By Knight_Of_Xiao_Ren

147K 6.9K 1.5K

What happens when Saint Suppapong has a chance encounter with Prince Zee Pruk Panich, the Crown Prince of Tha... More

The Kidnapper
The Hero
The Handsome Man
First Day of College
Cry Baby
Breaking The Bed
The Prince's Drunk Roomie
The Royal Stalker
The Fans and The Fan Club
I Will Punish You
I Hate You!
I Really Hate You!
Let Him Be
Mending A Broken Heart
Memories Of Yesterday
Surprising My Bestfriend
The Royal Asshole
My Future Father In Law
Between A Rock And A Hard Place
White Noise and Melancholy
Let Him Go
I Am Not God
I Will Bring Hell
We Are Going To be Free
I Want You To Disappear
A Nobody
The Royal Engagement
A World Is Gone
Pain In The Ass
The Wedding
Taking Care of His Cry Baby
The Proposal
The Elopement
8 Years Later

Save Him

2.8K 159 53
By Knight_Of_Xiao_Ren

    After Ohm's men blindfolded both Prince Zee and Saint, they were taken out of the room. Prince Zee listened to the sounds around them and also the difference in their surrounding. Before they got into a vehicle, the Prince noticed that the atmosphere was extremely hot and humid. It was as if they were in a concrete jungle instead of a far away place in the rural areas. He always thought they were in the rural area. Not only that, Prince Zee also noticed the moment the stepped out of the building or house; it was noisy. Cars blaring. Could they be in a city? The Prince questioned. When Prince Zee and Saint found themselves in a vehicle; the air conditioning was rather overwhelming as it was blowing at full blast. Cold air enveloped them. The Prince tried to find where Saint was sitting. His fingers touched cold metals first and then he knew that the metals were Saint's handcuffs. Saint was sitting next to him in the vehicle. Judging from how spacious the vehicle was; they could be in another MPV.

"Your Highness?" Saint whispered sounding petrified.
"I'm here Saint. I'm here... Don't worry." Prince Zee tried coaxing Saint my rubbing his cold fingers.
"There... There..." The Prince's warm hands enveloped Saint's fingers as if trying to give him all the warmth he needed.
"Your Highness?" Saint's shaky voice could be heard again.
"It's me... You okay?" Prince Zee asked him gently.
"Yeah." Saint murmured.
"Breathe Saint... Focus on your breathing..." Prince Zee coaxed him.
"Okay..." Saint replied.
"I'm sorry that he shot you." The Prince whispered.
"It's my fault Saint." Prince Zee felt extremely guilty for causing Ohm to shoot at Saint.
"It's okay... Remember what you told me?" Saint asked him.
"What did I tell you?"  The Prince queried.
"Focus on the positive." Saint answered.
"You're right." Prince Zee could not help but smile.
"I'm good Your Highness." Saint told him even though his voice was still quivering.
"Your hands are freezing!" The Prince continued to rub Saint's hands.
"I know... But I'm fine." Saint tried convincing Prince Zee.
"You two make a perfect couple you know?" Ohm's voice filled the car.  Saint's body became rigid. Prince Zee continued to held Saint's hands tight.
"You have nothing to say Your Highness?" Ohm asked Prince Zee. The two simply kept quiet.
"Ahhh... You two learn very fast too." He giggled.
"By the way... This is going to be a long journey." He added.
"You can take a nap if you want to."
"Don't worry... I don't usually attack people in their sleep... Or when they nap." Ohm shared.
"Usually..." Ohm muttered.

Saint squeezed Prince Zee's hands as if his life depended on it.

"Don't listen to him." Prince Zee assured Saint.
"O... Okay." Saint whispered.
"Think about our parents." The Prince suggested.
"Or the kittens." Saint replied.
"Or your desserts." Prince Zee added.
"Or... Ali." Saint continued.
"No... Not Ali." The Prince grumbled.
"Or Tul." Saint said.
"Why him?" Prince Zee questioned Saint.
"He is my idol." Saint informed the Prince.

    The two ceased talking but held on to each other. Sometime along the journey Saint put his head on Prince Zee's shoulder. Saint murmured that he was scared but the Prince tried to calm him down. The Prince on the other hand was alert because of his training. Even when he could not see because of his blindfold, there were still things that he could sense. Ohm and his men were driving rather smoothly in the traffic. Prince Zee could sense that they stopped numerous times and they were not driving that fast. The sound coming from around them too surprisingly was noisy even though the vehicle was able to block a lot of sound from the outside; the Prince could still detect other things.

