Me and you ( k.bakugou x Read...

By blackpearlsss200

183K 3.3K 2.9K

PART 1 Y/N L/N is a fierce woman who loves fighting and loves helping people, she is good in mental and physi... More

44 Pro hero adult
45 Pro hero adult
46 Pro Hero adult
47 Pro Hero adult
48 Pro Hero adult
49 Pro Hero adult
50 Pro Hero adult


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By blackpearlsss200

                     Y/N POV:

After what happen to you, hawks congratulate you.

Not noticing a huge wound beside you.

You quickly ran to your bathroom and clean your wounds.

But when you slowly lift your shirt, you got a open wound  in your right side but you didn't feel the pain and quickly cover them.

Because of how much blood you lost..

your face starting to become pale and your breathing started to get unevenly.

you look to your mirror and see yourself a mess.

you didn't go to hospital because its just a waste of time. And you hate it there.

Your vision started to become blurry.

you stumble a little, and wince again. But yeah, I'm not gonna lose to some stab.

"Tch pathetic, no one will gonna save me...." you whisper..

you stand up and look yourself in the mirror again, you look very pale but you needed to cover it up.

you slowly stand up and hissed in pain.

"shit..." you said while gripping your sides tightly in pain. you quickly cover it with towel.

You slowly go to your room while gripping to your side tightly and go to sleep.

"I'll be okay, just a minor injuries..." you mumble while drifting to sleep.


                    BAKUGOU POV:

I waited my parents to come home but it's late already.

Not until i hear some siren outside my house.

when i look out to my window, my eyes widen cause its a police car...

i hear the old hag yell.

"Thank you! Police officer!" My parents just wave and then bow.

I run outside my house in shock.

"Wtf is going on, are you two okay!!" I ask in a worried tone.

"Oh are you worried~!" the old hag ask teasingly while the old man nodded smiling.


"We encounter an villain...." my old man sigh.

"WTF! IM GONNA KILL THAT PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell while showing my explosion.

"But we were saved by a little girl that goes in UA!!" the old hag said sweetly while stars sparkling to her eyes.

"SAVED?!?!?!" I yelled with a wide eyes again..

My old man sigh and said.

"yes katsuki, she's in your age..." my old man said while my old hag smirk.

"she is very interesting and strong but she is very injured though, I feel sorry for her..." the old hag said sadly while plopping to the sofa.

"Girl?! No fucking way?!" My thought said.

I roll my eyes and yawn to see, that I'm not ineterested.

"what's her shitty name?!" I said while growling.

"Oh it's Y/N!" the old man said while smiling.

"wait-WHAT THE FUCK! SHE'S MY NEW SHITTY  CLASSMATE!" i yelled with a disbelief look in my

"No way in hell!! but she save my parents and im thankful for that" my thoughts said.

"Im gonna go to my room..." I mumble and stomp to go to my room. Not noticing there teasing looks.

I open the door and shut it loud. i plop to my bed and stare at the ceiling while thinking.

"You save my parents thank you, your interesting than i thought..." i mumble quietly. And head back to sleep.


               Y/N POV:

When i woke up, i grunted in pain.

"Shit! This is harder than I thought and i save bakugou's parents!!" You hissed and stand upz

But when I stand up, I feel my side cracking while the wounds is reopening again.

"Shit..." I mutter while panting.

i clean my room, eat breakfast, and because my face is full of dried blood and one black eye.

I put a mask and a sunglasses.

i tied with some towels in my two hands cause its has dried scars on it , while hoping to the motor slowly and go to my destination.

I hop off to my motor and walk to the classroom.

i knock aggressively.

When I notice that none of them is opening, i just kick them causes the door to flew.

they all stared at me wide eyes.

"Okay why is no one answering my knocks..." you mutter while looking at them.

They all just stared at my face..

"Yep, i already forget the sunglasses and a mask part..." your mind said.

uncle's eyes begin to activate I began to shudder in fear.

"Why are you wearing that mask and sunglasses?" he asked while raising a one eyebrow. Uncle's eyes widen and he shakingly point towards me.

"Did you get into a fight?!" Uncle zawa said in a shocking and angry tone.

The class stare at me confuse. Yes, when I'm young I use to get into fights a lot.

"I guess so..." I squeak loudly.

But when i will go to my sit, uncle hold my wrist and quickly take off my mask and sunglasses.

the class stared at me wide eyes including bakugou, with the biggest wide eyes.

"Don't say a word..." I said while growling.

"let me sit first, I feel shitty today...."I mumble while rolling my eyes to him.

"why do you have that, what happen?"
Uncle said in worried tone while holding my shirt for me not to escape.

I sigh and point my black eye.

"i beat up some motherfucking extra yesterday they are trying to kill the couple!" I spat while looking away from them.



"Shit..." my mind told me.

i get to look at her fully, she's very beat up.

one black eye, bruises lips, dried blood in her cheeks and nose.

i stare at her hands, cover in towels.

When aizawa touch her sides she whined in pain.and mutter "shit" but i still hear though.

I stand up and walk to them.

Not noticing her eyes looking at me, i grab her hand and said calmly causes the class to get shocked.

"Aizawa, im gonna take her to the recovery girl.." I said loudly enough for all of them to hear, not looking at them while dragging her.

she told me to stop but i didn't listen to her shit.

we arrive at the nurse office.

the hag looked us and it causes her eyes to become wide.

"what happen to you, dear!" The old hag yell while rushing to her.

Y/N just shrugged, she sit down to the bed while i just stand there watching them interact.

"Niece! your getting into the fight again, after all those years.." the old hag scold her while smacking her head while she just groan in pain.

"Okay stop hitting me! Ugh' Im just saving the couple!"she yelled to her grandma.

"She's a problem child too..." my thoughts said while I smirk.

Not noticing when she said something to me.

"Hey thanks.." she said mumbling, while i just shrugged and pretended that I didn't hear her.

"I don't freaking care..." I said while looking away from her, slightly blushing to her tired tone.

When she lifted her shirt, me and the old hag widen our eyes.

"It's freaking open!" I yell in shock when I noticed her wounds. Y/N groan in pain, mumbling " shit" again and again.

"Jesus christ! what happen its deep!" the old hag said to her and i just growl.

"This shitty girl...."

                       Y/N POV:

"Stop Right there grandma!" I hissed in pain while grandma hit me again in the head.

"Im gonna fix it!"grandma scold meanwhile she gave me a long kiss in my forehead.

                   AFTER 30 MINS:

"Thank you grandma..."" I said politely and smile , started to leave.

                      BAKUGOU POV:

She started to leave, but i interrupted her.

"Y/N" i yell.

she stop, not looking at me.

"Hmm?" she mutter while putting her hands to her pockets.

"I-i um th-th-thank y-you..." i said while stuttering to her like shitty deku.

i hide my red embarassing face to the side so she couldn't see it.

"Hmmm..." she said proudly while smiling teasingly.

"I didn't hear ya..." she said while stifling her laugh.

she starts to walk and she wave me.

When she is out of my sight and hear a motorcycle going away i just sigh.

"not that bad shitty girl..." i mumble quietly to myself and started to walk while my hands is in my pockets.

"I guess we have a same habit huh....." his mind said, not noticing that y/n's grandma just looking at them adoringly.

"What a future couple..." she said while smirking.

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