Continuation Shota Aizawa x A...

By Jaimeeking1

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This is a continuation of my first fanfiction story (it has the same title, minus the word Continuation) so... More

Chapter 174: Shady Business...Welcome to Hoppers
Chapter 175: The Quirkless Vigilante
Chapter 176: Me a Teacher? Now that is the epitome of Irrationallity
Chapter 177: The Queen Bee
Chapter 178: Dear Old Dad...YOUR CRAZY OLD MAN
Chapter 179: Restart the heart...The Queen Bee gets Dethroned
Chapter 180: Humble much? I think not...
Chapter 181: "I love it when things are nice and rational..."
Chapter 182: Just to be clear...This Is Not Shoji!!!
Chapter 183: "You need to work on that power move name kid."
Chapter 184: "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU SHOTA?" ... "Akemi calm down, I can explain."
Chapter 185: Rule 1...Never go drinking with Midnight.
Chapter 186: As Rude as they come...but not with Akemi
Chapter 187: No Crab Puns...
Chapter 188: "Oh God Help Us..."
Chapter 189: We're sorry the number you dialed cannot be reached, have a nice...
Chapter 190: Rage!
Chapter 191: The Titanium Cage
Chapter 192: "I Am Here!!!"
Chapter 193: One Shot, One Bullet...I had better make it count
Chapter 194: Don't Think you can Claim O'Clock as your own kid
Chapter 195: You Cant Stop O' Clock
Chapter 196: "I love you..."
Chapter 197: The talk on the roof
Chapter 198: The last song to be sung, is one of sorrow
Chapter 199: His voice rang silent
Chapter 200: Not normal yet
Chapter 201: "You Dont Give People Food To A Cat!"
Chapter 202: The Ash Tree Park
Chapter 203: "Your not a failure Shota..."
Chapter 204: Prince?
Chapter 205: "I'm on his level, seriously?"
Chapter 206: "I was slowly starting to feel like my old self again..."
Chapter 207: The Origins of Saturday Night Karaoke
Chapter 209: "Jealous much Sensoji?"
Chapter 210: This love we built well never break, as long as we stand together
Chapter 211: A Hero Team in the Making
Chapter 212: Rosehip tea will make the bad memories go away
Chapter 213: Leveling the playing field
Chapter 214: "Whenever bad things happen it's somehow always raining..."
Chapter 215: "I'll be an Underground hero!"
Chapter 216: Leaving town in route for U.A. High!
Chapter 217: I'm Not Famous
Chapter 218: Hero
Chapter 219: Stupid Media Vultures Always Jumping To Conclusions!
Chapter 220: Your teachers a new legend
Chapter 221: Painted walls, Grocery shoping, and Naptime with Dadzawa
Chapter 222: A single cloud
Chapter 223: New Years...
Chapter 224: The Truth...
Chapter 225: In that one instant...
Chapter 226: "Lets All Become Hero's...TOGETHER!"
Chapter 227: The 3 Stooges of U.A. are similar to The Big 3 don't you think?
Chapter 228: He set his heart straight
Chapter 229: Shota punched a Shark!
Chapter 230: A familiar feeling of comfort, within that concrete Hell
Chapter 231: Eri calls you the "Flaming Butterfly" Bakugo
Chapter 232: White Tulips
Chapter 233: These scars make us who we are
Chapter 234: Coming to terms with the cold hard truth
Chapter 235: Cry...I'll always be here to hold you tight
Chapter 236: Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 237: Seeing Red
Chapter 238: Letting go of guilt
Chapter 239: "Okay Eri...I'll watch Frozen with you."
Chapter 240: What a day huh...
Chapter 241: Shota's not feeling well. Emiko's solution... "Lemon Tea."
Chapter 242: Akemi's martial arts dance
Chapter 243: "You call that a watergun?" ... "THIS IS A WATERGUN!"
Chapter 244: "When are things ever simple for us?"
Chapter 245: Flames and Smoke...don't breathe in or you'll choke
Chapter 246: A final song
Chapter 247: 🍋🍵
Chapter 248: The name...
Chapter 249: "Will I recover that broken piece?"
Chapter 250: Tintin, The Shy Kitten, and Icy-Hot = The Therapy Crew
Chapter 251: Spa Day
Chapter 252: Strength takes time...compassionate students can help with that to.
Chapter 253: Flowers for every grave
Chapter 254: Triumph
Chapter 255: The Archivist of Erasure
Chapter 256: Blind Transparency
Chapter 257: A kitty named Muffin
Chapter 258: Toxicity
Chapter 259: Black Dahlia
Chapter 260: The Seeds of Love Bloom
Chapter 261: The Date
Chapter 262: "Honey I'm Home!"
Chapter 263: The not so sweet
Chapter 264: "I came to take you home."
Chapter 265: Mountain Relaxation
Chapter 266: Dread
