Isekai-ed (betrayed & Torture...

By pksp04

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Y/N was hated and bullied in his homeworld. That was until he was arrested for a crime he didn't commit and t... More

Prologue part 1 : freedom and a new secret
Prologue part 2 : leaving
Chapter 1 : the new world
Chapter 3 : explanations and a painful past
Chapter 3.5 : the roots
Chapter 4 : history of the Supernaturals
Chapter 5 : the incubus and his fallen angels
QnA n°1
Chapter 5.5 : the saiyan and the pheonix
Chapter 6 : a talk with intruders and yanderes
Chapter 6.5 : objets given life and giants
Chapter 7 : the familliar forest
chapter 7.5 : a stray-nge day
Chapter 8 : the pure (and stupid) phenex
Chapter 8.5 part 1: operation : wedding crashers
Chapter 8.5 part 2 : the hidden darkness join the party (short)
Chapter 9 : how to cook a chicken + learning about Y/N
QnA n°2
Chapter 10 : Clash of the titans
Chapter 10.5 : The aftermath of the battle
chapter 11 : teaching the church a lesson & the Excalibur
Chapter 11.5 : A talk with yourself

Chapter 2 : a strange dream and meeting the locals

5.8K 86 153
By pksp04

normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

Y/N's group arrived at a town near the forest. They took a chamber in a apartment building.

Y/N : Well, at least we're safe now.

Alia : Still, I wonder who was that lady. And why she attacked us.

Iris : And what she wanted to Y/N ?

Neo : *yarn* I'm tired...

Y/N : Neo's right. We better sleep while we can.

Everyone then instantly drifted to sleep, except Y/N as Alice entered the room with papers.

Alice : I've got the papers every-

She stopped once she saw Y/N still awake while the others were asleep.

Alice : I tought you would be the first one to sleep Y/N since...

Y/N : That's the past now Alice.

Alice : I know but it's my fault your were kidnapped ! I leaved you alone, if I didn't-

Y/N calmed her by a sweet kiss. Alice retourned the kiss and they slowly began to make out on Y/N's bed. Eventually, they stopped due to being tired.

Y/N : Alice... It wasn't your fault. It's mine. I should have helped you instead of standing still like a moron.

Alice : Y/N, do you forgive me ?

Y/N : I never blamed you, and if I did, I would have already forgive you.

Alice : ~Can I sleep with my knight ?~

Y/N : S- sure !

??? Us too ?

They looked to see Alia, Iris and Neo having blushing face and embarased. Y/N smiled before extending the space in the room, especially for the bed.

Y/N : There's enough place for everyone.

??? : Y/N, you're such a ladies killer.

The girls began to squeal in joy before undresing themselves, leaving only their underwear as they then jumped on Y/N's bed. Later, the girls feel asleep as Y/N cuddle with them with a smile.

Y/N : I love you girls, I can only have you, I would still be happy.

He then fall asleep, knowing his girls will be here from him in case of a nightmare.

Y/N's dreamscape :

Y/N was in a rather strange place, he look around to see and endless cloud where he was standing.

Y/N : Where the hell am I ?

??? : Some thing important... for you.

Y/N recognized that voice to be the one from his crystal. But it sounded different for some reason.

??? : It's time.

He looked to see if there was anything else, but there was only a endless cloud sea. But then, as Y/N blincked his eyes, a gigantic tree appeared of nowhere before him.


??? : Not really.

Y/N : What do you mean ?!

??? : It was always here, you're just seeing it now.

Y/N : Why couldn't I see it before then ?

??? : 1st :  Union

Y/N : ... right.

??? : 2nd : It's something... important concerning your powers.

Y/N : Really ?

??? : You can say... it's one of their birthplace.

Y/N was speechless. He was standing in front of the place where his crystal, who changed his life forever, was created.

Y/N : And what am I supposed to do now ?

??? : If you want, you can try reaching the top. But it's long and hard, it will take multiple night to do so, if you're still alive.