    Initially he thought that Saint and him were locked up somewhere near the jungle or a town far from any cities. The Prince realised that he could be wrong. They could be in a city. There were some pros and cons of having the exchange in a big city as Ohm and his men could easily disappear with the crowd. Nonetheless, at the same time they could use the multitude numbers of CCTV around to hunt them down. Prince Zee wondered which city in Thailand they were in. Bangkok? Samut Prakan? Could they still be in Chiang Mai? Nonthaburi? Questions circled in the Prince's mind. Ohm and his men were quite daring in their mission to get their leader back. This was an extremely calculated risk on their part. If the father and son could escape from the Royal secret Service, the Prince vowed that the moment he was free; he would hunt them down and take their organisation down for good.


"Your Highness?" Saint whispered.
"Yes Saint."
"I'm sorry I slept on you." He said.
"Small matter."
"How long did I fall asleep?"
"I'm not sure... Maybe an hour." Prince Zee told him.
"This is all overwhelming." Saint shared.
"It is... But don't worry... Soon we will be free." The Prince squeezed Saint's fingers as he trying assuring him.
"Okay..." Saint replied.
"Actually we have stopped for quite a while."
"I also believe that we are in a big city." The Prince explained.
"I feel so inadequate." Saint murmured.
"Don't be... Remember... I have been training. You can do what I do too." Prince Zee said to Saint.
"You're too nice."
"Am not... I am stating a fact Saint." The Prince shared.
"Okay." Saint answered.

    The two became quiet again. They simply waited.

"You... Your Highness do astound me. Pretty good observation. Just remember... Don't do anything you would regret." Ohm threatened.
"I will not risk Saint!" Prince Zee growled.

    The vehicle became quiet again. Prince Zee rubbed Saint's fingers trying to make them a little warmer. They were freezing. Saint was glad that even though he could not see; the Prince was constantly making sure that he felt safe. He had not stopped holding his hands through the journey. He would also whisper words of assurance to Saint. He had no idea how long they had been waiting when suddenly someone's cellphone rang. It was a really loud obnoxious rap song.

"Yes?" Ohm answered.
"45 minutes?"
"Tell our men to be ready. If anything goes wrong... Shoot the Prince first... Then his boyfriend." Ohm instructed.

    Saint's hands trembled in Prince Zee's hold.

"It's okay Saint. Don't worry. Breathe. You're fine. I'm here." The Prince assured him.
"45 minutes gentlemen. Then... We will continue with our separate lives." Ohm said.


    A lone MPV was parked next to a school field just outside Bangkok. Kids were playing soccer and some were playing basketball at the school field. They did not even know what was transpiring close to their school. Ohm and his men were waiting for another vehicle to arrive. It was simple. Ohm would get his father and the King his son. If anything happened, Ohm promised that he would kill the children at the school. He had informed the Royal Secret Service that the exchange would happen somewhere in Bangkok and he would decide where and when. The agents could be anywhere in Bangkok but making sure they could be at the same place and at the same time; it was challenging on their part. They also knew that they could not risk the Crown Prince and also the innocent school children there. Ohm  also knew the school was located near a busy shopping area. People could disappear easily in the crowd. His men and women were ready to move at a moment's notice.

    Ohm realised that every decision he made came with risks. Nevertheless, he knew he still had the upper hand since the Crown Prince was with him. His fingers were actually itching to kill the Crown Prince. He was a nuisance to his organisation for the past few years. Unfortunately he was a very important pawn in his plan. Ohm looked at the two blindfolded men sitting in front of him. They were like a real life historical figures like Heloise and Abelard; or Romeo and Juliet if you consider literature. Doomed. They could never be together. Ohm did not feel sorry for them. He just loved history and reading and he could see the parallels somehow with Prince Zee and Saint's intertwining fates. The doomed lovers and their doomed fates.

    Ohm looked at the time and smiled. Soon, his father would be back with his family. He needed to make sure that everything was followed by the Royal Secret Service to the T. He instructed his men to take off the Prince and Saint's blindfolds first. The handcuffs stayed because he knew how lethal the Prince was when it came to hand to hand combat. He had seen him a few times when he raided their drug factories. Ohm had even seen how the Prince could kill men with his bare hands. Prince Zee could be lethal if he wanted to. Even though Saint was with him, Ohm did not dare risk anything. From a distance another MPV signalled and moved towards them. Ohm felt excited and nervous at the same time.

"It's time gentlemen." Ohm informed everyone in the van.
"By the way... I don't wish to see any of you soon because if I do... I would have to kill you." Ohm stated.

