All For Love

By emsescape

9.2K 233 30

Doctor Emily Clarke spent years traveling the world trying to find that missing piece in her life. When one d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 3

926 21 0
By emsescape

Harry had not seen Emily since she had settled into her own accommodations three days ago. He had been working steadily, constantly flying and by the end of his shift, he was exhausted to do anything else.

He was sitting in the cook house that supplied all the soldiers with their day to day meals. Tossing his head back in laughter, the prince scooped a spoonful of hashbrowns when suddenly, quiet whispers grew around him. When Harry had first arrived on base, he witnessed that same feeling when he walked in here and saw the guys staring and whispering that a prince was here.

Turning his head back to see what the commotion was now about, he laid eyes on a familiar blonde woman walking in beside another woman. Emily held her head low avoiding the men that were gazing at her as she was wrapped up in a serious conversation while walking down the middle of the separated tables. One man whistled and Emily brushed it off like nothing happened, not giving a second of her time to acknowledge that man.

An anger burned within the prince as he locked eyes with him and gave him a death glare. Ever since the day he met Emily, there was a profound sense of the need to protect her. He felt he needed to keep her safe, almost as if it was his duty, rather a promise to a dying man that led him to believe that. Emily was a strong willed woman on her own, some one who did not need him. Harry knew that, but he couldn't help but feel a protective nature towards her.

His head turned still with a glare to catch soft blue eyes staring at him with a suggestively raised eyebrow catching him in the act. Giving a little shake of the head while their eyes remain locked, Emily rolled his eyes at Harry's protective nature. Harry's eyes followed her into the cafeteria line. While staring at her back, he found his eyes drifting up and down her body, taking in her curves and long legs that looked amazing even in a set of comfy navy blue scrubs. Harry smirked when he saw how much Emily talked with her hands, exactly like how Harry had been told he does.

"Pick your jaw up, Wales." Luca leaned in and nudged Harry.

His head snapped towards Luca and his squadron forgetting that he was sitting with them. "Oh, shove it." Harry picked up his fork and started to pick at the food on his plate.

"Not with the way you look at Emily we aren't." Owen whispered under his breath from across the table earning a solid kick to the shins from the prince.

"It's nothing, man." Harry down played the situation and tried to change the subject, but now the guys were stuck on it.

"Wales. She's hot as hell." Simon finally piped in. "Not to mention she's a doctor so she's smart as hell too. Wouldn't hurt to get a little something something while you are here." Simon winked at Harry who rolled his eyes in response.

"Plus she probably hasn't had sex for a long time, she said she hasn't been back home for seven months already?" Owen was trying to find a reason for Harry. "I'm sure if you don't there is a long line up of guys who would gladly help her out in that department."

Harry practically snarled at Owen for his comments. "I am not going to bang, Emily."

"It's not like anything is going to happen if you get caught right?" Owen angled his head. "She's not army, she's UN. So she technically does not qualify for the off limits according to the base rule."

"Guys!" Harry slammed his fist down and quietly yelled at them, careful as to not cause a scene. "I am not going to do that to her, she deserves more than that."

"Harry's right." Simon followed into place. "Emily is not like Luca's girl. Give her more respect, especially since she will be staying with us in VHR sometimes and kicking more of Owen's ass at FIFA!" Simon's eyes drifted towards the prince as they shared an understanding look.

"Yes!" Luca clapped his hands together. "Tell her to come tonight to VHR, Harry."

Harry gave a simple nod as his reply. Eagerly searching to find Emily once again, he scanned the room to find her sitting a few tables away across from her friend with her back turned towards him.

"I think I just need a few more small things and I will be all settled in." Emily took a bite of her eggs when her roommate Clarissa was staring behind her shoulder with wide eyes.

"Oh... my... god." Clarissa leaned in and whispered. "Do not look, but Prince Harry is staring right at you."

"Who?" Emily narrowed her eyes wondering if she had heard Clarissa correctly.

"Prince Harry." Clarissa raised her eyebrows at Emily. "Like Queen Elizabeth's sexy as hell grandson?"

Emily slowly turned and looked back at Harry, catching him staring at her. His eyes darted away as he shyly ran his fingers through his ginger locks, delving back into his conversation with his friends.

