Shifting Realities

By FloweryFaithy

1.6M 22.6K 29K

A guide to shift! ๐Ÿ’Œ More

|| hey! ||
|| Definitions ||
|| Scripting ||
|| a little about subliminals ||
|| shifting method #1 - raven method ||
|| shifting method #2-sunni method ||
|| shifting method #3 - elevator method ||
|| shifting method #4- pillow method ||
|| shifting method #5- train method ||
|| shifting method #6 - rope method ||
|| shifting method #7- mirror method ||
|| update! ||
|| shifting method #8- stair method ||
|| shifting experiances! ||
|| mistake! ||
|| Hey! ||
|| scripting pt.2 ||
|| waiting room! ||
|| mindset ||
|| 20k reads! ||
|| Questions pt.1! ||
|| i almost shifted! ||
|| face reveal ||
II The Non-sleeping method II
|| alice in wonderland method! ||
|| hey :) ||
|| its been a while ||
|| new book? ||
|| the "julia i am method" ||
|| dont doubt yourself! ||
The end of the road.
Stay in touch :)
twitch <3
|| hey<3 ||

II things you could be doing wrong! II

32.9K 556 666
By FloweryFaithy


so people have been asking me a lot about this and i decided this was a great idea! so thank you guys for the recommendation.

so I'm not the biggest pro at shifting, although i do know a lot about it. so i will help the best i can!

1. not staying still

so this is pretty easy to understand, but plain as that, if you aren't staying still it probably wont work, and that is hard for a lot of people i totally get that, so i would not recommend the raven method for people who tend to feel the urge to move, obviously. but any of the methods that you can lay comfortably is going to hopefully work better for you that laying like a starfish like the raven method. like the Sunni method, is great because you can lay however you want.

2. thinking of other things

so sometimes there is just a lot on your mind when you are shifting and that is completely ok, don't worry. what i would recommended is just meditating before shifting to clear your mind a little better. but if thoughts do come into your mind, think about your breathing and take a deep breathe.

3. distracting noises

so when i am shifting, i put on headphones to try to limit the sounds i hear along with a eye mask so i can only see the darkness so i wont be tempted to close my eyes. so i would recommend you play subs as you fall asleep with headphones on to limit the sounds you hear.

4. obsessing over results

so this is one i have as well struggled with but obsessing over results wont get you far. I'm not saying you cant be exited because of course you can! just dint obsess, and try for hours and hours each night and start to loose hope. never loose hope! shifting is real and it takes as long as you want! It can take days, hours and even seconds! you got this!

so i did feel like this chapter was very needed and i am willing to make a part two if you guys comment questions you have! i hope i helped!

have a great day and remember, you are loved. <3

💌 - Faith ;)

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