Vermilion Blur

By Sanmiittai_Katudo

31.2K 982 207

(Hawks f X Reader) (y/n) Zaki has lived their entire life with questions about the world. Their life takes a... More

(Pt. 1) Fallen
(Pt. 2) Clipped
(pt. 3) Fluorescence
(Pt. 4) Savior
(Pt. 5) Stealer
(Pt. 6) Nightmares
(Pt. 7) Hallucination
(Pt. 8) Embers
(Pt. 9) Skyward Bound
(Pt. 10) Something Unexpected
(Pt. 11) Morning Deceptions
(Pt. 12) Shattered
(Pt. 13) Help
(Pt. 14) Illusion
(Pt. 15) Beach House
(Pt. 16) Anxiety
(Pt.18) Keikoku
(Pt. 19) Soothing Darkened Walls
(Pt.20) Yūki ga kagi
(Pt.21) Uso
(Pt. 22) Fruit
(Pt. 23) Powerless
(Pt. 24) Free Fall
(Pt. 25) BabyBird

(Pt.17) Beach Walks

800 29 5
By Sanmiittai_Katudo

They curled into themselves, resting their chin on their knees. It was a semi-cold night with a hint of salty ocean air. Yet they couldn't relax after what happened. He had never yelled like that before.

Goosebumps prickled along their arms, and breath condensed into co2 clouds. Something behind their collarbone ached. It didn't sit right with them to walk out all angry.

(y/n) stood and walked back inside. Immediately they were struck with complete silence. From the looks of it, nothing had been touched or moved beside the lights. A beam of light shone from the bathroom door.

Upon moving closer, more giant red feathers peeked out from underneath the doorframe.

They knocked softly and leaned against the door. But, unfortunately, the light switched off, and all they could differentiate were soft pants and whimpers.

"Keigo...? Where'd you go?" They knocked again. This time, the feathers pulled away from the door and something pressed against the door keeping it shut.

"Keigo. Are you in there?" Their heart sank at the silent treatment, so they attempted to push the door open.

"S-Stop...! I'm perfectly f-fine!" Palms slammed against the door, pushing it back from the little progress. Now he was starting to worry them.


"I swear...! J-just leave." By unsteadiness in his voice, Keigo was flat-out lying. (y/n) knew the broken crack of a voice amidst a mental breakdown.

"No. Keigo I need to talk to you." Then, with a final push, the door pushed open.

"K-Kid, stop, stop! P-please." His voice was broken, heavy panting and long-forgotten tears streaking down his cheeks. He curled into his wings, still halfway paralyzed. His hand clamped over his ear and the other over the large scar.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you." He mumbled through his messy feathers.

(y/n) moved slowly so as not to scare a wild animal. Now on their knees, they grabbed his hand, starting to scratch at the silver-lined scar.

"Don't do that. It's not good for you." They whispered. Keigo continued rambling on about the argument and that he was sorry.

It only escalated. (y/n) took his other hand and pointed to a random spot in the bathroom.

"Keigo, can you tell me what color the hair brush is?"

He glanced between them and the brush for a few seconds. "Aren't y-you listening? It's-it's not about... a-a hairbrush."

(y/n) did their best not to let their impatience get the better. "I know, keep on talking but tell me what color it is please."

Keigo's tear-ridden eyes glanced up at the counter. "It's purple." After that, he continued with his rant. He was sorry for yelling and apologizing for almost everything that happened.

"Do you think you can tell me what you hear?"

Keigo stopped mid-sentence from giving a questioning glare. "What's the point?"

"Can you do it, for me at least?"

Keigo took a second, glancing around the room. "W-we, the ocean."

(y/n) smiled, "good, continue."

He locked eyes with them. "The frogs outside... and your voice."

They ruffled his blond locks. He had taken a nosedive in the anxiety attack and would probably start shutting down. He grabbed their hand, holding it against his cheek.

"I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry."

Even though he apologized, they still felt slightly uneasy. It was a sudden realization that they both knew little about each other. All (y/n) was he was somebody intriguing, and they wanted to learn more. But, not knowing something simple as his favorite color made them sort of sad, like a deep hole in their chest.

"I know, it's alright Keigo. I was upset because you didn't want to tell me something about our situation. But, I get it, there's some things you're not comfortable telling me."

He didn't even make eye contact as they spoke. "So, let's forget our little squable. And I'm sorry for pushing you over the edge like this. It wasn't right."

Although there was a hint of a lie in their words, it may be something he needed to hear. Something was nagging at the back of their mind; even if they didn't fully forgive him, they could at least help him get to a better state of mind.

After a few seconds of silence, they stood. "Hey, Keigo, would you come with me for a minute."

He glanced between their outstretched hand and the floor. Confusion glinted behind his amber eyes. Then, after a minute, he interlaced his fingers with theirs.

(y/n) lead Keigo outside into the chilly night. It was rather late, around two or three A.M. The moon lay above in shrowded behind misty clouds. Keigo remained quiet as they led him down a private pathway. It was only about 40 feet of high and dense plants, creating a cave. On the other side was a moonlit beach. Soft crystals of sand glimmered while being washed in the cold foamy water.

"Why did you bring me out here? It's cold."

(y/n) let go of his hand, and spread open their small wings. The brisk breeze ruffled the crystalline feathers. "Well, it wasn't to get your feet wet."

Taking off their jacket, they gently threw it over his wild fluffy hair. "Then for what?"

"Well, because I'm inadequate with words. Maybe being by the ocean will help. It always helped me as a kid."

(y/n) stepped into the frothy foam of the ocean. It's cold water washing over their feet. "I was a loner due to my wings standing out so much. I was often picked on and developed several panic disorders from it."

(y/n) slowly walked further into the surf, the small wings spreading across the moonlit sky. They glanced back at Keigo with a smile. He stared into the endless sea, a breeze ruffling his amber hair. The long scar tracing his neck shimmered in a silver hue. Rainbows from the refraction of moonlight splattered across his pained amber eyes.

They continued studying him, not realizing that they were staring. He locked eyes with (y/n) expression remaining somber.

"Why...?" He whispered, "why are you telling me this?"

They faced the sea, feeling the breeze turn their nose cold. "Because we've known each other for awhile, and you don't know much about me. I find it a bit hawkward."

Keigo giggled. "Did you just make a bird pun?"

(y/n) kicked the seafoam. "Of course I did; it was eggstastic."

Keigo started laughing with the wings curling around him. They made sure not to let him overhear the last part.

"And... Because I can't help but love you. Idiot."

Keigo stared emptily at (y/n) with somewhat of a slick smirk.

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