A Home For MacKenzie

By sorra86

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Mackenzie Dawson is afraid to trust. Her parents died when she was ten and she has been in and out of foster... More

A Home For MacKenzie
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

392 29 0
By sorra86

A week later Mackenzie still found herself at the orphanage.  She hadn’t been allowed to see Jeremy and Cassidy and they wouldn’t even let her talk to them.  Although apparently they had been there at some point in time because some of her clothes had shown up at the orphanage one day.  Among her clothes she found her sketchbook with a note from Fern inside.

            Mackenzie gently ran her fingers over the cover of her worn sketchbook before slipped Fern’s note out of hiding.  She refused to let anyone know she had it and chance having it take away from her.  She unfolded the well-worn paper and reread the words that had been giving her comfort for the past week.


            Hey girl, you stay strong.  Dad and Jeremy had been working with the lawyer day and night.  We’re going to bring you home.  Then we can talk about those beautiful pictures of yours.  I love the one with Caleb and Ranger.  I miss talking to you.  Caleb’s been a real bear, but I can’t blame him.  He misses you too.  I’m not going to tell you good-bye.  We’ll see each other again soon.  I just know it.


            Mackenzie smiled through tears.  She wiped a sleeve over her eyes before slipping the note back into her sketchbook.  She hoped her friend was right.  With Jeremy and Grady working together surely she wouldn’t be there much longer.  She just had to be strong like Fern said.  Mackenzie coughed a bit as she set her sketchbook on her knees.

            It was a beautiful day out, but Mackenzie didn’t even seem to notice.  Even the warm sun on her face couldn’t cheer her up.  She wouldn’t be happy again until she was back with Jeremy and Cassidy.

            “That’s a pretty nasty cough.  You might want to get someone to take a listen.”

            Mackenzie spun around, not having realized anyone was in the small garden with her.  Her stormy eyes suddenly widened. Surely she was seeing things.  But no, there he was, tall and strong.  The green T-shirt he wore brought out the green in his hazel eyes and his black Stetson was covering his wavy dark hair.  No one had ever looked so good to her before.

            “Caleb!” she cried, launching herself into his arms.

            He held her close as she started to cry.  “You’ve lost weight, Mac.  Haven’t they been feeding you here?” he asked, worry present in his voice.

            Mackenzie chose not to answer.  “What are you doing here?” she asked, afraid that he was going to disappear on her.

            “Fern and I came to get you out.  She’s getting your things, so come on.”  Mackenzie looked at him in confusion.  Was she really leaving this place?  Surely they couldn’t make he come back.  “Everything will be explained soon,” he promised.

            The teen nodded numbly as Caleb put his arm around her shoulders.  They started back toward the building.  Fern met them just inside the door, Mackenzie’s duffel on her lap and the stuffed bear in her hand.

            “Let’s get out of this place,” Fern said, handing Mackenzie the bear.

            Mackenzie smiled and hugged the bear to her chest.  Caleb and Fern hurried Mackenzie out to the truck.  None of them wanted to be at the orphanage any longer then they had to be.  The place was a real downer.  Caleb quickly helped his sister into the truck while Mackenzie slid in the other side.

            Caleb soon slid in and started the Toyota.  He squeezed Mackenzie’s knee, flashing her a smile before putting the truck in drive.  Mackenzie managed a weak smile and leaned her head back against the glass.  She had no idea where they were going, but she was with friends and anywhere had to be better then the orphanage.

            “We have a bit of a drive if you want to rest your eyes,” Caleb said gently.

            “Maybe I will,” Mackenzie whispered, closing her eyes.  She hadn’t been sleeping real well lately.


            Before Mackenzie knew it she felt the truck roll to a stop.  She rubbed her eyes to wake herself up more and looked around.  She didn’t recognize anything and they were surrounded by huge buildings.  Mackenzie trembled a bit, nervousness showing in her eyes.

            Caleb slid out and walked around to help Fern out.  Mackenzie slowly slid out behind him and looked around her, looking for any hit as to where they were.  Her eyes soon came to rest on the Timmons’ Santa Fe.

            “Caleb?  Fern?” she asked uncertainly.

            “They’re inside,” Fern answered.  “Come on.  They’re waiting for us.”

            Mackenzie couldn’t get them to say anything else and was forced to just follow them inside.  The building seemed to hold different offices, but it didn’t help her much.  Caleb ushered her back a long hallway before she could read any of the signs and stopped in front of a black door.

            “They’re waiting inside for you.  Fern and I will be waiting out here for you.”

            “What?” Mackenzie squeaked.

            Caleb didn’t give her a chance to argue as he opened the door and pushed her inside.  Mackenzie staggered inside and fell into a solid body.  Her face flushed as she looked up in embarrassment.  All words left her and she just stared.

            “Hey baby,” he whispered.

            “Daddy?” she squeaked, hugging him close.  “I don’t understand.”

            Jeremy smile and led her over to where Cassidy was sitting.  The young woman stood up and hugged the teen.  There were tears in everyone’s eyes and the lawyer had to clear his throat to get their attention.  They all quickly looked over.

            “I know you’re all happy to see each other,” he said kindly.  “So I’ll make this quick.  Jeremy, if you and Cassidy would just sign in the places I have marked then you can take your daughter home.”

            “Daughter?” Mackenzie squeaked.

            “That’s right, young lady.  As soon as they sign those papers you’ll be officially adopted.”

            “But I don’t understand,” she said softly.  “How can this be?”

            Cassidy glanced at Jeremy and he nodded.  “Sweetie,” she said gently.  “We had to give Bailey back to Dana.”  Tears slid down Mackenzie’s cheeks.  “Apparently she was never supposed to be sold.  Dana let everything drop once she got the filly back.”

            Mackenzie dropped onto a chair and tried not to cry.  She had lost Bailey, but at least she had her family now.  She had to look on the bright side of things.  After the papers were signed no one could force her to leave the Timmons.

            “I’m sorry, sweetie,” Cassidy said, hugging the girl.

            She shook her head.  “It’s okay.  I have you guys.  And I love you both,” she smiled, returning Cassidy’s hug.  “But I would love to go home.”

            They all laughed and Cassidy and Jeremy finished signing the papers.  The lawyer filed some of them, handed a couple to Jeremy, and put a few in an envelope to mail out.  They were all set to go home within an hour.

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