A love like war (Pierce the v...

By DanielaVazquez6

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Hai! I'm Katye Juarez and I'm 11 years old, I'm also in a adoption center. Turns out that my mom and dad got... More

The last day with you
A new beginning
The day everything changed
Always be together
A new start for a new family
Bruised & scarred
Some changes wont hurt nobody
Please help me!
I cant do this
Another goodbye?
Idk anything, anymore, whatsoever
Im back!
Me & my girls
Heartbreak girls
The times we've spent & their consequences
Fuck my life
I dont know what to say
Little baby feet
Disaster struck at its worst
I hate you !
Day 1 of tour with the guyz
1st performance, 1st meet & greet, 1st meltdown
Secrets out!
Whoa baby
Oh boy
Time flies baby
Im Proud
Forgive, But Never Forget
School Stuff
Save The Drama For Your Mama
Haters Gonna Hate, Potatoes Gonna Potate
What In The Even Is That !?
What have I done ?
Haha! I knew it was true
Save Me From Myself, Don't Let Me Drown
We're what !?
New school !?
Here we go...
Tough times
Not this again
Ouch, that hurt
The Date
I'd Love To Walk, But I Cant Hike

1st date or nah ?

96 1 0
By DanielaVazquez6

Dani POV

I walked into the kitchen with Liv following. "We gotta talk" Vic said motioning me & Liv to the couch, we sat down & Mike handed us our breakfast "so the guys and I have been talking" Vic said "and we think it's time for you guys to go to school" Jaime said

Liv & I groaned "but don't worry you don't start till Monday so enjoy today, tomorrow, & Sunday" Mike said chuckling "what school is it?" Liv asks biting a piece of her eggs "it's called Hollowbrook Middle" Vic said looking at his phone "will we ride the bus or are you going to pick us up?" I ask eating my toast

"You have a choice, would you like to ride the bus or let us pick you up?" Vic asked taking out a paper & pen "um, I'd like for you guys to pick us up" I said eating my eggs

"Alright, we're good to go" Jaime said smiling "we should go shopping for your school supplies" Mike said & everyone stood up & we walked out the door

We got a taxi to take us since we came walking last night. We decided we'd take the taxi back home as well "okay that'll be $7" the taxi drive & Vic paid as we got off. "Okay I have the school supply list right here & the 1st thing we need is obviously a backpack" Jaime said & we walked towards the aisle that had them. Liv grabbed a white one with designs on it & I grabbed a black one with a dream catcher putting them in the cart

"Next we need are 2 notebooks" Mike said looking at the paper. Liv & I grabbed 2 notebooks each. "Next on the list is 4 1 inch binders" Jaime read, I grabbed 4 binders that had a small box for the subject, they were all decorated with an owl in the middle but had different designs for the background

Liv on the other hand grabbed 4 binders that had black stripes but different colors to go with the black. It also had a small box in the middle to label it just like mine. "What's next?" I asked Jaime "um, pencil pouches" Jaime responded. I grabbed a pencil pouch that had was green & had a cute monster face with the mouth as a zipper

Liv got the same one except hers was pink. "Alright then you'll need markers & colored pencils" Mike said & Liv & I grabbed random ones putting them in the cart. "Lined paper" Jaime said, Liv & I grabbed random packs of them tossing them in the cart "okay we're almost done we just need a combination lock that doesn't have a key to open it" Jaime said, Liv & I grabbed the same type of key

"Highlighters with some red pens as well" Vic said. I grabbed thin highlighters while Liv grabbed the thick kind, we'll share if we have to. I grabbed a pack that had 24 pens 12 for Liv & 12 for me "okay some scissors" Tony said checking it off the list

I grabbed green scissors to go with my pencil pouch & Liv grabbed pink ones to go with her pencil pouch "alright, now we need some glue sticks" Mike said checking that off the paper too. Liv & I grabbed another pack with 24 so we could each have 12

"3 folders with holes in them" Mike said. I grabbed a blue, purple, & green folder while Liv grabbed a red, pink, & yellow folder "next are 4 packs of 4 tab dividers" Vic said, I grabbed a pack that 16 so I could have 4 for each class, Liv did the same "some pencils" Jaime said & Liv & I grabbed a pack of mechanical pencils

"That's it" Mike said & we all cheered happy we got this done "lets go buy this so we can get you some new clothes" Vic said folding the paper back in his pocket "what? Vic you don't have to buy us new clothes we already have clothes" I said not wanting to spend all his money "I insist I want to get you girls more clothes" Vic said & the guys agreed with him

I sighed deciding not to fight it as the guys paid. I checked my phone to see that Oliver had texted me

'If you don't mind me asking what's the news?'