Emily turned her lowered head back towards Clarissa. How did she not know that Harry... Captain Wales was in fact the Prince Harry. Her mind started to spin wondering how naive and clueless she had been this whole time for not putting the connection together.

"What's wrong?"

Emily's eyes opened wide. "I apparently met a prince that I had no idea was a prince until now..."

Clarissa mouth dropped in shock. "Wait? You met Prince Harry before and did not know he was Prince Harry? How is that possible? His picture is everywhere, he's on the cover of magazines all the time." Clarissa spoke as if she herself had a little crush on the prince.

"I know, I know!" Emily held her hands up in full defense. "It wasn't like he introduced himself as Prince Harry... " Emily shrugged her shoulders and bit down on a piece of bacon. "Just said he was Captain Wales..."

"Yeah because he is the Prince Harry of Wales!" Clarissa flopped back into her chair and pinched her forehead together. "Oh, Emily."

"Why didn't he just tell me." Her voice trailed off into a whisper as she turned back to glance at the prince once more, but this time Harry caught her staring. Emily's gaze lingered on Harry just long enough to make him know that something was not bothering with her. His brow furrowed silently asking her what was wrong, but a look of disappointment flooded her face as her head snapped away. An uneasy feeling settled in the prince, something was wrong and he needed to find out what.

Emily had remained pretty quite while she quickly finished her meal. All she wanted to do was to get out of there and crawl into her comfy bed and sleep after working her first night shift. She discarded her tray and casually looked back to see that Harry and his mates had left the cook house. Breathing a sigh of relief, she was thankful that she would not have to have this conversation with him today.

Her emotions were everywhere. Emily was mad that Harry did not tell her who he was or for the simple fact that he did not trust telling her who he was despite everything Emily had confided in with Harry about Paul. She felt almost betrayed that he could not reciprocate the same.

Walking out of the cook house along side Clariaa, she felt a hand gently grasp her wrist and give it a tug. Gasping, Emily clutched her chest while her body turned right into the prince nearly stumbling into him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tug that hard." His deep voice caused her mind to go foggy while his laugh made her heart skip a beat.

"Umm, it's ok." Emily took a step back, unable to look into his eyes she avoided Harry's gaze; well Prince Harry's gaze.

Harry could feel that something was not right between them, he could see it in how she avoided looking at him and the way she crossed her arms defensively. "I was hoping we could talk..." His eyes watched her face almost cringe at the mention of it.

"We were just heading to sleep actually." Her light tan skinned friend bursted into the conversation in an attempt to save Emily. "Hi, I am Clarissa. Emily's roommate." Clarissa stuck out her hand and shook the prince's hand while securing her arm around an unusually quiet Emily to take her back to their dorm.

"Hello, Clarissa." Harry narrowed his eyes at her roommate having a gut feeling that this woman was going to cause some trouble between Emily and him.

"Let's go, Emily." Clarissa tugged on her arm, but Emily peaked up at the prince staring up into his pleading eyes. Those dangerous blue eyes were keeping her feet from not moving. Truthfully, Emily had missed staring into them.

"I... I think I am going to stay, but thank you Clarissa." Emily shared a look with her roommate before she sauntered away in a huff.

"I appreciate you staying." Harry's voice caused the blonde to turn her attention back towards him. "What's going on?" He was direct in his questioning, wanting to get right to the bottom of it before Emily changed her mind.

Emily glanced around feeling a bit uncomfortable having this conversation out in the open. "Do you think we could go somewhere more private?"

Harry ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, of course. Where do you want to go?"

"Well you have been here longer than me and know all the private spots." Emily released a light giggle that faded all too quickly for Harry's liking.

"Follow me then." Harry walked into step beside a quiet Emily. "You settling in ok?" He tried to make small talk to help Emily feel more at ease.

"Uh, for the most part. I am still needing a few things, but my family is sending me some stuff." Emily angled her head and glanced up at the prince who was nodding his head. "And well, you have met Clarissa. She's a sweet girl, but can be a bit much sometimes..."

"I hadn't noticed." The prince cheekily commented with a crooked smirk.

"Be nice." Emily placed her hand over the prince's bicep and gave it a squeeze. "She's been really helpful, especially at the hospital."

"She's a doctor? God help us all." Harry stopped suddenly expressing a shocked and concerned expression that ended with a wink only to make Emily bark a laugh.