Chapter 267: "Well I Ain't Dead Yet!"
Chapter 268: Miyu's trial...
Chapter 269: Nyx is more than just a name...
Chapter 270: An Insurmountable Death Count
Chapter 271: Where I Belong
Chapter 272: The Thief turned Fighter
Chapter 273: What happens when the strength of Ayeka is pushed to its limit?
Chapter 274: Unexpected but not Unwelcome
Chapter 275: Judgement Day
Chapter 276: "This Is The Begining Of Our Life Together."
Chapter 277: The Super Saiyan and Miss Disappear
Chapter 278: "Yuina, who the hell is this little Gutterpunk?"
Chapter 279: To be the Best
Chapter 280: The End of a Titan
Chapter 281: "Say your prayers."
Chapter 282: Leaves in the Wind
Chapter 283: A silent performance
Chapter 284: The scars from a knife
Chapter 285: Darkside
Chapter 286: The Arguement
Chapter 287: Mommy's sorry
Chapter 288: The Gladiator Agency
Chapter 289: A Glorified Fool, a Sneaky Shadow, or the Resilient Fighter
Chapter 290: The Eyes of Insanity
Chapter 291: The Origin behind the Hero name Asylum
Chapter 292: All I feels Adrenaline
Chapter 293: The Morning After...
Chapter 294: Bakugo's speech...Best Jeanist's legacy
Chapter 295: The Dream of Sir Nighteye
Chapter 296: Reiko's song
Chapter 297: A legacy of many stories
Chapter 298: The story of the Vanishing Thief
Chapter 299: Murder Castle 2.0
Chapter 300: Ayeka Puts Her Foot Down
Chapter 301: Touma Shi
Chapter 302: The Story Of Osamu and Yuina Aizawa
Chapter 303: To grow from the tragedy, you first have to live.
Chapter 304: I'll be the light for ya...
Chapter 305: The Yokai Queen of Horror
Chapter 306: You can't escape from Eri's Tea Parties
Chapter 307: "Genkaku wants to teamup...Akemi we should be worried."
Chapter 308: The Questionable Resolve of Asylum
Chapter 309: Letting the Children out to play
Chapter 310: Therapy with a Demon, nothing wrong with that!
Chapter 311: "I dont do well when I'm pushed around."
Chapter 312: "Their staying together!"
Chapter 313: "Who are you?"
Chapter 314: "I will be here for you Akemi..."
Chapter 315: Slow progression
Chapter 316: The List
Chapter 317: Akemi we're going to the Spa!
Chapter 318: Dancing with my Memories
Chapter 319: A duet of two hearts
Chapter 320: "I'm Back Maggots."
Chapter 321: Nobuyuki vs. Manami
Chapter 322: Manami vs. Nobuyuki
Chapter 323: "You can't use our grandchild as a peace offering."
Chapter 324: "Dad...I swear there's a perfectly logical explanation..."
Chapter 325: The Stingray's been unleashed
Chapter 326: Akemi's trauma resurfaces
Chapter 327: Rosewater bubble bath
Chapter 328: Meeting the kids
Chapter 329: The Color Red
Chapter 330: Zashi help me, Emiko is to cute we must protect her from boys!
Chapter 331: To be greatly blessed
Chapter 332: Trauma is an inconvenience...Shota how do you manage this insanity?
Chapter 333: Until you've seen brutality like I have my standards of you are low
Chapter 334: The Crimson King Joker and his deck of Wild Cards
Chapter 335: "The Ace and the Queen Of Spades."
Chapter 336: The killing's of the Crimson King Joker
Chapter 337: Let The Games Begin!
Chapter 338: "Looks Like The Joke Is On Me..."
Chapter 339: Vendetta
Chapter 340: Opening Old Wounds
Chapter 341: Idiots in love
Chapter 342: "Your a fighter Akemi."
Chapter 343: Thought we agreed to never speak of that White-Liner Varmint again?
Chapter 344: "I'm Hercules!"
Chapter 345: The one person that outshines them all
Chapter 346: The Sly Fox
Chapter 347: Kitsune
Chapter 348: The song of the Yuki-Onna
Chapter 349: Here's to the Broken Ones
Chapter 350: The Dance of the Cherry Blossom Petals
Chapter 351: Oh come on Akemi, you're in cohorts with them too?!
Chapter 352: A tense parting for a lonely night
Chapter 353: A night dance of water and flame...a day of memories
Chapter 354: Reconciliation
Chapter 355: You without a witty grin, is like me without my coffee
Chapter 356: The Battle of Love
Chapter 357: Seductive Vixen
Chapter 358: The Temple Showdown
Chapter 360: Living Life Upside Down
Chapter 361: "No matter our fears, we fight for our family."
Chapter 362: Kurenai's first day at U.A.
Chapter 363: "Kill your emotions, or else your duty will destroy you."
Chapter 364: Going Hunting
Chapter 365: Don't Break
Chapter 366: Something wicked this way comes
Chapter 367: You should be proud of them, you all have some incredible students

