To Rule A Kingdom (discontinu...

By KingAleczanderr

4.7K 188 202

Miles Edgeworth is heir to the throne of the Collar region, an icy deathtrap that thousands call home. Howeve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

This Is The End (actual ending included)

255 7 24
By KingAleczanderr

Ok. First of all, I'd like to apologise. I'm sorry for disappearing for months and only coming back occasionally just to claim I'm ''sorry'' and that I'm ''working on a new chapter that'll be out in the next few days'' only to crawl off of Wattpad and say nothing. So, I'm going to explain why I didn't update this. This won't be posted on Ao3 either, mainly because I'm still an active Ao3 user. 

Ok, first of all, the main reason is that I don't like Ace Attorney anymore. I still like it in the sense that I think its a good anime and they're great games, It's just I'm not in the fandom anymore?? I don't know I'm not good with words. You'd think after 5 years of writing fanfics I would be but nope lol. Either way, I won't be creating anymore ace attorney fan content and that includes updating this.

Second, Wattpad kind of sucks??? I know I know I've been on this godforsaken platform for 5 years now but I don't know.  This year has changed me a lot and has taught me that if I can't do something, I shouldn't push myself through it just to appease other people, and that applies here. This website attracts a specific demographic and while I once was part of that demographic, I'm not anymore. I'm telling you, if you haven't already please make an Archive of Our Own account you will not be disappointed. Fanworks on there are always great quality so yeah.

So now what everyone's here for. What would've happened at the end of To Rule A Kingdom?? Well, I'll give you an ending. Hopefully, it should answer any questions. Any that aren't answered, will be afterwards.

Miles straightened his back, letting his hands rest of the cool metal of the thrones' armrests. Immediately the perspiration that ha accumulated on his palms and fingertips evaporated and he felt himself become grounded. After all, he couldn't do this without his mind. He wished he could, he wished all of the memories from the past 6 months could evaporate just as the sweat had. But by placing cool metal on his head, he knew he'd create even more problems so, with that, he stood. The heavy mantle hung over his slim frame, pulling him to earth, making sure he didn't drift off again.

''Today,'' Miles started, looking at the crowd of faces, the crowd of grimacing faces, blank faces and faces of sorrow. So much had been lost. He closed his eyes and continued, ''Julian Edgeworth will stand trial for assault, forgery of official documents and the murder of Phoenix Wright of the South,'' He swallowed the lump forming in his throat and took a deep breath. He couldn't stop thinking about it. So much blood, so much Miles hadn't thought it was even possible it had all come from Nick. Alas, as Emma had sat cleaning him up, he discovered it in fact had. Apart from a shallow cut on his cheek, some missing hair and multiple dark blue bruises blossoming over his body, he was fine. 

''Fair people of Collar, our fine kingdom believes everyone deserves a second chance, no matter the crime. However, I'm sure we all have a unanimous opinion on the convict so I'm not sure that a second chance is deserved,'' He turned to face Julian, addressing him and him only, ''After everything that has conspired I can't forgive you. Under Father's rule, this kingdom was far from great and equal, however having seen the misery you have caused, I do not believe we have been as lowly and inequal for years. For your crimes against the kingdom, I refuse to give you the death penalty as to die is the greatest mercy. You will sit and wallow in your own self-pity until the day you die of old age or, if the gods permit it, whatever or whoever kills you first.''

Julian's face was blank, unphased by the entire ordeal. It made him sick to his stomach to call this monster his brother, but alas, it was over now.

''Guards! Take him away,'' They picked up Julian's form and dragged him away, the shackles that bound his legs not even allowing him the luxury to walk away with dignity, ''Oh and Guards? Would you mind dumping him in solitary? Can't have him making any friends down there,'' He added with a smile. The guards nodded in reply, and as the doors closed behind them, the people cheered. Miles smiled. Good. Now it was time to make good on his promises to Phoenix and his friends. It was time to rule his kingdom.

ok cool now that's over:

yes, phoenix is dead. he was murdered by Julian.

the others do get jobs in the palace and are relatively high up. they remain friends with miles

Julian dies of old age bc he deserves that

Emma isn't the AA character Ema, she's based on my mum whos names Emma and is amazing. she actually helped me a lot with this initially lol

no this wasn't supposed to be like the original story. it's an au. I tried to keep the characters close but this was just for fun so I didn't take it all that seriously so if u don't like that die mad about it I guess

no, I won't be posting on Wattpad anymore. like I said, as much as this website has helped me and I actually met one of my best friends on here, I don't think I'm really part of the target demographic anymore. if you want to keep up with me/my work which u probably won't bc I don't write AA or BNHA anymore u can find me on Ao3 at KingAleczanderr

no I won't be removing this. it'll still be up on Ao3 too, same with the one-shots.

ok, goodbye forever then lol - Alec

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