What A Coincidence - Ruel van...

By roolvd

1.9K 43 3

In which Rose and Ruel meet in the online game Roblox. They live continents away from eachother but still end... More

1 - Characters
2 - Wake up
3 - Dads departure
4 - Kleine poepje
5 - Mummy's date
6 - Rool
7 - Big news
9 - Sydney, here I come
10 - A long flight
11 - A new home
12 - Party at the van Dijks
13 - Omg, it's him
14 - No biggie
15 - Rising artist
16 - Beach day
17 - Surf weather
18 - No balance
19 - I'm paying
20 - Messages
21 - Sisters
22 - Seven minutes in heaven
23 - Tipsy
24 - He's not worth it
25 - Cut the bullshit

8 - Last breakfast

66 2 0
By roolvd

pov rose:

It's 8am, I couldn't get to sleep last night. I kept thinking about Sydney. I'm really excited, but also nervous at the same time. I'm leaving for Sydney tonight. The plane leaves at 2am. It's a long flight, about 20 hours. For 8 weeks I'll be switching hometown, house, family, friends and so on. I will be missing mom and Jade the most out of everyone and everything. I stepped out of bed and opened my closet. Of course I couldn't find any cute clothes to wear. Everything that I liked was already packed in my suitcase. Luckily I was smart enough to not pack my grey sweatpants. I already decided I wanted to wear something comfy for that long-ass plane ride. I also wanted to wear this cute hoodie on the plane. My mom bought it for me about a year ago. It's a baby blue hoodie with a french quote on it. Too bad I don't speak French, so I don't have a clue what it says. As soon as i got changed I put my hair in a messy bun and walked down the stairs.

I could smell food, it smelled really good. I walked to the kitchen and saw my mom baking pancakes. The table was covered in different types of breads, fruits, cookies and sweets. 'What is happening over here?' I asked with a smile on my face. Mom turned around, she was having a big smile on her face. 'Goodmorning Rose! I wanted to make you a special breakfast, since it's gonna be your last one at home for a while.' Mom said. I was in awe. 'That's so sweet of you mom!' I said as I walked towards her. I gave her a big hug. The fact that I can't give her hugs for 8 weeks makes me wanna cry. 'I also invited Jade over, she could arrive any minute. Kinda wanted that to be a surprise, but you're up earlier than I expected.' Mom said as she got out of the hug. 'Yeah, I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. I kept thinking about Sydney.' I said as I took a seat at the table. 'Ahw, you can sleep later today if you want to. Or on the plane ride, since that flights gonna take about 20 hours.' Mom said while rubbing my back. 'I think I'm going to try that. It's not like I'm really tired, but I'm probably going to have a jetlag. Australia is on the other side of the world.' I said. 'Everything's going to be okay Rose, don't worry too much. If you run into any problems over there you can always get in touch with me or your host family, you know that right?' Mom said reassuring. 'Yes, I know. Thank you mommy.' I replied giving her a smile.


'That must be Jade! Wait here, I'll open the door for her.' Mom said as she walked towards the door. I could hear mom and Jade whisper. It took a long time before they came to the kitchen. 'Goodmorning!' Jade said with the biggest smile. She was holding something covered in gift wrap. 'Here, a little present for you!' Jade said as she handed it to me. 'Your mom and I bought it for you. We think you'll like it.' She continued. I tore open the wrapping paper and saw a little box. It said 'Maya Magal London'. That's one of the most expensive jewellery stores here in London. As I was smiling I looked op to mom and Jade, to see them smiling as well. They were gesturing that I had to open the little box, so I did. A necklace appeared. It was a silver necklace. Two diamonds were attached to the necklace. 'One diamond stands for your mom, the other one stands for me. That way we're always with you even tho we're miles apart.' Jade said. 'Ahw guys that's so sweet! I'm going to wear it everyday!' I said very excited. 'Group hug!' Mom said.

A few minutes later we were all sitting at the dining table. The table was still covered in food. We couldn't look at the food any longer, because it just looked and smelled too good. Everyone grabbed a plate and filled it with food. I decided to have a pancake, a croissant, a few strawberry's covered in chocolate and two chocolate chip cookies. 'So mom, do you already have a response from your coworker?' I said with a grin. 'I haven't checked that actually' Mom replied blushing. I grabbed her phone to see a notification from him. 'He said he doesn't want to go on a second date.' I said. Mom turned red. 'I was just kidding, of course he wants to go on a second date with you!' I said. Jade started laughing. 'You really scared me there Rose.' Mom started laughing too. 'You said: 'Hey, how are you? I really enjoyed our first date and I was wondering if you want to go on a second date any soon.' Well, actually I said that' I was laughing. 'He responded: 'Hello, I'm doing great! What about you? I also really enjoyed our first date, I can't wait to go on a second one.' Good job mom!' I continued. 'I'm happy he wants to go on a second date. Can you also write a response to him, Rose?' Mom asked. 'Of course, let me think. What about 'I'm also doing great! When do you want to go on a second date?' Are you okay with that?' I said. 'Sounds good, send it.' Mom said approving. 'Girls, we've never talked about your love lives. Tell me about it!' Mom said excited. 'Well, we don't really have one.' Jade said. 'Like we go out to clubs sometimes, but those boys don't last longer than one night if you know what I mean.' Jade said. We all started laughing. 'Been there, done that' Mom said. 'Maybe you'll find the love of your life in Australia' She continued. 'I don't think so, but you never know.' I said. We continued talking and eating for about an hour. When we were all done Mom said Jade and I could go and have fun. Mom was going to clean the kitchen. Jade and I both thanked her and walked into the living room.

'Let's play roblox one last time before you leave.' Jade suggested. 'Sure! We should keep playing tho, even when I'm in Australia.' I said. 'That's a promise' Jade replied.

chat on roblox

ello luv

hello my bby

haven't seen u guys in a while

been kinda busy lately

busy doing what

none of ur business

busy doing nothing 😹

hey don't expose me like that

tbh i also haven't played for a while
so we're good

let me guess
you were also busy

actually yes

y were u busy

i've been writing

u write books?

no i don't write books lol
i write songs

u said u like to sing
so do you also sing those songs

yessss i do

can we hear it
do you have like a youtube channel
or spotify
or soundcloud

sorry no
it's not published yet
i will let u guys know when it's ready

don't u have other songs we can listen to


i'll let you guys know when this one's ready
be patient 😘

meanie 😪

xxxx 😘😘😘


hahha that's so random jade

sorry but i felt left out

don't Jade xx

just don't feel left out
its not that hard


ok den 👍🏼
thanks for your wise words 👍🏼
all of a sudden i don't feel left out anymore 👍🏼

no problem 😘

how's the weather in sydney😹

really nice actually
i've been surfing today

sounds cool
so ur a surfer dude
are u a good surfer

the best probably

i believe u

yeah me too

as y'all should
i need to go to sleep now
because i'm going to have a writing session tmrw

good luck!

have funnn!


Jade and I both closed the Roblox app. 'I think I also need to take some rest. I couldn't get to sleep last night and I'm kinda tired.' I said. 'I totally understand,' Jade nodded. 'Do you want to go to the airport with me and my mom tonight?' I asked. 'I'd like to' Jade smiled. 'Well, I'll go home now so you can take some rest. See you tonight.' Jade continued. 'We'll pick you up around midnight. See you then.' I said. We gave eachother a hug before Jade left the house. I walked up to my room and fell asleep within a few minutes.

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