    The other MPV stopped about 200 meters from where Ohm's MPV was parked as per instructed by Ohm himself. He waited for the other party to let his father go right at 6.30 pm. He knew they had about 30 minutes. And he also knew that children would start to head home and the spacious parking space would be crawling with cars, parents, kids and school buses. If anything happened, Ohm would not mind hurting these innocent people. They were nothing to him. They were mere obstacles or maybe pests in his mind. Uncertainty was his best option. For now, he would see whether the other party would actually comply to his demands. A few dead children would never plague his existence but they would definitely plague the minds of the Prince, the King and the Royal Secret Service.

"We have 30 minutes now." Ohm informed everyone.
"I know that your mind is working on overdrive Your Highness. Don't strain yourself. I will free you and Saint. Just have some patience. We will all be fine." Ohm stated.

    The parking lot was beginning to fill up with cars just like Ohm anticipated.

"Ahhh... Innocent bystanders or should I call them sacrificial sheep." Ohm muttered.
"Don't hurt them!" Prince Zee growled.
"I won't hurt them unless I have to..." Ohm trailed.
"As I won't hurt your beloved unless I have to... I hope you understand." Ohm gazed at Saint.

Ohm continued to wait until the parking lot was bustling with parents and school children. He smiled when he looked outside the MPV. Kids were laughing and talking and chitchatting. Parents were eagerly waiting for their children to come home. They were oblivious. Ohm could take their lives in a matter of seconds.

"It's time." Ohm said as the MPV on the other side of the parking lot opened its door. A slightly older man emerged from the MPV. He stared at where Ohm and the rest were. It was Atid Rattana. Ohm smiled. His plan was slowly but definitely falling into place.
"Let us free." Prince Zee instructed.
"All in due time Your Highness... If I let you go... Where is my leverage?" Ohm replied.
"Release Saint." The Prince requested.
"Be quiet Your Highness... I have the power here." Ohm waved his handgun.

Prince Zee hated what was enfolding around him. Too risky. Too many lives at stakes. The Prince detested the odds. He could not do much. He could not do anything. He glared at Ohm. Prince Zee had underestimated Ohm and his strategies. The only hope the Prince had was his agents from the Royal Secret Service. They better came up with something to protect these innocent people and Saint. At the moment, he did not care about his life at all. His training made him so. People came first and he always came second. Prince Zee turned his head and saw that Atid Rattana was half way to the vehicle where they were. He then glared down at the handcuffs on him. Kidnapping Saint with him was a really smart move done by Ohm. Prince Zee would not dare hurt Saint. He would gladly die first.

"I will release Prince Zee first." Ohm informed them.
"No!" Prince Zee spat.
"SHUT UP!" Ohm pointed the gun at Saint's head.
"Leave now." Ohm growled.
"Saint." Prince Zee stared hopelessly at Saint.
"Go Your Highness." Saint began trembling.
"For God's sake!" Ohm pressed the gun on Saint's head. Saint began shaking badly.
"Stop!" The Prince was paralysed in terror.
"Shut the fuck up. Leave NOW!" Ohm yelled.

Prince Zee knew it was to risky to wrestle the gun from Ohm in the MPV. There were 2 other of his men in the vehicle. The chance was tremendously slim. This was Ohm's plan all along. Prince Zee's hands were tied. He could not do anything but follow what Ohm instructed. The Prince gazed at Saint. He closed his eyes and gathered his courage. Even with his training, leaving Saint behind made him extremely terrified. He did not have any choice! Prince Zee opened his eyes and stared at Saint for the longest time.

"Don't hurt him." The Prince voice shook.
"Go." Ohm replied.
"I'm sorry Saint... I'm so sorry." Prince Zee whispered gently while Saint nodded.

Prince Zee slowly opened the MPV door. It automatically opened revealing school children and parents in the parking lot. The noise was defeaning but the Prince's focus was only on Saint. He slowly stepped out of the car.

"I will release Saint when my father is safely in this car and you are safe in yours." Ohm explained.

Saint could only look at Prince Zee. He was numb. He was paralysed in utter fear. Prince Zee gazed at him.

"Don't hurt him... Please!" Prince Zee begged Ohm again.

The Prince turned around and walked towards Atid Rattana. The older man had a smug look on his face. It was Prince and his team who apprehended him after working tirelessly for months. And now he was going to be free and was able to terrorise innocent people again.

"Well... Well...  How the table has turned." Atid sneered.
"I will find you and I will FUCKING KILL you and your son!" Prince Zee growled and the older man simply laughed.
"Good luck." Atid answered and slowly walked away.