Chapter 359: Auntie Kitsune? Nope, I like Auntie Kurenai better!

112 8 3
By Jaimeeking1

Shota was in the middle of quieting his favorite class of troublemakers when it felt like his right side was vibrating.

*Buzzzzz buzzzzz buzzzzzz*

He grabbed his phone from his pocket. "God I have got to start remembering to turn the vibrate off for the text messages." He blinked in shock and then held his phone closer to his face over the one worded text message blaring like that Batman beacon on his phone screen.

"Wha...? No—OH NO!"

Jekyll & Hyde — ERASE!!!

Shota immediately dialed the number and it took a total of two seconds before he spoke to Genkaku. "You texted Erase, SO WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED GENKAKU?"

The students instantly looked up from finalizing their homework for their next class to see Shota looming over the podium with his right hand gripping the top edge in a vice-like hold as his phone was pressed against his ear.

His black eyes were staring intensely at the back wall then widened as his hair levitated and his eyes blared crimson. "What?! How's Hizashi?"

He was silent as his hair lowered. His eyes narrowed before he closed them with his right index finger and thumb now pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Figures...he'd be more concerned over her wellbeing than his own."

He held out his hand as if to physically silence himself from saying anything rash. "No Asylum I don't think that he was being funny about relating his injuries to my encounter with that Nomu."

The right corner of his lip twitched as he snapped. "You think I'm not aware of that? I'm his brother for Christ's Sake! That man could have cared less about his orbital floor being damaged if he knows that Kurenai's the one bleeding out in front of him!"

That got the students to share worried glances. Hitoshi was staring at his father in shock. Shota was now sighing heavily and spoke as he pinched the bridge of his nose again.

"Look, I apologize for overreacting and the sudden irritation in my tone but I'm trying really—realllllyyyy hard to not drive over there in my Ferrari like a bat out of hell and have the entire U.A. faculty up my ass in complaints about not giving them a proper warning. So can you just please answer me these three simple questions. Firstly...he is fine right, despite the broken arm, the doctors are absolutely positive there's no permanent damage to his orbital floor?"

He grunted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know, I'd be happier if Granny 'Pain In My Shins' Chiyo was the one examining him too, but for the sake of the hospitals pride I'll believe you. My second Kurenai okay?"

He frowned. "Still asleep it's not comatose?"

"Asleep, okay. Jeez you don't have to get defensive about that Demon, it's a valid concern. Anyway that's great news that she'll wake up...and now for my final question—how's Zashi handling it?"

He sighed softly as his eyes closed. "Yeah...that reminds me a lot of myself. Lord help any nurse and doctor who dares to think they can keep that man from being at her bedside. Yeah well tell them they should've learned that by now. Granny Chiyo likely has an entire protocol laid out just for me with how much I put that woman through."

He sighed in relief. "At leaset he compromised with the medical team to allow himself to undergo proper testing and to not be a whiny bastard about it."

He grunted. "Okay slow down the Demon's rambling and it's freaking me out..." Something the Demon said next caused Shota to open his eyes in surprise. "Wait really, he demanded that?" He whistled in pride. "Well then I'll just have to have a little talk with Nezu about that. You can tell Hizashi I'll inform him of what the rodent says when I see him during lunch. And if Nezu somehow says no to my little hospital lunch break outing, then he can just give me a pay cut, I couldn't care less."

He smirked and chuckled. "Yeah yeah I'll make sure to tell Akemi that the kiddos say hi. Keep Shinigami's aim sharp Snipe wants a meet up soon. Tell Yume her latest drawings are lovely she's really captured your chaotic aura and Kurotama's cool and collected aura."

