The Fun-tastic Five


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Bella has always been under the control of her brother. But what if she befriends four boys against her broth... More

Welcome+ Characters
Chapter 2 - Just hide the Truth
Chapter 3 - Crazy for Pizza
Chapter 4 - It wasn't Funny
Chapter 5 - Can I buy Freedom?
Chapter 6 - Good Boy
Chapter 7 - Digging your own grave
Chapter 8 - Best Friend
Chapter 9 - Ask yourself
Chapter 10 - Sweet Joke
Chapter 11 - Ouch!
Chapter 12 - Boring Deal
Chapter 13 - Amazing Timing
Chapter 14 - Coincidence
Chapter 15 - Sweet poison
Chapter 16 - Punishment
Chapter 17 - Lovey Dovey
Chapter 18 - Maintaining a healthy distance
Chapter 19 - Your look alike
Chapter 20 - Ash's Magic
Chapter 21 - Stalker
Chapter 22 - Only mine
Chapter 23 - It's not the answer for my question
Chapter 24 - I'll consider it
Chapter 25 - Hear it Clear
Chapter 26 - Crybaby
Chapter 27 - Sleepy
Chapter 28 - Something is missing
Chapter 29 - You are genius
Chapter 30 - "You're the cutest girl I've ever seen"
Chapter 31 - Your relationship teacher
Chapter 32 - My only well wishers
Chapter 33 - Three Magical Words
Chapter 34 - Just Friends
Chapter 35 - Rewind back to the old days
Chapter 36 - Satan
Chapter 37 - "I dove you"
Chapter 38 - Shitface
Chapter 39 - The Prince and his Princess
Chapter 40 - Final
| Character Interview |
| Epilogue |

Chapter 1 - Bully

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I feel like a pet dog in a rich family.

"Ms. Walker, we are at the school", he muttered.

"I know," I answered monotonously.

Jumping out of the car in a feminine way, I looked around to take a view of my new school.

"Come on, Bella. Don't be grumpy," My brother said nudging my shoulder.

Why can't I just leave everyone and everything to live a happy life alone?

My faith was meant to be shit from my birth. Well, because I got a brother who treats me like a prisoner but with care.

I don't know when he will stop getting expelled from the schools. And my mother thinks I am too innocent and weak to protect myself so I need to be with my brother.

Sometimes being too cared for isn't as good as others think.

I followed Jackson, my one hand resting on the strap of my backpack on my shoulder and the other hand settling my brown hairs that were falling over my face.

Soon, Stephen and James accompanied him.

Stephen Tozier and James Williams are my brother's best friends. They have been together from the diaper days. If one of them gets expelled from the school, the other two change school too.

I want a friendship like them but unfortunately, I don't have many friends or  should I say I don't have any friends.

We made our way to the main door. The wind howled as we arrived through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends were greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while newcomers were looking scared. The seniors stood, tall and proud, confidence born from their experience. 

I glanced at the building. The place was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. The floor was an old-fashioned parquet with a blend of deep homely browns and the walls were the greens of summer gardens meeting a bold white baseboard.

In order to show his dominance, Jack along with his sidekicks walked towards a boy. He looked absolutely lean and tall, he wore an oversized red T-shirt, with pressed black trousers hung lowly around his waist. His black hair was combed, fairly tossed backward and uneven strands sticking against his sweaty forehead.

Stephen snatched his backpack and gave it to Jack.

"Hey, give me my backpack," he whimpered, adjusting his glasses.

"Do you even know who you are talking to?" Jack threatened.

I don't know this guy. I don't have any brother.

The boy tried to take his backpack back but failed, as a result James pushed him hard.

His back hit the wall and he fell on the floor, breaking his spectacles.

Those spectacles must be expensive.

"I am Jackson Walker. You heard me, right?" warned Jack, bending a bit to face the boy.

As soon as others heard his name, the noisy chaos changed into pin drop silence like someone died over there. They were staring at Jack with a fear in their eyes.

During the whole time, I was standing to the side. I hated myself for this, I wanted to stop him from doing all this but... I was not able to say anything to him. 

This is the reason why Jackson always gets expelled from schools because he is a bully. And when I say bully I mean bully. This was just a teaser of what he does. He likes seeing others being afraid of him.

I told you he is not my brother. We are just born from the same parents.

Soon the bell rang and everybody rushed towards their respective classes.

My hand was pulled by Jackson who lead me to my classroom.

My fellow classmates' reaction when they saw him was something that shouldn't be missed. They were all pissed off.

My lips slightly curved upward in a smile but it was not the right time to be happy. I don't think anyone will dare to talk to me.

I should be sad right now because this year was also gonna be dull and monotonous.

"Bye, enjoy your first day in school and don't talk to boys," he babbled but it sounded like a threat.

Enjoy your day, look who's talking.

" I know, bro. Bye". I smiled.

I made my way towards the first bench. There was a girl. Her hairs were tied in a messy ponytail and from her makeup I can suggest she needs to change her foundation shade.

I headed towards the seat and sat beside her. But not to my surprise she stood up and moved to another seat.

I am sure she must have heard the rumors about Jack.

I placed my head on the desk and closed my eyes. It was better than to see others staring at me.

After a few minutes, I heard a sound from nearby. I turned my head to see who it was.

A boy came and sat beside me.