Y/N : ...What do I get ?

??? : The more you climb, the more powerful you'll be seen by forces that are above Union.

Y/N : And if I succeed in reaching the top ?

??? : ... Then I shall reveal my true self to you.

Y/N was hesitant at first. He might die in the real life if he die here but, he could get more power to protect the ones he loved. Y/N then made up his mind :

Y/N : I'll go for it !

??? : I can sence it, the determination in your soul, the will to protect the ones you love... You were a perfect choice for the power of the X crystal from the very beggining.

Y/N : When do I start ?

??? : Later. You deserve a lot of time for yourself.

The entire land began turning into steam as Y/N closed his eyes and when he opened them, look to see he's in their room as everyone was awake, except Broly.

Even a force of Nature and Wrath incarnate need his little rest.

Timeskip :

The group was dressed and was heading for Kuoh academy, a once girls-only-school now open to everyone. Y/N decided not to tell them about the dream he had because he didn't want to make them worried for him even more, and making his yandere girlfriends even more insane.

Broly : Why are we heading for this school again ?

Alia : It is our best way to learn more about this world.

Neo : And I don't want to hear that it's better if we use the internet, I don't want Y/N to fall into some disgusting pervets websites !

Y/N : *sweat nervously*

Iris : Y/N ? are you okay ?

Y/N : Why did it have to be a once girls-only-school ? WHY GOD ?!

??? : Sorry Y/N, it was the best and easiest option.

They arrived at the academy and weren't really amazed by it's size after seeing Beacon and Atlas academies, but still surprise by it's look.

Y/N : You've got to admit, for basic designs they sure make it up for a good-looking outside.

Alia : Not sure the inside is good hewever.

Neo : And don't forget the peoples inside.

Alice : Well, (turn to the group) I've already make sure we'll be inscrived to this school as transfer students. And thanks to Aurelion Sol and Shenron, we'll be in the same class.

Y/N : How ?

Shenron : Using teleportation and time control

Aurelion Sol : And using the system at our advantage.

Broly : Fair point.

Y/N : Yeah.

Alice : Now then, (smile) shall we ?

The team began to enter the academy's ground, except Y/N who was blushing madly and only focused on Alice.

Alice : Y/N... are you okay ?

Y/N : ye-yeah !

Alice : You know, (seductive voice) ~I can smile just for you.~

This made Y/N snap has his noze bleed masively before he faint. Once back up, he hold Alice hand as she giggle.

Alice : You know, the others will get very jealous once they heard what happend.

Y/N : Please don't tell them ! They're gonna kill me if they heard that !

Alice : I won't (Y/N sighed) ~if you do as I say for today.~

Y/N : I hate your manipulative self...

Alice : Love you too.

They noticed their friends calling them and telling them to hurry up.

Eventually, the group made it to their class.

Teacher : So, you must be the new transfer students ?

Alice : Yes teacher.

Professor : Can you introduce yourselves to your new classmates ?

Y/N : My name is Y/N L/N, I hope we can be friends.

He then sit in his desk, not realising the girls in the class all drowed at him and began havving dirty though of them and Y/N in bed.

Alice : My name is Alice Trinity, think dirty of me or Y/N, you're dead the next second.

The boys began to get nervous while the girls we're glaring at Alice.

Neo : My name is Neopolitan, if I see any dumbass or thots near my Y/N, You'll be muted forever.

This made the whole class shiver in fear.

Broly : My name is Broly, any of you piss me off, I'll send him into the sun !

The boys in the entire school fainted as the girls just drowled at Broly sights.

Broly : Great, a school full of thots ! Y/N's girlfriends are gonna go crazy quickly !

Alia : My name is Alia, any of you girls look at Y/N the wrong way, not even a health assurance will help.

This caused the girls to shake in fear.

Iris : My name is Iris, if any of your girls try to flirt with Y/N, you'll wish it was Satan who visit you tonight.