"Harry! Stop!" She giggled unable to contain her laughter at the prince's silly expression. "Well technically yes, she's a psychologist."

"Even better!" Harry tossed his arms up in the air.

"Ahhh..." Emily released a deep sigh. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know. Figured we could both use a little walk." Harry shrugged his shoulders before earning a playful swat in the abdomen.

"For real? I just finished a long night shift, Harry. I'm tired and you are sending me on a wild goose chase around the base?" Emily saw a bench and walked hastily towards it leaving Harry in her dust.

"Ok, guess we are sitting down then." He chuckled seeing the blonde motion to follow her.

"You wanted to talk so let's talk." Emily did not beat around the bush.

"Ok." Harry stared deeply into her blue eyes. "What happened at breakfast?"

"Nothing." Emily played it off like nothing had upset her.

Harry released a frustrated groan. "Look, I don't have much time. I need to sleep before my shift tonight, but I caught the disappointment in your face in there and then you wouldn't look at me again." Leaning back he shifted on his spot.

"It's nothing." Emily avoided the prince's gaze yet again, which only made Harry more frustrated.

"Talk to me." Harry sensed Emily's hesitation, but was trying to be more encouraging than frustrated at this point. "Em, I can't go to sleep knowing that something is wrong. It will only distract me more when I am flying tonight and I need a clear mind to fly."

His pleading words hit Emily harder than she expected them too. Harry really did care about her, but why? Was it because of a promise or was it because he truly cared?

"Please tell me..." He whispered and placed a hand on her knee.

"Clarissa told me who you are." Emily confessed quietly as she placed a hand over top of his unconsciously while she locked in the prince's gaze.

"Who I am?" His eyebrow raised in question. "What do you mean?"

"That... you are a prince." She paused. "Prince Harry to be exact." Emily bit down on her bottom lip nervously.

"Wait...." A cheeky smile grew on his lips. "You didn't know that I am Prince Harry?!" He tried his best not to laugh, but Harry could not help it.

"Don't... laugh." Emily's head fell into her hands attempting to hide her embarrassment.

"I am sorry." Harry clutched his belly and bent over laughing hard. Leaning back and taking in a deep breath, his giggles subsided seeing her evident embarrassment that she truly had no idea who he was in that moment.
His mind went to all the moments they had shared together so far and now adding in the fact that Emily did not know who he was, made them that more special to him.

Emily felt his hand rub gently up and down her back. "Don't be embarrassed." The prince tried to coax her out.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" She muffled through her hands, refusing to look at the prince.

"What was I supposed to say? Hello, I'm Prince Harry?" He spoke in a snobby posh voice while he continued to rub Emily's back until she turned her and stared up at him.


"Emily..." He shook his head watching her sit back up. "I don't introduce myself that way. It's no big deal. I am no big deal."

"NO BIG DEAL?!" Emily shook her head.

"Emily. Stop." He held her blue eyed gaze hostage.

"Yes, I am a prince. But, there is more to me than that." He sighed deeply. "I came here to get away from that life for a while. Here, I am Captain Wales not Prince Harry."

"I know that fact obviously scares you, but please don't let it. Too many people change around me when they find out or when they know. I don't want that to be you." His deep blue eyes had locked Emily into them, making her unable to tear her eyes away from him.

"Why?" Emily's breath was becoming jagged, her heart pounding in her chest from the adoring way he looked at her.

"Why? It's simple." Harry grabbed her hand and played with her fingers. Emily looked down as a smile started to form, one that Harry caught. "You can kick anyone's ass at FIFA... except mine." The prince cheekily replied making Emily's mouth drop in shock.

"Captain Wales!" Emily gave him a slight push as Harry become off balance on the bench. "You are such a tease."

"A charming tease indeed." Harry boastfully spoke earning a dramatic head toss and glare from the blonde.

"You are awful, making a girl think that..." Emily stopped herself completing her thought before she finished her sentence.

"Making a girl think what?" Harry leaned in closer to Emily, flashing his smile.

Emily simply stood up from the bench and walked away from him. No way was she going to give him that ammo. "Hey!" Hearing footsteps approach from behind her, Emily felt Harry fall into step beside her. "Tell me what you were going to say."

"Not likely." Emily flashed a smile in return in a cheekily manner towards the prince.