He smirked softly and rolled his eyes. "Yes Genkaku I'll tell little Eri you said hello, are ya done yet? Your starting to sound like a mother sending their kids off to preschool?"

He snickered. "Pfft well if I'm a smart ass what does that make you and Genkaku?"

He suddenly laughed. "Bwahaha the infamous Doctor Jekyll of Sass and the Mr. Hyde of Demonic Comedy?! Oh my God that's golden! Genkaku you've been holding that joke in for years haven't you?"

He laughed harder and had to hold the podium for support. "Don't try to deny it! I never knew the Demon liked standup comedy! Hahaha?"

He waited for the Demonic ranting to subside and was left snickering as he chuckled. "Okay—okay putting the Demon's sudden jokes aside...thanks Genkaku, do tell the old Geezer I said hello."

He put the phone up and sighed dramatically before lifting his head and blinking over his students staring at him.

*Oh right...I'm still teaching. Shit just play ignorant...*

He blinked with a deadpanned stare. "What, don't you all have last minute edits to do?"

Midoriya spoke up. "Was that about the mission Mr. Yamada's on? The one with Pro Hero Kitsune? His uh...girlfriend?"

Shota gave an expressionless stare and lazily tapped his stack of graded papers into a neat pile before responding. "Yep."

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "Don't just say 'yep' and carry on as if we didn't just hear your entire one-sided dialogue with that Psychotic Demon-Spawn. What The Hell Happened?"

Shota's eyes narrowed. "First of all you can show a little more respect to Genkaku, he's improved a hundred times over thanks to you all, and mostly by Eri's influence. Secondly you can also show me a little more respect when speaking to me Bakugo. Thirdly it's not any of your business to know right now and the fact you even know her hero name means that Hitoshi didn't keep his mouth shut!"

Hitoshi stood up and spoke bluntly with a narrow eyed stare. "Dad, what happened?"

Shota locked eyes with his purple haired son. Hitoshi's intense gaze wasn't budging. Shota sighed heavily and explained the gist of the situation to his students.

A few minutes later...

"He's fine, besides his broken left arm. He's just lucky the impact his skull underwent with the stone floor wasn't nearly as bad as when I got my face pounded in by that Nomu, but still, it's enough of an impact to warrant fears of a possible concussion."

He gulped and sighed. "Kure—Kitsune however, is in critical care right now. She lost a lot of blood and the bullet ruptured her appendix. So on top of having to remove the bullet from her body she also had to undergo emergency surgery. She has yet to wake up. Hizashi's likely a basket case right now and despite my every urge to head over there without telling Nezu about it, just to comfort my brother...I really don't want to get another lecture from Nezu. So yeah that's the gist of it," The bell rang and he chuckled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go inform Principal Nezu about Hizashi's little demand."

He ran his hand over his face and grabbed his stuff. "This should be interesting..."

Within Nezu's office.

"So Kurenai's this woman I've been hearing so much about from Nemuri? Hmm...well it's not like I can argue with logic on this can I Aizawa? Therefore I'll allow her presence here within U.A. until she recovers."

Shota opened his mouth and started to say his counter argument, "Aha I knew you'd likely say no! Principal Nezu I—?" He closed his mouth in surprise. "Wait...what?"

Nezu chuckled knowingly. "You were expecting I'd say no?"

"Uhhh...I swear I meant no disrespect Sir, but, given the suddenness of this demand, and the fact that she's not a teacher, and knowing Hizashi's closeness with her..."

"We can always say she's a new teachings aid currently healing from her injury...but if it's the press your worried about we can say she's a guest hero for a special two week class on espionage? After all, isn't the art of espionage meant to be taught to our students to help them see through deceptions? Being able to get detailed information without becoming the cause of suspicion is something all aspiring Heroes must come to learn sooner than later?"

"Sir...I'm not so sure I want my students to learn such skills."

Nezu smirked and sipped his tea. "Afraid they'll use Pandora's box against you hmm?"

"Yes, but the hesitation is mostly driven towards Mineta and his perverse nature."

Nezu blinked. "Ah...yes, I see the cause for your hesitation."

Shota smirked and sipped his tea only to spit it out when Akemi suddenly slammed the door open as Nemuri shouted. "Nezu You Had Better Let Kurenai Stay Here Or—oh Shota, what are you—?"

Nezu smiled. "Relax ladies. Aizawa's already informed me of what happened and I see no reason to say no to Yamada's request."