This make the other girls sweet nervously. They could all sence the deadly aura in Y/N's girlfriends.

After classes, they headed to their lockers as Y/N could feel hands on his back, he looked back to see it was Iris doing it.

Iris : ~Admit it, you want to do it.~

Y/N : Do what ?

Iris : ~Having fun inside the lockers.~

Y/N : hummm...

??? : Come on !

They looked to see pissed off girls glaring at Iris.

Girl 1 : Who do you think you are trying to flirt with the king of the school ?!

Iris : Bitch ! I'm his girlfriend !

Girl 2 : Oh please, why would he hang out with a kid like you ?

Girl 3 : Why not date a true girl like me ?

Y/N : Because you're not.

Iris : See , Even him agree with me.

As they began walking away, Iris was suddendly pushed into the wall and punched in the face by the girls.

Girl 1 : Shut up bitch !

Girl 2 : Go back to the kid school !

Girl 3 . You'll be better as a slut !

Y/N then walk toward them while clenging his fists. The main girl then walk in fornt of him.

Girl 3 : ~See ?~ *giggles* ~You can't resist the true charm of a true lady.~

She then put her lips in a way to except a kiss, the other girls haved hope in their eyes until :

Y/N :

(Play the clip)

Y/n then suddendly punched her in the lower jaw, breaking her teeths and sending her flying in the roof.

(Replace the boy by Y/N and the girl in the GIF by thot 3.)

The girls were scared by what happend, they looked at Y/N in shock only to see hiw scary as ever.

The corridor was suddendly in the dark and when the light come back, the girls who bullied Iris were on the ground, blooded and broken. Y/N kept his menacing aura on him.

Y/N : If I saw any of you, your friends, your familly or any of your shit near Iris or my girls again, I'm gonna cut your watermelons manke force you to eat them !!!

Girl  2 : You woldn't do that !

Y/N then surmond a giant axe with a saw at the end who turns on before releasing a very powerful aura.

Y/N : Try me bitch !

The girls began to run away before they bumbed into a girl with short hair and glasses and a boy with purple hair.

??? 1 : What's going on here ?!

Girl 1 : (point at Y/N) that pervert attacked us !

Y/N : And now they're crying to the others like babies !

Girl 2 : He- he even threaten us to cut our tits !


Neo arrived at the scene and we was pissed !

Girl 1 : Here's one of his bitches !!!

The girls kept crying while saying how Y/N was a horrible man, making him even more enraged. The purple haired boy then step toward thot 2 and then do the same thing that Y/N did : punching her in the lower jaw.

(Like this.)

??? 2 : SHUT UP THOT !!!

??? 1 : You girls, in the principal office, NOW !!!

The girls then followed the one with glasses with shame on their faces. The boy then stood in front of Y/N.

??? 2 : Sorry, theses peoples in the academy are absolutely a pain in the ass to deal with.

Y/N : It's fine. But I'll kill them if they do that again to any of my girls.

??? 2 : Can't blame you, I would have done that on my own. By the way, you're Y/N right ?

Y/N : Sure. Who are you ?

?? 2 : Name's Daniel Smith.

Y/N : So... who was the girl with glasses ?

Daniel : It was Sona Shitori. The president of the student council.

The groud was shaking as Broly arrived at the scene. The reason he didn't teleported to it was because he was told to hide his saiyans power in case.

Broly : What happend ?!

Y/N : Some thots agressed Iris !

Broly was visibly shaking in anger as the ground below him cracked. Suddendly, a girl gasp was heared behind Broly. Everyone looked to see a girl with blonde hair and papers around her.

Y/N : Are you okay ?

Daniel : Asia ?

Asia : I'm... okay.

Broly : HEY YOU !

Everyone was scared of Broly outburst, especially Asia, who looked at the giant standing in front of her with fear.

Broly : Can't you see there's a boys talk here ?!

Asia : S- sorry !