"Oooh. I think we need to settle this only one way." Harry boasted his confidence.

"Really? And how would that be?" She crossed her arms while raising a suggestive eyebrow.

"FIFA. You, me. Tonight in VHR." Harry looked up having seen that they were already at Emily's dorm.

"I don't know... aren't you on call?" Emily leaned up against the wall beside the entrance to her dorm.

"Technically, yes." Harry placed an arm just above her head and casually leaned into her. His close proximity made Emily look him right in the eye. "Come tonight because I want you too." Emily bit down on her bottom lip driving the prince mad for all he wanted to do in that moment was kiss those delicate lips.

"Ok, I will." Emily smiled happily as she saw Harry beaming down at her. For a moment, they just stood there staring into one another's eyes as if they knew that something was this palpable connection building between them. There was a definite attraction, a spark that made them wonder what it all meant.

"I uh should get going and you need your sleep." Emily reluctantly broke apart the moment.

"I know." Harry released a deep breath. "See you tonight?"

"Yeah, get some sleep... Captain Wales." Emily audaciously spoke his name.

"You gotta add FIFA extraordinaire after that!" Harry took a step back from Emily.

"Guess we will see tonight, won't we!" Emily watched the prince walk back towards his dorm.

Opening the door, Emily walked halfway down the hall and into her dorm to find Clarissa sitting up on her bed as if she was waiting up for her. Emily flung her body on her bed. "Oh how I have missed you!"

"So?" Emily turned around to talk with Clarissa. "How did it go? Based on that smile plastered on your face, I take that it went well."

"Mmm yeah. I guess." Emily was still cautious of Clarissa. Having only met her a few days ago she was not ready to fully discuss more delicate matters with her until she knew Clarissa better. Emily also got the feeling that she was a bit too interested in her relationship with Harry. "I better get to sleep."

Emily rolled over onto her side, facing the wall away from Clarissa but she still felt her eyes boring into her. "He's a player, Emily. Just be careful." Clarissa warned her.

Emily walked through the tent labeled 'VHR' feeling both anxious and excited to see Harry again. It had been a few days since she had been able to see him due to her work, but their walk and conversation earlier that morning made her feel more at ease. She did still feel more embarrassed that she did not realize who Harry was at first, but she did meet him during a moment in time where everything was a blur.

"Emily!" Simon was the first to recognize that the blonde doctor had walked into their tent. "Harry told us that you would be coming to kick his ass tonight!"

She tossed her head back in laughter after waving at Owen and Luca. "I don't think I will be playing tonight, kind of just want to relax." Emily scanned the room, evident that she was searching for a certain someone.

"Your boy is on the phone in the back." Luca winked at Emily.

"He's not my boy." Emily insisted, trying to make that very clear that Harry and her were not a thing.

"Yeah, sure." Owen shook his head at Emily's reply. "You two keep telling yourselves that."

"Ya, whatever Owen." Emily brushed him off and shared a glance with Simon. "I will be outside when he's done." She walked through the small make shift kitchen that led to the back room where she heard Harry's voice talking. Wondering further, she walked passed him slowly alerting him to her presence.

"Will, hold on." Harry paused when he saw Emily motioning that she was going to go outside and wait for him. He leaned back into the chair and watched Emily walk out the back as he continued his conversation with his brother William.

Emily sat down on the couch beneath a little canopy as she waited for Harry. Moments later she heard the tent tarps part and out came the prince who tried to find her in the dark. "Over here!" Emily waved and watched the smile appear on the prince's lips when he saw her.

Patting the seat beside her, Harry sat down. "Hey you." His head turned and smiled, happy to see Emily. "How was your sleep?" Harry's arm lifted and settled behind Emily making the blonde innately snuggle into the prince for comfort.

"It was ok. Didn't get as much as I thought I would since a certain someone needed to talk to me this morning." Emily angled her head up at the prince with a glint in her eyes.

"I am not apologizing for getting to spend more time with you." Harry tossed his head back and closed his eyes becoming silent needing a quiet moment. Emily noticed the prince's quiet change in demeanor.

Her hand lifted and combed through Harry's ginger hair giving it a gentle rub seeing how it relaxed the prince's stressed expression. "What's wrong?"