The boy at the table had tanned skin with dirty blonde hair. When he looked at me, he grinned, that told me he was gonna be a fun kid to know. It was that sort of half smile that ticks up on one side, with deep dimples forming on both cheeks. He looked away again, ocean blue eyes to the desk.

"Why are you sitting here?" I questioned "There are many seats to go and sit over there".

If my conservative sadistic brother will see me with a boy, he would kill me.

"Do you own this seat?" He raised his eyebrows.

"No" I answered "don't tell me afterwards that I didn't warn you".

"Why shouldn't I sit here?"

"Do you love yourself?"

"Yes, so much that it hurts."

"Then you shouldn't sit here," I replied, cracking my knuckles.

"Weird." He mumbled under his breath, but I heard him.

I wanted to tell him properly; why I was asking him to go, but then a lady came inside our class.

"Good morning, ma'am~" All the students stood up and sang in chorus.

"Good morning. I am Mrs. Smith, your history teacher. After the attendance we will be starting with our first chapter," She introduced.

I took out my history book and kept it on the desk. He also did the same.

I tilted my head, trying to look at his name from the corner of my eye but I was caught.

"You can ask my name". He turned his head towards me, cocking his brow.

"I wasn't seeing your name," I denied "by the way what's your name?"

"Asher Cooper" he answered "You can call me Ash."

"I am Bella" I uttered "Bella Walker".

"For how long you're experiencing this?"

"Experiencing what?" I frowned.

"Mental disorder". He snorted.

"It wasn't ...."I said but was cut off by Mrs. Smith.

"Can I ask what's so funny going on there? Mrs. Smith interrupted "Come on, share with us, we also want to laugh."

Do I look like a stand up comedian to you?

"S-sorry, Ma’am," We apologized.

"Now you better concentrate on your studies." She continued taking the attendance.

"Great, I got scolded on my first day. All thanks to you," I said as sarcasm graced my words.

"Excuse me. You were the one who was saying stupid things."

"I was just warning you about..." I tried explaining but was again interrupted.

Mrs. Smith cleared her throat to get our attention. She gave us a death stare to shut our mouths.

"So students, we will be studying about The American Revolution. I want pin drop silence and if anyone disturbs my class, I will throw them out. Got it?" Mrs. Smith announced.

"Yes, Ma'am," everyone sang in a chorus. I would rather be thrown out.

Time flowed like cement. I checked my cell for the time, a minute had passed since I last checked an hour ago, or so it seemed. Sitting there with nothing to stare at but a wall with chipped cream paint was excruciatingly dull.

And I didn't have any idea what this old lady was teaching us.


Thanks to God, this period finally came to an end. 

Mrs. Smith grabbed her belongings and left the class.

"What did you want to say?" he questioned.

"I wanted-" I replied but then saw Jack coming in the class "Nevermind it's too late.You were a nice guy to know."

Jackson used to come to check on me after every period. That's why I was asking him to go.

"Wait what?" He knitted his eyebrows.

Jack stormed inside the class.  

Anger escaped him when his eyes landed on the boy beside me.

He grabbed Ash's collar and dragged him out of my seat. Rest in peace.

"How dare you sit over here? Jack tightened his grip.

"Leave my collar," He commanded aggressively.

He had a death wish but 10+ scores for courage.

"What if I don't leave?" Jack questioned.

"May your mother come to talk to you and leave the door slightly open, so that you have to get up and close it," he cursed. "May you have your phone charge overnight when the chord is unplugged and may you suffer constipation."

That's plain evil.

Jack left his collar. He clenched his fist and punched Ash on his face.

Frickin’, flippin’, shoot

Ash touched his nose and it was bleeding. "Just say you are jealous of this beautiful face," he smirked before launching a punch at my brother.

Jack was fuming in anger. All that rage came out faster than magma and just as destructive. He pushed him against the wall. Then hit his knee on Ash's ribcage.

The poor boy fell on the floor with a thud and pulled Jack's legs, making him fall too.

They stood up and Jack punched Ash like he was a punching bag.

"Do what you can do now. I am standing rightin front of you," Jack grumbled, giving a forceful kick on Ash's stomach.


Ash fought back by pushing the angry boy away from him, he tilted his head in my direction as if asking me to help him. He made that cute puppy face by pushing his lower lip out.

Woah- what am I supposed to do?

Help him. I guess.


No sooner had Jackson pulled Ash by his collar than his minions came to help him.

My benchmate was dragged out of the class mercilessly and I was seeing all this shamelessly.

That rhymed.

Two boys from the back benches stood up and were all set to go out.

But the class monitor stopped them.

"You can't go out," the class monitor warned.

"For how long were you sleeping?" the guy with brown hair muttered "dumbo monitor!"

They strode out but then the brown haired guy peeked his head inside the class.

"Hey, Nick!" he shouted "Come".

"I am not interested," a boy with Light Auburn hair answered in a duh tone.

"Put my history text book inside and then come" the brown haired guy blurted ignoring what the other guy said.

"Hey, tell Ash sorry on behalf of my brother," I apologized.

"No problem, he is used to it," The guy winked at me.

A smile flickered across my face as I saw him rushing out.

The other guy stood from his seat and was going out.

"Nick!" I called as I recalled his name.

"Nicholas," he corrected "Nicholas Adams." His hazel eyes   looked disinterestingly at me.

His accent was such a serious tune, as if he was a sad philosopher.

He's good looking though.

I couldn't do anything so I kept my head again on the desk and closed my eyes.

I was continuously thinking about those four boys and what will Jack do to them?

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