Enemies With Benefits - T.H

By calliebode

1.9M 34.4K 9.1K

Savannah Osterfield begins her new adventure of being a university student. Moving in with her brother and hi... More



34.2K 696 262
By calliebode

•this is our final chapter, and it is longer than my normal chapters so make sure you have time to read it!•

Tom and I get to the airport to leave this cooler London weather, and head towards the beautiful and sunny Honolulu. He holds my hand tightly as we walk out to the plane, and I feel proud to be with him. I take notice of how girls look at him, and it use to really bother me. Now I just shrug it off, because he is mine, and he's not going anywhere.
We board the plane, finding our seats and putting our carryons away. Tom puts his arm over my shoulders, and I smile at him.
"Excited?" I ask.
"Excited is an understatement." He says.
The long fifteen hour flight to Honolulu begins, and I'm a very high strung, active person. Sitting on a tiny plane for fifteen hours might just be the death of me.
"Sav." Tom says as my head rests against his shoulder, my eyes closed.
"Yeah?" I say.
"I have a surprise for you." He smiles widely.
He grabs his carry on, and unzips it. It's cute how excited he is, I can't imagine what's possibly got him so excited though.
He pulls out two coloring books, and a pack of crayons. Oh god he's too cute.. He holds the two books up for me to see.
"Okay do you want ninja turtles or transformers?" He asks.
"Ninja turtles, duh." I giggle, taking the coloring book.
The older couple sitting across the isle from us looks over with big smiles, obviously thinking the gesture was cute. I'm glad we weren't sat across from some judgey young people.
"I also got this." He says, reaching into his bag once more. He pulls out a mini etch a sketch, shaking it clear.
"I love you." I say.
"I am pretty lovable." He says, then kisses my forehead.
"I love you too."
The plane ride actually passes pretty quickly with Tom keeping me company. I honestly can just talk with him for hours and never get bored. Our trip hadn't even started and I already feel it's bringing us so much closer. We needed this space away from normal life together.
"Are you two on your honeymoon?" The older lady asks us.
"No, just a trip." I smile.
"Well you two seem very much in love." She comments and my heart grows three sizes.
"We are." Tom says, squeezing my hand.
The sunset beams on our skin as we walk out of the airport, the smell of the ocean is thick in the air. Honolulu is already everything I hoped for. Warm, cheery, surrounded by beach. Sadly we will have to wait until morning to get out into the water because it will be dark soon. I'm sure Tom will want to make good use of the hotel bed tonight though.
We get in a cab, and we are driven to our hotel. Tom has no clue, but I got us the nicest room in the nicest hotel courtesy of Haz and Hannah who wanted to help out with the payment of the trip so that they didn't have to worry about getting him a birthday present.
The car pulls up to the hotel that's right on the beach. Our room will be on the very top floor, and it definitely has a great view of the ocean.
We walk inside, hand in hand. I look around, noticing that the lobby is decorated like the beach, I love this feeling, I'm completely relaxed.
"Welcome! Do you have a reservation?" The woman asks.
"Yes for Osterfield." I say.
She types into the computer, and grabs a key, handing it to me.
"The deluxe suite is on our top floor, to the right. Have a nice night and let us know if there's anything we can do for you." She says.
"Thank you." Tom nods, leading me towards the elevator.
The doors shut, and it's only the two of us. He wraps his arms around my waist, his head falling to hover right above mine.
"Deluxe suite huh? Really spoiling me this year." He says.
"There's more surprises where that came from." I mumble, pressing a kiss to his lips.
"I hope one of them is you getting naked and letting me mark you up." He says just above a whisper, his forehead pressed to mine.
The elevator dings, and the doors open. Tom releases me from his arms, making me need to catch my breath from the moment we just had.
We walk down the hallway, seeing a door that says deluxe suite on it in silver letters. Tom puts the key in, and opens the door.
Walking in, it really is just as beautiful as in the pictures. The giant window over looks the ocean, and there's pink petals tossed over the bed and the floor, a bottle of champagne sits in a bucket of ice on the glass table.
"How about I give you a birthday eve present before we go to bed." I say, running my hands underneath his shirt. His muscles stiffen, and he grabs my hands.
"Yes, but one thing first." He says.
He grabs his phone, and opens the door to go out on the balcony. "I need a picture of my pretty girl standing in front of this sunset."
I look down at myself, dressed in leggings and a T-shirt. Definitely not the cutest look for a Hawaii photo.
"Like this?" I ask.