'We got enrolled into a new school'

'What school is it?'

'It's called Hollowbrook middle :p'

'Awesome! I go there & so does my brother he was the one who was talking to the girl that sat next to you'

'She's my sister lol'

I put my phone in my pocket noticing that we were leaving. "We're gonna take a taxi back to the hotel to get checked out then we'll take it back home so we can take our car to the mall" Vic said signaling to a taxi. The taxi driver put our bags in the trunk & drove us to the hotel "I'll get us checked out wait right here" Vic said walking into the hotel as we stayed in the taxi. Jaime & the driver had small talk while Liv & I got on our phones

'Hey are you doing anything today at 6:30?'

"Hey are we doing anything at 6:30?" I asked the guys "no it's 3:30 right now we should be done around 4:30" Mike answered looking at his watch "why? Are you going on a date with that boy you met yesterday?" Mike said smirking "what!? Of course not its just a hangout" I said nonchalantly

"Mhm sure" Mike said winking "Austin invited me too" Liv whispered & I smiled

'Nope I'm totally free why?'

'Well my brother Austin asked your sis on a hangout and I was wondering if me and you could have a hangout with them, kinda like a double date'

'I'd love to do that'

'Great! We'll meet you guys at an ice cream shop your sis has the name and address can't wait to see you there'

'Me too lol I'll txt you later ✌️'

I put my phone up when Vic got inside the car. Vic gave the driver directions to our house & we were there in 5 minutes, Vic tossed the bags inside the house as we got in the car "okay so we're going to the mall but would you guys like something to eat?" Vic asked starting the engine "Starbucks" Liv & I said in unison

"Okay" Vic said chuckling & Liv & I giggled. We went through the drive-thru & I ordered a chocolatey chip frappuccino without coffee while Liv ordered hers with coffee. We drove to the mall & went to Rue 21 1st. I bought 3 dresses, 5 shirts, & accessories

I decided to buy my skinny jeans in hot topic since we were going there next. "Alright Hot Topic next" Mike said as we walked towards there. The guys put their hoods up & so did we trying not to get recognized

We picked out some band merch & picked out our skinny jeans as well. "Okay your total will be $50.67" the cashier said not recognizing us at all

We made it out alive & went to Forever 21 our last shop. I grabbed more pajamas, shoes, tank-tops, hair accessories, & bracelets with some necklaces

Liv picked out some baby lips & so did I, "are you guys done?" Mike asked as we came up to them "done" I said "damn that was fast" Jaime said impressed. "The power of girls" I said giggling

Vic paid again before we left. "I have to go to a meeting when we get home so your uncle Mike & your brothers are gonna have to babysit you both" Vic said as we got in the car. I looked over at them to see Mike on his phone, Jaime being his childish self taking selfies, & Tony playing video games on his phone

Shouldn't be too hard to get past them

I shrugged siping on my frappuccino as we drove back home, when we arrived I helped take the bags upstairs to Liv & mines room. "We'll let you girls unpack I got a meeting to attend to" Vic said kissing our foreheads before leaving. Mike & the guys went downstairs to do whatever while Liv & I put our things in our separate closets

"It's 5:25" Liv said when we were all finished "okay I'm gonna shower real quick so you can do the same" I said picking out my outfit which consisted of;

-Frozen sweatshirt
-Blue skinny jeans

A simple but awesome outfit. I step in the shower for 5 minutes then get out getting dressed in my outfit, I put my hair in a ponytail applying a soft coat of baby lips on my lips to make them a cherry red. "Alright the bathroom is all yours" I said stepping out

I put deodorant on, perfume, & some lotion before I decided I was good to go. Liv was out in 10 minutes & it was 5:45 when she was done. She had a Eiffel Tower sweatshirt on with denim jeans & brown combat boots, she also tied her hair in a ponytail

"Alright let's go" Liv said smiling. I put my phone in my back pocket as we walked downstairs "Ooh look at you girls" Jaime said winking at us "what are you all dolled up for?" Tony asked looking at us "they are going on a date with those boys they met yesterday at the hotel" Mike said smirking "it's not a date, we're just hanging out" Liv said

"Alright just be back before 7 Cuz that's when Vic gets here" Mike said "okay thanks guys" I said smiling at them "if you need to I'll beat them up if they turn out to be jackasses" Jaime hollered before I closed the door

"Okay so the ice cream shop is right around the corner" Liv said looking at her phone "lets go" I said as we walked to the ice cream shop, before we made the turn Liv & I made a last minute check. "Okay your good" Liv said when i posed for her "your good too" I said looking at her