Prince Zee hastened his walk through the crowd. Some were staring at the handcuffs on him but some just ignored him. He could see Maddox in the car but where was Max. The moment he arrived at the other MPV; his men immediately brought him into the MPV and closed the door.

"Saint is still there!" Prince Zee yelled.
"Take these damn cuffs off me!" He demanded.
"Where is Saint?" The Prince waited anxiously for Saint to leave the other MPV.
"Let me out! I need to save Saint."
"Your Highness! We can't open the door... We don't want people to see you here." Maddox cautioned Zee.
"He's out!" One of his agents informed him and Prince Zee could see Saint emerging from the MPV.

Saint looked terrified. He turned to the left and then to the right. He took a few steps and stopped.

"Open the fucking door NOW!" Prince Zee hit the window next to him.
"Open the DOOR!" The Prince yelled at his agents.

Then, something caught Prince Zee's eyes. Atid suddenly came out of the other MPV. Something was not right. The Prince felt something terribly wrong was about to happen.

"LET ME OUT!!!" Prince Zee began to thrash in the MPV. His agents held him down.
"Let me OUT GOD DAMN IT!!!" The Prince used all the strength he had to break free but he could not.
"He has a GUN!!" Someone shouted.
"Weapon's drawn! Weapon's drawn! Code red. I repeat CODE RED. All agents. CODE RED." One of the agents yelled into the radio.
"No... NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Prince Zee yelled as he saw Atid pointing a gun at Saint.

     Saint stood there transfixed. His eyes were on the MPV where Prince Zee was in. He didn't even notice that a gun was pointed at him. On his mind there was only Zee and to walk towards him. He was trembling so badly because he was scared to death. Saint took another step towards the other vehicle. Then suddenly, he felt a searing pain and he could hear the sound of thunder filling his ears. Children and parents were screaming, yelling and running at every direction. Saint looked around feeling confused because he could not understand what was happening. Saint stared at the vehicle where the Prince was. He suddenly gasped for breath. Saint found it impossible to breathe. He then slowly looked down. Blood was seeping through the fabric on his chest. He looked up again at the vehicle where Prince Zee was in. Pain. He could feel excruciating pain. He took another faltering step but stopped. His hands held his chest and his vision became blurry. Saint could feel warm blood coating his fingers.

"Your Highness..." Saint whispered and gasped. His legs gave in and he fell to the ground.

In the other MPV, Prince Zee shouted and yelled at his agents to let him go. He kicked and punched and trashed in the car but he was no match for them.

"Saint!!!! Let me go!!!!!!!"
"Fucking let me go!!!!!!!"
"SAINT!!!!!!!" Prince Zee yelled for Saint who had fallen to the ground.

Chaos ensued. The MPV carrying Ohm and Atid Rattana slowly left the parking lot. Agents who just arrived immediately ran towards where Saint had fallen but they were not able to do so as the crowd was scampering and moving everywhere to save themselves. They were also trying to locate the MPV but it was difficult. Shots were fired again. Children and parents were screaming in terror. The agents then realised that Rattana's people were among the crowd. A few innocent people fell to the ground. Children screamed in pain. Adults yelling in agony. It was madness. The agents tried scanning for the shooters but there were too many people running everywhere to save their lives and their children making it impossible to find the shooters.

"Saint!!!!!" Prince Zee cried.
"Give him the shot!" Maddox instructed his men. They were all struggling to subdue Prince Zee in the car.
"NO!!!!! I need to see Saint!!!! Let me go!!!!!!" The Prince bark. He knew if they drugged him; he would not be able to save Saint.
"LET ME GO!!!!!!!" Prince Zee yelled at his agents.

Prince Zee noticed that the vehicles he was in began to move.

"No! Let me see Saint! No!!!!!!!!!" The Prince begged but nobody listened to him.
"Your Highness! You're going to hurt yourself!" Maddox looked worried.
"Saint!!!!! Saint!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Prince Zee shouted as the car moved farther away from the parking lot.
"No!!!!!!!!" The Prince could feel the syringe pricking his skin.
"No!!!!!! Saint!!!!!! Oh my God!!!! SAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Prince Zee wept.
"Save him!!! Save him!!!" The Prince cried.
"Your Highness... Please!!!!" Maddox held the Prince down.
"Save him Maddox! SAVE HIM!!!!"

    Prince Zee knew that soon he would lose consciousness. He was familiar with the drug used by his agents.

"Save him!!!"
"Save him please......"
"Maddox... Save him...."

    Prince Zee shook his head. The drug quickly took him over. His body was feeling languid. His vision became fuzzy.

"Save him..." He begged.
"Saint..." Prince Zee whispered.

    The Prince's vision turned dark.

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