"Mmmm, that feels good." He kept his eyes closed and angled his head indicating he wanted Emily to play with it more. Eventually Harry opened his eyes to find Emily staring back at him with concern circling in her eyes while her fingers massaged his head. "Do you mind if we don't talk about it? It's just family issues."

"Ok." Emily hesitated in her response. "I just wished that you would trust me more..." Her hand floated back down to her side as Emily averted her gaze away from Harry and looked straight ahead of her. "Like I trust you."

"Emily, it has nothing to do with me not trusting you." Harry tried to reassure the blonde. "It is just stress that I don't want to put on you or deal with tonight."

Emily turned back to face him with a smile. "Ok."

"Do you want to kick my ass at FIFA?" Harry chuckled trying to make Emily laugh.

"No. I like it out here tonight." Emily looked up to the sky, "it's so peaceful."

"Alright, we can stay out here." Harry shifted and relaxed back into the couch. "Besides, I want to know more about who you are Emily Clarke. Since you now know who I am and I am sure have googled me by now." The prince tossed his head back in laughter.

"I sure as hell did not google you." Emily rolled her eyes back at Harry. "You are not that important to google." She bantered back with the prince.

"Hmmm. Well tell me more about you so I don't google you later once you are gone." Harry smirked crookedly, but he was genuinely interested in knowing more about this mysterious woman that just so happened to fall into his life.

"Well, ask away then." Emily smiled fondly up at Harry. It felt good for someone to be interested about her life for once. Mostly all people want to talk about is her work with the UN or her being a doctor, but she is much more than that.

"Ok..." Harry pretended to ponder for a moment, but he knew exactly what questions he wanted to ask Emily. "Uh... tell me about your family, how many siblings, what they do..." Harry left the rest of his sentence open for Emily to finish.

"I guess that's fair since I know all about yours." A light laugh escaped her lips before looking down at her fidgeting hands. "I have three siblings... an older brother, Andrew who is a trainer. An older annoying sister, Erinn, she's a stylist and owns her own salon. And well, my younger sister, Ella." Harry remained silent watching her closely as Emily continued to tell him about her family.

"Ella just turned eighteen and since I am staying..." Emily lifted her head to see the prince staring right into her eyes. "I have to miss her graduation." A guilty look was formed on her face. "That was the conversation you over heard the other night."

"I take it she was upset?" Harry's features softened seeing Emily's head nod slowly while pursing her lips together. "I am sure she understands." He tried his best to alleviate the guilty look plastered on her face.

"You don't get it." Emily shook her head. "I promised I would be there. I broke a promise to her, Harry."

The prince could obviously see how upset Emily was over this. She probably had been feeling guilty over it ever since their conversation. Wrapping his arm around Emily, he gently leaned her head onto him. "Come here." He felt her body move snuggly against him. Emily snaked her arm around his back and rested her head on his chest.

That immediate feeling of security coursed through her and without thinking twice, Emily told Harry. "I feel safe with you." But, for some reason she did not regret telling him.

One corner of his mouth upturned into a smile hearing Emily say that. "Good, I want you to feel that way." He rubbed up and down her arm feeling Emily's cool skin. "Now how can we fix this with Ella?"

"I am not asking you to fix it, Harry. No one can, but me." Emily appreciated the kind thought. "And unless you can fly me home in your little helicopter and back then there isn't really anything I can do."

"First..." His eyes narrowed down at her playfully. "The apache is not little." Emily held back her laughter. "Well let's see... can you ask to have that day off or trade it?" Harry suggested. "Maybe you can be on facetime and at least see Ella walk across the stage? That way you could keep your promise?"

Emily's head lifted to stare up into a set of blue eyes. "Yeah." She sat up straighter and nodded before resting her head back down onto Harry's chest. "That could work... Harry you are brilliant."

"Mmm hmm. I know." His chest vibrated with laughter. "Glad I could help." He breathed out calmly. "Where were you born? Where did you grow up?" Harry just liked hearing Emily talk, her voice was calming and ultimately it distracted Harry from the news he got from home today that his grandfather had been admitted to the hospital.

"Why so curious about my life?" Emily rubbed her head against his chest.

"Can't I know more about you? Maybe I want to get to know you more." Harry's hand trailed down the side of her abdomen and settled down on her hip.

