Stuck With You | Five Hargree...

By EnemiesToLoversTrope

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What will happen when two 13-year-old kids who don't get along with each other get stuck in the apocalypse? ... More

A Very Needed Intro
Chapter 1: Take Me Back
Chapter 2: Scavengers
Chapter 3: The Newspaper
Chapter 4: Back to Orphans
Chapter 5: The Vortex
Chapter 6: Home
Chapter 7: Memorial Service
Chapter 8: Before The Academy
Chapter 9: Griddy's Doughnuts
Chapter 10: Late Nights
Chapter 11: The Eye
Chapter 12: The Meritech Act
Chapter 13: Dead End
Chapter 15: Gimbel Brothers
Chapter 16: Working Alone
Chapter 17: Mom
Chapter 18: Attack at the Academy
Chapter 19: Illegal Business
Chapter 20: Accepting Fate
Chapter 21: Passed Out
Chapter 22: Hangover
Chapter 23: Getting Recruited
Chapter 24: Klaus
Chapter 25: Old Habits
Chapter 26: The Briefcase
Chapter 27: The Commission (Part I)
Chapter 28: The Commission (Part II)
Chapter 29: The Commission (Part III)
Chapter 30: Taking Action
Chapter 31: Discovery
So... I'm back!
Chapter 32: Recovery
Chapter 33: Father's Death
Chapter 34: Finding Allison
Chapter 35: Getting Deceived
Chapter 36: Margaritas
Chapter 37: Vanya
Chapter 38: Ticking Bomb
So what's next?

Chapter 14: Confrontations

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By EnemiesToLoversTrope

The taxicab stopped at the nearest park and both children exit through the door. The driver was completely terrified to even ask them for money. He just didn't understand how they got inside his car in the first place.

Cassie started walking and Five followed behind her closely. The girl just didn't say a word to Five, she was still lost inside her own head. Once again wondering what went wrong the day that she and Five shared at the lake.

Five was completely clueless about what was going on inside Cassie's head. He now had problems of his own regarding his siblings who he would consider the most impractical group he has ever encountered. He never expected them to grow up like that, and he couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if he never time-traveled to the future.

"This is unbelievable." Five muttered to himself.

Cassie turned her gaze at him and raised an eyebrow confused on his statement. "What?" She said.

"Have you seen all my siblings? They are a mess. No wonder they all died fighting whatever caused the apocalypse." Five said running a hand through his hair. "Vanya didn't even believe us and Klaus well he just wants to get high." The boy said completely baffled.

"Things aren't the same as when we are children, Five. Its been a long time." Cassie said staring at the boy. "Just look at us. We are grown adults, the same as them. They now have their own lives and other sorts of problems besides saving the world." The girl said which was a little ironic since she and Five still looked like a couple of 13 years old.

"Well, I hope they have fun sorting out their problems in seven days when the whole earth is gone!" Five yelled at Cassie already hot-headed. The people around the park looking at them weirdly.

Cassie looked around noticing the faces of the people around them and walked over to Five covering his mouth. "Shut up, you idiot." She glared at him as Five moved her hand away.

"Oh, I see. You are already giving up." Five said to Cassie completely assuming her point of view.

"What? Five, no." She replied looking at him as she shook her head. "We are in this together remember?" Cassie said looking back at him struggling to make him understand.

"It looks as if you aren't taking this as seriously as I am." Five said pointing his finger at the girl. "You are here with me because you have no other option." The boys said harshly at the girl.

Cassie looked at him getting hurt by his remarks since she knew they weren't true. She truly wanted to help him but for some reason, he thought otherwise. "Five, you know it's not like—" She started to say but got interrupted by Five.

"Maybe you are better off at the academy with the rest. I can do this on my own." Five said sternly.

Cassie stared at him and tears began to flood her eyes as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You never listen to me." She suddenly said to him. "You always try to pushing me away and just don't care about how I feel." The girl said tears falling down her eyes.

"I am not pushing you away." Five lied to himself as he looked back at the girl with a stony expression.

Cassie looked back at him and let out an ironic laugh wiping away her tears. "You know that's bullshit." She declared to him. "Whenever things start to get complicated you always do the same, ever since that day at the lake." Cassie blurted out telling her point of view.

Five stood there and looked at her completely emotionless. "That day should have never happened." Five said coldly.

"You used me," Cassie said quietly staring at him as tears fell down her eyes. She just couldn't believe what she was hearing, all this time she wanted to think that at least he had felt something for her that night.