Nemuri spoke. "Oh...uh well then, I—I'll just head back to my class now."

Nemuri left but Akemi stayed behind. She immediately walked over to Shota as he stood and hugged him. "I'm gonna kill him. Genkaku too...I—oh dammit Shota...for him to—to compare it to when you...and the Nomu... and your eyes...I..."

She sniffed as Shota kissed her forehead softly. "I know, as soon as Genkaku mentioned the words 'orbital floor' I had to grip the podium edge to stop myself from leaving the campus grounds. He's fine Akemi."

"Is he though? We both know him Shota. He's just watched his girlfriend take a bullet for him. If he's anything like you are, and we both know he is, then you can expect him to be like how you were with me after the Siren incident. His demand was placed solely by his own necessity to be around her at all time to subdue his darkest fears of losing her again."

She stared deep into his eyes. "He already lost her once Shota..."

"And he doesn't want to lose her again," Shota finished that sentence with his eyes closed as he held her hands within his own and kissed her knuckles. "I know Akemi."

"Sho, please...when you go there give him a hug for me."

He smiled softly over her sad eyes and kissed her forehead again. "Of course my darling. During that time you can tell Eri that Auntie Kitsune's coming to visit."

Akemi smirked. "Auntie Kitsune...more like Auntie Kurenai. Oh Hizashi's going to have a heart attack from the embarrassment when he hears that."

Shota laughed. "I know, I'll consider that as proper payback for the mini heart attack Genkaku's little phone-call just gave me!"

Hizashi Yamada was acting like a gargoyle as he sat in a chair with his chin resting against his knees. He had demanded to change out of that stupid hospital gown and was wearing his hakama pants with the hoari resting overtop of his shoulders.

He sighed heavily over his left arm being bound in a sling and the irritating headache pounding away within his skull, but that's nothing compared to the agony his heart currently felt just waiting for a sign that Kurenai would wake up again.

He took her left hand in his right hand and closed his eyes as he spoke with a trembling whisper. "Please Kit...wake up."

He sighed heavily and right before he was about to remove his hand he felt her fingers moving. He looked up and saw her staring at him. "Kit...?"

She smiled softly, despite the pain in her side demanding that he press the call button for a nurse to come and bring her some goddamn painkillers, she was just happy to see that he was alright.

"Hey there Pretty Bird, I—Mmph!" He kissed her lips in a desperate kiss. She melted into his touch as he caressed her jawline and moaned softly as he touches the back of right fox ear. He pulled away from the kiss and rested his forehead against hers as he cried in relief.

"Kit...don't—don't you ever take another bullet for me again." He suddenly broke down and sobbed. "Oh Kit, I thought...I thought that I...that you..."

She held his jawline tenderly within her hands being mindful of the bruising color and drew him back into a kiss. "I'm sorry I scared you. I love you Zashi."

He grinned softly and kissed her forehead. "Good, because your under surveillance until the doctors feel that you won't get an infection from your ruptured appendix, which apparently you were going to need removed anyway. It was a week or so away from becoming severe appendicitis had that bullet not ruptured it."

"Wait—WHAT?" She pulled back the blanket and lifted the flimsy gown without hesitation to expose herself in order to examine her stitched up side. "Oh God give me a break?"

Hizashi smirked softly and rather casually lowered the hospital gown with a wink. "Don't want anyone else seeing you so exposed like that now would we. Well anyone besides me, the doctors, and nurses."

Kurenai blushed as he kissed her jawline.

"Hizashi what did you mean by surveillance?" She arched a brow. "What did you do?"

"Nothing, except tell Genkaku to tell Shota to tell the Rodent Principal that your staying at my dormitory apartment at U.A. where Recovery Girls just a building walk away."

"What? But—But The Sly Fox, And My Apartment? Hizashi I can't just leave like that!"

"Relax, Genkaku told me he's crashed over at your place many time, while heavily implying about his placement being 'on the daybed' and not 'within your bed' to me..." he smirked darkly. "I did take satisfaction of the fact the man acted like I'd skin him alive?"

She glared at him. "What? Oh come on Kit I knew you were close—so don't fault my brain for immediately thinking those stupid things! It's a valid thought ya know! I had hoped you would've seen someone after our breakup. You can just as easily call it a jealous overprotective boyfriend syndrome for all I care?! I just got you back ya know?!"

She smirked and rolled her eyes as he grinned softly and kissed her temple.

"What matters is that The Sly Fox, and the Temple, are in good hands Kurenai."