"I like that you do." Emily apparently was an open book tonight and confessing everything to Harry that was on her mind. She took a moment to wonder why she was acting that way, but the answer was simple to find. Emily trusted Harry for whatever reason and the safe feeling he gave her made her feel comfortable sharing.

"I was born in Bath. Lived there until I was eleven when we moved to London for my dad's job." Emily felt the calmness of the evening surround her. There was a gentle cool breeze that was welcomed after a long day in the heat. The crickets around them chirped quietly in the background making her think more of home.

"Here, it's getting chilly." Harry had leaned over and covered Emily up with a thick blanket. Emily cozied up into it, but frowned when she noticed it wasn't covering Harry.

"We can share. I can feel that you are cold too, Harry." Emily started moving the blanket to share with the pilot.

"Thanks, Em." Harry did accept a little piece he pulled over his body to keep him warm.

A comfortable silence fell between them as the two of them enjoyed the other's company. They didn't feel the need to fill the silent void with small talk. Emily's arm had snaked around the front of Harry's abdomen while her head remained on his chest. Hearing each breath he took calmed Emily as she felt his chest rose and fell steadily.

Every now and then she would look up at Harry and see the internal debate that was clearly displayed over his face. He was silently working through something on his own. Not wanting to disturb his thoughts, Emily just stayed next to him and provided whatever comfort she silently could. But, with each passing minute, she became curious of what was plaguing the prince's thoughts.

Without warning, a loud phone rang out from inside the VHR tent making Harry and Emily both jump. Emily's eyes darted towards Harry seeing the disappointment flash across his face.

"Emily, I have to go." His eyes lingered for an extra second as if they were apologizing.

"Go do your job, I'll wait." Emily flipped back the blanket so Harry could stand up quick.

"I don't know how long I will be." Harry tried his best to explain as quickly as he could.

"It's fine." Emily tried to reassure the prince. "Harry..." She made him stop before taking another step inside. He turned back to lock eyes with Emily. "Be safe."

"I will." Without another second Harry took off inside. Emily walked briskly inside catching a last minute glance of the men grabbing a few of their immediate things and running out the door. She went to the entrance and stood there watching them run as fast as they could to a helicopter. Her own heart pumped with the same adrenaline she was sure that they were experiencing.

Emily walked back inside looking around at the empty tent wondering what to do until Harry got back.

Harry climbed out of the co-pilots seat an hour later. Landing on the ground beside Luca he got a mischievous look from his friend. "What Luca?"

"Please tell me you were snogging Emily out there before this call?" Luca slapped the prince's back.

Harry groaned in reply. "Luca..." Harry breathed out. "It's not like that with me and Em."

"With you and Em?" Luca exaggerated her shortened name.

Harry started to walk away to head back, but Luca ran up beside him. "Seriously, Wales we can all see it. Besides, what were you doing back there if you weren't snogging?"

Harry knew he had to give Luca something so that he would back off. "Talking, mate. Like normal friends do."

"Friends my ass." Simon commented as he walked briskly in front of them giving Harry a brief look.

"What's stopping you?" Luca became more curious into his relationship with Emily.

"Honestly." Harry sighed deeply. "I like her, alright. But, she's been through a shit ton this week. She's in a place where she knows hardly anyone not to mention the fact that a good friend of hers was killed." Harry's head turned to look at Luca. "Emily doesn't need me trying to get with her right now. She needs a friend, simple as that."

"But you do want snog her?" Luca was merciless.

Harry just rolled his eyes and kept walking in silence towards the VHR tent where he hoped that Emily would still be waiting for him.

He could hear a movie playing in the background as he entered the tent. Looking around he smiled seeing a sleeping Emily laid out on the couch with a blanket pulled over top of her. Her mouth was parted slightly as she laid on her side all curled up beneath the blanket.

"It's late, Wales." Simon sipped on a cup of tea. "Emily needs to go so we can all get some sleep while we can. No offense."

Harry nodded his head in understanding. They still had a long night ahead of them and who knew what it was going to look like. "I will walk her back."

"Take the sat phone in case we get another call." Simon tossed it at the prince.

"EMILY WAKE UP!" Luca nearly yelled in her ear before Harry had a chance to stop him. Emily's arm flew up from being frightened awake and smacked Luca hard right in the face by accident. Owen dropped to his knees nearly dying from laughter seeing Luca's shocked face as he stood over the couch.