We took deep breaths before we walked inside the store to see Austin & Oliver sitting at a table "hey" I said walking up to Oliver. He had a SnapBack on with a PTV shirt on, black skinny jeans, & a hoodie

"Hey you look great" Oliver said standing up "thank you, you look handsome yourself" I said smiling at him. We walked to a booth that had enough room for us "so we heard y'all are going to HollowBrook" Austin said smirking "you are correct" I responded smiling

"Don't worry we'll talk to the principal to get them to let us show you girls around so you won't have to be with complete strangers" Oliver said smiling. I giggled as our orders arrived

I ordered the grape shaved ice, Liv got a chocolate ice cream, Oliver got the basic vanilla ice cream & Austin got a sundae. We all ate talking about HollowBrook middle & the times they had there

Suddenly my phone rang I picked up when I saw that Mike was calling me


"Hey Vic is about to get here y'all need to come back"

"Fine we'll be there in a little"


I hung up sighing "that was Mike we gotta go" I said standing up. Liv groaned hugging Austin goodbye. I hugged Oliver goodbye before we walked out of the store. We walked to the house in complete & utter silence but it was comfortable silence

We got home before Vic did & walked upstairs. I was happy we pulled it off but I did feel guilty at the same time. "Hey I'm back!" Vic said walking inside our room "hey" I said smiling

"You guys unpacked nicely want something to eat?" Vic offered "noooo!" Liv & I said at the same "okay...well I'll be downstairs if you need anything" Vic said smiling at us before closing the door. Liv & I giggled at each other. I pulled my phone out texting Oliver



'Got home wbu?'

'Hanging out with my babe'

Whoa! Wait....what!? Babe! Babe? Did that little boy just say babe!?

'Wym babe?'

'My GF'

'You have a GF!?'

'Yea I thought you knew'

'No! I actually thought you liked me!'

'Lol nah we're just friends 👌'

I groaned tossing my phone onto the bed burying my face in a pillow "he has a girlfriend!" Liv shrieked, I guess they just played with our emotions. I silently cried into my pillow as my phone kept buzzing from all the texts Oliver sent me

I picked my phone up to see different pictures of them kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc. I screamed extremely pissed, I thought he actually liked me! That we would have something soon! I thought wrong, I should've know than to waste my precious time with his dumbass. I could've stayed home with my brothers & uncle watching Family Guy instead of hanging out with his ratchet self

I put my back to Liv sniffling, suddenly my eyes felt very droopy & I was passed out on my bed

*Later that day*

I woke up when my phone buzzed "hello?" I said groggily into the phone "hey do you think you can meet me at the hotel we met at?" I heard Oliver plead "sure" I said rubbing my eyes "okay thanks I'll see you there in 5" Oliver said

Liv seemed to get the same phone call since she was already headed out the door "we'll be right back" I said to the guys & they just nodded. Liv & I speed walked to the hotel until we made it "hey, I got us a room so our talk could be more private" Oliver said coming up to me. I nodded as he held my hand dragging me to the elevator along with Liv & Austin

It was silent until the doors opened & they led us to a room "have a seat" Oliver said as Austin took Liv to another separate room "listen, I'm really really sorry that I didn't tell you this before I was scared that you would loose all your feelings for me & plus me & my girlfriend, well she's not my girlfriend anymore so me & me ex girlfriend didn't even get along that well i guess it just wasn't meant to be but I can tell me & you can last if you can give me another chance please dani let me love you, make you happy, I wanna be yours & I want you to be mine please" Oliver said holding my hand in his on his knees

I stared into his eyes "okay" I said smiling "thank you so much you don't know happy this makes me" Oliver said hugging me "I promise you you won't regret this" Oliver said smiling at me "I better not" I said jokingly

Oliver took me to a room & laid me down on the soft mattress. We laid down holding each other tight enjoying each other's presence not saying a word. Then I was out like light next to Oliver

A/N; I'm sorry for the depressing chapter it's just that I'm experiencing a breakup cuz this jackass who I fell head over heels for totally fucked with my emotions! But on the bright side now I know why ppl call us 'emo'...emo is the 1st 3 letters of emotions which us 'emo's clearly have, we're the ones who actually have hearts unlike those other bitches 👋 but I could really use someone to talk to :( can somebody....anybody txt me on kik mine is daniela_vazquez15 & thnx for reading this very depressing chapter I hope you guys liked this bullshit I love you all 😍❤️😘 xoxo can't wait till someone does txt me :)

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