She sighed softly and bit her lip as her ears lowered against her hair. "What about your classes Zashi?"

"You can help out if you want? I know you love poetry and we're just starting English classics. I would love to introduce you to everyone especially after...uh well—after keeping you apart from my family and my friends for so long I well," He looked at her and took her hand in his. "I'm not making that same mistake again Kit."

Kurenai blinked at him and then smiled lovingly. "Kit...I missed hearing that nickname from you Zashi."

"Good, because I missed saying it and seeing you blushing like this over hearing it."

She blushed darker and smirked. "Tease..." She suddenly winced and Hizashi immediately grabbed the painkillers and the glass of water from the bedside table.

"Sorry I should've handed you these the moment you woke up."

Kurenai smiled as she plopped the painkillers into her mouth and downed the water. "Aw your cute when you worry..."

Hizashi rolled his eyes. "I know..."

A knock on the door signaled Shota's arrival followed by a gruff voice. "Ahem...I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Hizashi turned and smiled softly at the disheveled man.

"Sup Bro."

Shota's eyes narrowed as he set his boxed lunch down on a chair and stormed over to the blond haired man. "You..." Hizashi immediately stood up in a panic. "Bro be reasonable I'm injured!"

He was immediately hugged on the right side by a trembling Shota. "You sorry pain in my ass! I was just two seconds away from running to the hospital like I was a member of the Iida family the moment I heard the words orbital floor in the same sentence as your name! Seriously Zashi Your Lucky It's Just A Concussion Or Else I'd—I'd..." He chocked up on his words and buried is head against Hizashi's shoulder. "Don't—don't you ever do that again okay? Goddamnit Zashi your family I'd like to keep you around!"

Hizashi smiles and patted Shota's back with his right hand. "Yeah, I know Bro, I'm sorry I scared you..."

Shota lifted his gaze to Kurenai. "And should expect a thousand different questions from my students and Eri upon your arrival to the school after being discharged. And expect for my little Emiko wanting you to hold her. Oh and while we're at it here's a forewarning, beware of Mineta, he's the perverted teenager in the body the size of four year old."

Kurenai blinked. "I'm suddenly very concerned about this living know I can always stay with Shizuki and her father Hizashi?"

Hizashi's adamant "NO!" silenced her. "I'm not risking it Kurenai!—you almost died on the operating table Kurenai...I—I'm not—I can't...I—I can't lose you again."

" won't lose me Zashi." He didn't lift his head and she spoke. "Zashi look at me please."

He lifted his head and she saw his tears. "I'm not going anywhere unless your beside me. Now I suggest you go ask a nurse if I'm allowed to eat something for lunch?"

"Oh right, of course, I'll be right back." He rather comically left the room to hunt down the nearest nurse.

Shota smirked softly as he sat down where Hizashi once sat. "Huh, you have questions I can tell."

"Can you describe your students to me, so I can be prepared for their questions?"

Shota's eyes suddenly widened as Kurenai was instantly replaced by a confused and beaten Akemi...

"Can you help me?"

He was unknowingly panting heavily as his brain was *Those same words...*

"Shota?....Shota?....Shota Aizawa Can You Hear Me?" He shook his head and blinked the image of Akemi from his mind and saw a worried Kurenai staring at him.

"Are—Are you alright Shota?"

"I—I'm fine...your question just reminded me of something is all."

"Oh...uh okay then."

He smirked and chuckled. "Okay first I'll warn you of Mineta..."

Shota returned to the school with stories to tell. Akemi and Nemuri grinned as they prepared a little feast with the students who wanted to help. The students were slowly piecing things together. Hitoshi was grinning over the other teachers surprised reactions at learning Hizashi Yamada had a girlfriend, and that she'll be staying at the school until her wounds have healed and no complications arise.

Eri was bouncing on her toes in excitement, as was Mirio who copied her like a smiling mime.

"This Is So Exciting Isn't This Exciting? I'm So Excited I Could Just Scream! Eeeeeeeeeee!"

She was giggling and jumping happily until Shota scooped her up and pretended she's an airplane and hugged her close. "Did you get into Nemuri's candy stash?"

She did the classic eyes darting to the left as she droned. "Noooooo...yes."

He smirked. "Mimicking your momma's cute and all but," he turned and winked, "she's turning into a bad influence."

Akemi stuck her tongue out him as he set Eri down. Emiko was in Akemi's arms waving her arms up and down before blowing raspberries.

"Bruommm Bruommm!"