Broly : And don't give me the fake tears women !

Neo : Alice is soooo gonna kill him tonight

Asia was close to cry until :

??? : HEY SHITHEAD !!!

Broly look behind him to see a boy coming at him with a pissed off face.

Daniel : uh oh !

Y/N : I better call Alice !

boy : What's your problem with Asia ?!

Broly : You girl just bumbed into me !

boy : And ? You're not God as I recall !

Broly : You better watch your mouth monkey !

boy : I don't want to watch my mouth with someone who hurt Asia, gorilla !

Broly : Gorilla ?!

boy : What ? Got a problem with you hears ?!

Broly then grabbed the boy by his shirt.

Broly : Why you little... I can kill you shithead !

boy : Just because you're got muscle on the inside doesn't mean you don't have them in the brain gorilla !!

Broly then slammed the boy on the wall by the head, breaking it.

(Like this. Replace the black-haired girl by Broly and the yellow-haired one by Issei.)

Broly : I'M GOING TO-

??? : BROLY !!!

They boys and Asia looked to see Alice coming at them in her battle outfit.

Alice : What's happening here ?!

Broly : That boy (point at Issei) insulted me !

boy : He freaking made Asia almost cry !


They looked at Y/N with shock.

Y/N : It's just the first day and it's already messed up ! So we're going to make sure everything turn back to normal or Alice is gonna scold us all !

Broly let go of the boy as he hold his head in pain.

boy : gosh ! How many hours does this guy spend training ?!

??? : Issei ?

They looked to see a red-haired girl coming.

Daniel : Rias ?!

Y/N : Who ?

Asia : The queen of the school.

Rias : Issei, are you alright ?

he helped the boy named Issei to stand up.

Issei : yeah, thanks for the help.

Rias then looked at Y/n's group.

Rias : So, they're intending Kuoh, at least I know how to easily find them. I believe I should introduce myself : Rias Gremory.

Y/N : Y/N L/N. (point at Neo and Iris) there's girls are my girlfriends.

Iris : Hello ! My name is Iris.

Neo : Neopolitan.

Broly : Broly.

Issei : Nice girls he got there. Too bad they're his girlfriends.

Y/N : Just want to give you all an important tip : if someone try to do dirty things with me... you don't want to know what they would do to you.

Rias : I knew it, they are yanderes.

Rias then looked at Alice with a strange look.

Rias : Why do I feel like I knew this girl ? And why do I feel she's related to me somewhere else ?

(A/N : Here's a reference to you @Domo-kun99 😉)

Alice : Is something wrong ?

Rias : Nothing. Now that the introductions are done, care to tell my what happend ?

They explained to them how thots agressed Iris, how Y/N took care of them and about Broly's """anger management""".

Asia : Goodness !

Y/N : Yeah I know.

Rias : Well, now that explain everything. (turn around) I would like to talk more but I have important business to take care of. (look at Issei and Asia) You're coming ?

Issei and Asia : Yeah.

They then walked away and so does Y/N's group.

Timeskip end of the day :

Y/N's team was heading back home after a long day at school.

Y/N : *sigh* seems that schools in this world isn't so different from the academy back on Remnant.

Alia : Y/N, it's just the first day, maybe things will go better tomorrow.

Alice : She's right. And besides, I'm happy you defended Iris but... couldn't you have done it with less violence ?

Y/N : Hell no ! I'm got gonna let my girls getting bullied like I was !

The girls blushed at Y/N statement.

the girls : He's so perfect...

Meanwhile, Rias was watching them with Sona from a distance.

Sona : So... should we interrogate them ?

Rias : I think it's better we do that another day, the calmer they are, the better.

Sona : And we're still going to do the meeting at the ORC ?

Rias : Yes. I'll bring them tomorrow maybe.

They then turn into the other direction.

??? : This girls have some intentions toward Y/N and the others. They better not hurt him !

(What are your thoughts on the chapter ? Chapter 3 coming next.)

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