cold | junhao

By beatuptindrum

85.4K 3.3K 1.1K

he's got the softest eyes and the warmest heart, but no one's ever bothered to get close enough to see it. ... More



2.4K 107 65
By beatuptindrum

Whilst Minghao lets his body relax in the warm, scented bath, his free train of thought somehow leads him back to Junhui - who left not even two hours ago.

He readjusts his face mask and sinks farther into the azure blue tinted water, until it covers his collarbones and tickles his ears. When the water eventually clouds his senses, it's the soft, low tones of the boy's voice that come to him. He can hear them in his subconsciousness, like an angel sitting on his shoulder steering him away from danger.

Why am I still thinking about him?

Minghao pulls his head completely out of the water and forcefully clears his mind, instead distracting himself with plans for the four little animals downstairs - who as much as he adores, he won't be able to keep forever. It's a dilemma he faces with every animal he helps, and one that never gets easier to face. Thankfully by now, he knows of the actually kind and friendly shelters that keep their word in taking care of the animals, so when the time comes, Minghao knows they'll be in good hands.

A chime pings from his phone, bouncing off the bathroom walls and ringing in Minghao's ears. When he looks at the sender, his gaze hardens. It's a text from a person he hasn't contacted in a while - and whom he hoped he'd never actually have to talk to again.

But alas, here's his cousin - who was raised as Minghao's brother after his aunt and uncle passed away - texting him for the first time in four years.

Annoying shit
haven't seen you in a while

He has to steel himself for what will probably be a conversation that flips his mood with the flick of a switch. Taking a deep breath, Minghao swipes on the notification and starts to reply.

why are you texting me Xiaojun
and gee i wonder why
maybe it's because i don't like you guys

Annoying shit
You're not exactly my idol in life either
but because of you, i'm the favourite kid

kind of messed up seeing as you're not even their child
mum and dad can love a kid who isn't theirs but they can't love their son for being gay.

Annoying shit
So what happens to all that money they send you?

it's useless bribery

Apparently, Minghao's parents seem to think that if they give their disgraceful son enough money each month, he'll 'right his ways' and return to them, fully apologetic and suddenly a carbon copy of their ideal child - straight from a mould just like Xiaojun is. Then, they'd force him to pursue a career he has no interest in, where he'll probably have to work to pay that money back.

But Minghao guessed that a long time ago, and now happily takes the money with no intention of obeying his parents.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to leave
because yet again, I Don't Want To Talk To You

Annoying shit
How long for?

My whole life, if I can help it

Minghao draws out a long groan. He lets his phone drop onto the surface beside him, but it slips and plunges into the water. Brilliant. Thankfully, his phone is water-proof, otherwise his mood would plunge into the depths of Tartarus and probably never resurface again. Instead, a sigh just escapes his lips.

Half an hour later, after the water has gone cool and Minghao's fingers and toes are shrivelled like a raisin, he climbs out of the bath and wraps his now shivering body in a warm towel. By the time he gets back to his room, with dried fluffy hair sticking up in every direction and a fresh clean face, it's mid afternoon - slowly creeping into early evening - and Minghao has the sudden urge to venture outside.

So with the comfiest clothes he owns making him feel like he's being cuddled by a cloud, Minghao hauls the front door open and steps out into the open air. It would be a lovely time to take Lulu for a walk, but her paw is still healing.

It takes him fifteen minutes to reach main street at a comfortable pace, with his arms swinging lazily beside him. Minghao's feet carry him past the harbour, away from the boardwalk and into an area he's never really seen before. There's a lot more greenery, and when the boy comes to a gate leading to a path that travels far up a hill to whatever's on the other side, Minghao takes it.

Quickly his legs become tired, and start to ache. Nonetheless Minghao pushes himself on to the top of the hill, and his breath is taken away.

After trekking through a thick line of trees, he's suddenly met by the ocean. The forest clears to a cliff edge, dropping 200 feet into the treacherous waters below. 

And right in front of him, is the setting sun.

It's the sort of place where you can feel like the only person in the world, like the ocean is at your fingertips and nothing else can reach you. The grass under his feet is long and bright, and it tickles the tips of his fingers when they hang limply at his side. 

But as Minghao nears the cliff edge, he realises he's not alone.

A boy, with stark white hair that curls elegantly around his face is hidden among the grass, sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. At first glance his expression would be emotionless, but with a closer look you could just make out the longing in his wide eyes, and the way his features are so relaxed and he seems entirely at peace.

At first Minghao is apprehensive to go up to him, but when they boy turns around - startling Minghao with his angel-like features - and smiles, he doesn't have a choice. 

"It's beautiful here, don't you think?" the boy whispers, and after a few seconds, Minghao hums. 

When he speaks again, his voice is still low, like too much noise will disturb something about their serene surroundings.

"I always find this place is perfect to escape too when I'm stressed and need some solitude. Sun-sets from up here are so beautiful."

Minghao makes to get up, but the boy shakes his head. "You can stay, I didn't mean it like that," he turns to look at him. "I'm Jeonghan."

The younger nods. "Minghao." Then he casts another glance towards the boy beside him, and he finally recognises his face. "You're a figure skater, aren't you?" 

Jeonghan nods, his cheeks turning slightly pink, "Yeah, I am."

"I've seen you on TV," Minghao says. "You're really good." In fact, the boy is better than good. Minghao's watched him fly across the ice like he has fucking wings, and his performances make his jaw drop every single time. Minghao looks at Jeonghan again, suddenly very much aware that he's sitting next to someone he has admired for years and having a normal conversation with them. He breaks out into a smile.

"Thanks," Jeonghan chuckles. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to disperse some of the awkwardness building up in his stomach. He always gets like this when people recognise him. 

The silence hangs between them for a few minutes, before Minghao speaks again.

He takes a deep breath. "I'd been wanting to try skating," he says, trying to mask how he stumbles over his words. "But I think I'd hurt myself quickly - I can be a bit clumsy sometimes. it's too cold as well, falling over on the ice wouldn't do me any good."

Jeonghan looks over to him. "Why not?" he asks, "I think if you want to try it, you should. And if you hurt yourself... well the pain won't last forever."

"It's not as simple as that," Minghao tries to explain. And for some reason, despite how secretive he normally tries to be around strangers, he can't help his next words. Maybe it's because he's watched Yoon Jeonghan skating so much he almost feels like he can trust the boy, but maybe that's just his own little head making things up. "If I get too cold or touch things that are cold, I get ill. That's why I can't try skating even once."

For a moment, something appears on Jeonghan's face. It's gone before Minghao can figure it out. "So you're like allergic?" He nods. "That's weird, my friend told me he met someone else who's allergic to cold as well. It's not that common, is it?" 

Minghao shakes his head, his thoughts immediately shifting to Junhui, the boy who randomly helped him two nights ago and then showed up uninvited at his house early this morning. Normally, if someone else had done that, Minghao would've hated them from the start. 

He can't find it in himself to hate Junhui, though. And he's yet to find out why.


a/n: i got my conch pierced today :D 
lovesick girls has been stuck in my head and honestly Jisoo owns my freaking heart

+ happy birthday yoon jeonghan :) you beautiful angel 

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