Shota grinned happily. "Oh and does this little pixie wanna fly to?"

He laughed happily as he took her from Akemi and spun in a circle before tossing her up into the air, much to Akemi's horrified eyes.

"Bwuuuuwheeee!" He caught her as Emiko giggled happily and then clapped her hands. "Again Baba! Again Again!"

He chuckled hesitantly over Akemi's irked expression. "Hehe sorry dear."

Hitoshi laughed alongside the teachers and students. Eri was squealing behind her hands when she heard the door open.

"Easy Kit I got it."

An angelic voice caused all the boys to blink and the girls to giggle over the woman's sassy remark. "Hizashi Yamada I was shot in the side, not my arms. You however are currently down an arm thanks to the sling. I can open the door just fine on my own!"

To prove her point the door opened and Kurenai stepped inside only to stop and blink in surprise. The boys jaws dropped while Vlad spat out his drink.

Their unified thought. *She's gorgeous! How the heck did Hizashi Yamada get her as a girlfriend?*

Eri squealed and ran away from Mirio's side to introduce herself to Kurenai by hugging the woman's knees and grinning up at her.

"Hi! I'm Eri!"

Kurenai blinked out of her daze and smiled softly at Eri as she gently reached down to caress the top of the child's hair like how her mother used to do for her. "Well hello Eri, aren't you a real sweetheart? Mind helping your uncle with that heavy door?"

Hizashi whined at the teasing. "Kurenaiiiii!"

Kurenai winked at Hizashi and grunted softly as she moved wrong. "So this is the famous group of students I've heard so much about? I'm Kurenai."

Midoriya spoke. "YOUR KITSUNE!!!"

"Were you expecting me to look different?"

"No...uh's just..." Midoriya started rambling and Bakugo smacked the back of Midoriya's head with a grunt as he walked by to the couch in front of the TV.

"Can It Deku!"

"Ow Kachan!"

Kurenai blinked then laughed. "Hahahahaha and you two must be the Problem Child and...Explosion something or another?"

"It's Lord Explosion Murder!!!"

Everyone rolled their eyes. Kurenai's laughing suddenly aggravated her healing wound.

"Hahaha—Ouch, Dammit!"

"Kit what's wrong is it your injury?" Hizashi's panic was visible.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!"

"You sure because..."

"I'm fine you panicking chicken! Huhhhh laughing just aggravates the wound. As much as I love the lengths you all went to in throwing a surprise party for me, I just wanna sit down and have some herbal tea."

Ochaco smiled and spoke as she and Asui helped to guide the woman to the couch to sit beside Hizashi. "It's very nice meeting you Miss Kurenai. We've only seen Mister Yamada act like this around the Aizawa family..."


"That deep love he can't help but show off at the drop of a hat. It's nice seeing this side of him."

"I agree...Ribbit...he's usually like this regarding his family."

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu prepared the tea as Akemi handed the woman a small plate of food after her hug. "I'm so glad your okay. And don't worry, this group will move mountains to help you with healing your injuries trust me I know that better than most."

Kurenai smiled softly. "Arigato Akemi."

Her ears shifted to the right over a happy giggle and she turned and made the equivalent to a fangirl squeal. "Oooooooh she's sooooooo cute Shota! Oh my goodness look at her little feet! Awwww the name Emiko definitely suites her."

Hizashi watched with a smile and Vlad commented. "Typical woman cooing like that over the baby."

Hizashi's grin turned into a green eyed glare as he spoke. "What was that Vlad?"

"Oh nothing to glare over, it's just...did you ever think she's been trying to lead you on Hizashi hmm?"

Hizashi's face turned red. The boys either laughed or looked just as embarrassed as their English teacher. The girls all giggled softly behind their hands. Kurenai laughed and then grabbed her side. "Dammit, huh no offense everyone but don't make me laugh anymore. I really don't want to redo these stitches."

Chiyo spoke. "I'm good at healing but surgery wounds still take time to heal properly, and the healing of a burst appendix that was at the beginning stages of appendicitis is not to be taken lightly young lady."

Chiyo turned to Hizashi. "I expect you to take excellent care of her young man!"

"Like I'd let it be anything other than excellent Chiyo, your doubts wound me worse than this broken arm."

"Pfft speaking of that arm, take a knee, it'll be hard to help her if your down an arm Yamada."

A healing kiss later and Hizashi's arm was no longer in a sling. "Arigato Chiyo. Now I'm going to change out of these clothes! Enjoy your food Kit I'll be back."

