Big Hero 6 x Reader One Shots...

By tjcrocks

195K 4K 1.8K

Used to be a one shot book but now its discontinued, because I wanted to write more, and also bc I started th... More

Quick AN before the book starts
Just Dance {Hiro}
video games {Fred}
Clean freaks {Wassabi}
Mistle Toe {Hiro}
Opening presents {Hiro}
Opening Presents {Wassabi}
Opening Presents {Fred}
Opening Presents {Tadashi}
Requests? 0.0
Saving you {Fred}
Happy Birthday {Fred}
Blabbermouth {Tadashi}
New Years Eve Party! (Short) {Hiro}
Comforting {Fred}
Cheer up {Fred}
TY and contest-MUST READ
DisneyWorld part 1 {Fred}
Big Book of One-Shots
DisneyWorld 2{Fred}
GamerGirl {Hiro}
19) GamerGirl 2 {Hiro of Course}
Dont Tell {Fred}
Artsie {Tadashi}
Sick {Hiro}
OC Templates
Everyone is Different {Tadashi} + IMPORTANT A/N
Voicemails {Tadashi} + New Book Info!! (Again!... Sorry)
IT IS OK...TO BE GAY! {Gogo}
I Can't {Fred}
Terrible Things {Tadashi}

Secrets {Hiro}

6K 130 63
By tjcrocks

Alrighty, let's get this started. And if anyone is wondering, yes I'm doing a 2nd part to GamerGirl. After a get this One-Shot done.
Neko Reader x Hiro requested by @nerdalot
PS if you don't know, then that's what Neko looks like.
"Where's my hat?!" You shout. You were running all around your house, because you couldn't find your hat.

'It's just a hat' some people would say. Yea, well not to you. You had a secret. But not just any secret.

You were a Neko. If anyone doesn't know what that's called, it's a half human/half cat.

But you should know that, since you are one!

You snap back to reality, as you found your hat. You smiled, and covered your ears. Then you, hid your tail with a jacket that went to your knees(don't know what they're called😬).

"I'm leaving!" You shouted to your mom.

She didn't answer, she was probably out.

As you walked to SFIT, the college you went to, you thought about your life.

You were adopted. Your adoptive-parents adopted you when you were around five.

They really loved you, even if you were a Neko. Keyword, loved.

Once your father died, 5 years after you were adopted to be exact, your mother stopped caring. She hardly even looks at you.

Your thoughts were disturbed as you ran into someone. As you were falling, you held onto your hat, as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"Sorry! I was running after Baymax, and-"

"Hiro?" You question. For the first time since he ran into you, he looked at you, which caused your heart race to speed up.

"Oh, uh, hi (Y/N)." He blushed. He had a huge crush on him, and vise versa. But neither of you knew.

He helped you up, and you smiled. "What's up?"

"Just looking for... Baymax." He was staring at the window to his lab, and you followed his gaze.

In the window, sat a happy Baymax.

With your super seeing, you could see Baymax saying "hello. I am Baymax." Then he did his signature wave.

"He knows we can't hear him right?" Hiro laughed. You shrugged. hiro suddenly grabbed your arm, and said "let's go to my lab!"

You didn't answer, just let Hiro drag you.

As you arrived at Hiro's workshop, you closed the door. You looked in a nearby mirror, and started fixing your hat.

"Let me help." Hiro says. Before you could say anything, he takes off your hat. "(Y/N)-"

"Please don't freak out!" You interrupted, putting your hands out. Your ears twitched, and you nervously smiled.

"Wait, I wasn't finished talking." Hiro whined playfully. You smiled, and raised a brow. "As I was saying...(Y/N), this is amazing!"

"Really?" You ask. Then you mumble "I always thought you'd think I was a freak."

"What? Psh, I would love you no mater what." Hiro said.

Your eyes widen. Hiro is confused at first, but then recalls what he said.

"Err, I meant, uh!" He sits down hiding his face.

You smile widely. he loves me! You thought. He really loves me!

You took if your jacket that was hiding your tail, and threw it on the floor. Hiro looked up, and blushed a dark red.

"Hey, look at me." You sat on his desk, him in the hair inferring of you. You use your tail to pull his face up to look at you. "I love you too."

"Really?!?" He smiled like a crazed fangirl who was in the same room as her cartoon love (😑).

"Yeah." You blushed a light pink.

"Well, it's time for class. Walk me?" You ask.

"Wait." Hiro stopped you. You turned around to get Hiro's lips in yours.

You smiled into the kidd, but kept it going. As you both pulled back, you rested your forehead on his.

"Race you!" Hiro shouts, then runs out the door.

"Hamada!" You smiled, put your jacket and hat back on, then ran after him.

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