"No." Five said looking at her as he shook his head denying her allegation. "It's just that it was all a mistake." The boy said to her for the first time ever acknowledging the events that took place that day.

"How foolish of me to think that you might feel something for me," Cassie said completely hurt. She turned around and tried walking away but Five quickly stopped her.

"Cassie, you don't understand." Five said as she turned back to face him.

"No. You are the one who doesn't understand. You used me. You made me feel like we had something special and the very next day you just pretended that nothing ever happened. I always thought I was the problem and mentally beat myself up for it. I had to deal with that for years and you always refused to tell me the truth and now you just claim that it was a mistake?" Cassie said getting frustrated and tried to get away from Five.

"The only reason I never told you was because I didn't want to hurt you." Five said frankly looking at her as furrowed his eyebrows.

Cassie scoffed at him looking away from him. "Well, you still did." She confessed. "That day I realized how I felt about you and for once it felt good, I'm sure you did too. I thought that day was going to change everything between us, but I was so wrong. It only made things worse and more confusing." She said trying to wipe away her tears but it was useless.

"Cass..." Five said quietly as he watched at her. "I know it's hard to understand, but we were young and  completely alone for many years, things were bound to happen at any point." He said making a pause trying to figure out the best way to describe what he had told himself over the years. "That day we both felt things for each other, but that only happened because it was just you and I in an empty and collapsed world. Our brains played tricks on us and made us believe that all those feelings were real. The only reason you have feelings for me is because for all those years I was your only option. None of that would have ever happened given any other circumstances and you know that." Five said as he looked into Cassie's eyes. "Why you can't understand that?"

Cassie looked at him feeling how her heart broke into pieces by his words. She was completely torn apart because she knew that Five could be right to an extent, she just never realized that. To her, it seemed like Five had sorted his made-up 'feelings' towards her a very long time ago, but unfortunately, she didn't have the same luck.

"And what if things are not really like you think?" Cassie said quietly. "What if those feelings never go away? What am I supposed to do then?" The girl said between tears as she looked at Five.

"Then maybe we should go separate ways." Five said simply looking at her. "I'll keep working trying to find the cause of the apocalypse and you can go anywhere you want. We can talk after all of this is over." He said attempting to play strong.

"And what if there is no after? What if the handler was right and there really is no way to stopping this?" The girl said questioning him. She really wasn't ready to let go of him but she didn't want to make things worse between them.

"There always is." Five stated.

"Then don't expect my help anymore," Cassie said to Five and turned around beginning to walk away from him. This time she was not going to back.

Five stood there and watched her walked away feeling a deep void inside him. He always knew she was eventually going to confront him about his feelings but he never expected it to go this way. He felt sad about it but at the same time, he wasn't ready to acknowledge it. He just knew that if he wanted to keep everyone safe he had to stay more focused and the best way to do that was keeping Cassie away. Maybe it was time to look for an old friend.


Cassie walked down the streets heading back to the academy her eyes red and puffy from all the crying she just had. For 45 years she had never been away from Five and it was really hitting her hard. Now that she knew the truth about Five's feeling she was starting to wish she didn't.

Anyone would think that being stuck in the apocalypse would get extremely lonely, but the loneliness she felt now didn't compare to it because at least she had Five. There was one voice inside Cassie's head that would always tell her to keep her feelings at bay, just to avoid any problems. The second voice would tell her that there was more to it and that she needed to find out the truth.

She was doing such a good job listening to the first voice all these years. Pretending those feelings didn't even exist was the best decision she had taken over the years. Of course, they were times where the second voice would try to step in, but she would stop it once she realized Five wasn't going to answer her. But today was different and it ruined everything.

When Cassie arrived at the academy she wasn't ready to face any of her 'siblings' inside. She just wanted to be alone and the best way to achieve that was by climbing through the emergency exit. Once she was inside the academy she walked straight to her room and closed the door behind her locking it. Not wanting anyone to burst in and see her being a complete emotional wreck.


A/N: Hi Everyone! Two chapters in one day? Who am I? Anyways, this a much shorter but very needed chapter as you can tell. Things are beginning to get more interesting regarding the two main characters. So what are your opinions so far? I'm always listening to feedback.
Also, I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but I don't feel like putting another update chapter 😅. Would you all be interested if once I finish covering season 1 and I made a second part of this story but for season 2? I won't be making a whole new book I would just divide it by Part 1 and 2. I really have a cool concept for season 2 that I could implement with this story if you all are willing to read it. ☺️
That being said don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. See you in the next chapter!

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