Kurenai blushed softly as he kissed her cheek and left grinning.

Kurenai ate a piece of her food only to notice no one was eating with her. "Okay seriously, eat something please. I can tell that's not all for me so please enjoy it alongside me."

Everyone else divided the feast up and ate with jovial conversations with Kurenai. She ate her food in small bites and the delicate grace of a princess only to turn to Akemi and speak.

"Akemi, Hizashi wasn't kidding your cooking is exquisite!"

"Thank you Kurenai."

Hitoshi smirked and commented as he handed Emiko her Dadzawa doll. "Before you start asking, Dad already told us what you guys went through, so you don't have to explain."

Kurenai turned to Hitoshi and gasped. "Purple hair, tired expression...your Hitoshi right?"


"Thank you...for what you said to him. I just—thank you..."

He blinked and remembered his little pep-talk with Uncle Hizashi and smirked. "The man looked like a kicked puppy, not doing anything would be a disservice to his emotional health."

"Hitoshi Come On!" Hizashi was wearing a thin striped cream turtleneck and dark brown pants as he sat beside Kurenai.

Hitoshi smirked. "It's the truth Death Amp we all saw you sulking!"

"I Knew I Had The Feeling That I Was Being Spied On! You All Better Study Hard For That Test You'll Need It!"

The students gasped when Kurenai's ears grew taller and her hair turned white as she flattened her ears against her head and swatted Hizashi's face with a single white fox tail.

"Volume Hizashi! Lower It!"

Hizashi gently shoved the tail away from his face and chuckled softly in a attempt at an apology. "Oh uh, sorry Kit, my bad."

She smirked softly and kissed his cheek. "I forgive you."

She smirked softly over the lipstick print and was glad nobody said a word.

Bakugo stared in shock and mumbled with a tone of slight discomfort on how he was going to process this current development.

"Seriously I never would've thought the Cockatoo had a girlfriend. Like seriously Never!"

Kirishima leaned against him with his arm on Bakugo's shoulder. "Eh I don't know Bakugo, I kinda had a hunch. After all he's helped Mister Aizawa countless times dealing with his love life. And that comes with experience."

"It's Weird Kirishima!"

Kirishima whispered. "Yeah it's a shock but at least Mineta's being quiet."

" the heck did you land such a bombshell Mister Yamada? She's like a goddess you're so lucky!"

Kirishima's deadpanned expression perfectly mirrored Bakugo's. "And I stand corrected."

"Pfft That Idiot."

Kurenai smiled softly over the fond memory of meeting with Hizashi on that train. She closed her eyes and sighed softly while Hizashi's green eyes narrowed. "Ahem. Uh Mineta."

Kurenai's eyes opened and a second tail closed the boy's mouth. "And now I understand why he warned me about you. Seriously kid being a pervert isn't gonna land you a girl, it'll just earn you a swift kick to the teeth."

Bakugo gave a smirk of intrigue. "She's got spunk. Yep I like her!"

Kirishima laughed.

Eri suddenly appeared between Kurenai and Hizashi on the couch and rested her chin against the couch cushion. "You have a curious look so what do you want to ask me sweetie?"

"How did you meet Uncle Zashi, Auntie Kurenai?"

Hizashi had just taken a sip of tea and immediately spat it out while partly inhaling some of it. "Hitoshi!"

Hitoshi was dying from his wheezing laughter. "Hahaha I told you didn't I? You get back together with her and I tell them they have a new aunt!"

Kurenai blushed crimson. "A-Aunt? Oh my it warm in here?" She fanned herself and sighed heavily.

"Auntie Kurenai?" The innocently concerned tone of Eri made her shift her yellow eyes down towards the girl. "Daddy said I could call you Auntie Kitsune, but...I like Auntie Kurenai much better!"

Her happy grin melted Kurenai's heart. "Ohhh you can call me whatever you want to sweetie!"

Eri nibbled on her lower lip while twiddling her thumbs. "Sooooo how'd you meet Uncle Zashi?"

Kurenai lifted her tea to her lips and smirked at the still wheezing man beside her. She took a sip of her tea. "Oh it's a simple story. Boy sees girl, boy stares at girl, girl notices boy, boy fails miserably at covering up his staring while somehow managing to get the girl to laugh, and then bam instant love connection."

Hizashi spoke between his fits of wheezing coughs. "No it, *coughing* wasn't, *wheezing* like that at all! You forgot to say you were singing and that we were on a train."

"I was just setting the mood Zashi."

"Just tell them the story Kit."

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