"Oh my god, Luca!" Emily let the blanket slide down her body as she sat up on the couch. Grabbing her pillow she tossed it at him. "Why would you do that?!"

Simon nearly spilt his tea all over himself from laughing so hard. "You deserved that one Luca!"

"Are you ok?" Emily asked Luca with a giggle before turning around to see Harry back home and safe.

"Is it bad that I am a bit turned on right now?" Luca touched his face and turned to see Harry glaring at him now.

"Oh god. I am getting out of here." Emily stood up and noticed Harry's death glare he was giving Luca for his comment, but his eyes softened when he caught Emily staring at him.

"I can walk you back." Harry offered politely.

"I'd like that."

"Ya so you can finally snog." Luca teased earning another glare not only from Harry, but from the blonde standing next to him as well. "God, you two have the same scary as fuck glare." He commented making Emily and Harry glance at each other in unison.

"Thanks for letting me hang out guys! Have a good night." Emily sweetly waved. She felt Harry's hand at her lower back as he guided her out.

"Bye, Emily!" Owen and Simon hollered back.

Emily stopped right outside the entrance to breath in the fresh air making Harry run into her. His arms enveloped her as he gently pushed Emily forward trying to stop himself from tumbling onto Emily. Emily started giggling as they struggled to stay on their feet. Her unbridled laughter filled Harry's ears eliciting a smile that was plastered on his face.

"Harry!" She giggled his name and clutched his arms tightly to keep from falling.

"I got you." Harry steadied himself and Emily. "Why did you stop?!"

"I did just for a moment and then you were falling on top of me, you giant." Emily peaked up at Harry nearly towering over her.

"You know I was trying my best not to let your pretty head hit the pavement." Harry kept his eyes locked on the blonde woman walking beside him.

"I appreciate that." Emily rubbed her arms feeling the cool air hit her.

"Cold again?" He saw her gesture.

"Yeah, a bit." Emily confessed.

"Let's get you home then."

Within a matter of minutes Harry had walked Emily back to the entrance of her dorm. They talked about their schedules and when a good time would be to hang out again. Emily walked up the few concrete steps to the door. Not wanting to say goodnight yet, she turned around to face Harry.

"This is me, I guess." Emily knew that Harry had to get back to VHR quickly before their next call or at least to try and get some sleep tonight despite Emily wanting to drag out the last few minutes of the night with him. "Thank you for walking me back, you didn't have to."

"Wouldn't have been able to sleep if I didn't know you made it back ok, Emily." Harry held the blonde doctor's gaze hostage.

"Will you be careful tonight?" Emily's voice became quiet. The genuine concern Emily had for him was touching to the prince.

"I will be safe, like always." Harry pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around Emily and gave her a tight squeeze.

Emily buried her head into his chest inhaling his sweet signature scent. "You know you give really good hugs." Harry's chest started to vibrate with laughter.

"I have been told that before." He had to chuckle at her statement. Breaking apart Harry could not take a step back from Emily as he did not want to leave. Before realizing what he was actually doing, Harry had cupped her cool cheeks with his hands and leaned in pressing his lips gently across her soft forehead.

At first, Emily was taken off guard by Harry's kiss, but she did not want it to end. Her heart was pounding in her chest rapidly wondering if Harry could hear it. Emily lifted her hands and gripped Harry's forearms tightly, wanting to hold him in place. His lips lingered against her soft skin making her know that Harry did not want to leave just as badly as she did. Emily felt his lips lift off her forehead and his arms slip through her grasps to take a step back from her leaving her in a clouded state of mind over what just happened.

His deep voice was the only thing that she could focus on as one of his hands held hers softly. "Goodnight Emily, sleep well." Her fingers trailed across the palm of his hand, briefly touching his fingers before they ran out of space and they let go. Without another word Harry walked down the concrete steps leaving a confused Emily behind in his wake.

Turning around as her shaking hand turned the door knob and opened the door. Walking through the hallway slowly she felt her heart beating a mile a minute as her thoughts were consumed of those last moments with Harry.

Being careful not to wake up her sleeping roommate, Emily tiptoed in the dark towards her bed. Crawling into it, she pulled the covers of her only to be reminded of how Harry covered her with that blanket while flashing a smile at her earlier in the night.

Laying her head down against the pillow, her tired eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep only to dream of those deep blues.

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