"Yes like that, come on."
I walk out into the balcony, and he positions me in front of the sunset, telling me to smile before he snaps the photo. I watch his reaction as he looks at it, his face lighting up.
I never knew someone could love me this much..
"You did it, Tom." I say.
"Did what, sweetheart?" He asks, pulling me into his arms as we both face the setting sun.
"Made me not hate myself anymore." I answer him, and he hugs me just a little bit tighter.
"Good. You have no reason to hate yourself, because you are perfect in every way." He says softly.
"Happy birthday Tommy." I say softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead to wake him. The sun shining in through the window hits his face, making him look even more beautiful than he already is.
His eyes scrunch closed, and he turns to face me so that the sun isn't blinding him. Those brown eyes open and I smile.
"Thank you, love." He mumbles, pulling me into his warm body.
"You're a whole five years older than me now, old man." I giggle.
"Yeah well this old man managed to get a pretty little lady like you so." He says.
I turn in his arms to face him, the sun slightly hitting my face. His hand strokes over my hair, and he grins.
"Your eyes are so beautiful in the sunlight." He says.
"So are yours." I say.
He leans in, slowly and softly kissing me, I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach like it's the first time I'm kissing him all over again.
There's a knock on the door, and he lifts his brow.
"What's that?" He asks.
"Breakfast." I say.
I get up from the bed, grabbing the white robe to wrap around my nude body which definitely has some new marks on it from last night. I can tell because of the smirk Tom gives me.
I open the door, and the woman gives me a smile, rolling in the platters of food.
"Good morning." She greets, and arranges all the trays onto the table.
"Thank you." I say, and she leaves.
Tom sits up, looking over all the options, and I know exactly what he's going to go for because I got it especially for him.
"Ooo French toast." He says.
Yep, I knew it. French toast is his favorite.
We eat together, looking out to the ocean view. The water is gorgeous, and I can't wait to go relax on the sand with my boyfriend.
We get ready for the day, and he picks out the sluttiest bikini for me to wear. He likes it now, but he will throw a fit when someone even looks at me, guaranteed. It'll feel nice to wear a bikini and enjoy my body before I get all.. well, pregnant.
"Look at my sexy boyfriend." I say, running my fingers down his toned abs. I love his body, every inch of it. He's like a work of art.
"Ready to go swim pretty girl?" He asks.
"Yes!" I say, throwing on my coverup. "Let's go!"
We head out of the hotel, and walk across the small road to the beach. It's so nice being in a hotel that is this close to the ocean.
Everyone is out, obvious couples on their honeymoons, families, everyone just enjoying the beauty of Honolulu.
Tom grabs my hand in his, leading me across the warm sand. This moment is perfect. I look up to him, admiring how his features look under the sunlight.
"I know, I'm dashing." He teases, and I roll my eyes.
"You're cocky." I scold.
"I have every right to be, I've got a pretty girl on my arm." He smiles.
We run into the water, splashing around and swimming. I feel so free with him, he makes me feel alive. The laughs that escape his lips and the glimmer in his eyes as he splashed the water my way makes me pull him into my arms, and plant a kiss on his lips.
"What was that for?" He asks.
"For being the perfect man."
He just stares down at me, hands on my waist. The look of pure adoration in his eyes makes my heart warm. I wouldn't want to be here with anyone else.
"Marry me." He says.
My blue eyes stare into his brown ones, and he smiles.
"What?" I ask.
"This wasn't how I planned this at all but.." he shakes his head. "I want you to marry me."
Happiness washes over me, and I nod my head frantically.
"Yes yes yes!" I say, pressing a kiss to his lips roughly. He hands grip my hips tightly as his mouth moves against mine, his tongue coming into play as he deepens the kiss. I start to feel a bit weak in the knees, and he pulls away.
"I swear I have a ring, just not with me." He says quickly.
"I know, it's beautiful. Stupid hiding spot though." I say and his mouth drops.
"You knew?!" He gasps.
"I didn't know when you would do it, and I definitely didn't expect it to be in the middle of the ocean." I giggle.
"that was the shittiest proposal ever!" He groans.
"It was perfect. You are perfect. I love you." I say.
He holds me tight, the water moving over our legs as the sun beams down on us.
"I love you too, future Mrs. Holland."

A/N: that is the end of this story! Thank you all for reading and voting💙 My new story 'Keep You Close' will be published by Wednesday, and I hope you will check it out. Thanks again for reading my books everyone!

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