone with Justin.

I turned my body towards the opposite side, and focused my eyes on the floor again.

I couldn't face him.

"Mads..." he walked over to me. "Baby..." He said as he sat on the coffee table across from me.

"Please talk to me."

I couldn't. I was so scared of him.

I don't know what he expects from me, what does he want me to say?

"Madison." He placed a hand on my thigh.

"Don't." I said as I closed my eyes. "- Don't touch me." I removed his hand.

"Madison...Im sorry you had to find out like this. I wanted to tell you eventually, but I just... I couldn't." He said.

I was trying to stay calm, but I just found out he's Jason McCann. How can I be calm while I'm in the same room as him?

"I don't want you to be scared of me." He said.

"You're Jason McCann."

"You almost shot me today!" I cried with tears starting to fall down my face.

"Mads, that was a mistake! And you weren't supposed to be there. And if it weren't for Grayson-"

"You lied to me." I said. "If it weren't for Grayson I would still be stuck with you! I would still be living that lie that you are this sweet and caring guy that 'loves' me. He opened up my eyes." I started to raise my voice, although it came out shaky and weak.

"That's not a lie!" He said. "I love you Madison.what I feel for you it's not a lie, I've never faked my personality or my feelings with you. I love you, and that's not a lie."

"How can a guy like you know anything about love?"
I glared at him.

"Was I just a game to you?" I asked as my heart ached. Did he ever truly love me?

He's Jason McCann!

None of this makes sense.

"Madison, please! Why- Haven't I shown you in the last months we've spent together how much you mean to me?" He said softly, with sad eyes.

He looked different than how he did in the cabin.

Over there he was acting like a complete psychopath, like the killer he truly is. He looked heartless and cold.

Now he is soft and caring and vulnerable.

How can a person change like that so quickly?

"Madison, I love you. I truly do, please just... I've shown you who I really am. And you loved me too, this is just-"

I shook my head as I stood up from the couch, his eyes were glued to me, watching my every move.

"I'm going home." I said.

"Madison, please. I am begging you to hear me out." He walked after me.

"Hear what? I know what I need to know." I said as I marched down to the door, "Not only are you a liar, you're a criminal. You're a murderer, a drug lord... you're a psychopath!" I yelled.

He pulled me back aggressively, causing my body to crash into his, and I breathed heavily as I stared into his eyes.

"You're not going anywhere." He said.

"Let me go." I said as I tried to pull away from him. But he kept his hand holding onto my arm firmly.

"If you never want to see me after today, fine. But I can't let you go right now." He glared at me. "Showing up at the cabin was the stupidest shit you've ever done."

I stayed quiet as I stared at him. What does he mean?

"Where's Grayson?" I asked, trying to keep my voice strong.

I had forgotten about him, it wasn't until Justin mentioned the cabin that I remembered how they took him away, and the shots...

"Did you- did you kill him?" I asked.

"No." He said, making me feel a little relieved.

He let go of my arm, at last, and said "You know, he's not as innocent as you think."

"He's also a part of a gang, of the East. He took you there to see me in action, but he also had his hidden agenda."

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"He wanted for me to see you, throw me off, and then they were gonna threaten me with killing you."

"Your lying. I don't believe you." I said as my eyes began to water once again.

"What do you think made me stay there longer?" He yelled. "Grayson wasn't alone!"

Oh god.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and closed my eyes.

Jesus, please tell me this is some type of nightmare.

I just feel so used.

He stood up as well and looked me in the eyes and said "I don't need you to believe me, but you're staying here, where I can keep you safe."

"I'm not staying here." I shook my head. "I can't stay here. I can't trust you Justin!" I cried as I put my hands over my head.

"Baby... lets just sit down and talk about this." He softly said.

I shook my head and said "I can't be with you Justin."

He furrowed his eyebrows together and licked his lips. "Mads.."

"You're not who I thought you were." I said as tears fell down my face.

"What are you saying?" He asked. "You don't want to be with me anymore?"

"How can I be with you? How can I be with someone like you?!" I yelled.

His facial expressions changed as I raised my voice. He glared at me and clenched his jaw.

"I wish I had never met you." I whispered to myself.

Justin's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. Fuck, this shit hurts.

"Just stay the night, I'll take you home in the morning. You don't have to sleep next to me, just take my room and I'll just... sleep somewhere else." I said as I licked my eyes on the floor.

I looked at her one last time and walked away.

I love her so much, I can't believe im losing  her. All because of that fucking piece of shit.

I didn't kill him, I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with him.

I headed to the bar outside and poured out a glass of scotch.

I can't believe one woman has me feeling like this. My chest feels like it's going to explode anytime soon, and tears are falling down my face.

I wiped them off as quick as possible. I can't believe I'm fucking crying.

I sat down and laid my head down on the counter.

Fuck, she just means everything to me and I can't believe I lost her like that. She hates me, she knows who I really am and thinks I'm disgusting.

I poured another drink and drank it as fast as I poured it. I just need to stop feeling.

I walked back inside and saw her laying down in the sofa with her eyes focused on the ceiling. She was silently crying.

She noticed me and wiped her tears away and turned the other way.

I sighed and walked over to her. I sat next to her and just stared ahead.

"You know I would never hurt you, right?" I looked at her. She pretended like I wasn't even there.

"Besides what you think of me, I do love you. I love you more than I've loved anything in the world."

"And I'm sorry for dragging you into my life without even letting you know what you signed up for."

"I'm taking you home." I said, finally gaining her attention. "I just need one hug from you, that's all I'm asking for."

She sat up and looked at me.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her embrace. I wrapped my arms around her as well and closed my eyes. I hugged her tightly and buried my face in her neck.

"I love you." I whispered on her ear.

She pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"Can you take me home now?" She asked. I nodded and got up.

We got into the car and I drove away. It was a long and silent car ride. She didn't even look at me, she looked out her window at all times. I would turn to look at her at every chance I had, but she would look at me form the corner of her eye and scoot further away from me.

She was scared of me.

We got to her building and I didn't even bother looking at her. I just waited for her to get out as I stared ahead. Once she finally got out and I heard the door close, I drove away as fast as I could.

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